Faculty Profile
Dr. Md. Misbah Uddin
Contact Information
Md. Misbah Uddin joined as Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, in April 2004. He was promoted to Assistant Professor in 2007 and to Associate Professor in the year 2012. Dr. Misbah was promoted to professor in April’2017. Md. Misbah Uddin did his graduation in Civil Engineering in the year 2000 from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan, under the technical assistance program of the Pakistan Government. He did Masters in Water Resource Engineering from the WRE Department of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in the year 2010. Later he completed his Ph.D. degree from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet in 2016. Just after completion of his graduation, he started his career as a hydraulic engineer in the Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), in Dhaka in the year 2000. IWM is well-known as a center of excellence in the field of water modelling and computational hydraulics, in this region. During his three years of service in IWM, he obtained knowledge in hydrologic and hydrodynamic modelling, using MIKE 11, MIKE 21. He also learned data management and processing software.
After joining to the university his core interest was to teach the subjects of water resources and he tried developing expertise in the field of water resource engineering. Professor Misbah supervised a number of students for their thesis mainly in the field of water resources. He has a significant number of research publications in national and international journals in his field of interest. He gave his input as a peer reviewer for journals like IJWREE, CWEEE, SCIENCEDOMAIN international, etc. Dr. Misbah has actively participated in many national and international conferences. Dr. Misbah Uddin worked as coordinator of the Center for Research, Testing and Consultancy (CRTC) of the CEE department during 2008-2009 and 2015 to 2017. He was also the director for ITN (International Training Network) sub-center at SUST in the year 2007. During the tenure of his directorship, he arranged different training programs and technical sessions in the relevant field with the banner of ITN. He also actively worked as chairman and member of different examination committees in different years as a part of his job. Besides this Dr. Misbah takes part in different administrative tasks regularly as per the requirement of the department.
PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering, SUST, Bangladesh
M. Engineering (2010) in Water Resources Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh
BSc (2000) in Civil Engineering, MUET, Pakistan
HSC (1993) Sylhet Govt.M.C.College
SSC (1991) Nabin Chandra High School, Kulaura, Moulovibazar
Research Interests
Water Resources Engineering
River Morphology
Coastal Engineering and Estuary Management
Active Research Project
1. Development of a two-dimensional model for the Bay of Bengal
2. Development of a 1-D Hydrodynamic Model for Natural Drainage Streams of Sylhet City
Previous Research Project
1. Geo-morphological evaluation of Kushiyara-Monu River system
2. Investigation of ground water quality and subsurface lithology in St. Martin’s Island in order to categorize potential ground water source
External Affiliations
MIEB, Membership no: 20814
Journal Publications
1. Modelling flow of the major canals of Sylhet city using the EPA SWMM runoff model
2. Assessment of dredging impact on hydrodynamics of Surma River using hydrodynamic model: HEC-RAS approach
3. Assessment Of Bank Erosion-Deposition And Bankline Shifting Of Padma River At Chapainawabgonj District In Bangladesh Using RS And GIS Technique
4. Runoff prediction of Surma basin by curve number (CN) method using ARC-GIS and HEC-RAS
5. Applicability of used tea leaves for heavy metal retention from industrial effluents. Md. Misbah Uddin, Khayrun Nahar Mitu. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2020, Vol. 8, No. 5, 187-191, Published by Science and Education Publishing, DOI: 10.12691/aees-8-5-1.
6. Assessment of Socio-Economic Impacts of Surma River Bank Erosion Using GIS & Statistical Study. G. M. Munna, J. B. Alam, M.M. Uddin, M.M. Hossain, Y. al Sabet (2020). International Journal of Science and Engineering Invention, Volume 06, Issue 01, January 2020, DOI: 10.23958/ijsei/vol06-i01/190.
7. Assessment of Water Quality of Surma River in Perspective of Water Distribution System in Sylhet City. Dr. Md. Misbah Uddin, Gulam Md. Munna, A. S. M. Reaz Uddin, Mowahidul Islam(2000). The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES). Volume 9, Issue 04, Series I, Pages PP 08-13| 2020, ISSN (e):2319-1813ISSN (p):20-24-1805.
8. Assessment of bank line shifting of Surma River usin GIS and Remote sensing approach By M. Munna, M. J. B. Alam, M. M. Uddin, H. Rahman, P. K. Deb, F. H. Himel and M. Arif published in the Tech. J. River Res. Inst. 15(1): 79-86, 2020 (August), ISSN: 1606-9277
9. Rainwater Harvesting Potentialities to Reduce Over Extraction of Groundwater in Sylhet. Munna G.M., Alam J.B., Uddin M.M., Islam M.A., Tonmoy K.T.R., Hridoy I.A. Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology.
10. Flood Hazard Mapping of Surma River Basin in Sylhet City. G. M. Munna, M. J. B. Alam, M. M. Uddin, and M. T. Rahman. Tech. J. River Res. Inst. 14 (1): 22-28, 2018(December), ISSN: 1606-9277.
11. Application of Remote Sensing Technology for Calibration of Bay of Bengal Morphology Model.Uddin, M. M., Alam, J.B., Khan, Z.H., Rahman, M. M., & Chowdhury, M. J. I. (2016). IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), Volume 13, Issue 5 Ver. II, PP 82-89.
12. Numerical Simulation: Hydro-Morphology of Meghna Estuary. Uddin, M. M., Alam, J.B., Khan, Z.H., Hasan, G. M., & Alam, R. (2015). International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems. Volume 6, Number 4, 173-184.
13. Two Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modelling of Northern Bay of Bengal Coastal Waters. Uddin, M. M., Alam, J.B., Khan, Z.H., Hasan, G. M., & Rahman, M. T. (2014). Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering, 2014, 3, 140-151.
14. Evaluation of Meandering Characteristics Using RS & GIS of Manu River, authorized by Mithun Deb, Dabojani Das and M.M. Uddin published in Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2012, 4, 163-171
15. Remote Sensing-based Analysis of Critical Bends of Kushiyara River in Bangladesh, authorized by M.M.Uddin, Mithun Deb and Dabojani das published in Journal of Space Science & Technology, Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2012, pp.1-11
16. Management of Butachlor Bearing water by sorption on waste tire rubber granules-authorized by J.B.Alam, R.K.Chowdhury and M.M. Uddin, published in the Journal of the Bangladesh chemical society, Volume.19, No.1&2., pp.8-14
17. Community perception in conservation of Tanguar Haor-authorized by M.M.Uddin, A.A.M. Ahmed, M.J.B. Alam, published in Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, June2011,Volume 20, pp.93-96
18. Evaluation of existing highway by PSI method-a case study-authorized by M.J.B.Alam, R.Sharmin, M.Uddin, T.Nahar and B.K.Banik, published in the Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, June2006, Volume12, No.1, pp.139-140
19. Study of the Morphological Change of the River Old Brahmaputra and its Impacts-authorized by J.B. Alam, M.M. Uddin, J.Uddin Ahmed, M. Habibur Rahman, B.K. Banik, N.Yesmin and M. Sirajul Islam, published in the Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Volume6, No.1, pp.11-19
20. Study of Morphological Change of the Kushiyara and Monu Rivers by Remote Sensing-authorized by M.J.B. Alam, R.Alam, M.M.Uddin and T.Nahar, published in International journal of Sediment Research, Volume.22, No.2, pp.160-168
21. Environmental Impact Assessment of Rural Electrification in Sylhet Region -authorized M.M. Uddin, M.A.I. Chowdhury, M.G. Dostugir, M.M. Ullah and H.M.A. Mahzuz, published in journal of Environmental Science & Natural Resources, 2008, Volume1, No.1, pp.143-150
22. Life cycle assessment of Jute Sacks-authorized by M.J.B.Alam, A.K.M.H.B. Chowdhury and M.Uddin, published in the journal of Metropolitan University, Volume.1, No.1, 2007
23. River protection works of river Old Brahmaputra at Mymensingh sadar-authorized by J.B.Alam, N.Yesmin, M.Uddin, T.Nahar and M.S. Rahman, published in the Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, June2006, volume12, No.1, pp.95-100
24. Study on sustainable application of municipal solid waste in Sylhet city of Bangladesh-authorized by M.J.B. Alam, A.K.M.H.B. Chowdhury, M.M. Uddin, S.Hasanuzzaman and Z.Uddin Ahmed, published in the Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, June2007, Volume13,No.1, pp.31-34
25. Hydraulic regime study for removal of 2, 4-D by rotating biological contactor-authorized by M.J.B.Alam, M.T.Nahar, M.M.Uddin and B.K.Banik, published in the Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, June2006, Volume12, No.1, pp.106-110
26. Impact of industrial effluents of Hyderabad site area on the water quality of fulleli canal in Pakistan-authorized by R.B.Mahar, A.R.Memon and M.M.Uddin, published in Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 20, No.1, January 2001
1. "Hydrodynamic Response to Dredging: Analysis on Surma River of Bangladesh using HEC-RAS" 7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation, and Education Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Sylhet, Bangladesh, January 12-14, 2023
2. Analysing the Characteristics of Major Charas in Sylhet City Using SWMM BY Gulam Md. Munna, Md Mahmudul Hasan, Md Jahir Alam, Md Misbah Uddn, Md Raju Ahmed published in the book of 8th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2021)29-31 March 2021, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
3. A study on variation of Ground water level in Sylhet, Md. Misbah Uddin, Khairul Hasan, Ehsnul Karim and Shakib Hasan, Published in the Proceedings of 5th International conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2019 (ICERIE 2019)
4. Runoff prediction of Surma River by CN method with floodplain map of Sylhet city using Arc-GIS and HEC-RAS. Afrida Ahmed Orthee, Nabila Islam, Dr. Jahir Bin Alam, Gulam Md. Munna, Dr. Md. Misbah Uddin, Published in the Proceedings of 5th International conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2019 (ICERIE 2019)
5. Evaluation of water quality of Shari-Goayin river using physicochemical parameters and a modified water quality index. Dr. Md. Misbah Uddin, Rakibul amin, Fayazur Rahman, Published in the Proceedings of 5th International conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2019 (ICERIE 2019)
6. Identification of Groundwater Zones and Subsurface Lithology in Saint Martin’s Island Using Vertical Electrical Sounding by Dr. Md. Misbah Uddin, Dr. Shofiqul Islam, Md. Minhazur Rahman, Mohd. Tahmidur Rahman in the proceedings of 11th World Congress on Water Resources and Environment (EWRA 2019) “Managing Water Resources for a Sustainable Future” Madrid, Spain, 25-29 June 2019
7. Impact On Sustainability Of Hail Haor By Integrated Water Management Activities- authorized by M.M. Uddin, M.J.B.Alam and F.Uddin, published in the Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2011, CERIE 2011, 11-13 January, Sylhet, Bangladesh
8. Importance And Scope of Conservation of Wetland To Protect Environmental Degradation-authorized by M.M.Uddin and M.Ahmed, published in the Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2011, CERIE 2011, 11-13 January, Sylhet, Bangladesh
9. Factors influencing bank protection work of Surma River
10. Morphological Characteristics of Kushiyara-Monu River System-authorized by U.K. Navera and M.M. Uddin, published in the Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2010, CERIE 2010, 11-13 January, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Environmental Coastal Engineering
River Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering II
Hydraulics and Hydraulic Structures
Geotechnical Engineering I
Open Channel Hydraulics
Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics
Environmenta Pollution control
Water Supply Engineering
Sewerage Engineering
Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics
Geotechnical Engineering
Disaster Management for Engineers
Design of Hydraulic Structures
Awards & Recognition
Received scholarship at primary level, secondary level and higher secondary level