The Department has established research strengths in a variety of fields. These strengths are reflected in active seminar and working paper series, refereed journal publications, working paper series, and the thesis work of our students.
A. Recent Publication by Faculty Members
1. Ahmed, M.U., Hossain, A.K.M. & Hasanuzzaman, S. (2015): Exploring the Depth of Energy Penetration in Economic Advancement: Perspective of Bangladesh. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 49(C): 1033-1047.
2. Joarder, M.A.M., Ahmed, M.U., Haque, T., & Hasanuzzaman, S. (2014) An empirical testing of informational efficiency in Bangladesh capital market. Economic Change and Restructuring, Vol. 47: 63-87.
3. Hossain, A.N., Ahmed, M.U., & Hasanuzzaman, S. (2012): Remittances and investment nexus in Bangladesh: an ARDL bounds testing approach. International Review of Economics, Vol. 60: 387-407.
4. Pradhan, M. A.H., & Khan, G. U. (2015). Role of Remittance for Improving Quality of Life: Evidence from Bangladesh. Turkish Economic Review, 2(3), 160-168.
5. Pradhan, M. A. H., & Afrin, S. (2015). A Review of Social Safety Nets Programs for Women in Bangladesh: Issue and Challenges. Advances in Economics and Business 3(4): 149-156.
6. Pradhan, M. A. H. Sulaiman, J., & Mohd, S. (2014). An analysis of the millennium development goal 1: The case of Bangladesh. New Zealand Economic Papers), 48(3): 269-284.
7. Choudhury, M. S. (2015): ‘Transcript of a participatory investigation in northeast rural Bangladesh’. Crossing Conceptual Boundaries, PhD Annual Yearbook, Volume VII, School of Law and Social Sciences, London: University of East London, UK.
8. Choudhury, M. S. (2015): Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh: Participatory Evidence from Two Villages, The Journal of Exclusion Studies, 5(2):113-128.
9. Choudhury, M. S. (2014): Poverty, Vulnerability and Financial Inclusion: the Context of Bangladesh, the Journal of Politics and Administration, Vol 2, No. 1 (December). Department of Political Studies, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet Bangladesh.
10. Bakth, N (2007): “Awareness and Capacity Building in Fisheries Management: An Impact Analysis of CBFM Training in Sunamganj” Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, Special Issue 2007, pp 125-135.
11. Rakib M. and Matz. J. (2015). The Impact of Shocks on Gender-differentiated Asset Dynamics in Bangladesh, October, Journal of Development Studies.
12. Rakib M. and Anwar S. M. H. (2016). Farmers’ Perception and Knowledge of Climate Change in Bangladesh – an Empirical Analysis.Research in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, vol. 3, No. 1, April 2016 (Forthcoming).
13. Rakib M. and Matz. J., (2014). The Impact of Shocks on Gender-differentiated Asset Dynamics in Bangladesh. IFPRI Discussion Paper 01356, June, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C, USA. Also it is a ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 194, Center for Development Research, Bonn, July, pp. 40.
14. Hasanuzzaman, S. & Haque, S (2016): Examining Patient’s Revealed Behavior to Explain Dissatisfaction towards Healthcare Providers, will be published in “World Journal of Social Sciences” this March, 2016.
15. Joarder, M.A.M., Hossain, A.K.M. & Ahmed, M.U. (2015): "Does the central bank contribute to the political monetary cycles in Bangladesh?" Economic Change and Restructuring, Springer, 2015, 1-30. Online Published in 30th December, 2015 (with Mohammad Abdul Munim Joarder and A. K. M. Nurul Hossain)
16. Ahmed, M.U., Dey, Mousumi & Das, D. L. (2015):"Policies and their Effectiveness on Price in Bangladesh: Evidence from ARDL Bound Testing Approach."Journal of International and Global Economic Studies, 2015.
17. Asrafuzzaman ., Roy, A. & Gupta, S.G. (2013): “An Empirical Investigation of Budget and Trade Deficits: The Case of Bangladesh” International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2013, pp.570-579.
18. Hossain, Aslam.and Papia, M. Jahan, 2015 “A Dynamic Econometric Study of GDP, Market Capitalization and Inflation: Evidence from Bangladesh”, ASA University Review, Vol.9, No. 1, Pp. 93-102.
19. Hossain, Aslam, Tishir, A. and Akther, T. 2015, “A Dynamic Econometric Study of Nominal Exchange Rate, Exports and Imports of Bangladesh.”, Stamford Journal of Economics, Vol.2, No. 1, Pp. 34-45.
20. Titumir, R. A. M. and Hossain, Aslam, 2014, “Inflation and Growth: An Empirical Analysis of Bangladesh”, The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Vol. 25, Pp. 1-12.
21. Afzal, M.N.I. & Siddiqui, S.A. (2015). National Innovation System (NIS): Theories, Practices & Empirical Investigation with Non-Parametric Partial Frontier Analysis. Asian Research Policy (ARP). 6(1), 28-40.
22. Afzal, M.N.I. (2014). An empirical investigation of National Innovation System (NIS) using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the TOBIT model. International Review of Applied Economics (IRAE), 28(4), 479-518.
23. Afzal, M.N.I., & Lawrey, R. (2014). Measuring the importance and efficiency of research and development (R&D) expenditures in the transformation of Knowledge-Based Economies (KBEs): A case study of the ASEAN Region. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 10(1), 33-47.
B. Department Student Working Paper Series
SUST EONOMIC GRAFFITI, Special Issue on,“Examining Household Behavior in a Semi-urban Area: Small Sample Findings.” Vol. 2, Issue. 1, 2016.
C. Conference & Seminar
a. National Conference on Contemporary Issues of Bangladesh – Feb, 2011.
b. Examining Household Behavior in a Semi-urban Area: Small Sample Findings – December, 2015.
D. Workshop
Workshop on Time Series Analysis
The 1st part of the workshop started on January 5, 2016.
Workshop on Time Series Analysis: Introducing R
A one-week long Workshop on Time Series Analysis: Introducing R has been conducted by Department of Economics, SUST in August, 2015. Dr Mohammad Shahidul Islam, Professor, Department of Statistics, SUST was the resource person of this workshop. Both the faculty members and graduate level students were present in this workshop.
Workshop on Stata
A one week workshop on Statistical Software STATA has been conducted by Department of Economics, SUST in July 2012. Students of graduate and undergraduate level and faculty members were present in this workshop. Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, SUST was the resource person of this workshop. After completion of this workshop, all of the participants were awarded with certificates.
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