Faculty Profile
Dr Engr Salma Akhter
Contact Information
Dr. Salma’s career has evolved over a duration of 23 years in academia, professional and research arena. Started career as a lecturer in the department Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science, in 2001 and rose to the rank of Professor in 2014, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. She is a Grade – I Professor since 2023. Apart from her teaching responsibilities, she is actively involved in various research projects. She obtained her B.Sc. Engg in Chemical M.Sc. Engineering from BUET (1996), Bangladesh and obtained PhD from Chemical Engineering Department (BUET) in 2012 respectively. During her PhD study, he was engaged in a research work On ‘Textile Sludge Disposal Using Incineration Technique’ funded by BUET. Prof. Salma completed her M. Engg. from Dublin City University, Dublin, Republic of Ireland (1997-2000). Dr. served as a visiting research scholar at Marry Kay O’Conner Process Safety Center Texas A& M University, College Station, Texas, USA in the year 2018 and worked in a research team there.
Prof. Salma pioneered in many development activities of SUST. Aside from serving as a faculty member, she also served in many administrative positions on SUST which includes Assistant Provost of Female students’ halls, Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science, SUST.
Dr. Salma has been involved in professional works since 1996. He has completed more than 14 professional projects so far. She was the Team member of different Safety committees in Bangladesh. She worked as a member for SUST in a joint research project on ‘plastic management in Sylhet City’ with Sylhet City Corporation, Sylhet and Research England QR Global Challenges Research Fund, UK. Her field of expertise includes Energy – Safety practice, Energy Management; Climate change and global warming, Environment; Process safety, occupational health safety and fire safety, safety and Health, Gas field safety and security Solid-Waste Management.
Dr. Salma has been involved in significant number of research projects mostly through her MS and Undergraduate students which have been funded by Ministry of Science & Technology, SUST Research Centre (SUST) and World Bank. She has supervised more than 37 Undergraduate students and MS students so far. She has published 27 Journal papers in reputed journals and more than 45 International conference papers in reputed conference proceedings.
S.S.C. (1987), First (78.9%), B.A.F. Shaheen College, Jessore, Bangladesh
H.S.C (1989), First (81.4%) Stood 3rd In H.S.C. (Jessore Board) Among The Girls, B.A.F. Shaheen College, Jessore, Bangladesh
B.Sc.Engg (Chemical) (1996), First, BUET,Dhaka,Bangladesh
M.Engg.(2000), Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
PhD (2012), BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Thesis (B.Sc. Engg.) : “A Study of River Water around Dhaka City”, Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh (1996)
Thesis (M.Engg.) :“Development of a Novel Rheometric Device for the Determination of Pressure Dependent Viscosity of Non-Newtonian Fluid”, Dublin City University, Dublin, IRELAND (2000).
Thesis (Ph.D) :”Textile Sludge Disposal Using Incineration Techniques” Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2012)
Visiting, Research Scholar, Mary O'CONOR Process Safety Center, Texas A & M University, College Station, USA
Research Interests
Biochemical Engineering
Renewable Energy
Fluid Mechanics
Industrial Management
Chemical Process Safety
Environmental Engineering
Active Research Project
1. Risk Assessment and Safety Analysis at Chemical Process Industries
Previous Research Project
1. Investigation on the thermal, rheological and mechanical properties of natural fiber/coir reinforced polymer composites. Funded by Ministry of Science & Technology, Bangladesh.
2. Design and Fabrication of a Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) and try to improve the properties of a semiconductor for DSSC. Funded by SUST research centre and UGC.
3. Extraction of Precious metal from Electronic Wastes, Funded by SUST research Center, SUST, 2021
4. Study of Fire Safety and Risk assessment of Chemical and Textile Industries funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, 2019-2020
5. Development of a Sustainable Biofilm Mediated System for Enhancement of Biogas Production using Two Stage Bio reactor with Augmented Dung Feedstock, Funded by IDCOL and World Bank.
6. Pathogenic waste treatment by Electroporation-A Novel Technique Development, Funded by SUST research centre and UGC
7. Conversion of municipal waste plastic into liquid fuel, Funded by SUST research centre and UGC
External Affiliations
Sectorial Committee member, ChE Division, BAETE, IEB, Bangladesh (2nd October 2022 to date)
Journal Publications
1. Energy Recovery From Spent wash of Alcohol Distillery: A Case Study of Carew and Co. LTD
2. Environment friendly Biodiesel Production from Animal Fats
3. Optimization of production and partial characterization of cellulase and protease enzymes from Aeromonas hydrophila ASM-S32
4. Experimental Investigation of the Thermoctalytic Pyrolysis of Polypropelene Plastic Waste for Production of Fuel
5. Biogas production from anaerobic co-digestion of cow manure with kitchen waste and water Hyacinth
6. Salma A. iqbal Md Shahinur Rahman and Abu Yousuf, “Anaerobic Digestion of Kitchen Waste to Produce biogas”, Journal of Proceedia Engineering,Vol. 90(2014), Elsevier publisher.
7. Salma A. Iqbal, A.K.M.A. Quader, Iqbal Mahmud, “Textile sludge treatment using incineration technique” Journal of Proceedia Engineering, Vol. 90(2014) Elsevier publisher.
8. Sreejon Das, Abu Yousuf, Maksudur R. Khan, Salma Akhter Iqbal and Nasir Uddin,”Assesment of Organic Acid Rich bio-sap to Generate Electricity” 01 August,2014, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Taylor and Francis.
9. Abu Yousuf, Prodip Saha, Sreejon Das, Salma Akhter Iqbal, Ahmed Sakib ,”Generation of Electricity from Whey” Journal of Chemical Engineering Division, June 2013 , Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.
10. Mohammad Iqbal, Salma Akhter and Sibbir Ahmad,”Study on merits and Demerits of two Transport Systems:Battery Operated Easybike with CNG Operated Auto Rikshaw at Sylhet City in Bangladesh” IOSR journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR_JMCE) Eissn:2278-1684, Vol.5, Issue 5 (May-April 2013) pp-25-32, www.IOSR jounal.org.
11. Husne Ara Moriom, Md Ikbal Mahmud, Salma A. Iqbal and Niloy Chandra Sarker,”Clinical Waste Management in Sylhet City” SUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 19 No. 5, pp 8-13, 2012 Sylhet, Bangladesh.
12. Ahmed Nazmus Sakib, Salma A. Iqbal and M. Ahmed, ”The Assessment of Plastic Waste Management and Feasibility of Fuel Production-A Case Study in Sylhet”, Journal of Environ Tech and Construction Engg. Peer Reviewed Journal of ISETCESD Vol.01,No.01 pp66-78, 2012.
13. Mohammed Omar Faruque, Md Rafiqul Islam, Salma A. Iqbal and Mohammad Iqbal,” An Overview of Geology, Hydrology and Open Pit Mining Perspective of the Phulbari Gondwana Coal Deposit, NW Bangladesh” SUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 19 No. 5, pp1-7, 2012.
14. Abu Yousuf, Md. Nazmul Hasan, Mohammad Shahadat Hossain Sarker and Salma Akhter Iqbal, “Optimization and Fabrication of a Portable Biogas Reactor” Journal of Chemical Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. ChE26, No.1, pp54-61, December 2011.
15. Md. Shahedul Hossain, Md. Asad Ibne Hossain and Engr. Salma Akhter,”A Study of Commonly Used Conventional Methods for Gas Reverse Estimation” Journal of Chemical Engineering ,The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. ChE26, No.1, pp54-61, December 2011.
16. Salma A. Iqbal, Mohammed Iqbal, Md. Zubair Taufiq and Md. Shamim Ahmed, “Identification of Occupational Injury among the workers of Selected Cement Industries in Bangladesh-A Case Study”,. Journal of Chemical Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh Vol. ChE 25, No.1, pp 22-28December 2010.
17. S. Akhter, M.Iqbal, A.B.M. Malek, A.F.M. Salauddin, “Health and Occupational Safety for Female Workforce of garment Industries in Bangladesh” Journal of mechanical Engineering , The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Volume: ME 41, No.1,pp65-70, ISSN:0379-4318,June 2010.
18. M.M. Rahman, Salma A. Iqbal, M.Z. Abedin and Nirmal Chandra Dafader “Preparation and Characterization of Plyacrylamide/Polyacrylic acid hydrogel using gamma irradiation Techniques” SUST Studies, pp47-53 ,Vol.10, No. 1, 2008, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
19. Salma A. Iqbal, E. Haque, M. Iqbal and M.A.I. Chowdhury; “ Water Quality Assessment of Surma River in Sylhet City”; Journal of Chemical Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. ChE 23. No. 1 pp.63-68, ISSN: 0379-4318, December 2005.
20. Salma A. Iqbal, Z. A. Abedin, Iqbal, M., MAK Parvez, and Sattar M.A., “ Study of Water Pollution around Sylhet City” Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol.-03. No. 02, 2003, Kushtia Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh, 2003.
21. M.A Sattar ,A.K. Chakraborty, S.M. Al-Reza, Mst. Khodeza Khatun and Salma A. Iqbal,” The Acetylation of Aniline Through Microwave Irradiation Method” Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol.-03. No. 02, 2003, Kushtia Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh, 2003.
22. Iqbal S.A., Iqbal M. and Hashmi, M.S.J. “Designing and Commissioning of a Reometry Device” published in the Journal of the Multidisciplinary, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. Mul-Discipline 28. No. 1 pp.12-17, ISSN: 0379-4318, December 2003.
23. Iqbal S.A. and Hashmi, M.S. J. “Determination of the Pressure Dependent Viscosity of Non-Newtonian Fluid Using a Novel Rheometric Device” published in the Journal of Materials Proceeding Technology, Vol. 119, pp. 146-151 December 2001, Elseiver Science Publisher UK.
24. Sibbir Ahmad, M.Iqbal,Md Mamunur Rashid, Salma A. Iqbal and M. Roomi,”Productivity Improvement Focussing on Investigation of Injuries, Accidents and Hazards Occurred in a Garments Manufacturing Organization” Bangladesh Research Publications Journal ISSN:1998-2003, Vol.8 Issue 4,pp.256-264,July-Aug 2013.
25. Salma Akhter Iqbal, Md Zahidul Islam and Mohammed Shahedul Hossain, ”Modern Techniques to Production Data Analysis”, Journal of Chemical Engineering Division, , Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.
Awards & Recognition
Scholarship in Primary, Junior, S.S.C., H.S.C. (All in Talentpul Grade)
Postgraduate scholarship1997-2000 (M. Engg.) while studying at Dublin City University, Dublin, IRELAND.