Institute of Information and Communication Technology, SUST
1.0 Creation of the Institute
The Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IICT), SUST will be established from the Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) programme of SUST. Every salaried personnel of this programme will be accepted as the employee of the institute. The salary structure will be consistent with the university. Future employment will be done according to the rules and regulations of IICT. The rules and regulations for functioning of the Institute shall not be contradictory of the statutes, rules and regulations of SUST.
2.0 Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the IICT are as follows:
a). To Promote and Provide facilities for Post – graduate study in ICT for graduate from various disciplines;
b). To actively pursue advanced research in ICT in order to develop knowledge based products and services;
c). To develop ICT facilities in order to create an on- campus environment conductive to enthusiasm, innovation and enterprise, and to nature innovative ideas and incubate promising initiatives.
d). To produce manpower and expertise in ICT by carrying out training and diverse areas for those interested to step ICT profession as well as those already engaged in the profession; and
e). To provide consulting and advisory services to public and private organizations. To achieve the above aims and objectives, the Institute will perform the following activities under three wings:
(i) Academic and Research Wing and
(ii) System and Support Wing.
(iii) Finance wing
2.1.1 Activities of the Academic and Research Wing:
a). To offer course leading to degrees and diplomas in the field of ICT;
b). To promote and provide facilities for development of skilled manpower in ICT;
c). To provide short course and training and interested persons in the field of ICT;
d). To provide refresher course and training in emerging branches of ICT;
e). To develop linkage and exchange programme with and overseas organization;
f). To initiate, organize and perform studies and research on practical application of ICT;
g). To hold conference, seminar, workshop and other events related to the development of ICT in the country;
h). To publish books, journals, monographs etc.
2.1.2 Activities of the System and support Wing; a). To promote the use of ICT in the University and the country; b). To promote multidisciplinary development of computer application; c). To provide training to students, teachers, officers and employees of the University in relevant fields of ICT; d). To produce software for indigenous use as well as for export; e). To plan, install, maintain and develop computer networks within the University and also links to other institutions in the country as well as the Internet; f). To provide computing, infrastructural and advisory service to students, officers and teachers of the University; and g). To provide advice and physical assistance to deferent departments, institution and offices of the University in matters related to the purchase, operation, maintenance and development of hardware and software.
2.1.3 Activities of Finance Wing a). Manage the financial activities of the institute. b). Procurement of equipment.
3.0 Board of Governors
3.1 The administration and management of the Institute of the Institute shall be vested on a Board of Governors (BOG) consisting of the following: 1). The Vice-Chancellor, Chairman 2). The Dean, School of Applied Science and Technology 3). The Dean, School of Physical Science 4). One Dean from among the remaining Schools, nominated by the Syndicate. 5). One reputed personality nominated by the Syndicate; 6). One external member nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from other sectors; 7). One member nominated by the Academic Council 8). One Professor of the institute nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; and 9). The Director of the Institute, who shall also act as Member-Secretary to the BOG.
3.2 The term of office of the nominated members shall be two years, but they shall Continue in office till their successors and nominated.
3.3 The Board of Governors shall have the following powers.
a) To give guidance and policy directory to the Institute; b) To consider the annual program and work plan on training and research activities as proposed by the various committees of the Institute and to approve, reject, or refer those back committee for such modification as the BOG may support c) To review the final result for the degrees and send it to the academic council for approval. d) To approve the diplomas and certificates awarded by the institute. e) To review activities of the Institute and consider Director’s report and minutes of the meeting of Academic Committee and Management Committee; f) To consider research proposals as recommended by Research Committee and to approve, reject, or refer those back to the concerned committee for such modification as the BOG may suggest; g) To recommend to the Syndicate for the creation or abolition of administrative, academic, technical, ministerial, and other posts on a permanent basis as and when considered necessary. The BOG shall have the authority to create posts of support personnel on a temporary basis for carrying out duties related to a specific project of the Institute; h) To consider appointment, on recommendation of the Academic Committee, of exceptionally reputed technical personnel with vast experience as Visiting Fellow in the Institute for a period not exceptionally reputed technical personnel with vast experience as Visiting Fellow in the Institute for a period not exceeding two years; i) To frame such rules and regulations as are necessary for the proper organization and administration of the Institute; j) To receive and accept any location, donation, and other grant of funds from individuals of organization and to report these to the Syndicate; and k) To do other things that are necessary for the advancement of the Institute.
3.4 The BOG shall ordinarily meet at least twice a year. The proceedings of the Board meeting will be sent to the Syndicate for approval. The time and place of the meeting shall be fixed by the Director of the Institute in consultation with the Chairman.
4.0 Selection Board
a). For the appointment of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and lecturer, the Selection Boards shall be similar to those for the corresponding posts in the teaching departments of the University. b). For the appointment in other posts, the Selection Committee shall be similar to that for the equivalent posts in other departments/ offices of the university.
5.0 Academic Committee
There shall be a Academic Committee consisting of the following members:
1). Director of the Institute; 2). All Professor and Associate Professors of the Institute; 3). Any other Teacher, from the Institute or from outside who offers a course in a term will be member for that term; 4). All Associate Directors of the Institute; 5). One nominee from the Department of computer Science and Engineering from among its members not below the rank of Associate Professors; 6). One member nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; and 7). One nominee of the Board of the advanced studies from amongst its members; 8). Two members nominated from the related Departments. 5.1 The Director of the Institute shall be the chairman of the Academic Committee. One of the members as decided by the committee shall act as Member-Secretary.
5.2 The term of office of the nominated members shall be two years but they shall continue in office till their successors are nominated.
5.3 The function of the Academic Committee shall be as follows;
a). To develop the syllabuses and courses for the post graduate studies b). To deal with issues related to admission of students; c). To suggest a panel of names of paper setters and examinee in the subject or subject concerned; d). To identify target group for training, asses training needs and develop training strategies; e). To prepare annual program on short course, training and workshop; f). To identify the areas of research on the basis national need and formulate research plan; g). To review the research proposal submitted by the teachers and technical personnel, or select experts for reviewing the proposals, if necessary; h). To recommend the research proposal to the BOG for its approval; i). To monitor the progress of on going research projects; j). To recommend to the BOG for the appointment to exceptionally reputed technical personal with vast experience as Visiting follow in the Institute, if it feels that the appointment would help the research and human development activities of the Institute, on such terms and condition as the BOG may decide; k). To do such other things as are assigned or referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor, the BOG or the syndicate.
5.4 The Academic Committee shall ordinarily meet at least four times a year and report the proceeding to the BOG. The time and place of meeting shall be fixed by the Director of the Institute.
6.0 System and Support committee
6.1 There shall be a System and Support Committee (SSC) consisting of the following members;
1). Director; 2). One Professor of the Institute to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; 3). Associate Director (Academic) 4). Associate Director (System and support); 5). System Administrator; and 6). Senior Programmer.
6.2 The Director of the Institute shall be the chairman of the SSC. One of the members as decided by the committee shall act as member secretary.
6.3 The term of the office of the nominated member shall be two years but he/she shall continue in office till his/her successor is nominated.
6.4 The function of the MSC shall be as follows:
a). To prepare annual work plan for carrying out the activities of the System and support wing; b). To asses the needs for software development and take up programme for software development; c). To take steps for development, expansion and improvement of laboratories and university network setup; d). To monitor operation and maintenance of laboratories and university network setup; e). To review the progress of activities of system and support wing; and f). To do such other things as are assigned or referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor, the BOG, or the syndicate.
6.5 The SSC shall ordinarily meet at least once in two months and report the proceedings to the BOG.
7.0 Finance and Accounts Committee:
7.1 There shall be a Finance and Purchase Committee (FAC) consisting of the following members;
1). Director; 2). One Professor of the Institute to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; 3). One Professor of SUST to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; 4). Finance Director of SUST. 5). Financial Analyst from outside nominated by the Vice-Chancellor 6). Accountant of the Institute.
7.2 The Director of the Institute shall be the chairman of the FPC. One of the members as decided by the committee shall act as member secretary.
7.3 The term of the office of the nominated member shall be two years but he/she shall continue in office till his/her successor is nominated.
7.4 The function of the FPC shall be as follows:
a). The committee will oversee the income and expenditure of the institute b). The committee will advice the governing Body about the finance, fund and earnings c). The committee will oversee the purchase procedure through the purchase committee when necessary.
7.5 In purchasing equipment, supplies and services, the rules as observed by the University for calling tenders, quotations, etc. shall be observed.
7.6 The Director of the Institute shall have the authority to sanction expenditure in accordance with the budget provision and pass bills payment.
7.7 The Institute will pay 20% of their total income to the University every year.
8.0 Director
8.1 There shall be Director of the Institute. The Director shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on a four year term from among the Professors of the Institute. If there is no Professor in the Institute the Director shall be appointed from among the Professors of the university.
8.2 The powers and duties of the Director are as follows;
a). The Directors shall be responsible for the administration of the Institute ; b). The Director shall ensure that the rules and regulations are faithfully observed and activities of the Institute are properly carried out; c). The Director shall present the items of agenda to the BOG; d). The Director shall prepare a report on institute’s activities and follow-up actions since last ordinary meeting of the BOG and present it to the next ordinary meeting of the BOG; e). The Director shall prepare annual budget and present it to the meeting of the BOG. f). The Director shall have authority to employ members of the ministerial and subordinate staff of the Institute subject to the approval of the BOG; and g). The Director shall exercise such other powers as may be prescribed by the BOG.
8.3 In case of casual vacancy for less than 21 days due to the absence on leave of the Director, the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint a Professor of the Institute as Acting Director for the period of absence on leave of the Director. The Acting Director shall have the powers of the Director.
9.0 Associate Director (Academic and Research)
9.1 There shall be an Associate Director (Academic) of the Institute. The Associate Director (Academic) shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on a two year term from among the professors / Associate Professors of the Institute.
9.2 The duties of the Associate Director (Academic and Research) are as follows;
a). To advise and assist the Director; b). To organize short course, training and workshop; c). To make arrangement for dissemination of research result and organize seminars d). To deal with publications and development of library; e). To develop linking and exchange programs ; f). To prepare a report on activities of the academic wing last ordinary meeting of Academic Committee and present it to the next ordinary meeting of Academic Committee ; and g). To do such other things as are assigned by the Director.
9.3 In case of casual vacancy for lees than 21 days due to the absence on leave of the Associate Director (Academic), the Associate Director (System and support) will carry out, the routine duties of the Associate Director (academic).
9.4 In case of casual vacancy for 21 days or more due to the leave of absence of the Associate Director (Academic), the Vice- chancellor shall appoint a teacher of the institution as acting Associate Director (Academic) for the period of absence on leave.
10.0 Associate Director (System and Support)
10.1 There shall be an Associate Director (System and Support) of the Institute. The Associate director (System and Support) shall be appointed by the Vice- chancellor on a two-year term among the Professors/Associate Professors of the Institute.
10.2 The duties of the Associate Director (System and Support) are as follows:
a). To advise and assist the Director; b). To look after support services for students, teachers and officer; c). To look after development, expansion , improvement of laboratories and computer network. d). To look after operation and maintenance activities; e). Ton look after software development projects. f). To prepare report on activities of system support wing since last ordinary meeting of MC and present it to the next ordinary meeting of MC; and g). To do such other things as are assigned by the Director.
10.3 In case of casual vacancy for less than 21 days due to the absence on leave of Associate Director (System and support ) the Associate Director (Academic ), will carry out, the routine duties of the Associate Director System and support ).
10.4 In case of casual vacancy for less than 21 days due to the leave of absence of the Associate Director (System and support ) the Vice-chancellor shall appoint either System Administrator or senior programmer of the Institute as Acting Associate Director (System and support ) for the period of absence on leave.
11.0 Definition of Posts
11.1 Professor, Associate professor, Assistant professor and Lecturer of the Institute shall be equivalent to teaching personal of similar designation of the University in all respects.
11.2 System Administrator and Senior Programmer of the Institute shall be equivalent to Deputy Register /Deputy Director of the University.
11.3 Programmer and Assistant Programmer of the Institute shall be equivalent to the similar designation of the University.
11.4 Assistant Maintenance Engineer of the Institute Shall be equivalent to Assistant Engineer of the University.
11.5 Ministerial Staff shall be equivalent to University employee doing works of similar nature and having the same service conditions.
12.0 Service Conditions
12.1 All the employees of the Institute shall be considered employees of the University.
12.2 All other matters not covered herein and in the general rules and regulations of the University shall be referred to the BOG.
13.0 Change of Rules and Regulations
13.1 The rules and regulations of the Institute can be amended, altered, or added to by the Syndicate, as may be found necessary and recommended by the BOG. The rules and regulations concerning academic issues should be approved by the Academic Council before sending to the syndicate.
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