Bangladesh National Cadet Core (BNCC) was established with the guiding principles of knowledge, discipline and volunteers to give military training side by side to young generation especially the students of schools, colleges and universities and to make them as second line defense force along with developing moral.
There is a long history of Bangladesh National Cadet Core (BNCC). After passing Indian Territorial Force (IMF) Act in 1923 by the recommendation of Auxiliary Territorial Force, the University Training Force(UTC) was created in Dhaka. In 1943, it was renamed as University Officer’s Training (UOTC). The Junior Division (JDC) was created for the girls of schools and colleges in 1966. During the liberation war of 1971, these core’s members actively participated in the war. In 23 March 1979, by the government order (Order no. 48/7/D-1/76/212), UTC, UOTC and JCC were merged as Bangladesh National Cadet Core(BNCC).
The objectives of BNCC are: (a) to improve the morality of young generation; to build up the leadership quality, sacrificing attitude and above all, to build up brotherhood among students; (b) to give encouragement enthusiasm among students for the defense of the country by military training; (c) to work as disciplined voluntary battalion for national development work and also in disaster (d) to create secondary resistance battalion for external attack. (e) to create as a back up for good leadership.
Now BNCC’s work sphere has increased a lot. The acceptability of BNCC has reached a spiteful level by some beneficial works to the people such as blood donation, removal of illiteracy, cleaning campaign, traffic control, help security force in different governmental functions, tree plantation etc. A BNCC cadet can fight for justice above self-interest, inferiority complex, political stumble and so on. BNCC’s importance and usefulness have been increased hugely not only in Bangladesh but also in international area.
In 2004, Capt. Dr. Md. Ashraful Karim, Professor of Bangla Department, met and talked to the Teachers Association leaders and University administration about the importance of opening BNCC platoon at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology. The university authority gave the responsibility to him as a skillful, industrious and energetic officer. Capt. Dr. Md. Ashraful Karim worked in different BNCC’s programs in his student life. (A letter was issued by the Vice Chancellor to employ him as the coordinating officer. Letter no. 1305/12/97/training, date-28 February 2005.)
Later, honorable Ex-Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. M Aminul Islam gave the responsibility to Capt. Dr. Md. Ashraful Karim, Professor, Department of Bangla, as platoon commander and sent a letter to regiment commander head quarter for opening permission.[First letter no. reg./201/5/367, date-27/07/2006, second letter no.reg.201/5/384, date-20/12/2006]
As a result, BNCC’s head quarter sent a permission letter for opening male (army) platoon.[Letter no.1358/1/93/training-2,date-05/03/2007] Later BNCC authority recruited a military instructor to train SUST’s cadets and the activities of BNCC started with 25 male cadets.
By the cordial attempts of Ex-VC Professor Dr. M Aminul Islam, Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury, former advisor of the Caretaker Government, inaugurated the formal activities with flag hoisting on 29 November 2007 in a gorgeous ceremonial way.
After the establishment of BNCC, cadets are helping in various functions (Convocation 2007, internal and external university games competition, Annual Sports, admission test, Martyr and International Mother Language Day, Independence Day, Victory Day and other national days) at the university dexterously.
By this time, the BNCC cadets of SUST have shown some excellent achievements. Every year Bangladesh National Cadet Core’s some cadets visit India, Sri Lanka and Maldives as a governmental tour. But they have to be selected through a tough competition (written, practical and psychological). From Bangladesh only six cadets got the opportunity to go to India. In 2009, the student of CSE Department, sergeant Md. Saifur Rahman, and in 2010, the student of Political Studies Department CUO Md. Abdul Hannan Rony, the student of Public Administration sergeant Nadira Begum of SUST got the opportunity to go to India.
At present, there are one male and one female (army) platoon of BNCC are working at SUST. The cadets are 60 in number. Three distinguished teachers are involved:
1. Capt. Dr. Md. Ashraful Karim (Professor, Department of Bangla, Head of BNCC office)
• It is mentioned here that he made a state visit to Nepal on the occasion of ‘Nepalese Army Day-2019’ at the invitation of The Defense Ministry of Nepal from 24 February to 7 March in 2019.
• Successfully Completed Pre Commission Training at Bangladesh Military Academy, Bhatiary, Chittagong.
• Commission and Promotion. (03 August 2005, 2nd Lieutenant & 07 August 2008, Lieutenant, Captain 02 November 2016).
• Battalion 2IC, 7 BNCC Battalion
• Founder PUO and Platoon Commander of Bangladesh National Cadet Corps (BNCC) at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
• Ex-Cadet, Bangladesh National Cadet Corps (BNCC) at Comilla Victoria Govt. College, Comilla, Bangladesh.
• Ex-Cadet, Bangladesh National Cadet Corps (BNCC) at Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
• Officer of BNCC and Participated in different Training Programs and Camps.
2. PUO Mst. Anjumonara Begum (Assistant Professor, Department of Bangla).
3. PUO Dr. S. M. Nizam Uddin (Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry).
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