Faculty Profile

Dr. Animesh Sarkar


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Food Engineering & Tea Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801712634624
  • Email: [email protected], [email protected]


Professor Dr. Animesh Sarkar is an academician and agricultural researcher with more than fifteen years professional experience focused on food science, bioremediation of heavy metals, tea science, bio-fertilizer , bio-pesticide, agricultural waste management, food chemistry, plant nutrition, soil chemistry  and soil micro-biology. He is conducting research on the sustainable production and processing of nutrient-rich, nontoxic food and agricultural products, specifically, non-thermal technologies for food processing, enhancing bioremediation strategies, and developing methods for extracting novel food sources in pursuit of global food security.

Dr. Sarkar was grew up in his own village in Jashore District, Bangladesh. He achieved B.Sc. (Hons.) in Agriculture (First Class) and MS in Agricultural Chemistry (First position; CGPA-A+) from Bangladesh Agricultural University. Professor Sarkar awarded “Gold Medal” from the President of Bangladesh in Sixth Convocation 2011, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh for his brilliant academic performance. He completed Chinese language course (intensive course for one year) and one year research from the Zhejiang University, China as a scholarship student financed by Chinese Scholarship Council from 2007 to 2009. He achieved Ph.D. in 2015 from Saitama University; Japan majoring in Science and Engineering under the Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) program. After that, Professor Sarkar completed post-doctoral research ( Standard Program, 2017-2019) as a JSPS fellow in Saitama University, Japan.

Professor Dr. Animesh Sarkar is serving as a faculty in the Department of Food Engineering & Tea Technology and has been attached with it since October 2009 as a Lecturer. Serving in the same department, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor in 2011, Associate Professor in 2017 and finally Professor in 2021.Professor Sarkar has supervised more than 35 undergraduate and four post graduate students for successfully completing their research. In his research group, five undergraduate, one master of engineering and one doctoral student are conducting their research now. He is a reviewer in several international peer reviewed journals. Professor Sarkar also participated several local and international conferences and seminars. He is concurrently associated with multiple professional organisations and societies as well.


  • Post Doctoral Research (2017-2019) -JSPS Fellow, Japan
  • PhD (2015) in Science and Engineering- Saitama University, Japan
  • MS (2007) in Agricultural Chemistry- Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
  • B.Sc. (Hons, 2004 held in 2005) –Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh

Research Interests

  • Soil microbiology
  • Tea Science
  • Food chemistry
  • Phytoremediation of heavy metals
  • Plant Ecology
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Plant Nutrition
  • Bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticide
  • Agricultural Waste management

Active Research Project

  • 1. Role of Chia Seed Flour: Examining its impact on nutritional and Sensory attributes of wheat-based biscuits. Funded by SUST research center, SUST, Bangladesh.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of some commonly cultivated tea clones of different garden of Bangladesh (Funded by UGC Bangladesh).Code :Crop- 28/2019/
  • 2. Impact of blanching pretreatment on drying kinetics, color and physiochemical properties of cabbage (Brassica oleracea).( Funded by SUST research center, SUST, Bangladesh). Code: AS/2019/1/28
  • 3. Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth. nutrient uptake and use efficiency of Tea (Camellia sinensis) .(Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh). Code: SL. 90
  • 4. Bioremediation of arsenic and assessment of health risk with mycorrhizal associated crop.(Funded by JSPS, Japan)
  • 5. Tea waste management by converting it to bio-energy in Bangladesh.( Funded by SUST research center, SUST, Bangladesh) Code: AS-23
  • 6. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on river bank vegetation and bioremediation of heavy metals. (Funded by MEXT, Japan).
  • 7. Utilization of Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) in rice yield
  • 8. Varietal and Drying Impact on Onion Powder: Processing, Modification, and Utilization as Functional Ingredients (Funded by SUST research center, SUST, Bangladesh) (Project ID: AS/2021/1/23)
  • 9. Isolation of heat-resistant molds from industrially processed fruit products: Impact of processing condition on the time to detectable growth of individual ascospores (Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh) ( Project ID: 39.00.0000. No. 447/ Gr. SL. 447 EAS)
  • 10. Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of bioactive compounds of hot-air dried green papaya (Carica papaya L.): Kinetics, thermodynamics, and mass transfer mechanism (Funded by SUST research center, SUST, Bangladesh) ( Project ID: AS/2022/1/35)
  • 11. Response surface optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of bioactive compounds of hot-air dried pomegranate peel: Kinetics, thermodynamics, and mass transfer mechanism. Funded by UGC, Bangladesh. (Record No.: Crop Science -04/2021-2022)
  • 12. Thermo-Sonication as a Novel Preservation Technique for Beetroot Juice: Analysis on Physicochemical Properties, Antioxidant Activity, Enzyme and Microbial Inactivation. Funded by SUST research center, SUST, Bangladesh. (Project ID: AS/2023/1/28)

External Affiliations

  • Life Member, Krishibid Institution of Bangladesh (KIB)
  • Life Member, Japanese Universities Alumni Association in Bangladesh (JUAAB)
  • Life Member, JSPS Alumni Association in Bangladesh (BJSPS)
  • Member of Bangladesh Association of Saitama University, Japan and served as a president of Bangladesh Association of Saitama University ( From April 2014-September 2014)
  • Member of International Student Association of Saitama University, Japan (2012-2015)
  • Member of Civil and Environmental Society Japan.
  • Member of Bangladesh Agricultural University Alumni
  • Member of Bangladesh STEM Society
  • Elected member of Shahjalal University Teachers Association (SUTA) -2019
  • Elected treasurer of Shahjalal University Teachers Association (SUTA) -2021
  • Reviewer in several reputed journals such as Science of the Total Environment, Wetland Ecology and Management, Chemistry and Ecology, International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture (IRWA), Food Measurement and Characterization, Food Chemistry, Food Bioscience, Food Chemistry Advances, Heliyon, Agriculture and Food Research, Waste and Biomass Valorization, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition etc.

Journal Publications

  • 1. Fermentation of Sapodilla juice with Lactobacillus acidophilus: Fermentation kinetics and evaluation of functional properties. Journal of Food Science. (Q1) DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.70135 (2025)
  • 2. Animesh Sarkar *, Nafisa Sadaf , Mahabub Alam , Md. Sumon Miah , Prantik Roy and Mahbuba Rahman. Enhancing the Postharvest Quality of Indian Jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana) Using Aloe Vera Gel and Ascorbic Acid-Based Edible Coatings. Asian Food Science Journal, (24) 22-33. (2025)
  • 3. Miah, M. S., Sarkar, A.*, Chowdhury, R. S., Masum, M., Sarkar, R., Almoallim, H. S., Ansari, M. J., Alam, M., & Alarfaj, A. A. (2025). Enhancing functional food applications with Carambola peel and pulp dietary fiber: Effects of sustainable drying methods (oven and freeze) on nutritional value and hydration properties. Journal of Food Quality. (Q2) (2025)
  • 4. Hossain, M. A.*, Shaha, L. C., Romen, T. I., Sarkar, A., Biswas, R., Ahmed, S., Islam, M. A., Muntasir, F., Patwary, M. A., Morais, R. M. S. C., & Morais, A. M. M. B.* (2025). Synergistic Effect of Ultrasound and Osmotic Pretreatment on the Drying Kinetics and Antioxidant Properties of Satkara (Citrus macroptera): A Novel Preservation Strategy. Processes, 13(2), 384. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr13020384 (Q2) (2025)
  • 5. Sarkar, R., Roy, M.*, Alam, M., Sarkar, A.*, Alarfaj, A. A., Alharbi, S. A., & Ansari, M. J. (2025). Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of Citrus macroptera peel pectin extracted by different methods and its impact on nutritional quality of strawberry jam during long-term storage. Discover Food 5, 19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s44187-025-00290-0 (Q1) (2025)
  • 6. Mahabub Alam; Animesh Sarkar*; A. S. M. Sayem; Rahul Biswas; M. M. Mahdi Hasan (2024).Accessing the growth of heat-resistant mold ascospores in potato dextrose agar, isolated from a processed fruit jam—Dependence of temperature, pH, and sugar concentration.Food Science and Nutrition (2024)
  • 7. Piash Chowdhury, Md. Bahuddin Sikder, Animesh Sarkar and Afrin Khandaker (2024). Sedimentation Yield Assessment in Bangladesh: A Model Study on Surma-Meghna River System. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (Q2, IF 2.2) (2024)
  • 8. Mahabub Alam, Animesh Sarkar, A. S. M. Sayem , Rahul Biswas and M. M. Mahdi Hasan (2024).Accessing the growth of heat-resistant mold ascosporesin potato dextrose agar, isolated from a processed fruit jam—Dependence of temperature, pH, and sugar concentration. Journal of Food Science & Nutrition. DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.4486 (Q1, IF 3.55 ) (2024)
  • 9. Md. Raihan Talukder, Animesh Sarkar, Md. Harun Rashid and Md. Motaher Hossain (2024). Biocontrol of Damping off Disease in Brinjal (Solanum melongena) and Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) by Arbuscular Mycorrhiza. Online Journal of Biological Sciences,Volume 24 No. 4, 2024, 633-642. SCOPUS, Q3. https://doi.org/10.3844/ojbsci.2024.633.642 (2024)
  • 10. Mohammad Afzal Hossain, Sudipta Talukder, Aftab Uz Zaman, Animesh Sarkar, Md. Yasin, Rahul Biswas (2024). Effective drying processes for Taikor (Garcinia pedunculata Roxb.) fruit by Ultrasound-Assisted osmotic Pretreatment: Analysis of quality and kinetic models. Ultrasonic Sonochemistry (Q1, IF 8.7) (2024)
  • 11. Animesh Sarkar, Md Anarul Haque, Mahabub Alam (2024).Unlocking the Potential of Pomegranate Peels as a Valuable Source of Bioactive Compounds through Effective Drying Strategies. Food Chemistry Advances. (Q2) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2024.100622 (2024)
  • 12. Hossain, M.A., Ahmad, N.U., Alam, M., Hossain, M.M. and Sarkar, A. (2024).Screening of different extraction methods for maximum production of total flavonoids, tannins, and antioxidants from Centella asiatica.Food Research 8 (1) : 44 - 51 (February 2024) Q3 (2024)
  • 13. Arnab Mazumder, Animesh Sarkar, Md. Bahuddin Sikder, Annyca Tabassum, Sk Taufiqul Islam and Emon Barua (2024).Impact of Land Conversion on Land Surface Temperature Over the Coastal Area: A Spatiotemporal Study of Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh. Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis (Q1, IF 5) (2024)
  • 14. Applications of non-thermal technologies in food processing Industries-A review (2023). Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafr.2023.100917 (2023)
  • 15. Rahul Biswas; Animesh Sarkar *; Mahabub Alam; Mukta Roy; M.M. Mahdi Hasan (2023). Microwave and ultrasound-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from Papaya: A sustainable green process.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (Q1, IF 8.4) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2023.106677 (2023)
  • 16. Animesh Sarkar, Md Washim Hossain, Mahabub Alam, Rahul Biswas, Mukta Roy and Md Ismail Haque (2023). Drying conditions and varietal impacts on physicochemical, antioxidant and functional properties of onion powder. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research (Q1, IF 3.8). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafr.2023.100578 (2023)
  • 17. *Sarkar, A., Rahman, S., Alam, M., Pramanik, S.K., Biswas, G.C. and Biswas, R (2023). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of different varieties of Bangladesh tea (BT) and Tocklai vegetative (TV) tea (Camellia sinensis) clones. Food Research 7(6):255-261. Q3 (2023)
  • 18. Israt Jahan, Jannat Shopan , Md. Masudur Rahman , Animesh Sarkar , Md. Abdul Baset , Zhang Zheng , Li Xin ,* , Golam Jalal Ahammed and Md. Kamrul Hasan (2022). Long-term traditional fertilization alters tea garden soil properties and tea leaf quality in Bangladesh. Agronomy 12 (9), 2128. (Q1, IF 3.7) https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12092128 (2022)
  • 19. Mominul Hoque, Rahul Biswas , Mahabub Alam , Animesh Sarkar , Md Ismail Haque, Md. Moinul Hasan (2022). Pulse fortified whole wheat bread: A review on dough rheology, bread quality, and sensory properties. Journal of F1000 Research. (Q1) https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.113421.1 (2022)
  • 20. Animesh Sarkar, Prantik Roy, Mahabub Alam, Mohammad Afzal Hossain & Gokul Chandra Biswas (2022). Dietary fiber concentrates of BAU Kul (Ziziphus mauritiana) peel and pulp: processing, modifcation and utilization as functional ingredients. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. (Q2, IF 3.4) (2022)
  • 21. Rahul Biswas, Mahabub Alam, Animesh Sarkar, Md Ismail Haque, Md. Moinul Hasan, Mominul Hoque (2022). Application of nanotechnology in food: processing, preservation, packaging and safety assessment. Heliyon 8(11).(Q1, IF 4) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11795 (2022)
  • 22. Animesh Sarkar, Mahabub Alam, Prantik Roy, Rahul Biswas and Md Ismail Haque (2022). Physicochemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of green teas manufactured from common tea clones of different gardens in Bangladesh. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. (Q1, IF 3.8) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafr.2022.100407 (2022)
  • 23. Md Harun Rashid, FM Jamil Uddin, Md Golam Mostofa, Shubroto Kumar Sarkar, Animesh Sarkar, Imrul Mosaddek Ahmed (2021).Growth and yield response of hybrid maize to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation and zinc fertilizer management.Fundamental and Applied Agriculture Vol. 6, No. 3, 291-302 ref. 49 (2021)
  • 24. Md. N. Uddin, Takashi Asaeda, Animesh Sarkar, Viraj P. Ranawakage & Randall W. Robinson (2021).Conspecific and heterospecific plant–soil biota interactions of Lonicera japonica in its native and introduced range: implications for invasion success. Plant Ecology Journal. Springer Nature (Q2, IF 1.7) (2021)
  • 25. Mukta Roy, Md. Atikul Islam Bulbul, Mohammad Afzal Hossain, Jahid Hasan Shourove, Shafi Ahmed, Animesh Sarkar & Rahul Biswas (2021). Study on the drying kinetics and quality parameters of osmotic pre‑treated dried Satkara (Citrus macroptera) fruits. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization volume 16, pages 471–485 (Q2, IF 3.4)) (2021)
  • 26. Animesh Sarkar .*, Somirita Rahman, Mukta Roy., Mahabub Alam., Mohammad Afzal Hossain, and Tusher Ahmed (2021). Impact of blanching pretreatment on physicochemical properties, and drying characteristics of cabbage (Brassica oleracea). Food Research 5(2): 393-400. Q3 (Malaysia). (2021)
  • 27. Mahabub Alam, Mohammad Afzal Hossain, Animesh Sarkar* (2020). Effect of Edible Coating on Functional Properties and Nutritional Compounds Retention of Air Dried Green Banana (Musa Sapientum L.). IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) 14(2): 51-58. (2020)
  • 28. Animesh Sarkar*, Yasir Arafat , Mahabub Alam , Jayanto Kumar Sarkar (2020). Study on dietary pattern and nutritional status of school going children in Navaron, Jashore, Bangladesh. American Journal of Food Science and Technology 8 (2): 70-74. (2020)
  • 29. Animesh Sarkar*, Tushar Ahmed, Mahabub Alam, Somirita Rahman and Shishir Kanti Pramanik (2020). Influences of Osmotic Dehydration on Drying Behavior and Product Quality of Coconut (Cocos nucifera). Asian Food Science Journal 15 (3):21-30 (2020)
  • 30. Animesh Sarkar*, Md. Musfiqur Rahman, Jayanto Kumar Sarkar, Mahabub Alam and Md H. Rashid (2020). Growth and quality parameters of tea (Camellia sinensis) mediated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Nova biotechnologica et chimica 19 ( 2):232-239.Q3 (Germany). (2020)
  • 31. M. Harun Rashid, Md Nazim Uddin, Animesh Sarkar, Mahfuza Parveen, Takashi Asaeda (2019). The growth and nutrient uptake of invasive vines on contrasting riverbank soils. River Research and Applications 35: 749-758. Q2 (UK) (2019)
  • 32. Md. Raihan Talukder, Animesh Sarkar* Rashid, Md H. (2018). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the bioprotection of ash gourd (Benincasa hispida) against damping off disease. Fundamental and Applied Agriculture 4(1):704-712. (2018)
  • 33. Animesh Sarkar, Takashi Asaeda*, Qingyue Wang, Yasuko Kaneko and Md H. Rashid (2018). Arbuscular mycorrhiza confers lead tolerance and uptake in Miscanthus sacchariflorus. Chemistry and Ecology 34(5):454-469.Q2 (UK) (2018)
  • 34. Animesh Sarkar, Takashi Asaeda*, Qingyue Wang, Yasuko Kaneko and Md H. Rashid (2017). Response of Miscanthus sacchariflorus to zinc stress mediated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Flora 234: 60-68. Q2 (Germany) (2017)
  • 35. Animesh Sarkar, Takashi Asaeda*, Qingyue Wang and Md H. Rashid (2016). Arbuscular mycorrhizal association for growth and nutrients assimilation of Pharagmites japonica and Polygonum cuspidatum plants growing on river bank soil.Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 47 (1), 87-100. Q3 (USA). (2016)
  • 36. Yoichi Takahashi, Md H. Rashid, Animesh Sarkar, Takashi Asaeda*, Masanori Isono, Tomohiro Omura, and Katsuyuki Koga (2016). Use of ladderways in fragmented habitat to aid the movement of Japanese Giant Salamander (Andrias japonicus). International Journal of River Basin Management 14(2), 233-241.Q2 (UK). (2016)
  • 37. Animesh Sarkar, Takashi Asaeda*, Qingyue Wang and Md H. Rashid (2015). Arbuscular mycorrhizal influences on growth, nutrient uptake, and use efficiency of Miscanthus sacchariflorus growing on nutrient-deficient river bank soil. Flora (212):46-54. Q2(Germany) (2015)
  • 38. Animesh Sarkar, Takashi Asaeda*, Qingyue Wang and Md H. Rashid (2015). Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the performance of floodplain Phragmites japonica under nutrient stress condition. Chemistry and Ecology 31(5):402-415. Q2 (England) (2015)
  • 39. A. Sarkar*, R. C. Das, Md H. Rashid, M. Ali, M. S. Islam, T. Asaeda and Q. Wang (2015). Biocontrol Potentiality of Isolated Trichoderma spp. against Pestalozzia theae Saw. in Tea. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 50(2): 179-186. Q4 (Hungary) (2015)
  • 40. G.C. Biswas, A. Sarkar, M.H. Rashid, M.H. Shohan, M. Islam, and Q. Wang, 2015. Assessment of the irrigation feasibility of low cost filtered municipal wastewater for redamaranth (Amaranthustricolor L cv. surma). International Soil and Water Conservation Research 3(3) 239-252. Elsevier Q1(China) (2015)
  • 41. M. M. Rahman, M. Roy, M. A. M. Sajib, A. Sarkar, and M. S. Hussain, 2015. Radiation effects on essential minerals content of cucumber (Cucumis sativus). American Journal of Food and Nutrition, 3(3):69–74. (USA) (2015)
  • 42. .Mohammad Shameem Al Mamun, M.M Hoque, M. Ahmed, A. Sarkar, and H. Kabir, 2015. Evaluation of some indigenous plant extracts against red spider mite, Oligonychus coeae nietner (acarina: Tetranychydae) in tea. Persian Journal of Acarology, 4(4): 425-435. Q2 (Iran) (2015)
  • 43. .Qingyue Wang, Qiyu Chen, Naoki Mitsumura, Sarkar Animesh, 2014. Behavior of cellulose liquefaction after pretreatment using ionic liquids with water mixtures. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 131(11): 40255 (1-8). Q1 (USA) (2014)
  • 44. .Q. Wang, N. Mitsumura, Q. Chen, A. Sarkar, H. Kurokawa, K. Sekiguchi & K. Sugiyama 2014. Investigation of condensation reaction during phenol liquefaction of waste woody materials. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 9 (5):658668. Q3 (UK). (2014)
  • 45. .Q. Wang, H. Niida, C. Liu, H. Kurokawa, A. Sarkar, K. Sekiguchi & K. Sugiyama 2014. Oil aggregated behavior for coal recovery and combustion characteristics of their aggregates from different grade coals. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 9 (5):692704. Q3 (UK). (2014)
  • 46. .Hoque A, G. C. Biswas, Md. Asfakur Rahman, Mohammad Ruhul Amin, A. Sarkar, K. M. Nasiruddin and Md. Abunasar Miah, 2014. Gene Transfer in Potato for Salt Tolerance. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 3(2):557-562. (India) (2014)
  • 47. Chen Xian-you, Wu Liang-huan, Cao Xiao-chuang, Sarkar Animesh and Zhu Yuan hong, 2013.An experimental method to quantify extractable amino acids in soils from southeast china. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 12(4): 732-736. . Q1 (Netherlands). (2013)
  • 48. Animesh Sarkar, Tofazzal Islam, Gokul Chandra Biswas, Shohidul Alam, Mikail Hossain, Nur Mohammad Talukder 2012.Screening for phosphate solubilizing bacteria inhabiting the rhizosphere of rice grown in acidic soil in Bangladesh. Acta Microbiological et Immunologica Hungarica 59: 199-213. Q3 (Hungary). (2012)
  • 49. .Abu Kausar Mohammed Sarwar, Md Akhter Hossain Chowdhury, Gokul Chandra Biswas, Animesh Sarkar, 2011. Irrigation Potentiality of Industrial Waste Water on Seed Germination of Amaranthus tricolor L. Journal of Environment, 8(1),13-18. (South Korea) (2011)
  • 50. .K. M. Mahbubur Rahman, Md. Abul Khair Chowdhury, Farhana Sharmeen, Animesh Sarkar , Mohammed Abdul Hye and Gokul Chandra Biswas, 2011. Effect of Zinc and Phosphorus on yield of Oryza sativa ( cv. BR-11 ). Bangladesh Research publications Journal, 5(4), 351-358. (Bangladesh) (2011)
  • 51. .Zhongqiang wang , lianghuan wu, Sarkar Animesh 2010. Growth and nutrient status in climbing plant (Parthenocissus tricuspidatasieb.et zuccplanch) seedling in response to soil water availability. Botanical Studies. 51:155-162.Q1 (Switzerland). (2010)
  • 52. .Limei Zhao, Lianghuan Wu, Yongshan Li, Sarkar Animesh, Defeng Zhu, and Norman Uphoff 2010.Comparisons of Yield, Water Use Efficiency and Soil Microbial Biomass as Affected by the System of Rice Intensification. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 41:1-12. Q3 (USA) (2010)
  • 53. .Zhongqiang wang, lianghuan wu, Sarkar Animesh 2009. Nutrient Shift in Parthenocissus tricuspidata Seedling in Response to Soil water Stress. Scientia Horticulturae. 123 , 253-257. . Q1 (Netherlands). (2009)
  • 54. .Wang Zhong-Qiang, Wu Liang-Huan, S. Animesh, Zhu Yuan-Hong 2009. Phytoremediation of Rocky Slope Surfaces : Selection and Growth of Pioneer Climbing Plant. Pedosphere. 19 (4): 541-544. Q1 (China) (2009)
  • 55. M.S. Alam, N.M. Talukder, M.T. Islam, A. Sarkar and M. Hossain 2008. Phosphate solubilizing rhizhoplane bacteria on growth and yield of transplant aman rice. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment 2 (1): 19-22. (Bangladesh) (2008)
  • 56. M.M. Hossain, M.S Alam, N.M Talukder, M.A.H. Chowdhury and A. Sarkar 2008. Effect of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and different phosphatic fertilizer on nutrient content of rice. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment 2 (1): 39-43. (Bangladesh) (2008)


  • 1. Sharodia Roy Snigdha, Animesh Sarkar* and Razia Sultana Chowdhury (2024). Exploring functional characteristics of Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota) juice fermentation by Lactobacillus acidophilus. International Conference on Advance Agricultural Research. Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet -3100, Bangladesh. May 23-24. (2024)
  • 2. Mukta Roy, Animesh Sarkar*, Md. Mozammel Hoque and Subrata Sarker (2024). Evaluation of antioxidant properties of marine microalgae isolated from coastal area of Bangladesh. International Conference on Advance Agricultural Research. Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet -3100, Bangladesh. May 23-24. (2024)
  • 3. Animesh Sarkar*, Md. Sumon Miah, Md. Masum, Mahabub Alam, Mohammad Shaiful Alam Amin (2024). Nutritional Enhancement and Acrylamide Formation: Impact of Chia Seed (Salvia hispanica) Flour Levels in Wheat Biscuits. International conference on mechanical, manufacturing and processing engineering (ICMMPE-2024), Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh. May 29-31. (2024)
  • 4. Animesh Sarkar*, Mukta Roy and Robin Sarkar (2024).A comprehensive analysis of physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant properties of pectin extracted from Citrus macroptera using conventionlal, microwave-assisted and ultrasonic assisted methods. International Conference on Advances and Challenges through translational research in Biological Science. Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh and Microbiologist Society, India. (27 April, 2024) (2024)
  • 5. Md. Sumon Miah, Animesh Sarkar, Mahabub Alam, Razia Sultana Chowdhury (2023). Impact of Drying Process and Comparative Analysis on Physico-Chemical, Hydration, and Antioxidant Characteristics of Dietary Fiber Concentrates from Carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.) Peel and Pulp. International Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture & the 4AR. Khulna University, Bangladesh. 19-20 October 2023. (2023)
  • 6. Md. Masum, Animesh Sarkar, Mohammad Shaiful Alam Amin, Mahabub Alam (2023). Impact of different levels of Chia seed flour on nutritional and sensory characteristics of wheat-based Biscuits. International Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture & the 4AR. Khulna University, Bangladesh. 19-20 October, 2023. (2023)
  • 7. Animesh Sarkar *, Mahabub Alam, Rahul Biswas and Md Ismail Haque (2022).Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of some commonly cultivated tea clones in Bangladeshi gardens. 13th International Seminar on Science and Technology for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh (2023)
  • 8. Fiaz Bin Osman*, Animesh Sarkar, Mahabub Alam and Md. Anarul Haque. Thermo-sonication processing of beetroot juice: effect on physicochemical properties, antioxidant activity, and analysis on enzyme and microbial inactivation. 7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation, and Education (ICERIE 2023), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, January 12-14, 2023. (2023)
  • 9. Md. Anarul Haque*, Animesh Sarkar, Mahabub Alam and Fiaz Bin Osman. Effect of drying on physicochemical and antioxidant properties of pomegranate peel. 7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation, and Education (ICERIE 2023), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, January 12-14, 2023. (2023)
  • 10. Animesh Sarkar, Md Ismail Haque, Md Washim Hossain, Mukta Roy, Rahul Biswas and Mahabub Alam. Drying impact on Onion (Allium cepa) powder: Processing, Modification, and Utilization as Functional Ingredient. 1st International Conference on Nano-bio and Advanced Material Engineering (NAME 2023). January 07-08, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh (2023)
  • 11. lsam, M. & Sarkar, A. (2020). Effect of edible coating on physicochemical properties and nutritional composition retention of air-dried green banana. International Conference on Materials, Energy, Environment and Engineering (ICMEEE) 2020, Department of Chemical Engineering, Jashore University of Science and Technology. (2020)
  • 12. Animesh Sarkar., Ahmed T. and Rahman S (2019). Drying kinetics, color, total phenolic content and antioxidant properties on drying behavior of coconut slices by different methods. International conference on sustainable agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh (2019)
  • 13. Animesh Sarkar., Islam S., and Saha R. (2019). Proper utilization of tea waste by converting to bioenergy. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Biotechnology and Agriculture Engineering (ICBAE 2019), Tokyo, Japan. (2019)
  • 14. Animesh Sarkar., * Rashid, Md H., Asaeda, T. (2017). Role of arbuscular mycorrhiza in Lead toxicity tolerance of Miscanthus Sacchariflorus. Proceedings of the 14th International Phytotechnologies Conference Montreal, Canada (2017)
  • 15. Rashid Md H.,* Animesh Sarkar., Asaeda, T., Wang, Q. (2016). Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on the Growth and Performance of Biofuel Crop Miscanthus Sacchariflorus on Polluted Soil. Proceedings of the 11th Sdewes Conference Lisbon, Portugal. (2016)
  • 16. Md.H. Rashid, A. Sarkar, Q. Wang, T. Asaeda (2016). Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on the Growth and Performance of Biofuel Crop Miscanthus Sacchariflorus on Polluted Soil. 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water And Environment Systems, Sweden. (2016)
  • 17. Animesh Sarkar, Takashi Asaeda, Qingyue Wang and Md H. Rashid (2015) (Abstract). Performance of floodplain Miscanthus sacchariflorus mediated by arbuscular mycorrhiza. Conference on microbes beyond the borders, Center of Ecological Research, Kyoto University, Japan. (2015)
  • 18. Animesh Sarkar, Takashi Asaeda, Qingyue Wang and Md H. Rashid 2014 (Poster). Association of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and nutrient assimilation of pioneering plants growing on nutrient-limited river bank soil. The first soil biodiversity conference (GSBI), Dijon, France. (2014)
  • 19. Animesh Sarkar, Takashi Asaeda, Qingyue Wang and Md H. Rashid 2014. Role of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and nutrient content of P. japonica growing on river bank soil. The Japanese society of limnology conference, Tsukuba, Japan (2014)
  • 20. Animesh Sarkar, Takashi Asaeda, Qingyue Wang and Md H. Rashid 2014. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and chlorophyll content of Pharagmites japonica growing on river bank soil. Ecology and civil engineering society conference, Tokyo, Japan (2014)
  • 21. Q. Wang,, N. Mitsumura, Q. Chen, P. Apar, H. Niida, S. Ito, T. Endo, S. Animesh, H. Kurokawa, K. Sekiguchi & K. Sugiyama 2013. Suppression method of the condensation reaction during phenol liquefaction of woody material. 4th International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Bucharest, Romania (2013)
  • 22. Q. Wang, T. Endo, P. Apar, L. Gui, Q. Chen, N. Mitsumura, Q. Qian, H. Niida, S. Animesh & K. Sekiguchi, 2013. Study on heterogeneous reaction between tar and ash from waste biomass pyrolysis and gasification. 4th International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Bucharest, Romania (2013)
  • 23. Q. Wang, H. Niida, P. Apar, Q. Chen, L. Gui, Q. Qian, N. Mitsumura, T. Endou, S. Animesh, H. Kurokawa, K.Sekiguchi & K. Sugiyama, 2013. Clarification of the reaction at the solution interface of pyrite during oil agglomeration for developing desulfurization and coal cleaning efficiency. 4th International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Bucharest, Romania (2013)
  • 24. Q. Wang, S. Itoh, K. Itoh, P. Apaer, Q. Chen, D. Niida, N. Mitsumura, S. Animesh, K. Sekiguchi & T. Endo 2013. Behavior of suspended particulate matter emitted from combustion of agricultural residue biomass under different temperatures. 4th International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Bucharest, Romania (2013)
  • 25. A. Sarkar, N.M. Talukder, M.T. Islam, M. S. Alam, M. M. Hosssain 2011 (Abstract). Application of Phosphate Solubilizing Rhizoplane Bacteria Improves Growth and Nutrient Uptake by Rice (Oryza sativa L.) The 4th International Conference on Integrated Pest Management. Development of IPM for Asia and Africa, Mymensingh, Bangladesh (2011)

Book/ Book Chapter

  • 1. Q. Wang, S. Itoh, K. Itoh, P. Apaer, Q. Chen, D. Niida, N. Mitsumura, Animesh Sarkar, K. Sekiguchi & T. Endo 2013. Behavior of suspended particulate matter emitted from combustion of agricultural residue biomass under different temperatures. In: Energy and Sustainability IV, (Eds.). Brebbia, C.A Morinov, A.M Safta, C.A WIT Press, Southampton, U.K. 315-325.
  • 2. Q. Wang, H. Niida, P. Apar, Q. Chen, L. Gui, Q. Qian, N. Mitsumura, T. Endou, Animesh Sarkar, H. Kurokawa, K.Sekiguchi & K. Sugiyama, 2013. Clarification of the reaction at the solution interface of pyrite during oil agglomeration for developing desulfurization and coal cleaning efficiency. In: Energy and Sustainability IV, (Eds.). Brebbia, C.A Morinov, A.M Safta, C.A WIT Press, Southampton, U.K. 303-313.
  • 3. Q. Wang, T. Endo, P. Apar, L. Gui, Q. Chen, N. Mitsumura, Q. Qian, H. Niida, Animesh Sarkar & K. Sekiguchi, 2013. Study on heterogeneous reaction between tar and ash from waste biomass pyrolysis and gasification. In: Energy and Sustainability IV, (Eds.). Brebbia, C.A Morinov, A.M Safta, C.A WIT Press, Southampton, U.K. 291-302.
  • 4. .Q. Wang, N. Mitsumura, Q. Chen, P. Apar, H. Niida, S. Ito, T. Endo Animesh Sarkar, H. Kurokawa, K. Sekiguchi & K. Sugiyama, 2013. Suppression method of the condensation reaction during phenol liquefaction of woody material. In: Energy and Sustainability IV, (Eds.). Brebbia, C.A Morinov, A.M Safta, C.A WIT Press, Southampton, U.K. 279-290.
  • 5. Animesh Sarkar and M. Tofazzal Islam, 2012. Screening and Application of PSB for Rice Production in Acidic Soil , LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8465-9908-2


  • Agroindustrial Chemistry
  • Food Chemistry
  • Biochemistry and Human nutrition
  • Soil Science
  • Tea Agronomy
  • Agrotechnology of Tea
  • Tea Manufacturing and Machinery
  • Food Industrial Waste Management
  • Cereals, legumes and oil seed crops
  • Organic Farming of Tea
  • Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism

Awards & Recognition

  • JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan from 2017 to 2019
  • Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship (MEXT fellow) from October, 2012 to September 2015
  • “Gold Medal Award” from the President of Bangladesh in Sixth Convocation 2011, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
  • Chinese Government Scholarship from the Ministry of Bangladesh at 2007
  • Two times Scholarship from Bangladesh Scholarship Council (Financed by Nippon foundation Japan) at 2003 and 2005 for good academic performance
  • Scholarship from Jessore district administration at 2003 in bachelor level

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Undergraduate:(A) Graduation completed : 35+ students for completing their research and thesis(B) Running: Thesis students (5)
  • 2. Master: (A) Graduation completed : Master of Science (2), Master of Engineering (2) (B) Running Student: Master of Engineering (3)
  • 3. PhD: (A) Running Student (2)

Social Media