MSc. in Water Resources Engineering (2008), University of East London, England
BSc. in Civil & Environmental Engineering (2005), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh
H.S.C (1997), M. C. College, Sylhet, Bangladesh
S.S.C (1995), Govt. Pilot High School, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Groundwater Hydrology
Sediment Transport
Urban Drainage
Flood Hydrology
Storm Water Runoff
Irrigation Engineering
Open Channel Hydraulics
Previous Research Project
1. Assessment of Landslide and Slope Stability in Sylhet City.
External Affiliations
Member of Institute of Civil Engineers, UK.
Journal Publications
1. Probabilistic assessment of peak discharge and debris flow concentration in the Surma River using Monte Carlo simulation
2. Hazard-mapping and health risk analysis of iron and arsenic contamination in the groundwater of Sylhet District
3. Modelling flow of the major canals of Sylhet city using the EPA SWMM runoff model
4. Assessment of dredging impact on hydrodynamics of Surma River using hydrodynamic model: HEC-RAS approach
5. Runoff prediction of Surma basin by curve number (CN) method using ARC-GIS and HEC-RAS
6. Assessment of bank erosion-deposition and bankline shifting of Padma river At Chapainawabgonj district In Bangladesh using RS and GIS Techniquee
7. Assessment of bank line shifting of Surma river using GIS and Remote Sensing approach
8. Land Use/Land Cover Change of Sylhet City using Remote Sensing and GIS
9. Assessment of Water Quality of Surma River in Perspective of Water Distribution System in Sylhet City
10. Rainwater Harvesting Potentialities to Reduce Over Extraction of Groundwater in Sylhet
11. Assessment of Socio-Economic Impacts of Surma River Bank Erosion by Using GIS & Statistical Study
12. A study of velocity variation in open channel flow across the cross sections, including flow meter calibration and α (Energy Coefficient) value calculation, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2019, 6(7):59-63
13. Evaluating Discharge Capacity of Major Chara’s of Sylhet City Using GIS,Journal of Water Resources and Protection (JWARP), Scientific Research Publishing Vol.10 No2 Page (167-181), February 2018; DOI: 10.4236/jwarp.2018.102010
14. Flood hazard mapping of Surma river basin in Sylhet City,Technical Journal of River Research Institute, Faridpur, Bangladesh. Volume: 14(1): 22-28, 2018 (December), ISSN: 1606-9277
15. Chromium Removal from Water Using Spirodela polyrhiza, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 10 (3): 145-150, 2017
16. (2016) Effectiveness of Amaranthus gangeticus in Arsenic Extraction from Soil, Journal of Scientific research, J. Sci. Res. 8 (1), 71-79 (2016)
17. (2015) Earthquake vulnerability assessment of roads at Sylhet city in Bangladesh, Asian journal of Civil Engineering (BHRC) Asian journal of civil engineering (bhrc) vol. 16, no. 6(2015),Pages 891-897
18. (2015) A Study on Water Quality Parameters of Water Supply in Sylhet City Corporation Area, American journal of Civil Engineering, Hydrology 2015; 3(6): 66-71 Published online October 31, 2015 ( doi: 10.11648/j.hyd.20150306.12 ISSN: 2330-7609 (Print); ISSN: 2330-7617
19. (2015) Spatial Distribution Analysis and Mapping of Groundwater Quality Parameters for the Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) Area Using GIS, American journal of Civil Engineering, Hydrology 2015; 3(1): 1-10 Published online March 2, 2015 (http://www.scienc
21. (2013) A Canadian Water Quality Guideline-Water Quality Index (CCME-WQI) based assessment study of water quality in Surma River, Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology Vol. 4(3), pp. 81-89, March 2013 Available online at http://www.aca
22. (2012) Feasibility study of rainwater harvesting system in Sylhet City, Environmental Monitoring Assessment (Springer Science+Business Media), Environ Monit Assess (2012) 184:573–580 DOI 10.1007/s10661-011-1989-7
23. Existing Pavement Design of Sylhet-Sunamganj Highway Using Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, Journal of Environmental Research and development Vol. (5), Issue no. 1, pp.1-11, July- September 2010.
25. Impact assessment due to rural electrification in hill tract of Bangladesh for sustainable development, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology ((International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology (ISSN 1735-1472, Vol. 3 No. 2, autumn 2006) Springer-Verlag))
26. Unplanned Urbanization: Assessment through Calculation of Environmental Degradation Index, (International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology (ISSN 1735-1472, Vol. 3 No. 2, spring 2006) Springer-Verlag)
27. Earthquake Vulnerability and Liquefaction Map for Sylhet, Bangladesh
28. Exposure of Pesticides in Formulating Plant and Associated Risk: The Issue of Workers Health.
2. Integrated Management Decisions for Optimum Stormwater Drainage Modeling for SYLHET City
3. A Study on Flood Inundation Mapping for Sylhet City Using Rational and SCS-CN Methods
4. Analysing the Characteristics of Major Charas of Sylhet City using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM).
5. Runoff prediction of Surma River by CN method with flood plain map of Sylhet city using Arc-GIS and HEC-RAS.
6. Assessment of storm water carrying capacity of natural drainage channels for Sylhet City.
7. The effect of climate change on Food system & security in Bangladesh & relevant adaptation initiatives.
Irrigation & River Engineering
Open Channel Hydraulics
Flood Control
Ground Water
Water Supply & Sewrage Engineering
Water & Wastewater Engineering
Disaster Engineering
Awards & Recognition
National Science & Technology (NST) Fellowship (2016-2018) under Ministry of Science and Technology for Doctoral Research.
Graduate Supervision
1. Student Name: Mr. Taufique Kibria, Thesis Title: Sustainable Storm Water Drainage System for Sylhet City.