The Central Library of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (Central Library, SUST) started with a very small number of books and only four rooms in 1990 at the Academic Building ‘A’. It is now housed in its own 4-storied Central Library Building.
Library Hours:
The library provides 12-hour non-stop services from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on all working days.
Library Resources (Hard Copy):
Starting with a very meager collection, the library has now been enriched with more than 75 thousand books, 6 thousand hard copy journals/ periodicals and 23 Dailies for its users.
Library e-Resources:
The library has been subscribing to more than 25 thousand eJournals-eBooks/Resources through LiCoB Consortium. In addition, it has been subscribing the e-Journals/Resources of Emerald, JSTOR, IEEE, and ACM and purchased 37,500 + e-Books through UGC Digital Library (UDL). All these e-Resources can be accessed through the IPs of the University.
Library Management:
The affairs of the library, viz. library management, procurement, and processing of library resources, readers’ services, circulation services, reference services, etc. are performed by a dynamic team of 38 Officers & staff (Librarian- 1, Deputy Librarian- 4, Asst. Librarian- 2, Sub-Asst. Librarian- 3, Asst. Administrative Officer- 1, Senior Cataloger-1, and other staff- 26).
Computerized Service:
The library has been computerized (using the ILS KOHA by developing a database in MARC 21 format) and providing computerized library services since September 2013. The resources can be searched through online from everywhere using the link: circulation of books is done through computerized system within the seconds. As a part of computerization, an RFID tag has been attached to each book for maintaining its security. Moreover, a CCTV system with 32 CC cameras is being run for the security of the whole library.
Library Orientation:
The Library arranges Library Orientation Program every year for the newly admitted students of every department to make them acquainted with the resources, services, and techniques for access to the library resources so that they can get maximum benefits from the library. The library users have open access to all the bookshelves and they are free to use every book in the Library.
Muktijuddho Corner:
The Central Library has established a unique Muktijuddho Corner which is enriched with the Books, Posters, Maps, Videos, Documents, etc. on the Great Liberation War of Bangladesh held in 1971. The present collection of books in the Muktijuddho Corner is more than 2,000 titles.
The Central Library contributed to an overall improvement of the educational environment/level because of better library facilities. The users/researchers have connectivity with the rest of the world and access to the information and knowledge through the Central Library.
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