Faculty Profile
Dr Mohammad Abdul Hannan Pradhan
Contact Information
Mohammad Abdul Hannan Pradhan serves as professor of Economics at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) located in Sylhet, Bangladesh. He was born on 25 October 1976 in Chandpur, a district in the Chittagong division of Bangladesh. He completed his Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Master of Science (MSc) in Economics from Jahangirnagar University in 1997 and 1998, respectively. Later, he obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, in 2014.He joined as Lecturer at SUST in 2005. Before Joining, he was a civil servant, the government of Bangladesh.
Dr. Pradhan's research interests include international trade, development economics and macroeconomics. He has published numerous research papers and articles in international and national journals, including the Journal of Developing Areas, The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, New Zealand Economic Papers, Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development,The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Social Development Issues, International Journal of Sustainable Economy, Asian Social Science and The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development.
Apart from his academic achievements, Dr. Pradhan is also involved in various community development activities. He is a member of SUST Economic Association and Bangladesh Economic Association and has been actively involved in various economic development projects in Bangladesh, including poverty reduction, elderly vulnerability and social security.
Research Interests
Social Safety Net
Poverty Issue
Impact Evaluation
Elderly Care Issue
Active Research Project
1. Home Care for Elderly Funded by University Research Centre.
2. Social Safety Net Floor and Protection Level for Older Persons in Bangladesh: A Needs Assessment
Previous Research Project
1. scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&hl=en&user=11VQUYsAAAAJ
External Affiliations
USM Research Fellow (2011-2014)
Bangladesh Economic Association (Life member)
Treasurer, SUST Economic Association
Journal Publications
1. The Impact of External Debt on Economic Growth in Bangladesh: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach
2. The Impact of Foreign Capital Inflows on Economic Growth in Bangladesh. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 45, 2 (2024), 145-176. (Q3)
3. An analysis on the relationship between ICT, financial development and economic growth: Evidence from Asian developing countries.The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 32(5), 705-721. (Q1))
4. Pradhan, M.A.H., & Quazi, R. (2022). The Relationship Between Public Social Security Expenditures and Poverty, Income Inequality, and Gdp Growth: An Empirical Case Study of Bangladesh. The Journal of Developing Areas 56(4), 65-77. https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/862007.
5. How do the terms of trade influence economic growth? Empirical evidence from Bangladesh. Md. Gias Uddin Khan, Mohammad Abdul Hannan Pradhan. International Journal of Sustainable Economy; 14(3); Scopus (Elsevier)
6. Economic Independence of Bangladesh: An Empirical.IM Fakhruddin, MAH Pradhan, GM Mathbor. Assessment. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development 43 (1); SCOPUS (Q3),SESRIC, OIC
7. Social Protection Floor for the Elderly in Bangladesh: A Needs Assessment for Old Age Allowance Beneficiaries, SUST Journal of Social Sciences; 32(2) Special issue
8. Sabiha Afri; Zahir Uddin Ahmed; Mohammad Rafiqul Islam; Mohammad Abdul Hannan Pradhan (2020). Determinants of Public Debt in Bangladesh,31, The Jahangirnagar Economic Review
9. The role of Export in the Economy of Bangladesh: A Time Series Analysis. Journal of Political Science 1 (1), 75-90
10. Impact of Age Structure and Savings Rate on Economic Growth: The Case of Bangladesh. Social Development Issues, Volume 40, Number 3
11. Impact of Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) program on Improvement of Woman Headed Household Consumption Diversity in Bangladesh. Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1).
12. Elder Vulnerability in Receiving Home Care Services: Evidence from Bangladesh.Social Development Issues, Volume 39, Number 2
13. Banking Sector Development and Economic Growth in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis. The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Vol.28
14. Pradhan, M. A. H., & Afrin, S. (2015). A Review of Social Safety Nets Programs for Women in Bangladesh: Issue and Challenges. Advances in Economics and Business 3(4): 149-156.
15. Pradhan, M. A.H., & Khan, G. U. (2015). Role of Remittance for Improving Quality of Life: Evidence from Bangladesh. Turkish Economic Review, 2(3), 160-168.
16. Pradhan, M. A. H., & Sulaiman, J. (2014). A Review of the Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) Program for Protection and Promotion of Poor Households in Bangladesh. International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice, 2(2): 30-39.
17. Pradhan, M. A. H. Sulaiman, J., & Mohd, S. (2014). An analysis of the millennium development goal 1: The case of Bangladesh. New Zealand Economic Papers), 48(3): 269-284.
18. Pradhan, M. A. H. Mohd , S., & Sulaiman, J. (2013). An Investigation of Social Safety Net Programs as Means of Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh. Asian Social Science, 9(2): 139-148.
2. Does Poverty Hinder Cognitive Skills Development? An Empirical Study from Sylhet City
3. The Effects of Internet Usage on Youth Behavior During COVID-19: A Case Study in Bangladesh
Monetary Economics
Development Economics
Political Economics
International Trade
Public Finance
Industrial Organization
Agricultural Economics
International Economics
Graduate Supervision