Faculty Profile
Chowdury Md Luthfur Rahman
Contact Information
Chowdury M. Luthfur Rahman is currently serving as a Professor in the Department of Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE) at ShahJalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet- 3114, Bangladesh. He received four-year-long BSc. engineering degree in 2003 majoring in ‘Industrial and Production Engineering’ from ‘ShahJalal University of Science and technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh and had been Awarded the degree ‘With Honours’ for obtaining more than 75% marks considering aggregated result of four years for B.Sc. (Engg.) examination. Simultaneously, he had been awarded the ‘Vice-Chancellor’s Book Prize’ in recognition of the highest talent (securing the highest CGPA) and greatest achievement among all graduates of the department of ‘Industrial and Production Engineering’ in the Bachelor level (BSc. Engineering) examination - 2000 (Examination held in 2003). He completed M.Sc. (Course) in 'Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering' from the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada in the year 2010 and his MSc. research seminar concentrates on 'An Optimization-based Model of Lot-sizing and Scheduling with Random Processing times and Sequence Dependent Set ups'. During his graduate study in the department of ‘ENME’ at University of Calgary, Canada, he had been funded from university funds through FGS in the form of Graduate Assistantship (Teaching and Research).
In association with the active involvement as a researcher in quite a number of research studies at home and abroad, he has been able to publish various articles in numerous national and international journals including ‘International Journal of The Review of General Management’, IOSR Journal of Engineering, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISCA Research Journal of Engineering Sciences, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, Journal of Mechanical Engineering - Transaction of the Mechanical Engineering Division, IEB, Journal of Engineering Research, innovation and education (JERIE), and International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJET) and his research works have been presented in refereed international conferences as well.
His research interests include Manufacturing Systems Modeling, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Productivity Improvement and System Optimization, Operations Research, Healthcare Systems and Ergonomics in particular.
B.Sc. (Engg.) in ‘Industrial and Production Engineering’ (2003), Department of ‘Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE), @ ShahJalal University of Science and technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
M.Sc. Eng. (Course Based) in 'Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering' (2010), ENME Department, @ University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Research Interests
Production and Manufacturing Systems Modeling
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Productivity Improvement and System Optimization
Operations Research
Production Process Planning and Analysis
Healthcare Systems and Ergonomics
Active Research Project
1. "Feasibility Study of the Application of 'Industry 4.0' in RMG Sectors of Bangladesh".
Funded by the Bangladesh Higher Education Commission through University Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Previous Research Project
1. The Influence of Green Innovation on Sustainability performance: A Ready-Made Garments (RMG) Industry Context (July 2019 - June 2020).
2. Evaluation of Environmentally Sustainable Manufacturing Practices and their Effect on Competitive Outcomes in Knitting Industry of Bangladesh (July 2017- June 2018).
3. The Relationship among Isometric Grip strength, Work capacity and Anthropometric parameters (July 2015- June 2016).
4. Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Demand Uncertainty and Capacity constraints on the Inventory Cost and Inventory Level of Multi-stage Lot-sizing Models using DOE (Sep 2008 - Dec 2008).
5. Simulation Modeling of ‘PHN (public health nurse)–Dyad (a pair of new born baby and mother)’ Postpartum Home Visiting System (Jan 2008 - April 2008).
6. Investigating the Effects of Stochastic Demand on the Cost Performance of ‘Dynamic Lot- sizing Models’ Using OptQuest in Crystal Ball Simulation (Sep 2007 - Dec 2007).
7. Evaluation of the Critical Factors for Efficient Supply chain Management of Ready-Made Garment (RMG) Sector at Post Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA) Situation (Jan 2005 - Dec 2005).
External Affiliations
Member of ‘Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society’ (IEOMS)
Member of ‘Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers’ (IISE)
Journal Publications
1. Rahman, Chowdury M. L., Alam, M. J., and Hasan, M. R. 'Comparative Analysis of Forecasting Methods Applicable to Electronics Product', International Science Community Association (ISCA) Research Journal of Engineering Sciences (RJES), ISSN: 2278 - 9472, September 2023, Vol. 12, Issue (3); pp. 1-5.
2. Chowdury M. L. Rahman, Syed Misbah Uddin, Nurul Alam Fahim, Md Rasel Mia. 'Assessing the Readiness Level of RMG Sector of Bangladesh towards Implementing Industry 4.0', Khulna University Studies (KUS), Vol. 20, No. 2, December 2023, ISSN: 1563-0897, pp 169-182.
3. Tanmoy Palit, Sunny Md. Saber, Chowdury M. Luthfur Rahman. 'A Combined BWM and TOPSIS Approach for Supplier Selection: A Case study of a Pharmaceutical Company in Bangladesh'. SUST Journal of Science and Technology (SUST J Sci Tech, ISSN: 1682 – 895X), Vol. 32 No. 2; December 2022, pp: 37-49.
4. M. A. Samad, R. C. Kar, Chowdury M. L. Rahman, A. Rahaman. 'Evaluation of a Sustainable Effluent Treatment Plant for Textile Industries'. Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (JERIE), Vol. 3 No. 2; December 2021, pp: 59-64
5. S. M. Uddin, Chowdury M. L. Rahman, M. A. Karim, & M. A. Samad, 'Effects of Anthropometric Factors on Grip Strength and Work Capacity', Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (JERIE), Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2019, pp: 11-20.
6. Samad M. Abdus, Rahman C. M. Luthfur, Rahman M. Toufiqur, Islam M. Shafiqul, & Sarkar P., 'Measurement and Analysis of Productivity and Finding Solutions to Improve Productivity in a Garment Factory in Bangladesh', International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Vol. 7 Issue (4), April 2018, pp: 118-125. ISSN: 2249-8958.
7. Syed Misbah Uddin, Chowdury M. L. Rahman, Nahian Ismail Chowdhury, Md. Parvez Shaikh, & Fayeq Al-Amin, 'Relationship between Environmental Manufacturing Practices and their Competitive Outcomes', Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Transaction of the Mechanical Engineering Division, The Institution of Engineers’, Bangladesh (IEB). Vol. ME 48, No. 1, Dec 2018, pp: 1-10. ISSN: 0379-4318.
8. Syed Misbah Uddin, Chowdury M. L. Rahman, 'The Relationship Among Isometric Grip Strength, Recovery and Anthropometric Parameters', International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), Vol. 4 Issue (1), January 2015, pp: 273-279, ISSN: 2319-1163.
9. K M Mostafizur Rahman Sobuj, Chowdury M. L. Rahman, 'Study and Analysis of the Scope of Value Stream Mapping Technique Application in a Selected Garments Factory of Bangladesh', International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, Vol. 3 Issue (2), March 2015, pp: 998-1007, ISSN: 2091-2730.
10. Chowdury M. L. Rahman, Syed Misbah Uddin, M A Karim, & M Ahmed, 'Evaluation of Work Postures - The Associated Risk Analysis and the Impact on Labor Productivity', Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN) Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 10 No. (6), April 2015, pp: 2542-2550, ISSN: 1819-6608.
11. Chowdury M. L. Rahman, Shafayet Ullah Sabuj, 'Process Flow Improvement Proposal of a Batch Manufacturing System Using Arena Simulation Modeling', International Journal of 'Review of General Management', Vol. 21 Issue (1), June 2015, pp: 63-77, ISSN: 1841-818X.
12. Chowdury M. L Rahman*, M. A Hoque, 'Evaluation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Implementation in a selected Semi-automated Manufacturing Industry', International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Vol. 4 Issue (8), August 2014, pp: 19-31, ISSN: 2249-6645.
13. Chowdury M. L. Rahman, 'Study and Analysis of Work Postures of Workers working in a Ceramic Industry through Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA)', International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 5 No. (3), August 2014, pp: 14-20, ISSN: 2305-8269.
14. Chowdury M. L Rahman, M. A Hoque, Syed M. Uddin, 'Assessment of Total Productive Maintenance Implementation through Downtime and Mean Downtime Analysis (Case study: a Semi-automated Manufacturing Company of Bangladesh)', International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol. 4 Issue (9), September 2014, pp: 38-47, ISSN: 2250-3021.
15. Uddin, Syed Misbah, Rahman, Chowdury M. L., 'Minimization of Defects in the Sewing Section of a Garment Factory through DMAIC Methodology of Six Sigma', International Science Congress Association (ISCA) Research Journal of Engineering Sciences (IJES), Vol. 3 Issue (9), September 2014, pp: 21-26, ISSN: 2278-9472.
16. Chowdury M. L. Rahman, Syed Misbah Uddin, Mohammad Iqbal, 'Importance of Human Factors in Industrial Engineering and Design', Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), Vol. 8 No. 1-2, December 2014, pp: 7 - 13, ISSN: 1999-1630.
1. Rahman, Chowdury M. L., Uddin, S. M., Karim, M. A., Paul, S. 'Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Sustainable Manufacturing Evaluation in Apparel Industry', Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Industrial & Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM 2022), Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Dec 26-27, 2022), Paper ID. 271, pp: 919 – 933.
2. Rahman, Chowdury M. L., Khan, Md. Sagor I., Islam, J., Nova, S., 'Service Development Strategy Using QFD For Customer Satisfaction in a Bank', Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM 2020), Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 26-27, 2020.
3. Rahman, Chowdury M. L., Alam, M. Jahedul, & Hasan, M. Rakib, 'Determination of demand forecasting techniques applicable for electronics product (cell phone) and comparative analysis', Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM 2019), Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 12-13, 2019, pp: 47-55.
4. Bhuiyan M. N. Hossain, Rahman C. M. Luthfur, & Uddin M. Ashraf, 'Productivity Improvement of a Flow Line Layout using Line Balancing Techniques', Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering (ICMIME2017), 28 - 30 December 2017, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Paper ID. IE-123. ISBN: 978-984-34-3476-0.
5. Karim, Rubayet and Rahman, Chowdury M. L., 'Application of Lean Manufacturing Tools for Performance Analysis: a Case Study', Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), ISBN: 978-0-9855497-0-1, IEOM2012, July 3 - 6, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. Paper ID. 403; pp: 1725-1734.
6. Karim, Rubayet and Rahman, Chowdury M. L., 'A Performance Analysis of OEE & Improvement Potential at a Selected Apparel Industry', Proceedings of the 6TH International Mechanical Engineering Conference, 6IMEC&14APM, 28 - 29 September 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Paper ID. IMEC&APM-IE-17, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2834.7841
7. Chowdury M. L. Rahman, 'Re-balancing of Generalized Assembly Lines – Searching Optimal Solutions for SALBP (Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem)', Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), ISBN: 978-984-33-0988-4, IEOM2010, Jan 9 - 10, 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Paper ID. 252; pp 548-553.
8. Chowdury M. L. Rahman, AHM. Shamsuzzoha, 'Comparative Performance Analysis of Semi-automatic and Automatic Cement Packing Process', Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME), ISBN: 984-32-2846-4, ICME 2005, 28 - 30 Dec 2005, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Paper No. ICME05-AM-28; DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1358.5609
Reliability Engineering and Maintenance Management
Project Management
Facilities Planning and Materials Handling
Engineering Economy
Heat Transfer
Engineering Materials
Computer Aided Drawing and Drafting
Awards & Recognition
SUST Research Grant: July/20-June/21, July/17-June/18, July/15-June/16.
‘Graduate Assistantship (Teaching and Research) - GAT Trust': awarded by the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) through 'Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department' of University of Calgary, AB, Canada.
‘Vice Chancellor’s Book Prize’ - awarded in recognition of the highest talent and greatest achievement among all graduates of the department of IPE, SUST in the Bachelor level (B.Sc. Engg.) examination – 2000 (Exam. Held 2003)
‘Bachelor’s of Engineering Degree with Honours’ - awarded the Bachelor of Engineering Degree with 'Honours' for obtaining more than 75% marks considering aggregated result of Four years for B.Sc. (Engg.) examination.
‘University Merit Scholarship’ - awarded for academic excellence in the Bachelor level (B.Sc. Engg.) semester final examinations in the session 1996 – 2000 in the department of IPE, SUST.
‘BD Govt. Education Board Scholarship’ - awarded for academic excellence in the Higher Secondary level (H.S.C.) examination - 1996.
University at Buffalo Graduate (Doctoral) Assistantship and Tuition Scholarship (Declined) - 2017, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, NY, USA.
Graduate Supervision
1. Theses at B.Sc.(Engg.) levels