Faculty Profile

Dr. Md. Imran Kabir


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801711143363
  • Email: [email protected]


Md. Imran Kabir joined in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh in October, 2009 as a Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE). He obtained his B.Sc. Engineering (Civil and Environmental) in 2003 from SUST, with a thesis on comparison of compressive strength for medium grade cement concrete using various coarse aggregates. He got his M.Sc. Engineering (Environmental) in 2010 from Chungju National University, South Korea, with correlation assessment and monitoring of the potential pollutants in river surface sediments. He received his PhD in 2016 from The University of Sydney, Australia, with analyzing heavy metal dynamics in urban green water infrastructures.


  • PhD in Civil Engineering
  • MSc in Environmental Engineering
  • BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests

  • Environmental pollution and pollutant dynamics
  • Citywide inclusive sanitation
  • Water sensitive urban design

Active Research Project

  • 1. "Can permeable plastic concrete be implemented for urban stormwater management?" in 2022-2023 as a Principal Investigation. Funded by SUST Research Centre, SUST
  • 2. ‘Supervision Consultancy of the Expansion Project of Osmani International Airport (1st Phase)’ in 2021-to date as a Member, Administration Team and Specialist (Engineering Materials and Quantity Survey). Funded by the Government of Bangladesh through the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. “Preparatory study for Planning on Meghna River basin management project” by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Bangladesh.
  • 2. “Investigation of soil and ground water pollution on the upstream of drinking water” by National Institute of Environmental Research and Han-river Environmental Research Center in South Korea.
  • 3. “Investigation of the impact of mine discharge on Han-river watershed” by National Institute of Environmental Research and Han-river Environmental Research Center in South Korea.
  • 4. “A research for sewer reconstruction to suit the flux and water quality investigation in Jincheon” by Environmental Water Quality Lab, Chungju National University in South Korea.
  • 5. “Investigation on the adaptability after water pollution disaster around Chungju dam” by Korea Water Resource Corporation in South Korea.
  • 6. “Assessment of non-point source pollution sources and establishment of efficient management scheme in Eumseong” by Chungbuk Regional Environmental Technology Development Center in South Korea.
  • 7. “Investigation on the appropriateness of developing marshy land park in Okcheon” by Chungbuk Regional Environmental Technology Development Center in South Korea.
  • 8. ‘Dynamics of Heavy Metals in Urban Green Water Infrastructures’ in 2012-2015 as Principal Investigator. Academic research supported by University of Sydney International Scholarship (USydIS) and Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS).
  • 9. ‘Safe water project for Sylhet Sadar and Gowainghat area’ in 2021-2022 as a Water Quality Specialist. Funded by World Vision Bangladesh.
  • 10. ‘Domestic and industrial wastewater treatment in a photobioreactor using locally available microalgal bloom’ in 2021-2022 as a Principal Investigator. Funded by SUST Research Centre, SUST.
  • 11. ‘Anaerobic co-digestion of tannery solid waste with sludge: the effect of inoculum to substrate ratio and solids content’ in 2019-2020 as a Co-Investigator. Funded by SUST Research Centre, SUST.
  • 12. ‘Environmental impact assessment for Royal City, Sylhet’ in 2019 as a Deputy Team Leader. Funded by Royal Homes Limited, Sylhet through Center for Research, Testing and Consultancy, Dept. of CEE, SUST.
  • 13. ‘Integration of biosorption and phytoremediation processes in biofilter design’ in 2018-2019 as a Principle Investigator. Funded by SUST Research Centre, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • 14. ‘Preparation of Environmental Management Plan of Oasis Hospital’ in 2017 as a Team Leader/ Principal Investigator. Professional Consultancy offered by Center for Research, Testing and Consultancy (CRTC), Department of CEE, SUST.
  • 15. ‘Experts’ Opinion on Anti Water Clogging Technology Proposed by an Agricultural Scientist’ in 2017 as a Co-investigator. Professional Consultancy offered by Center for Research, Testing and Consultancy (CRTC), Department of CEE, SUST.
  • 16. ‘Initial Environmental Examination of Al Haramain Hospital Private Limited’ in 2016 as a Co-investigator. Professional Consultancy offered by Center for Research, Testing and Consultancy (CRTC), Department of CEE, SUST.

External Affiliations

  • Member of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh

Journal Publications

  • 1. Md. Imran Kabir; Samin Azhan Chowdhury; Bijit Kumar Banik; Muhammad Azizul Hoque; Abdullah Al Marzan (2023). Biosorption of pollutants from chemically derived wastewater using Microcoleus sp. AQUA - Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, (Accepted on 22 March 2023) (2023)
  • 2. Mita, A.F., Ekra, N.J., Banik, B.K., Hoque, M.A. and Kabir, M.I. (2022). Application of laterite soil in removing chloride ion from drinking water. Water Practice and Technology, Vol.: 17(8), pp: 1570-1581. (2022)
  • 3. Kabir, M.I., Chaitee, S.N. and Biswas, R.P. (2021). Removal of excessive nitrogen and phosphorus content from urban wastewater using local microalgal bloom. Journal of Engineering Science, Vol.: 12(3), pp: 19-27. (2021)
  • 4. Chowdhury, S.A., Khandakar, M., Banik, B.K., Hoque, M.A. and Kabir, M.I. (2021). Biosorption of heavy metals from industrial wastewater using local blue-green microalgae. Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, Vol.: 3(1), pp: 46-54. (2021)
  • 5. Kabir, M.I., Rifat, A.M., Ahammad, F., Banik, B.K. and Hoque, M.A. (2021). A study on the efficiency of permeable concrete with scrap tire rubber. Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, Vol.: 3(2), pp: 33-40. (2021)
  • 6. Kabir, M.I., Hoque, M.A., Banik, B.K., 2020. Performance of a reed bed system for faecal wastewater treatment: case study. Water Practice and Technology, Vol.: 15(4), pp: 993-998. (2020)
  • 7. Kabir, M.I., Daly, E., Maggi, F., 2017. Geochemical modelling of heavy metals in urban stormwater biofilters. Ecological Engineering, Vol.: 102, pp: 565-576. (2017)
  • 8. Kabir, M. I and Islam, M. A. , 2016. Removal of Heavy Metals by Plasma Cross-Linked Acrylic Acid. American-Eurasian Journal of Toxicological Sciences 8 (1): 47-51. (2016)
  • 9. Kabir, M. I and Islam, M. A., 2016. Application of Coconut Shells Activated Carbon for Heavy Metal Removal from Wastewater. American-Eurasian Journal of Toxicological Sciences 8 (2): 77-82. (2016)
  • 10. Kabir, M.I., Daly, E., Maggi, F., 2014. A review of ion and metal pollutants in urban green water infrastructures. Science of the Total Environment, Vol.:470-471, pp: 695-706. Impact Factor: 3.789 (2014)
  • 11. Nury, A.H., Alam, M.J.B., Kabir, M.I., 2012. Comparative Study between Experimental and Simulated Breakthrough Curve for the Removal of Methylene Blue from Wastewater. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.: 2(1), pp: 7-11. (2012)
  • 12. Shams, M.T., Ray, S., Kabir, M.I., Purkayastha, T., 2012. Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Incinerated Medical Waste. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.: 2(10), pp: 904-911. (2012)
  • 13. Kabir, M.I.,Lee, H.S., Kim, G.H., Jun, T.S., 2011. Correlation assessment and monitoring of the potential pollutants in the surface sediments of Pyeongchang River, Korea. International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol.: 26 (2), pp: 152-162.Impact Factor: 1.144 (2011)
  • 14. Kabir, M.I., Ahmed, M., Sharmin, R., Mahzuz, H.M.A., 2010. Comparative study on compressive strength of medium grade cement concrete using various types of coarse aggregates. World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol.: 8(2), pp: 206-209. Impact Factor: 0.234 (2010)
  • 15. Kabir, M.I.,Lee, H.S., Kim, G.H., Jun, T.S., 2010. Monitoring and assessing heavy metals in topsoils as potential diffuse pollutants in the Pyeongchang river basin, Korea. Water Science and Technology, Vol.: 61(12), pp: 3156-3161. Impact Factor: 1.102 (2010)
  • 16. Kabir, M.I.,Lee, H.S., Kim, G.H., 2010. Zink of surface sediment in rural river basin as apotential priority to diffuse pollutants. Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.: 19, pp: 113-118. Impact Factor: 0.852 (2010)
  • 17. Lee, H.S., Kabir, M.I., Kwon, P.S., Kim, J.M., Kim, J.G., Hyun, S.H., Rim, Y.T., Bae, M.S., Ryu, E.R., Jung, M.S., 2009. Contamination assessment of abandoned mines by integrated pollution index in the Han River watershed. The Open Environmental Pollution and Toxicology Journal, Vol.: 1, pp: 27-33. (2009)
  • 18. Lee, H.S., Kabir, M.I., Cho, K.S., 2009. Simulation of small scale wastewater treatment process. Journal of Korean Society of Water Science and Technology, Vol.: 17(3), pp.: 15-27. (2009)


  • 1. “Integration of metal biogeochemistry in urban green water infrastructure design” – 5th Annual Student Conference, 2013 held in The University of Sydney, Australia. (2013)
  • 2. “Modelling approach of sustainable urban biofilters” – Research Conversazione, 2013 held in The University of Sydney, Australia. (2013)
  • 3. “Simulation of breakthrough curve for the removal of Methylene Blue from wastewater by activated carbon of Bombax Ceiba” – Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE 2011) held in Bangladesh. (2011)
  • 4. “Efficiency of coconut shell to remove pollutants from water” – International Conferenceon Environmental Technology and Construction Engineering for Sustainable Development, 2011 held in Bangladesh. (2011)
  • 5. “Evaluation of Zinc contamination in surface sediments of Pyeongchang River in Korea” – 13th International Specialized Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Integrated Watershed Management (IWA DIPCON 2009) held in South Korea. (2009)
  • 6. “Contamination assessment of abandoned mines by integrated pollution index on South Han-river areas” – Water Renaissance 2008 held in South Korea. (2008)
  • 7. “A study for industrial wastewater pollutant removal by ACCS (Activated Carbon of Coconut Shell)” – 2008 Water Korea held in South Korea. (2008)
  • 8. “Heavy metal removal characteristics using grafted acrylic acid” – 2008 Water Korea held in South Korea. (2008)
  • 9. Urban Environmental Pollution, Sheraton Centre, Toronto, Canada
  • 10. Research Conversazione, The University of Sydney, Australia
  • 11. 5th Annual Student Conference, The University of Sydney, Australia

Awards & Recognition

  • PhD scholarship from The University of Sydney, named as University of Sydney International Scholarship (USydIS).
  • 2nd Prize winner for poster presentation in the International Conference on Environmental Technology and Construction Engineering for Sustainable Development, 2011.
  • Graduate school scholarship in Chungju National University, South Korea (2007-2009).
  • Postgraduate Research Support Scheme, Australia(2014)