Faculty Profile
Dr. Ahmed Sayem
Contact Information
Dr. Sayem is a Professor in Industrial Management at Industrial and Production Engineering Department. He obtained the PhD in Industrial Management with “excellent” grade. He holds a Master of Science in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
As a researcher, Sayem read his PhD at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, under the program “European Doctorate in Industrial Management (EDIM)”. As part of his PhD program he attended two well-known universities: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain and KTH- Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Dr. Ahmed Sayem has worked with management of international manufacturing and the phenomenon of reshoring. In doing so, he has collaborated with numerous multinational companies headquarter in Sweden and Spain. In particular, his interests concern three key activities in this context: management of resources, knowledge development, and qualitative research. Articles documenting his research in aforementioned areas have been published in journal, such as BRQ Business Research Quarterly, Sustainability, etc.
His current lines of inquire concerns the coordination structures of international manufacturing networks, as well as sustainability issues of supply chain management. Furthermore, Dr. Sayem engages in research concerning productivity and market dynamics.
Professional roles include work on industrialization issues of Sylhet region at Sylhet Chamber of Commerce and Industries.
Specialization: Industrial management, Strategic management, Operations management, Supply Chain Management, Global manufacturing, and International Manufacturing Network.
PhD in Industrial Management under the program “European Doctorate in Industrial Management” @ Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.
Master of Science in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, @ Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
Bachelor of Science in Industrial & Production Engineering, @ Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
Research Interests
Logistics and supply chain management
Performance Measurement
Circular Economy and Sustainability
International manufacturing/ global manufacturing management;
Industry 4.0
Sustainability in Business strategy
Active Research Project
1. Development of a Circular Economy model for small and medium enterprises in Bangladesh
Funded by: Research Center SUST, Sylhet.
Previous Research Project
1. The Emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) in the industrial section of Bangladesh: exploring and managing key success factors.
Funded by: Research Center SUST, Sylhet.
2. Incorporating sustainability strategies into the supply chain management practice: cases on manufacturing companies. Funded by: Research Center SUST, Sylhet.
Journal Publications
1. Critical barriers to adopt sustainable manufacturing practices in medium-sized ready-made garment manufacturing enterprises and their mitigation strategies
2. Exploring driving factors in employing waste reduction tools to alleviate the global food security and sustainability
3. Parametric optimization for enhancing process sustainability: evidence from fused deposition modeling process
4. Workplace productivity of service industry: evidence from public and private banks of Bangladesh
5. Occupational injuries and risk assessment among stone crushing industry workers: a cross-sectional study
6. Supply chain flexibility issues for Industry 4.0
7. Experimental Investigations of a Simple and Cheap Passive Solar Dryer for Preserving Agricultural Products
8. Critical Barriers to Industry 4.0 Adoption in Manufacturing Organizations and Their Mitigation Strategies, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing
9. Sayem, Ahmed and Miguel Ortega-Mier, and Andreas Feldmann. "Relationship Between the Relocation and Operation of Global Firms." In Handbook of Research on Corporate Restructuring and Globalization. edited by Antonio Carrizo Moreira , and Pedro Silva, 234-250. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2019.
10. Sayem, A. Feldmann, A. Ortega-Mier, M. 2019. "Investigating the influence of network-manufacturing capabilities to the phenomenon of reshoring: an insight from three case studies." BRQ Business Research Quarterly 22, no. 1: 68-82
11. Sayem, Ahmed; Feldmann, Andreas; Ortega-Mier, Miguel. 2018. "Coordination in International Manufacturing: The Role of Competitive Priorities and the Focus of Globally Dispersed Facilities." Sustainability 10, no. 5: 1314.
12. Shanta Saha, Ahmed Sayem, Tariful Islam Sipon, Jahid Hasan, Syeda Kumrun Nahar, Dr. Mohammad Muhshin Aziz Khan, Dr. Md. Ariful Islam. 2015 “Application and benefits of activity based costing over traditional costing approach: a case study on an export oriented ceramic (tiles) manufacturing industry”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology. 4. mo.11: 70-84.
13. Sayem, Ahmed; Islam, Md. Anisul; Khan, M.M.A. 2014. "Productivity enhancement through reduction of changeover time by implementing SMED technique - in furniture industry." International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IJISE) 17, no. 1: 15-33
14. M.A.H. Mithu, A. Sayem and M.M.A. Khan. 2012. “Assessment of factors affecting employee appeal and retention of nurses in Bangladesh”, International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics. 3. no.4: 326-340.
15. M.M.A. Khan; M.A.H. Mithu; Zaheed Halim; A. Sayem. 2012. "Statistical design approach to process parameter optimisation for turning AISI 9310 alloy steel under minimum quantity lubrication environment." International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials (IJMMM), 11, no. 2:
16. Islam, Md. Anisul. Khadem, Mohammad. Sayem, Ahmed. 2012. Service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty analysis in Bangladesh apparel fashion retail: an empirical study." International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education. 5, no. 3: 213-224
17. Sayem, Ahmed. Islam, Md. Anisul. 2011. “Development of a user-friendly integrated CNC system part program generation software focusing on various turning operations”, Journal of Engineering and Technology. 9. no. 2: 37-60.
Since March 2004: Faculty member at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST).
More than 20years of teaching experience on the topics of “Industrial Management”, “Operations Management”, “Logistics and supply chain management”, at various levels of education (undergraduate, graduate, executive training, e.g. MBA), in both public and private universities.
Specialized teaching skill (April -June 2016) : Trained in pedagogical course designed for researchers and university teachers, titled as Basic communication and Teaching; Institution: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Awards & Recognition
1997-2001 : University Merit Scholarship, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
2000 : Divisional (regional) Merit Scholarship
2004-2005 : UGC Research Grant, University Grant Commission, Bangladesh
2006 : University Book Prize, (for the Merit Position in the Department), SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
2008-2010 : ICE-UNIONCAMERE (Merit-based) Scholarship, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
2010 : MSc Engineering in Management, Economics & Industrial Engineering, Italy.
2012-2013 : University Research Project Funding, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
2015-2016 : Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden: Travel grant for PhD conference
2017-2018 : Doctorate student scholarship from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain.
2014-2017 : EMJD Fellowship Award, for the program European Doctorate in Industrial Management (EDIM).
2018 : Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Management, Madrid, Spain.
2019-2020 : University Research Project Funding, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Graduate Supervision
1. MSc. Engineering Thesis.
Title: Development of Circular Economy Model for Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangladesh
Status: Ongoing
Title : The Emergence of Fourth Industrial Revolution in the Manufacturing Sector of Bangladesh: Modeling the Barriers to adopt Industry 4.0.
Status: Completed
2. PhD Thesis Co-Supervision.
Title :Prospects and application of lean tools and techniques for productivity improvement in agro food-processing industry in Bangladesh.
Status: Ongoing.