The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) is one of the most prestigious departments of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST). This department was formerly known as the Department of Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control and was established in 1995. The Department of CEE currently offers B.Sc. Engineering-, M.Sc. Engineering and PhD- program. Presently 25 faculty members are working in various specialized divisions of CEE. Specifically, the Environmental and Water Resources Engineering division, with the support of a well-equipped laboratory, has been providing academic services as well as providing testing, design and consultancy services in various areas of environmental engineering. Some of the areas include but not limited to water and wastewater quality assessment along with their treatment, solid and hazardous waste management, air and sound pollution measurement with mitigation techniques, environmental management planning, environmental auditing, and environmental impact assessment and monitoring. Moreover, the Structural and Construction Engineering division is equipped with the state of the art hardware and software facilities for carrying out testing of various structural materials in the laboratory (i.e. mild steel, concrete, stone, sand, cement, and bricks) and in-field (core cutting and testing, structural health assessment, and nondestructive testing of RCC and masonry structures). Apart from teaching, consultancy services for design and construction of civil structures and infrastructures including but not limited to buildings, bridges, culverts, retaining walls, reservoirs, terminals, steel structures, and other civil structures are also provided. As the quality of soil in construction sites plays a key role, it is needed to identify the physical characteristics of the soil to determine its ability to support the structure. Our Geotechnical Engineering division deals with such matters with honor. On the other hand, the Transportation Engineering division offers a broad range of specialized transportation services covering laboratory testing (e.g., bitumen, aggregate, soil, full-scale pavement and rail track performance), specialized training and related consultancy services (e.g., pavement performance evaluation, structural and geometrical design of pavement, management of traffic control system, accident analysis and safety measures, transport modelling and planning and so on). Additionally, this Department has possessed several collaboration programs both nationally and globally including ‘Disaster Engineering’ with the University of Kassel, Germany; ‘Global Sanitation Graduate School (GSGS) funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)’ with IHE Delft, the Netherlands and Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Bangladesh; ‘Water and Waste Management funded by DANIDA, UNDP, World Bank and CDMP’ with Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh as well as others. Moreover, this Department has been working with International Training Network (ITN-BUET), Global Water Partnership (GWP), the Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) in capacity building of local government administration and public representative to achieve SDG-6. Furthermore, conferences (national and international), seminars, workshops, training programs, fairs, engineering competitions and other Olympiads related to CEE are regularly organized with pride by this one of the best Departments of SUST.
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