The science and engineering education programs at SUST emphasize hands-on-experiences of students in labs. University labs play a central role in supporting faculty and student research. For these reasons, the university is committed to developing and maintaining state-of-the-art labs for students and faculty members. SUST has developed one of the best lab facilities in the country for research & development.
A highly sophisticated optics laboratory in the field of Nonlinear Optics. Lasers and exotic materials are procured with the financial assistance of the Ministry of Science and IC Technology. Fundamental properties of wave interaction in photo refractive media are being investigated. Two-beam coupling experiments are also in progress. The manifold applications in optical information processing, optical interconnection and neural networks stimulate the necessity and interest in this important area of nonlinear optics.
The Cluster Lab supports a set of related research projects in operating systems, computer architecture, and algorithms. The broad objective is to improve system support for efficient and reliable information sharing in clusters and wide-area networks.
The mission of this laboratory is to conduct world-class research in the general area of database and information retrieval systems. In recent years, our research has been focused mainly on Web-based search technology. In particular, we have been conducting research on scalable meta searching technology for providing unified access to the many information sources on the Web and on Opinion Retrieval. We also collaborate with researchers from other institutions.
This Lab deals with the development of virus free potato, banana, stevia and strawberry with tissue culture technique as well do the advance research for the development of salt and submergence tolerant ice through somaclonal variation and with the application of genetic engineering
This Lab is used to produce proteins and enzymes with industrial and environmental applications. This laboratory is also dedicated to clinical microbiology and Immunological researches and is using bioreactor, PCR Cycler in addition to molecular techniques such as protein and nucleic acid electrophoresis protein purification and so on.
This laboratory is for following research:
- Environmental liquid solid and gas analysis
- Environmental pollution monitoring and control
- Waste treatment process development
This laboratory is for following research
- Analysis of fluid properties
- Water quality analysis and management
- Waste-water treatmen
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