Faculty Profile

Dr. H.M.A.Mahzuz


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801887355457
  • Email: [email protected]


Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), after successfully completing and securing 1st position according to merit in his BSc (in Civil and Environmental Engineering) exams from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh, Dr. Mahzuz began his career as Professional Civil Engineer in 2005. As a part of his duty, he got the opportunity to monitor and handle both construction sites as well as the design section. He started his teaching career in 2007 in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Alongside his job, he completed his Ph.D. from the same department of the same university under the dynamic supervision of Professor Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed. Dr. Mahzuz has a deep interest and therefore concentrated his research in the field of Structural Engineering, which is considered a major part of Civil Engineering. Along with scientific publications both at the international and national levels, Dr. Mahzuz has a record of successful completion of various research projects. In addition to the teaching profession, he is a consultant in the Center for research testing and consultancy (CRTC) of CEE, SUST.


  • PhD (in Civil and Environmental Engineering), from Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh in 2017. Thesis title: ‘Evaluation of Naturally Available Materials as Components of Load Bearing Members for Low Cost Housing’.
  • BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh in 2003.
  • HSC from Modon Mohon College, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Year of passing: 1999
  • SSC from Govt. Pilot High School, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Year of passing: 1997

Research Interests

  • Structural Engineering
  • Material Engineering

Active Research Project

  • 1. Principal Investigation ‘Torsional strength of concrete beams having different reinforcement pattern’– funded by SUST Research Center (2019-20), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Principle Investigator of the project- “Performance Evaluation of Bamboo and Rattan as Reinforcement in RCC Slab” funded by the R&D project (2013-14), Ministry of Science & Technology, Bangladesh.
  • 2. Project member of the project – ‘Use of Locally Available Bio- material as an Alternative of Coarse Aggregate and Steel in Concrete Column’– funded by University Grand Commission, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, 2011.
  • 3. Project member of the project work “Seismic hazard and vulnerability mapping in three cities in Bangladesh under CDMP (especially Sylhet city)” with Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Thailand and Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand funded by EU (2008-2009)
  • 4. Project member of the project ‘Development of Laboratory Based Model for Evaluation of Earthquake Impact on Building’– funded by University Grand Commission, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, 2009.
  • 5. Principle Investigator of the project– ‘Application of Bamboo and Rattan as the Alternative of Steel in Concrete Beam’– funded by R&D project (2012-13), Ministry of Science & Technology, Bangladesh
  • 6. Co-investigator of the project– ‘Production of Lightweight Bricks Using Saw Dust’– funded by SUST Research Center (2018-19), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • 7. Principle Investigator of the project– ‘Use of welded and trussed reinforcement in concrete beams’– funded by SUST Research Center (2017-18), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • 8. Principle Investigator of the project– ‘Use of waste plastic and polystairine in making light weight brick’– funded by R&D project (2016-17), Ministry of Science & Technology, Bangladesh
  • 9. Principle Investigator of the project– ‘Experimental investigation of concrete having welded splices in reinforcement’– funded by R&D project (2014-15), Ministry of Science & Technology, Bangladesh

External Affiliations

  • Member of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB).

Journal Publications

  • 1. "Use of angle steel as internal reinforcement in low strength concrete: an experimental study" H.M.A. Mahzuz, Sourav Ray, Ajoy Bala, Bijoy Chondo Jony, (2020), accepted for publication in International Journal of Structural Engineering, Indurscience, ISSN (online): 1758-7336. ISSN (print): 1758-7328 (2021)
  • 2. "Production of Styrofoam Bricks Using Strengthening Admixture" H.M.A. Mahzuz, Ikhtiar Uddin Ahmed, Khoirom Kameshwar Singha, Rifath Sharmin, 6(1), 2021, International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, ISSN (Online): 2056- 9467, ISSN (Print): 2056-9459 (2021)
  • 3. "Production of Lightweight Bricks Using Saw Dust”, Mushtaq Ahmed, H.M.A. Mahzuz, Rakash Kumer Mondal, Md. Sal-Shabil, Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 7, (2020), p.132-140, ISSN (print) 2347-9523, ISSN (online) 2321-435X, DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2020.v08i07.003 (2020)
  • 4. "Influence of delayed casting on compressive strength of concrete: an experimental study" H. M. A. Mahzuz, Md. Mehedi Hasan Bhuiyan, Nursat Jahan Oshin, SN Applied Sciences, 2, article no- 316, (2020), Springer International Publishing, ISSN/ eISSN: 2523-3963/ 2523- 3971, doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2135-3 (2020)
  • 5. "Compressive Strength Enhancement of Concrete Using Fly Ash as a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate and Model Development", H.M.A. Mahzuz, Md. Jahid Hasan, International. Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity, Indurscience, Vol. 14, No. 01, (2020),p.44- 53, ISSN (online): 1745-0063, ISSN (print): 1745-0055 (2020)
  • 6. "Effect of Material Strength on the Cost of RCC Building Frames" H.M.A. Mahzuz, Mohammed Ridwan Choudhury, Anindya Rakib Ahmed, Sourav Ray, SN Applied Sciences, 2, article no- 46, (2019), Springer International Publishing, ISSN/ eISSN: 2523-3963/ 2523- 3971, doi.org10.1007s42452-019-1830-4 (2019)
  • 7. "Use of Plastic as a Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete for Brick Classifications", H. M. A. Mahzuz, Anika Tahsin, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Vol. 8, No. 08, (2019), p.883-886, ISSN 2277-8616 (2019)
  • 8. Proposing Relation with Fracture Strength of Masonry to Cement Percentage and Compressive Strength of Mortar, HMA Mahzuz, Saikat Ahmed, Muhtsim Rahman Nafee, Md. Nuzhath Jamil Nabil, International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, Vol. 15 No. 2 July 2019, pp. 339-345 (2019)
  • 9. "Assessment of welded splices in beam, column and slab", H.M.A., Mahzuz, Md. Aminul Islam, M., S. Ahmed, and M. Abu Jobair, International Journal of Structural Engineering, Indurscience, Vol. 9, No. 1, (2018), p.26–37, ISSN (online): 1758-7336. ISSN (print): 1758- 7328 (2018)
  • 10. “Evaluation of Strength of Mortar using Different Saw Waste with Sand and Model Development”, HMA Mahzuz, M Ahmed, M M Hossain, M M Islam, M K Alam, accepted for publication at KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer. (2016)
  • 11. “Use of Bamboo (Bambusa balcooa) as Reinforcement in Concrete Beam” H.M.A.Mahzuz, M. Ahmed, J. Dutta, R. H. Rose; International Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2015, pp.89-108, DOI: 10.1504/IJSTRUCTE.2015.069684, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. (2015)
  • 12. “Identification of some properties of a rattan (Daemonorops jenkinsiana)”, H.M.A. Mahzuz, M. Ahmed, M.K. Uddin, M.M. Hossain and N. Saquib, Int. J. Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, Pages: 232-243, 2014, DOI: 10.1504/IJSMSS.2014.062756, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. (2014)
  • 13. “Effectiveness Evaluation of Zali bet as Reinforcement in Concrete Beam”, H.M.A. Mahzuz, M. Ahmed , M. K. Uddin , M. M. Hossain , N. Saquib, Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2(7) , 269 – 279, 2014, Horizon Research Publishing, USA (HRPUB), DOI: 10.13189/cea.2014.020702. (2014)
  • 14. “Use of Bio- materials as Reinforcement in Concrete Slab” H.M.A. Mahzuz, M Ahmed, Int. J. Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2014, pp.321-331, DOI: 10.1504/IJSMSS.2014.068799, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. (2014)
  • 15. “Determination of Several Properties of a Bamboo of Bangladesh”, H. M. A. Mahzuz, Mushtaq Ahmed, Jotan Dutta, Rezwanul Haque Rose, Journal of Civil Engineering Research, 3(1), p/16-21, 2013, DOI: 10.5923/j.jce.20130301.02. (2013)
  • 16. “Use of Stone and Several Biomaterials as Course Aggregate in Concrete”, H.M.A.Mahzuz, Mushtaq Ahmed , Moon Moon Dhar and Sumaiya, Asian Journal of Engineering, Sciences & Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 1, p/42-46, 2013. (2013)
  • 17. “Use of Bio-materials in Concrete for Load-bearing Wall” H.M.A.Mahzuz, M. Ahmed, SWISS Journal of Applied Sciences Vol 2, Issue 6, Pages: 43-50, 2013. (2013)
  • 18. “Determination of Tensile Stress and Bond Stress with Concrete of a Rattan (Calamus guruba)” H.M.A.Mahzuz, M. Ahmed, M.K.Uddin, M.M. Hossain, N. Saquib, Scholars, Journal of Engineering and Technology (SJET), Sch. J. Eng. Tech., 2013; 1(1):39-43. (2013)
  • 19. “Production of Light Weight Concrete by Bio- Materials “ H. M. A. Mahzuz, Mushtaq Ahmed, International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering IJCEE-IJENS Vol:12 No:05, 2012. (2012)
  • 20. “Performance Evaluation of Triangular Singly Reinforced Concrete Beam” H.M.A. Mahzuz, International Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2011, pp.303-314, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. (2011)
  • 21. “Performance evaluation of bamboo with morter and concrete” H. M. A. Mahzuz, Mushtaq Ahmed, Md. Ashrafuzzaman, Rejaul Karim and Raju Ahmed, Journal of Engineering and Technology Research Vol. 3(12), pp. 342 - 350, 2011, DOI: 10.5897/JETR11.082. (2011)
  • 22. "Selection of an Economical Span for RCC Building”, H.M.A.Mahzuz, Mushtaq Ahmed, SUST Studies, ISSN no.: 1682-895X, Vol 12, No. 1, 2010, p:93-98 (2010)
  • 23. “Use of arsenic contaminated sludge in making ornamental bricks” H.M.A. Mahzuz; R. Alam; M. N. Alam; R Basak; M. S. Islam, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 6(2), 291-298, 2009, Springer. (2009)
  • 24. “Use of rattan as reinforcement in concrete beam” H.M.A. Mahzuz, M. Ahmed, M.K. Uddin,M.M. Hossain and N. Saquib; accepted for publication in Int. J. Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


  • 1. "Effectiveness of welded and trussed reinforcement in strength increment of concrete beams", H.M.A. Mahzuz, Mushtaq Ahmed, Rashadul Hasan, Md Maksudul Islam (2021), 6th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), School of Applied sciences & Technology, SUST, Sylhet, Sylhet, Bangladesh, Page: 374-382 (2021)
  • 2. "An Experimental Study on Torsional Strength of Concrete Beams", H.M.A. Mahzuz, Mushtaq Ahmed, Shariful Islam, Ashraf Ullah (2021), 6th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), School of Applied sciences & Technology, SUST, Sylhet, Sylhet, Bangladesh, Page: 383-398 (2021)
  • 3. "Performance Evaluation of Angle Steel as Reinforcement in Concrete", Ajoy Bala, H.M.A Mahzuz, Sourav Ray, Bijoy Chondro Jony (2019), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, ICERIE, Sylhet, Bangladesh, Page: 104-110 (2019)
  • 4. "Design of Triangular Reinforced Concrete Beam in USD", H.M.A. Mahzuz, Md. Moniruzzaman and K.W.Asif (2011), Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Technology and Construction Engineering for Sustainable Development ICETCESD, organized by Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, page: 883-891 (2011)
  • 5. "Minimizing the Stone Dust through a Sustainable Way: A Case Study of Stone Crushing Industry of Sylhet", A.A.M. Ahmed, H.M.A. Mahzuz, M.A. Yusuf (2010), Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB10), Japan, Page- 215-218 (2010)


  • Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh, from March 2021 to this day.
  • Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh, from December 2017 to this day.
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh, from June 2010 to December 2017.
  • Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh, from June 2007 to June 2010.

Awards & Recognition

  • NST PhD scholarship from Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Current Students: 1 (ongoing)