Faculty Profile
Dr Md Salatul Islam Mozumder
Contact Information
Md. Salatul Islam Mozumder obtained bachelor degree (BSc) in Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science (CEPS) from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh in 2002. After completion his BSc Engineering degree he was appointed as a faculty in same department. He completed his masters in 2011 in Master of Environmental Sanitation at Ghent University, Belgium under VLIR-UOS scholarship and Ph.D in 2015 from same university under ‘VITO doctoral fellowship’. From then Dr. Mozumder working as a faculty in the department of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science (CEPS), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.
PhD (2011 -2015 ), Optimization of a two-phase fermentation process for the production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) from organic and inorganic (industrial waste) substrate, Department of Biosystems Engineering Ghent University 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Masters of Environmental Sanitation (2009- 2011), Thesis: Effect of heterotrophic growth on autotrophic nitrogen removal. Masters of Environmental Sanitation Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Ghent University 9000 Ghent, Belgium
B.Sc (1996-2002 ) in Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science, Department of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST)
Research Interests
Conversion of waste substrate to value added product through bioprocess such as polyhydroxyalkanoate production from organic solid waste
Improvement of bio-polymer properties through blending with conventional polymer
Biological wastewater treatment
Membrane technology
Algae growth and lipid production
Active Research Project
1. Enhancement of microbial community in a mixed culture fermentation for bio-polymer (polyhydroxyalkanoate) production from renewable resource (Project ID: SD20211542) Funding authority: Ministry of Education, Peoples republic of Bangladesh. Funding period: July 2020 – June 2023.
2. Mineral medium optimization for algae growth and lipid production (AS/2021/2/06), Funded by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology research center, Bangladesh. Funding period: July 2021 – June 2023.
3. Instituting of research-based education systems for the development of renewable energy technology in circular economy; A joint project among the Universities in Norway, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka (Re-Tech) (NORPART-2021/10175)
Previous Research Project
1. Optimization and control of bioconversion (fermentation) process for the production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) from municipal solid waste (Project Code: AS 05/(2016-17) Funding authority: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Research Center , Bangladesh. Funding period: July 2017 – June 2018.
2. Improvement of nitrogen (ammonium, nitrite and nitrate) removal as well as reduction of greenhouse (N2O) gas emission from nitrogen rich wastewater (2019/ES 65/380) Funding authority: Ministry of Science and Technology, Peoples republic of Bangladesh. Funding period: July 2018 – June 2019.
3. Brick kilns emission: a cause of atmospheric pollution (Project Code: AS/2019/1/17) Funding authority: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Research Center, Bangladesh. Funding period: July 2019 – June 2020.
4. Automation and control of nitrification to enhance ammonium-nitrogen removal (Project Code: AS/2018/3/36) Funding authority: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Research Center, Bangladesh. Funding period: July 2018 – June 2021.
5. Automation and control of nitrogen removal as well as reduction of greenhouse gas (N2O) emission from high nitrogen contain wastewater (Project ID: SD2017530) Funding authority: Ministry of Education, Peoples republic of Bangladesh. Funding period: July 2018 – June 2021.
External Affiliations
Consultant, NEWLIGHT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (“Newlight”) Huntington Beach, CA 92647, U.S.A. Period: February 2018 - January 2022.
Head of Fermentation, Bioextrax AB, Ideongatan 3A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden
Journal Publications
1. Mozumder, M.S.I., Rahat, S.M.H.S., Islam, M.M., Mehjabin, F., Mahmud, F., Basak, R., Rahman, M.M. 2024. Model development and process evaluation for algal growth and lipid production, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 212, 109485.
2. Maddirala, S., Bhadra, S., Mozumder, M.S.I., Garlapati, V.K., Sevda, S. 2024. Advancements in Bioelectrochemical Systems for Solid Organic Waste Valorization: A Comprehensive Review. Processes 12, 805.
3. Ahmed, S., Mozumder, M.S.I., Zzaman, W., Yasin, M., Das, S. 2024. Integrated drying model of lychee as a function of temperature and relative humidity. Heliyon, 10 (7), e28590,
4. Hossain, M.S., Kumar, D., Azad, M.A.S., Azam, S.M.S., Amin, M.S.A., Mozumder, M.S.I. 2024. A comparative study on CO2 capture efficiency using single and blended solvent. Process Integr Optim Sustain.
5. Amin, M.S.A, Mozumder, M.S.I., Stüber, F., Giralt, J., Fortuny, A., Fabregat, A., Josep Font, J., 2023. Biofilm model development and process analysis of anaerobic bio-digestion of azo dyes. Environmental Technology & Innovation 29, 102962.
6. Mozumder, M.S.I., Shahreyar, S., Islam, S., Sen. T., Dey. J., Islam. S., 2021. Functionality of denitrification with minerals composition, process conditions and microbial community. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-021-03810-4
7. Islam, M.A., Chowdhury, M.A., Mozumder, M.S.I., Uddin, M.T., 2021. Langmuir Adsorption Kinetics in Liquid Media: Interface Reaction Model, ACS Omega 6 (22), 14481-14492
8. Mozumder, M.S.I., Shahreyar, S., Islam, S., Hossain, M.D., 2021. Influence of minerals on control measurement of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate using UV-spectrophotometer, Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences 25 (2), 311-323
9. Mozumder, M.S.I., Amin M.S.A., Uddin, M.R., Talukder, M.J., 2021. Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak and control: a system function of temperature, relative humidity and lockdown implementation. Archives de Pédiatrie, 28,111-116.
10. Book chapter: Mozumder, Md S.I., 2020. Polyhydroxyalkanoate and Polylactic Acid Composite. In: Saleem Hashmi and Imtiaz Ahmed Choudhury (eds.). Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials, vol. 2, pp. 223-235. Oxford: Elsevier
11. Mozumder, M.S.I., Amin M.S.A., Shishir, M.F.R., 2020. Unified model to predict and enhance the mixed culture polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production. Bioresource Technology Report 11, 100537.
12. Mozumder, M.S.I., Hossain M.D., 2020. Advanced Biotechnology for Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater: A Review, Journal of Scientific Research 12(4), 757-774.
13. Amin, M.S.A., Alam, M.M., Mozumder, M.S.I., 2019. The potentiality of municipal solid waste to produce volatile fatty acids (VFAs), Journal of Scientific Research 11, 133-143.
14. Ghysels, S., Mozumder, M.S.I., De Wever, H., Volcke E.I.P., Garcia-Gonzalez, L., 2018. Targeted poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) bioplastic production from carbon dioxide, Bioresource Technology 249, 858–868
15. Hossaina, M.S., Mozumder, S.I., 2018. Post-Consumer Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Recycling in Bangladesh through Optimization of Hot Washing Parameters. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) 40 (1), pp 62-76.
16. Mozumder, M.S.I., Garcia-Gonzalez, L., De Wever, H., Volcke, E.I.P., 2016. Model-based process analysis of heterotrophic-autotrophic poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) production. Biochemical Engineering Journal 114, 202-208.
17. Khan, M.M.R., Rahman, M.W., Mozumder, M.S.I., Ferdous, K., Ong, H.R., Chan K.M., Prasad, D.M.R., 2016. Performance of a submerged adsorption column compared with conventional fixed-bed adsorption. Desalination and Water Treatment 57, 9705-9717.
18. Garcia-Gonzalez, L., Mozumder, M.S.I., Dubreuil, M., Volcke, E.I.P., De Wever, H., 2015. Sustainable autotrophic production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) from CO2 using a two-stage cultivation system, Catalysis Today 257, 237-245.
19. Jamilis, M., Garelli, F., Mozumder, M.S.I., Volcke, E.I.P., De Battista, H., 2015. Specific growth rate observer for the growing phase of a Polyhydroxybutyrate production process. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 38, 557-567
20. Monsalve-Bravoa, G.M., Garelli, F., Mozumder, M.S.I., Alvarez, H., De Battista, H., 2015. Model-based scale-up methodology for aerobic fed-batch bioprocesses: application to polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 38, 1179-1190.
21. Mozumder, M.S.I., Garcia-Gonzalez, L., De Wever, H., Volcke, E.I.P., 2015. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) production from CO2: model development and process optimization. Biochemical Engineering Journal 98, 107-116.
22. Mozumder, M.S.I., Garcia-Gonzalez, L., De Wever, H., Volcke, E.I.P., 2015. Effect of sodium accumulation on heterotrophic growth and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production by Cupriavidusnecator. Bioresource Technology 191, 213-218.
23. Jamilis, M., Garelli, F., Mozumder, M.S.I., Castaneda, T., De Battista, H., 2015. Modeling and estimation of production rate for the production phase of non-growth-associated high cell density processes. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 38, 1903-1914.
24. Saha, P., Hossain, M.Z., Mozumder, M.S.I., Uddin, M.T., Islam, M.A., Hoinkis, J., Deowan, S. A., Drioli, E., Figoli, A., 2014. MBR technology for textile wastewater treatment: First experience in Bangladesh, Membrane Water Treatment 5, 197-205.
25. Khan, M.M.R., Mukhlish, M.Z.B., Mozumder, M.S.I., Ferdous, K., Prasad, D.M.R., Hassan, Z., 2014. Uptake of indosol dark-blue GL dye from aqueous solution by water hyacinth roots powder: adsorption and desorption study, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 11, 2014, 1027-1034.
26. Mozumder M.S.I., Picioreanu, C., van Loosdrecht M.C.M., Volcke E.I.P., 2014. Effect of heterotrophic growth on autotrophic nitrogen removal in a granular sludge reactor, Environmental Technology 35, 1027-1037.
27. Mozumder M.S.I., De Wever, H., Volcke, E.I.P., Garcia-Gonzalez, L., 2014. A robust fed-batch feeding strategy independent of the carbon source for optimal polyhydroxybutyrate production, Process Biochemistry 49, 365-373.
28. Mozumder, M.S.I., Goormachtigh, L., Garcia-Gonzalez, L., De Wever, H., Volcke E.I.P., 2014. Modeling pure culture heterotrophic production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), Bioresource Technology 155, 272-280.
29. Khan, M.R., Mozumder S.I., Islam M.A., Prasad D.M.R., Alam, M.M., 2012. Methylene blue adsorption onto water hyacinth: batch and column study, Water Air Soil Pollution 223, 2943-2953.
30. Rahman, M.M., Mozumder, M.S.I., Islam, M.A., Uddin, M.J., Rashid, M.A., Haque, M.E., 2011. Preparation and Preliminary Study on Irradiated and Thermally Treated Polypropylene (PP) - Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Composite, Journal of Scientific Research 3, 471-479.
31. Morshed, M., Ferdous, K., Khan, M.R., Mozumder, M.S.I., Islam, M.A., Uddin, M.T., 2011. Rubber seed oil as a potential source for biodiesel production in Bangladesh, Fuel 90, 2981-2986.
32. Mozumder M.S.I., Islam, M.A., 2010. Development of Treatment Technology for Dye Containing Industrial Wastewater, Journal of Scientific Research 2, 569-578.
33. Figoli, A. Cassano, A. Criscuoli, Mozumder, M.S.I., Uddin, M.T., Islam, M.A., Drioli, E., 2010. Influence of operating parameters on the arsenic removal by nanofiltration, Water Research 44, 97-104.
34. Mozumder M.S.I., Ferdous, K., Khan, M.M.R., Islam, M.A., 2009. Removal of Arsenic (III) from aqueous solution using Adsorbsia GTO: Equilibrium and kinetic studies, Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science 16, 42-47.
35. Islam, M.A., Mozumder, M.S.I., Khan, M.M.R., 2009. Design cum Performance Equation for a reactor type Adsorption unit, Journal of Scientific Research 1, 450-460.
36. Khan M.M.R., Rahman M.M., Mozumder M.S.I., Uddin M.J., Islam M.A., 2009. Adsorption behaviour of reactive dye from aqueous phase on activated carbon, Polish Journal of Chemistry 83, 1365-1378.
37. Islam, M.A., Uddin, M.T., Dubey B., Mozumder, M.S.I., 2008. A Dynamic Equilibrium Model for Vapor-Liquid System, Journal of Bangladesh Chemical Society 21, 1-9.
38. Islam, M.A., Mozumder, M.S.I., Khan, M.M.R., 2008. UV-Spectrophotometric method for the determination of Cr(VI) at varying pH: data analysis, Journal of Bangladesh Chemical Society 21, 111-122.
39. Uddin, M.T., Rokanuzzaman, M., Mozumder, M.S.I., Khan, M.M.R., Islam, M.A., 2008. Bayoxide: An effective adsorbent for making Arsenic free drinking water, Oriental Journal of Chemistry 24, 23-30.
40. Islam, M.A., Mozumder, M.S.I., Uddin, M.T., 2008. MBR- a promising technology for wastewater treatment: An overview. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 15, 101-106.
41. Mozumder, M.S.I., Khan, M.M.R., Islam, M.A., 2008. Kinetics and mechanism of Cr(VI) adsorption on to tea-leaves waste, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 3, 452-458.
42. Uddin, M.T., Mozumder, M.S.I., Islam, M.A., Deowan, S.A., Hoinkis, J., 2007. Nanofiltration Membrane Process for the Removal of Arsenic from Drinking Water, Chemical Engineering & Technology 30, 1248-1254.
43. Uddin M.T., Mozumder M.S.I., Figoli A., Islam M.A., Drioli E., 2007. Arsenic Removal by Conventional and Membrane Technology: An Overview, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 14, 451-458.
44. Mozumder M.S.I., Uddin, M.T., Hoinkis, J., Deowan, S.A., Islam, M.A., 2006. Nanofiltration: an effective method to remove the dyestuff, Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science 12, 292-295.
45. Islam, M.A., Khan, M.R., Mozumder, M.S.I., 2004. Adsorption Equilibrium and Adsorption Kinetics: A Unified Approach, Chemical Engineering & Technology 27, 1095-1098.
Environmental Engineering,
Bioprocess Engineering
Advanced Biochemical Engineering
Awards & Recognition
VITO –PhD research mandate for conducting PhD research on optimization and control of a two-stage fermentation process for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) from organic and inorganic waste, October 2011 - July 2015.
Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) and Ministry for Science Technology and Productive Innovation of the Argentine Republic (MINCyT) Grant for a short stay abroad: at National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina, 9 - 15 March 2014.
FWO-Travel Grant for a short stay abroad: at National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina,25 August 2013 - 16 September 2013
FWO-Grant for participation at a congress abroad: 3rd IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod 2012), 25 - 28 February 2012, Quebec, Canada.
Nominated in 2011, INDAVER- Environmental prizes for the best master’s dissertations, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (FBE), Gent University.
VLIR-UOS Scholarship for following the Master on Environmental Sanitation in Ghent University, Belgium, September 2009 - September 2011.
INNOWA Grant; funded by European Commission in the Asia Pro Eco Programme to attend training courses at Institute of Membrane Technology (ITM-CNR), Italy, 02 December 2005 - 28 February 2006.
INNOWA Grant; funded by European Commission in the Asia Pro Eco Programme to attend training courses at University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe, Germany, 02 March - 26 May 2006.
Best paper award in 4th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE 2017), January 13 –15, 2017, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship to conduct research in University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, June – September 2019.
Graduate Supervision
1. Two PhD students
2. Two Masters thesis students
3. More then 30 undergraduate thesis students