Faculty Profile

Dr. Ahmad Hasan Nury


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801756380455
  • Email: [email protected]


Dr. Ahmad Hasan Nury is working as a faculty at the civil and Environmental Engineering department in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. He received his Ph.D. degree in the field of hydrology and water resources engineering in 2020 from The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. In 2013, he joined Shahjalal University as a lecturer where he is currently serving as an associate professor. As a faculty of the university, he supervises undergraduate and graduate level thesis work on Hydrology, climate change, and water resources engineering fields as well as conducts classes on Engineering Hydrology, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic structure, and Numerical Analysis.


  • Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Australia
  • M.Sc. in Disaster and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
  • B.Sc. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

Research Interests

  • Fluctuation in climatic and hydrological variables.
  • Downscaling of GCM and RCM derived climatic and hydrologic variables.
  • Effects of climate change on hydrology and water resources.
  • Application of remote sensing and GIS approaches in hydrology and water resources.
  • Bias correction of GCM and RCM derived climatic and hydrologic variables.
  • Application of Machine Learning approaches in hydrology and water resources.
  • Conceptual rainfall runoff model.
  • Uncertainty analysis using Bayesian inference.

Active Research Project

  • 1. Assessing future drought risk under changing climate in Bangladesh (Role: PI), SUST Research Center.
  • 2. Biogas Production Optimization Approach through Anaerobic Co-digestion of Tannery Fleshing and Fecal Sludge (Role: CI), International Training Network Centre (ITN), BUET.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Development of a conceptual hydrologic model for data sparse changing snow cover catchment.
  • 2. Changes in Flood resulting from changes in snow attributes at large scales.
  • 3. Safe water research in Sylhet and Gowainghat area.
  • 4. Analysis and Prediction of Time Series Variations of Temperature and Rainfall in North-Eastern Bangladesh.
  • 5. Comparative Study between Experimental and Simulated Breakthrough Curve for the Removal of Methylene Blue from Wastewater.
  • 6. Flood risk change in a nonstationary climate.
  • 7. Quantification of downscaled precipitation uncertainties via Bayesian inference.

External Affiliations

  • Member of The International Water Association (IWA)
  • Member of Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)
  • Reviewer of Journal of Hydrology, ELSEVIER
  • Reviewer of International Journal of River Basin Management, Taylor & Francis
  • Reviewer of Water Resources Management, Springer
  • Reviewer of Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, SUST

Journal Publications

  • 1. Mahzuz, H.M.A., Nury, A.H., Ahmed, M., Islam, S. and Ullah, M.A., (2024)," Enhancing torsional performance of reinforced concrete beams: a comparative analysis of shear reinforcement strategies", Discover Civil Engineering, Springer Nature Publication, 1, 27. (2024)
  • 2. Tahmida Naher Chowdhury; Md Mahmudul Hasan; Gulam Md Munna; Md Jahir Bin Alam; Ahmad Hasan Nury; Shriful Islam; and Tajmun Naher.(2024). Hazard-mapping and health risk analysis of iron and arsenic contamination in the groundwater of Sylhet District. Journal of Water and Health, IWA publication (EISSN 1996-7829) (2024)
  • 3. Gulam Md Munna, Md Mahmudul Hasan, Md Jahir Bin Alam, Md Misbah Uddin, Mohammad Shahidur Rahman, Ahmad Hasan Nury, and Shriful Islam (2024) Modelling flow of the major canals of Sylhet city using the EPA SWMM runoff model, Water Practice & Technology, IWA Publishing (EISSN 1751-231X) (2024)
  • 4. Nury, A. H., Sharma, A., Mehrotra, R., Marshall, L., & Cordery, I. (2022). Projected changes in the Tibetan Plateau snowpack resulting from rising global temperatures. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, Wiley-AGU (ISSN:2169-8996). (2022)
  • 5. Ahmad Hasan Nury, Ashish Sharma, Lucy Marshall & Ian Cordery (2022) A conceptual model for simulating streamflow in a changing snow-covered catchment: Application to the data-sparse upper Brahmaputra River basin, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Taylor & Francis (ISSN:0262-6667) (2022)
  • 6. Nury, A. H., Sharma, A., Marshall, L., & Cordery, I. (2021), “ Modelling climate change impacts on the Brahmaputra streamflow resulting from changes in snowpack attributes”, Journal of Hydrology, 603, Elsevier (ISSN 0022-1694). (2021)
  • 7. Nury, A. H., Sharma, A., Marshall, L., & Mehrotra, R. (2019), “Characterising uncertainty in precipitation downscaling using a Bayesian approach”, Advances in Water Resources, 129, 189-197, Elsevier (ISSN 0309-1708). (2019)
  • 8. Nury, A. H., Hasan, K., & Alam, M. J. B. (2017), “Comparative study of wavelet-ARIMA and wavelet-ANN models for temperature time series data in northeastern Bangladesh”, Journal of King Saud University-Science, 29(1), 47-61, Elsevier (ISSN 1018-3647). (2017)
  • 9. Nury, A. H., Hasan, K., Alam, M. J. B., & Hasan, M. M. (2017). “Analysis of time series variations of temperature and its forecast in the northeastern Bangladesh”, International Journal of Global Warming, 13(2), 157-182, Inderscience (ISSN 1758-2091). (2017)
  • 10. Nury, A. H., Hasan, K., Dustegir, M., & Alam, M. J. B. (2017), “Drought assessment using standardised precipitation evaporation index and its association with southern oscillation index in the Northwestern Bangladesh”. International Journal of Water, 11(2), 132-158, Inderscience (ISSN 1741-5322). (2017)
  • 11. Nury, A. H., Hasan, K., Mohammed Erfan, K., & Chandra Dey, D. (2016), “Analysis of spatially and temporally varying precipitation in Bangladesh”, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 13(3), 15-27 (ISSN 1875-8568). (2016)
  • 12. Nury, A. H., Hasan, K., Nury, A. H., & Hasan, K. (2015), “Analysis of drought in northwestern Bangladesh using standardized precipitation index and its relation to Southern oscillation index”. Environmental Engineering Research, 21(1), 58-68 (ISSN 2005-968X). (2015)
  • 13. Munna, G. M., Kibriya, N. A., Nury, A. H., Islam, S., & Rahman, H. (2015), Spatial distribution analysis and mapping of groundwater quality parameters for the Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) area using GIS, Hydrology, 3(1), 1-10 (ISSN: 2330-7617). (2015)
  • 14. Nury, A. H., & Alam, M. J. B. (2014), “Performance study of global circulation model HADCM3 using SDSM for temperature and rainfall in North-Eastern Bangladesh”, Journal of Scientific Research, 6(1), 87-96 (ISSN 2070-0245). (2014)
  • 15. Nury, A., Koch, M., & Bin Alam, M. J. (2014). Analysis and Prediction of Time Series Variations of Rainfall in North-Eastern Bangladesh. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 4(11), 1644-1656. (ISSN: 2457-1024). (2014)
  • 16. Nury., A.H., and Shah., S. M. A., (2013); “ Breakthrough Column Studies for Removal of Iron (II) From Grounwater Using Wooden Charcoal and Sand”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol 4(4), pp. 289-303 (ISSN 0976-6316) (2013)
  • 17. Ahmed, M., Islam, F., Nury, A. H., & Alam, M. (2013); “A Study on Visual Assessment of Sylhet-Sunamganj Highway Using Expert System”, World Journal of Engineering, Vol 10(3), pp.245-252 (ISSN 1708-5284). (2013)
  • 18. Giri; S.R., Nury; A.H., Alam,M.J.B., and Ahmed, M.Y., (2012) “Groundwater Quality Vulnerability Assessment of north eastern region of Bangladesh using DRASTIC Index” Sacha Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol-2, No-3,pp.1-9(ISSN 2045-8487) (2012)
  • 19. Nury, A. H., Alam, M.J.B., and Kabir, M. I., (2012); “Comparative Study between Experimental and Simulated Breakthrough Curve for the Removal of Methylene Blue from Wastewater” ARPN Journal of Science & Technology, Vol-2, No-1,pp.7-11 (ISSN 2225-7217) (2012)
  • 20. Ahmed, M. Y., Nury, A.H., Islam, F., and Alam, M.J.B., (2012); “Evaluation of Geotechnical Properties and Structural Strength Enhancing Road Pavement Failure along Sylhet-Sunamganj Highway, Bangladesh” Journal of Soil Science & Environmental Management, Vol 3(5),pp.110-117 (ISSN 2141-2391) (2012)
  • 21. Nury, A. H., Jahir, M., Alam, B., Farzana, S. Z., & Zafor, M. A. (2012) “Study on Frquency Analysis of Sylhet City’s Road Accident” International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol-2, No-4, pp.608-615 (ISSN 2049-3444). (2012)


  • 1. Gulam Md. Munna, Md Misbah Uddin, Ahmad Hasan Nury, Md Mahmudul Hasan, Minhaj Uddin and Joynal Abedin (2024) Design and Capacity Analysis of Madina Market Area in Sylhet City Using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), 7-9 February, 2024, 7th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, KUET, Bangladesh. (2024)
  • 2. Munna, G.M., Hasan, M.M, Uddin, M.M., Nury, A.H., Islam, S, (2023), Integrated Management Decisions For Optimum Stormwater Drainage Modeling For Sylhet City, 9th International Conference on Water and Flood Management-ICWFM, Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 2023 (2023)
  • 3. Munna, G.M., Nury, A.H., Alam, M.J.B, Hasan, M.M., (2023), A Study on Flood Inundation Mapping for Sylhet City Using Rational and SCS-CN Methods, 7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, SUST, Bangladesh, January 2023 (2023)
  • 4. Nury, A.H., Sharma, A., Marshall, L.A., and Cordery, I., (2019), Changing patterns of snowpack due to climate change, 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Canberra, Australia, December 2019 (2019)
  • 5. Nury, A.H., Sharma, A., Marshall, L.A., and Cordery, I.,(2019), Assessment and bias correction of climate models derived snow water equivalent datasets in Tibetan Plateau, Postgraduate Symposium, University of New South Wales, Sydney, December 2019 (2019)
  • 6. Nury, A.H., Sharma, A. and Marshall, L.A., (2017), Quantification of downscaled precipitation uncertainties via Bayesian inference, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, December 2017 (2017)
  • 7. Farzana, S.Z. Nury, A.H., Biswas, B. and Das, A., (2014) “A study on noise pollution of stone crusher machine at jaflong, sylhet” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh, Dhaka University, Bangladesh, September 5-6, 2014 (2014)
  • 8. Nury, A. H., Shah, S. M. A., and Alam, M.J.B., (2013), “Study of rainfall and discharge trend of Kushiyara River in Sylhet” Proceedings of 4th Global Engineering, Science and Technology Conference 27-28 December, 2013, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh (ISBN: 978-1-922069-43-6). (2013)
  • 9. Nury, A.H., Koch, M., and Alam, M.J.B., (2013), “Time series analysis and Forecasting of Temperatures in the Sylhet Division of Bangladesh” Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh, Fukoka, Japan,August 24-26, 2013 (ISSN: 2186-4241 (Online),2186-4330 (Print)). (2013)
  • 10. Nury, A. H., Ahmed, M. Y., Alam, M. J. B., Sarkar, S., and Hasan, A. A., (2012),”Study on Noise Pollution due to Traffic Flow in Sylhet” Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh, Fukoka, Japan,October 13-14, 2012 (ISSN: 2186-4241 (Online),2186-4330 (Print)). (2012)


  • Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh, from August 2013 to till date.
  • Adjunct Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh, from September 2013 to January 2016.
  • Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh, from February 2011 to July 2013.

Awards & Recognition

  • Merit Scholarship, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) during BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering study.
  • Book Prize, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • DAAD Scholarship 2012, for research stay in the university of Kassel, Germany.
  • Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS) 2017, the University of New South Wales, Australia.
  • Endeavour postgraduate research scholarship 2016 to 2020, to conduct PhD in the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Alhasnine Mithu (Topic: Investigation of frequency and magnitude of tropical cyclone rainfall under warmer climate in Bangladesh)
  • 2. Sirazul Millath Chowdhury Akif (Topic: Statistical analyses and predictions of extreme rainfall events in Bangladesh)
  • 3. Turja Deb Mitun (Topic: Long-term trend detection and spatiotemporal analysis of ground water levels using GIS in Surma river basin)
  • 4. Mehedi Hasan Emon (Topic: Assessment of drought in a non-stationary climate)