Faculty Profile
Nusrat Jahan Koley
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Nusrat Jahan Koley is an Assistant Professor of Geography and Environment (GEE), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh. She holds BSc. (Honors) and MS(Thesis) degree in Geography and Environmental Studies from University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. In 2018, by choosing health issues of thalassemia, Nusrat joined as a M. Phill research fellow in the department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Chittagong to enrich her research skill on the field of Public Health and Environment. Her current research and teaching interest focus on environmental, social and health issues of Bangladesh. Miss. Nusrat is a member of some professional and research institutions. Besides, she is serving as a trustee and an advisor to some non-profit educational and social organizations.
MS(Thesis) - Geography and Environmental Studies. University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
B.Sc. (Hon's)- Geography and Environmental Studies. University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
HSC (Science) - Chittagong Cantonment Public School and College, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
SSC (Science) - Fatehabad City Corporation Girls High School and College, Hathazari, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
Research Interests
Water Resources Management
Public Health
Previous Research Project
1. Sea-Beach Erosion and Its Impacts on Coastal livelihoods & Tourism in Coxs Bazar, funded by SUST Research Centre as Principal Investigator on the Year 2016-17 .(PS-20)
2. Women in Society during Covid 19 Pandemic of Bangladesh on the Year 2019-2020.
3. Influence of Covid-19 Pandemic on Air Quality based on Particulate Matter of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, funded by SUST Research Centre as Co-Investigator on the Year 2021-2022.(PS/2020/01/17)
4. Land use and Land Cover Changes with Ecological Imbalance to the Wetland of the Northwestern Bangladesh: An Assessment on "Chalan Bee funded by SUST Research Centre as Co-Investigator on the Year 2021-2022.(PS/2021/01/12)
External Affiliations
Trustee (from 2013 to date) at Engineer Chowdhury Mohammad Mohsin Foundation for Human Resources Development (ECMMfHRD), Hathazari, Chattogram.
General Secretary at Aspiration for Autism(from 2020 to date) Hathazari, Chattogram.
Adjunct Faculty (2018) at the Dept of International Relation (IR), Bangladesh University of Professionals( BMA, Vatiyary, Chattogram)
Advisor(from 2012 to date) Bikoshito Bangla Gonopathagar, Hathazari, Chattogram.
Life Member, Bangladesh National Geographical Association (BNGA), Bangladesh.
Student Advisor(Female, From 13/09 2021 to 13/09/2022 ) , Dept of GEE,SUST.
Journal Publications
1. The water quality and pollution sources assessment of Surma river, Bangladesh using, hydrochemical, multivariate statistical and water quality index methods
2. Rahman, S.T., Koley, N. J., Akter, S., (2018), Morphological Study of Surma River: A Geographic Investigation, American Journal of Water Resources, 6(2):53-61, Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ajwr/6/ 2/ 2 ©Science and Education Publishing DOI:10.12691/ajwr-6-2-2.
3. Shahparan, M. and koley, N.J., (2017) Physiocochemical Condition of Wetland Environment in Northeastern Bangladesh: A Study on Shanir Haor, Sunamganj. Sustainable Development Goals and bangladesh Environment, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) and Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
4. Das, B.K. and Koley, N.J. (2016), Environmental Pollution of hakaluki haor and its impact on agro-fisheries sector, Social Change, 6(1&2):164-176, Young Power in Social Action (YPSA), Chittagong, Bangladesh.
5. Koley, N.J. and Das, B.K., (2016), Flood Coping strategies of haor people: A Study on hakaluki haor, Bangladesh. Social Change, 6(1&2):110-126, Young Power in Social Action (YPSA), Chittagong, Bangladesh.
6. Das, B.K., Koley, N.J., and Uddin, S.A. (2015), Environmental impacts of tobacco cultivation in Bangladesh: A review of the literature, Social Change, 5(1): 104-118, Young Power in Social Action (YPSA), Chittagong, Bangladesh.
7. কলি, নুসরাত জাহান এবং পাল, অলক (২০০৯), হালদা নদীর বর্তমান পরিবেশগত অবস্থা, ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ জার্নাল, ৯ম বর্ষঃ১-১৫, বাংলাদেশ ভূগোল পরিষদ, ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ।
8. Koley, N. J., Paul, A. and Kibria, M (2009), An assessment of water quality parameters and level of pollution of Halda River, Chittagong, Journal of the Bangladesh National Geographic Association (BNGA),37(1&2): 98-110, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
1. Participated and presented a paper entitled “Scarcity of Pure Drinking Water at Baghaichari Upazila: A Case Study on Sajek”, 15th Bangladesh International Geographical Conference, 2017 with theme of “Water issues and Sustainable Development” Organized by Bangladesh National Geographical Association (BNGA), held at Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh, 24November,2017.
2. Participated at 3rd National conference on Natural Science and Technology(NCNST) held at Asian University for Women (AUW), Chittagong, Banglaesh. 15-16 April, 2016.
3. Participated and presented a poster entitled “Pollution of Halda River: A geo-chemical assessment with special reference to water quality” at National conference on Natural Science and Technology(NCNST) held at Asian University for Women (AUW), Chittagong, Banglaesh. 24-25 April, 2014. Rewarded as Best Poster Presenter - 2014 Among the participants.
4. Koley, N. J., Paul, A. and Kibria, M (2009), Environmental condition of Halda River: A geo-chemical assessment , Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2013, ICERIE 2013, 11 - 13 January, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, pp. 695 – 700
Human Geography
Hydrology and Fluvial Morphology
Political Geography
Introduction to Geography and Environment (Non-Major Theory, ENG)
Introduction to Human Geography and Environment(Non-Major Theory, PSS)
Cartography (Lab) Political Geography
Surveying II( Lab)
Quantitative Techniques in Geography and Environment (Lab)
Field work on Socio-economic and Cultural Aspects (Lab)
Research Methods in Geography and Environment(Lab, Field Work for physical features)
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS
Land Use and Land Cover Survey
Environmental Analysis(Lab and Field Study)
Water Resource Management(MS Theory)
Haor Ecology and Its Resources( MS Theory)
Techniques in Physical Geography (MS Lab and Field Work)
Techniques in Human Geography(MS Lab and Field Work)
Graduate Supervision
1. Current Students: 01(Thesis, Session:2020-2021)
2. Previous Students: 15 Completed