Faculty Profile
Sourav Ray
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Sourav Ray completed his graduation from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST). Mr. Ray pursued his Masters degree from Saitama University, Japan with a specialization in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials. At present he is working as a faculty member in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. Besides teaching he is also working as a consultant (professional engineer) in the Center for Research, Testing and Consultancy (CRTC) of CEE department, SUST.
PhD (Ongoing) in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering), Monash University, Clayton, Australia
Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials), Saitama University, Japan
B.Sc. (Engineering) in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science &Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Precast Concrete Structures
Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Green Construction Materials
Nonlinear Structural Analysis
Concrete Technology
Active Research Project
1. Haque, M. (PI), Ray, S. (CI), “Analysis and optimization of the properties of concrete incorporated with ceramic tile waste and stone dust as natural aggregates replacement.” SUST Research Center. Financial Year: 2022-23.
Previous Research Project
1. Ray, S. (PI), Haque, M. (CO-PI), “Properties of concrete prepared with glass waste as fine aggregate and tin can as fiber reinforcement.” SUST Research Center. Amount: 2,16,000 BDT; Financial Year: 2019-20.
2. Haque, M. (PI), Ray, S. (CI), “Properties and crack pattern analysis of concrete prepared with granite powder as partial replacement of fine aggregate and aluminium wire as fiber reinforcement”, SUST Research Center, Amount: 2,55,000 BDT, Financial Year: 2020-21.
External Affiliations
Member of Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)
Journal Publications
1. Haque, M., Ray, S., Mita, A.F., Mozumder, A., Karmaker, T. and Akter, S., 2024. Prediction and optimization of hardened properties of concrete prepared with granite dust and scrapped copper wire using response surface methodology. Heliyon, p.e24705 (Cell Press- Elsevier)
2. Ahmed, T., Mita, A.F., Ray, S. and Haque, M., 2023. Engineering properties of concrete incorporating waste glass as natural sand substitution with tin can fiber: experimental and ANN application. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 70(1), p.53 (Springer).
3. Mita, A. F., Ray, S., Haque, M., & Saikat, M. H., 2023. Prediction and optimization of properties of concrete containing crushed stone dust and nylon fiber using response surface methodology. Heliyon. Volume 9, Issue 3, e14436 (Elsevier).
4. Ahmed, T., Ray, S., Haque, M., Nahin, T.T. and Mita, A.F., 2022. Optimization of properties of concrete prepared with waste glass aggregate and condensed milk can fiber using response surface methodology. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, p.100478 (Elsevier).
5. Ray, S., Haque, M., Ahmed, T., Mita, A.F., Saikat, M.H. and Alom, M.M., 2022. Predicting the strength of concrete made with stone dust and nylon fiber using artificial neural network. Heliyon, p.e09129 (Cell Press- ScienceDirect ).
6. Ray, S., Haque, M., Al Rakib, K., Sakib, M.N. and Rahman, M.M., 2021. Experimental Investigation and SVM-based Prediction of Compressive and Tensile Strength of Ceramic Waste Aggregate Concrete. Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences (Elsevier)
7. Ray, S., Haque, M., Soumic, S.A., Mita, A.F., Rahman, M.M. and Tanmoy, B.B., 2021. Use of Ceramic Wastes as Aggregates in Concrete Production: A Review. Journal of Building Engineering, p.102567 (Elsevier).
8. Mahzuz, H.M.A., Ray, S., Bala, A. and Jony, B.C., 2021. Use of angle steel as internal reinforcement in low strength concrete: an experimental study. International Journal of Structural Engineering, 11(3), pp.231-244 (Inderscience-SCOPUS).
9. Ray, S., Haque, M., Soumic, S.A., Mita, A.F., Rahman, M.M. and Tanmoy, B.B., 2021. Use of Ceramic Wastes as Aggregates in Concrete Production: A Review. Journal of Building Engineering, p.102567 (Elsevier).
10. Ray, S., Haque, M., Ahmed, T. and Nahin, T.T., 2021. Comparison of artificial neural network (ANN) and response surface methodology (RSM) in predicting the compressive and splitting tensile strength of concrete prepared with glass waste and tin (Sn) can fiber. Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences (Elsevier).
11. Ray, S., Rahman, M.M., Haque, M., Hasan, M.W. and Alam, M.M., 2021. Performance evaluation of SVM and GBM in predicting compressive and splitting tensile strength of concrete prepared with ceramic waste and nylon fiber. Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences (Elsevier).
12. Haque, M., Ray, S., Mita, A.F., Bhattacharjee, S. and Shams, M.J.B., 2021. Prediction and Optimization of the Fresh and Hardened Properties of Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash and Glass Fiber Using Response Surface Methodology. Case Studies in Construction Materials, p.e00505 (Elsevier).
13. Ray, S., Haque, M., Auni, M.M. and Islam, S., 2020. Analyzing properties of concrete made with stone dust and jute fiber using response surface methodology. International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural System (Inderscience)
14. Mahzuz, H.M.A., Choudhury, M.R., Ahmed, A.R. and Ray, S., 2020. Effect of material strength on the cost of RCC building frames. SN Applied Sciences, 2(1), p.46 (Springer Nature).
15. Ray, S., Alam, M.J., Haque, M., Das, S.K., Tanmoy, B.B. and Hasan, M.N., 2019. A study on b-value and investigation of seismic hazard in Sylhet seismic region, Bangladesh using Gumbel’s extreme value distribution method. SN Applied Sciences, 1(5), p.435 (Springer Nature).
16. Haque, M., Ray, S., Chakraborty, A., Elias, M. and Alam, I., 2016. Seismic Performance Analysis of RCC Multi-Storied Buildings with Plan Irregularity. American Journal of Civil Engineering, 4(2), pp.52-57.
17. Nasir, F. B., Islam, S., Munna, G. M., Ray, S. and Awal , R. (2016)- Effectiveness of Amaranthus gangeticus in Arsenic Extraction from Soil. J. Sci. Res. 8 (1), Pp. 71-79.
18. Bari, S. H., Rahman, M. T., Hussain, M. M., Ray, S. (2015) - Forecasting Monthly Precipitation in Sylhet City Using ARIMA Model. Civil and Environmental Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, Pp. 69-77.
19. Ray, S., Islam, S., Tumpa, D. R., Kayum, M. A., and Shuvro, S. D. (2015) - A Study on Arsenic and Copper Extraction Capacity of Spirodela polyrhiza from Water. Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, Pp. 1-9.
20. Shams, M. T., Ray, S. (2012) - Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Incinerated Medical Waste. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 10, Pp. 904-911.
21. Haque, M.., Ray, S., Mahzuz, H. M .A. (2012) -Use of stone powder with sand in concrete and mortar: A waste utilization approach. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 7, Pp. 613-619.
1. Nahin, T. T., Ahmed, T., Ray, S., Haque, and Mita, A. F. (2021). Utilization of Waste in Concrete by Using Crushed Glass as Fine Aggregate and Tin-Can (Sn) as Fiber Reinforcement. In: Proceedings of 6th Proc. International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 26-28 February 2021, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
2. Bala, A., Mahzuz, H.M., Ray, S. & Jony, B.C. (2019). Performance evaluation of angle steel as reinforcement in concrete. In: Proceedings of 5th Proc. International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 25-27 January 2019, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
3. Haque, M., Ray, S., Rahman, M.M., and Hasan, M.W. (2019). Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete with Coconut Fibers. In: Proceedings of 5th Proc. International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 25-27 January 2019, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
4. Ray, S., Haque, M., Das, M., Ahmed, M.T. & Sazal, N. (2019). Properties of concrete made with recycled concrete aggregate as replacement of Normal stone and tin (Sn). In: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 25-27 January 2019, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
5. Haque, M., Ray, S., Islam, M. Z., Mahato, K. and Hasan, M.W. (2019). Utilization of waste by using stone dust as fine aggregate and condensed milk can as fiber reinforcement in concrete. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering (ICPACE 2019) on 07 -09 February, 2019, RUET, Bangladesh
Reinforced Concrete Design
Steel Structure
Engineering Mechanics
Mechanics of Solids
Engineering Materials
Disaster Management and Earthquake Engineering
Structural Analysis & Design Sessional
Construction Materials Sessional
Awards & Recognition
Sylhet Education Board Merit Scholarship, 2006-10
ADB Scholarship (for Master of Engineering degree), 2021-23
Vice Chancellor's Award-2022 for Research (SUST)