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Institute of Modern Languages
PS/Sr. Asst.-cum-Computer Operator
Office Asst-cum-Computer Operator
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Accounts Officer
Store Keeper
Library Assistant
Office Asst-cum-Computer Operator
Ordinance for the Semester System and Examination for the Certificate and Diploma Degrees/Programs
1. Admission Process:
2. Academic Calendar:
An Academic Year will consist of two semesters. The first semester will be started in January and ended in June. The second semester will be started in July and ended in December. For certificate program it will be for 1 semester twice in a year and for Diploma program it will be for 2 semesters starting in January.
3. Duration of Semester:
The duration of each semester will be as follows:
Classes and Recess 15 Weeks
Final Examination 04 Weeks
Total 19 Weeks
These 19 weeks may not be contiguous to accommodate various holidays and the Recess before the final examination may coincide with holidays. The Examination routine will be notified by the Director of the Institute. The results will be published before the beginning of the next semester.
4. Curriculum and Courses:
The Academic Committee of the Institute will prepare curriculum for both the Certificate and Diploma programs each year and shall be approved by the Academic Council of the University.
5. Examination Committee:
5.1 The Academic Committee of IML will propose Examination Committees for different programs as follows.
Chairman: The Director/Any teacher of respective language program not below the rank of Assistant Professor.
Members: Two teachers of the respective language one of which may be from outside the Institute.
5.2 The Director will send the proposal to the Board of Governors for approval in each semester.
6. Examination and Result:
6.1 The Institute will conduct all examinations and prepare the results. The Director of the Institute will publish the results of Certificate and Diploma programs subject to the approval of the honorable Vice Chancellor.
6.2 A student has to complete six (6) credits in one semester for Certificate program and he/she has to complete twelve (12=06+06) credits in total in two semesters for Diploma program. If a student does not attend or fails in one course examination but not more than two courses, he/she will get only one chance in next semester to complete the course/courses.
7. Responsibilities:
7.1 The Examination Committee will appoint Question Setters, Examiners, Tabulators from among the Committee Members.
7.2 The Examination Committee will be responsible for the moderation of question papers and taking the Lab/Viva-Voce Examinations where applicable.
7.3. The External Member will remain present during moderation of question papers and Viva-Voce Examinations. If, for some unforeseeable reasons, the External Member of the Examination Committee is unable to attend during moderation of question papers or in the Viva-Voce Examinations, the Examination Committee shall appoint any Professor or subject related Expert from SUST outside of the Institute as replacement.
8. Final Examination and Processing of Result:
8.1 The Institute will collect the blank Answer Scripts, blank Mark-Sheets and other relevant forms from the office of the Controller of Examinations of the University.
8.2 After completion of the course, the respective course teacher will make three copies of Mark-Sheets including of class attendance, term tests/assignments marks. She/he will display one copy on the Notice Board, one sealed copy to the Chairman of the Examination Committee and one sealed copy to office of the Director of the Institute.
8.3 After written examination of the theory courses, the Examiner will examine the scripts and put marks on the blank mark-sheets and will send one sealed copy of the mark-sheet and the packet of answer scripts to the Chairman of the Examination Committee and one sealed copy to office of the Director of the Institute.
8.4 After receiving all the mark-sheets from the Examiner the examination committee will compile the result and determine the final Letter Grades and Grade Point Average (GPA) for the courses.
8.5 Two original tabulation sheets will be prepared and signed by the members of the Examination Committee. The tabulation sheets will contain the Grade Point Average (GPA) obtained in the specific semester. CGPA will be calculated for Diploma program and GPA will be for Certificate program.
8.6 One copy of the tabulation sheet will be kept in the Chairman of the Examination committee’s file and another copy will be stored in the office of the Director of IML.
8.7 The honorable Vice Chancellor and the Director of IML will be the joined signatories in the original Certificates.
8.8 The Institute will follow the remuneration matters of the examinations as per the existing rules for Bachelor’s degree of the University.
9. Examination System:
9.1 A Student will be evaluated continuously over the semester. For theoretical classes, she/he will be assessed by class participation, term tests/assignments/quizzes and final examination. Lab courses will be assessed by the course teachers and Viva-voce will be conducted by the respective Examination committee.
9.2 Distribution of Marks: The marks of a given theory course will be as follows:
Class Participation 10%
Term Tests/Assignments 20%
Final Examination 70%
9.3 Class Participation: The marks for class participation will be as follows:
Attendance Marks
95% and above 10
90% to 94% 09
85% to 89% 07
75% to 79% 06
70% to 74% 05
65% to 69% 04
60% to 64% 03
Less than 60% 00
A student will not be allowed to appear at the examination of a course if his/her class attendance in that course is less than 50%.
9.4 Term Tests/Assignments: There shall be at least two term tests/assignments for every course. The answer scripts should be reviewed by the students as it is valuable to their learning process.
9.5 Final Examination: The final examination procedures will be as follows:
9.6 Duration of the Final Examination: For all semesters there should be 02 (two) hours final examination for every theory course of 02 (two) credits and three hours examination for 3/4 credits.
10. Grading System
10.1 Letter Grade and Grade Point: Letter Grade and corresponding Grade Point will be awarded as follows:
Numerical Grade Letter Grade Grade Point
80% and above A+ 4.00
75% to less than 80% A 3.75
70% to less than 75% A- 3.50
65% to less than 60% B+ 3.25
60% to less than 65% B 3.00
55% to less than 60% B- 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+ 2.50
45% to less than 50% C 2.25
40% to less than 45% C- 2.00
Less than 40% F 0.00
10.2 GPA: Grade Point Average (GPA) is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses completed by a student in a semester.
10.3 CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be calculated by the weighted average of previous CGPA and current GPA.
11. Examination Ethics
11.1 Everyone involved in the process of examination must guard the security of the question papers, examination grades and final results. An examinee much not try to influence the examiners and any such attempt can be brought to the attention of the Director of the Institute for taking necessary actions.
11.2 A student should not be asked such a question so that it hurts his/her religious or ethnic values.
11.3 If someone is involved in offering a course/examination process with the following relatives as examinees, she/he should inform the Director of the Institute immediately.
(a) husband/wife (b) son/daughter (c) brother in law/sister in law (d) son in law/daughter in law (e) nephew/niece (f) uncle/aunt (g) first cousins.
12. Withholding of Results
The result may be withheld:
a) If any examinee has unpaid dues, objections from the residential halls, the Proctor Office etc. or other obligations to the Institute/University.
b) If the Institute/University has already taken any form of disciplinary actions against the examinee.
c) The Syndicate of the University reserves the right to withhold the result/results of any examinee for any specific reason.
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