Faculty Profile
Dr. Engr. Mohammad Iqbal
Contact Information
Professor Dr. Mohammad Iqbal is currently serving as a Professor at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh under the Department of Industrial and Production. He is the founder lecturer of Department of Industrial and Production, SUST. He served as the Head of the dept. for 13 years. Dr. Iqbal was the Dean of School of Applied Science and Technology for two years. Professor Iqbal was a visiting research scholar at the Merry O’ Connor Process Safety Research Center, College station, Texas A & M University, Texas, USA. Professor Iqbal is a member of U.S exchange alumni. He was the Head of Petroleum and Mineral Engineering Department, SUST for one year. Dr. Iqbal is actively involved in research and teaching of Mechanical, Industrial, Production Engineering and environment related topics. Dr. Iqbal has been awarded for the best research paper presentation in several international conferences. He has 34 years of industrial, research and teaching experiences. He was a member, Peer Review Committee on Engineering & Applied Science, Ministry of Science, Information and Communication, Republic of Bangladesh Government for the financial year June 2006-July 2007. His affiliations as a researcher has contributed more than 35 publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals. He has more than 90 national and international publications in conference proceedings. He is one of the advisors to the Sylhet Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Dr. Iqbal served as the member of SUST Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh (October, 2011- February, 2020). Dr. Iqbal served as the Chair, IEOM Society, Bangladesh Chapter in 2018- 2020. Dr. Iqbal was the Conference Chair of IEOM Society of Bangladesh in the year 2019. Dr. Iqbal was the honorary secretary of IEB (Institution of Engineers Bangladesh) Sylhet Centre, Sylhet, Bangladesh (April, 2018- September, 2020. Dr. Iqbal was the Co-chair, of IEOM Society, Bangladesh(2020-2021). Dr. Iqbal is a Lifetime Member, IEOM Society and Life member, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Bangladesh. Dr. Iqbal is a member of ASHRAE, Bangladesh Chapter, Bangladesh since 2022 . He received award as a Distinguished Professor and Leadership in Recognition and Appreciation of Outstanding Teaching and Research in Ergonomics and Serving in the Academic Leadership and Professional Leadership Positions at IEOM Bangladesh Chapter, December 27, 2022.
1996-2000: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. Ph.D Thesis Title: Computer Aided Manufacturing System Modelling and Development Using Virtual Reality.
1991-1993: Master of Science Degree in Engineering (Industrial and Production) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Thesis Title : “Improvement of Productivity of a Cycle Parts Manufacturing Unit”.
1985 - 1989: Bachelor of Technology Degree in Mechanical from Sri-Venkateswara University College of Engineering, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. Project Title: “Improvement of an Inventory Control System in a Television Assembling Unit of a Firm by Applying the MRP System Model”.
2018: Visiting Research Scholar, Mary Kay O’ Connor Process Safety Center (MKOPSC), Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas- 77843-1119, USA.
Research Interests
Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering
Industrial Safety Management includes Process safety, occupational health safety and fire safety
Production Planning and Control
Work study and Time Study
Virtual Reality and CAD/CAM
Climate Change and Environment
Technology Adaption and Climate Change
Industrial Feasibility Study
Productivity Management
Health and Safety
E-waste Management
Environment, safety and Health
Machine learning
Eco-Environmental study.
Active Research Project
1. An ergonomic study of the workplace and analyzing the musculoskeletal disorders based on RULA-REBA, Owas, and NORDIC body map method of workers of a selected brick industry in Sylhet, Bangladesh (2023-2024).
2. Prevalence and Analysis of Risk Factors of Musculoskeletal Disorder among Farmers who are involved with Cultivation of Rice in Bangladesh using RULA-REBA (2022-2023).
3. Study of Fire Safety and Risk assessment of Chemical and Textile Industries funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, 2019-2020.
4. To study the existing e-waste management in Chottogram city, Bangladesh funded by SUST research Center, Shahjalal university of Science and Technology, Sylhet (2019-2020) funded by SUST Research Center.
5. Study of impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and reaction by the selected Tea State Employee to the change on working Environment in Bangladesh. (2021-2022) funded by SUST Research Center.
6. Assessment of the existing status of working environment at selected garment factories in Bangladesh during COVID-19 SITUATION (2020-2021) funded by SUST Research Center.
Previous Research Project
1. Assessment of existing safety culture practices in three selected Thermal Power plants in Sylhet funded by SUST research center and UGC,2018-2019.
2. A Study on Present Energy Scenarios and Future Alternative Energy Sources in Bangladesh Industries funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, 2017-2018.
3. Study on existing Occupational Health Hazard of Selected Tea Gardens Workers in Sylhet, Bangladesh funded by SUST research center and UGC, 2016-2017.
4. Study on Energy Consumptions by Battery Operated rickshaw (Easy Bike) and Motor Operated Rickshaw and their User friendliness in Sylhet City in Bangladesh funded by SUST research center and UGC,2015-2017.
5. Exploration of Natural Resources in Jaflong and Volagong region of Sylhet Division, Bangladesh funded by Sylhet Foundation, Sylhet, Bangladesh ,2007-2008.
6. Design and Manufacture of Computer table, lecture table and multimedia table funded by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2007-2008.
7. Development of a Sustainable Biofilm Mediated System for Enhancement of Biogas Production using Two Stage Bio reactor with Augmented Dung Feedstock, Funded by IDCOL and World Bank.
8. Virtual Reality Simulation of 3D workshop funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, 2001-2002.
9. World Bank and UGC Project: HEQEP Project under the title “Enhancement of Academic Environment Through Capacity Building of University Research Centre, Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology (SUST)”, Syhet-3114, Bangladeshh.
External Affiliations
Chair, Industrial Engineering and Operation Management (IEOM) Society, Bangladesh chapter February, January 2020- February, 2021.
Member, Mechanical Division, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (September 2020 to September 2022). Vice-Chairman Academic & HR) IEB Sylhet Centre, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Lifetime Member, IEOM Society International, Membership # 1432420.
Life Member, Bangladesh Institution of Engineers (IEB), Bangladesh (F-5623).
Member, the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (ASB), Bangladesh.
Member, Bangladesh Computer Society (BCS), Bangladesh.
Honorary Secretary, Institution of Engineers (IEB) Sylhet Centre, Sylhet, Bangladesh (2018-2019).
Conference Chair of IEOM Society - Bangladesh Chapter held in December 2020 and December 2021).
Member, Industrial Safety Committee, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (2003-2004 and 2004-2005)
He is one of the advisors to the Sylhet Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Chair of IEOM Society - Bangladesh Chapter(2018-2020).
Journal Publications
1. Chowdhury Jony Moin; Mohammad Iqbal; A.B.M. Abdul Malek; Mohammad Muhshin Aziz Khan; “Exploring the manufacturing flexibility issues to build a framework to implement the manufacturing flexibility of a supply chain: a review”; International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2024 Vol.46 No.3, pp.295 – 322; Inderscience Publisher
2. Mohammad Iqbal, Faysol Siddique, Dipika Biswas and Ahm Shamsuzzoha; Electronic Waste Generation by Selected Students of a University in Bangladesh: A Case Study published in the Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste”;
3. Investigation to identify the causes of low back pains among Garment workers of a Selected garment factory in Bangladesh
4. “Time-Based Process Mapping for Lead Time Compression in the Apparel Supply Chain: A Case Study”
5. Study on Merits and Demerits of Two Transport Systems: Battery Operated Easy Bike with CNG Operated Auto Rickshaw at Sylhet City in Bangladesh
6. Mohammad Iqbal, Salma Akhter, Sibbir Ahmad; “ Study on Merits and Demerits of Two Transport Systems: Battery Operated Easy Bike with CNG Operated Auto Riskshaw at Sylhet City in Bangladesh” published by IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) E-issn: 2278-1684 Volume5, Issue 5(Mar.-Apr. 2013), PP. 25-32, www.iosrjournals.org.
7. A. Sibbir, Nasima Mst. Begum, C.A.Anam Rashed, Al-Amin. B. Khalil, and Iqbal M.; “The Impacts of ALB in Apparel Supply Chain”, Published in the Asian Journal of Management Sciences and Education, ISSN: 2186- 845X, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2012.
8. Mohammaed Omar Faruque, Md. Rafiqul Islam, Salma A. Iqbal and Mohammad Iqbal; “An Overview of Geology, Hydrogeology and Open Pit Mining Perspective of the Phulbari Gondwana Coal Deposit, NW Bangladesh” published in the SUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 19, No.5, pp. 1-7, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2012.
9. A. Sibbir, Al-Amin. B. Khalil, C.A. Anam Rashed, Iqbal M. and Ferdoushi Nasrin; “Effect of Some Selected Factors on Job Satisfaction in Public Banking” Published in the IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), issn: 2278-487X, Volume 5, Issue 3 (Nov.-Dec. 2012), pp.41-46
10. A. Sibbir, Nasima Mst. Begum, C.A.Anam Rashed, Al-Amin. B. Khalil, and Iqbal M.; “THE IMPACTS OF ALB IN APPAREL SUPPLY CHAIN”, Published in the Asian Journal of Management Sciences and Education, ISSN: 2186-845X, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2012.
11. Shibbir Ahmad, Mohammad Iqbal and C.A.A. Rashed; “The Productivity Improvements: Focusing on smooth flow of information & production successfully in supply chain – A Case Study on Apparel Manufacturing Organization” published in the International Journal Of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 3(1), 2011, pp. 19-27, India.
12. Shibbir Ahmad, Mohammad Iqbal and C.A.A. Rashed; “The Productivity Improvements: Focusing on smooth flow of information & production successfully in supply chain – A case Study on Apparel Manufacturing Organization” published in the International Journal of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 3(1), 2011, pp. 19-27, India.
13. S. Akhter, AFM, Salahuddin, M. Iqbal, ABMA Malek and N Jahan; “Health and Occupational Safety For Female Workforce of Garment Industries in Bangladesh”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME 41, No.1 pp.65-70, June 2010, Transaction of the Mech. Eng. Div., the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.
14. M.M. A.Khan, M.A.Islam,A.F.M.Salauddin and M. Iqbal; ”Productivity Assessment and Its Improvement Strategies For Small Metal Workshops” published in the Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, and Vol. ME 39 No.1, pp. 74-76, ISSN: 0379-4318, June 2009.
15. Engr. Mohammad Iqbal,” Virtual Reality as a Visualization Tool for Engineering Education” published in Journal of SIU STUDIES, volume-1, ISSUE-1, ISSN-1991-3052, Sylhet, Bangladesh, July-December 2006.
16. Engr. Mohammad Iqbal,” Virtual Reality as a Visualization Tool for Engineering Education” published in Journal of SIU STUDIES, volume-1, ISSUE-1, ISSN-1991-3052, Sylhet, Bangladesh, July-December 2006.
17. Dr. Md. J. B. Alam, M. R. Islam, R. Sharmin, Dr. M. Iqbal, M. S. H. Chowduray and G. M. Munna; “Impact assessment due to rural electrification in hill tract of Bangladesh for Sustainable development” published in the International journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 3 (4), 2006, ISSN: 1735-1472, Autumn 2006, IRSEN, CEERS, IAU, Iran.
18. M.Z. Haque and Iqbal, M., “Design of an Intregated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) Power Plant for Bangladesh” published in the Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. ME 35 No., pp. 42-54, ISSN: 0379-4318, June 2006.
19. Mohammad Muhshin Aziz Khan, Zaheed Ibne Halim, Mohammad Iqbal;” Attributes of Occupational Injury Among Workers in the Chemical Industry and Safety Issues” Published in the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 2006, Vol. 12, No. 3, 327–341, ILO, Poland.
20. Dr. M. Iqbal, Dr. Md. J. B. Alam, S.R Chowduary, R. Sharmin and T. K. Chowdhuary; “Study of Manufacturing Process of Cement In Chattak Cement Industry and its Impacts”, Bangladesh Journal Of Environmental Science, Volume 11, No.2 ISSN 1561-9206, PP. 284-289, December 2005, Bangladesh.
21. G.M.R. Islam, M. Iqbal, K.G. Quddus and M.Y. Ali; “Present status and future needs of Tea Industry in Bangladesh” published in the journal of the Pakistan Academy of Science, 42(4): 314, 2005,pp. 305-314,Pakistan.
22. Iqbal S.A., Iqbal M. and Hashmi, M.S.J. “Designing and Commissioning of a Reometry Device” published in the Journal of the Multidisciplinary, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. Mul-Discipline 28. No. 1 pp.12-17, ISSN: 0379-4318, December 2003.
23. Iqbal, M., Hashmi, M.S.J. and Mohiuddin, G. M., “Workshop Design and Visualization in 3D Environment” published in the Journal of the Multidisciplinary, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. Mul-Discipline 28. No.1. pp. 38-43, ISSN: 0379-4318, December 2003.
24. Iqbal, M. and Mohiuddin, G.M., “CAD data and 3D Environment for Engineering Training” published in the Journal of the Multidisciplinary, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. Mul-Discipline 27, No. 1, pp. 63-73, ISSN: 0379-4318, December 2002.
25. Iqbal, M. and Hashmi, M.S. J. “Design and Analysis of a Virtual Factory Layout” published in the Journal of Materials Proceeding Technology, Vol. 118, pp. 403-410, issues 1-3, 03 December 2001,Europe.
26. Iqbal, M. and Mohiuddin,G.M., “Object Modeling and Simulation in Virtual Reality” published in the Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. ME 29 & 24 No. 1 & 2, pp.40-50, ISSN: 0379-4318, June & Dec., 2001.
27. Iqbal, M., Hashmi, M.S.J. and Mohiuddin, G. M., “Virtual Environment for Engineering Training” published in the Journal of the Multidisciplinary, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. Mul-Discipline 23 & 24 No. 1 & 2, pp.57-61, ISSN: 0379-4318, December 2001.
28. Sibbir Ahmad, M. Iqbal, Md. Mamunur Rashid, Salma A. Iqbal and M. Roomi “Productivity Improvement Focusing on Investigation of Injuries, Accidents and Hazards Occurred in a Garments Manufacturing Organization”; published in Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, ISSN: 1998-2003, Volume: 8, Issue: 4, Page: 256-264, July-August, 2013, Bangladesh.
29. Iqbal, M. and Mohiuddin, G.M., “ Major Factors Causing Back Injuries During Manual Material Handling – A Case Study” published in the Journal of the Multidisciplinary, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. Mul-Discipline 23 & 24 No. 1 & 2, pp.57-61, ISSN: 0379-4318, December 1998-99.
1. Mohammaed Omar Faruque, Md. Rafiqul Islam, Salma A. Iqbal and Mohammad Iqbal; “An Overview of Geology, Hydrogeology and Open Pit Mining Perspective of the Phulbari Gondwana Coal Deposit, NW Bangladesh” published in the SUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 19, No.5, pp. 1-7, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2012.
2. H.M.A. Mahzuz, M.B. Haque, M. Iqbal and M.A.I Chowdhury; “Assessment of Existing Environmental Condition and Formulation of Strategy for Extraction of Mineral Stone and Sand in Jaflong”; published in the Journal of Environmental Science & Natural Resources, Bangladesh Society for Conservation of Environment & Natural Resources, Vol.3 No.1, pp.181-184, ISSN 1999-7361, 2010.
3. S. Akhter, AFM, Salahuddin, M. Iqbal, ABMA Malek and N Jahan; “Health and Occupational Safety for Female Workforce of Garment Industries in Bangladesh”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME 41, No.1 pp.65-70, Transaction of the Mech. Eng. Div., the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
4. M. Iqbal, AHM Samsuzzoha; “Modelling and Visualization of a 3D Mechanical Workshop”, published in the Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.ME37, June 2007, Transaction o the Mech. Eng. Div., The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Bangladesh.
5. M. A.Khan, M.A. Islam,A.F.M. Salauddin and M. Iqbal; “Productivity Assessment and Its Improvement Strategies For Small Metal Workshops” published in the Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, and Vol. ME 39 No.1, pp. 74-76, ISSN: 0379-4318
Ergonomics and Human factors
Industrial Safety Management includes Process safety, occupational health safety and fire safety
Enterprenuership and Technology Management
Manufacturing Process I & II
Advance Manufacturing Processes
Robotics, Marketing
Organizational Behavior
Production Planning and Control
Design, Industrial Safety
Environment, safety and Health
Industrial Management
Awards & Recognition
EU Scholarship: 1996-2000 (Ph.D.) and BUET Scholarship-M.Sc. Engineering. (BUET), Bangladesh (1991 1993).
Received award for Product development using Virtual Reality Technology -Dublin, Ireland, 1999.
Received award for best research paper in the 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM-19), jointly organized by IEOM Society – Bangladesh Chapter and Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM), 12-13 December, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Received award for best poster presentation in 2018, jointly organized by IEOM Society - Bangladesh Chapter and Industrial & Production Engineering Department, Jessore University of Science and Technology (JUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Received award for research paper presentation in the 1st International Conference on Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM), 23-24 December, 2017, Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
International Award on Distinguished Professor and Leadership : Received award as a Distinguished Professor and Leadership in Recognition and Appreciation of Outstanding Teaching and Research in Ergonomics and Serving in the Academic Leadership and Professional Leadership Positions at IEOM Bangladesh Chapter, December 27, 2022, IEOM Society International, USA, awarded from USA.
Received award for best research paper titled “Study on working conditions of a selected garment factory in Bangladesh during COVID-19 Situation – A case study” in the 17th Annual Paper Meet -2022, Mechanical Engineering Division, IEB, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 27-28 January, 2023 on January 28-29, 2023. Paper ID #209. IEOM Society International, USA.
Received award for best research paper titled “E-waste estimation: A case study of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh” in the 3rdInternational Conference on Industrial & Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) organized by IEOM Society Bangladesh Chapter jointly with IEOM Society International, USA at Dhaka, Bangladesh on December 26-27, 2020, Paper ID #188.
Received award for best research paper “Effects of Using Smartphone on Pinch Strength”; authors: Mohammad Iqbal, Adipto Raihan Akib, Wasif Hossain; in the 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM-19), jointly organized by IEOM Society – Bangladesh Chapter and Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM), 12-13 December, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Paper ID #108-IEOM Society International, USA.
Received award for best paper in 2017, jointly organized by IEOM Society - Bangladesh Chapter and Industrial & Production Engineering Department, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. 2017.
Graduate Supervision
1. Examined as a External Examiner of more than two M.Engineering Students, M.Sc. Eng. Student and Ph.D. students of Different Public Universities of Bangladesh.
2. Supervised two M.Eng. Students, two Masters students and one Ph.D. students, Dept. of Industrial and Production Engineering, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.