Faculty Profile

Dr Muhammad Mahamood Hasan

Professor & Head

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Professor & Head Institute of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801937785361
  • Email: muhammad.hasan-ipe@sust.edu


Professor Dr. Muhammad Mahamood Hasan is serving as a Professor in the Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet-3114. He is currently leading the department as the Head of the department since November 2022. He started his academic career as a lecturer here. He completed his Master of Engineering Science in the field of Advanced Materials and Energy at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2010. In June 2015, he was awarded Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia for his thesis entitled Synthesis and Thermionic Properties of Oxide-Tungsten Composites and Boride Materials for Solar Thermionic Energy Conversion. During his engagement at SUST, he has supervised a number of undergraduate students. He has successfully completed several research projects and some are ongoing. While most of the projects which the students have undertaken are in his research area of production engineering and renewable energy particularly solar energy projects. Currently, his research project deals with investigations for solar efficiency improvement by PV module cooling using phase change materials (PCM).


  • Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Mechanical Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka(1999)
  • Master of Engineering Science (M.Eng.Sci) at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2010)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia (2015)

Research Interests

  • Renewable Energy
  • Solar Energy Technology
  • Advanced Materials for Energy Applications
  • Materials Processing and Development
  • Interested students may contact directly for tentative MSc and PhD research topics in renewable energy field (solar PV/solar thermal/bio-mass).

Previous Research Project

  • Title of the Research Project: Efficiency enhancement of solar PV modules employing heat sinks made of locally-available phase change materials (PCM). Funding Period: 2022-2023 (One year). Funding Agency: SUST Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh (http://www.sust.edu/research/sust-research-center)
  • Title of the Research Project: Experimental investigations on thermal degradation of Solar PV Module at outdoor conditions and the enhancement of Module output using different cooling techniques. Funding Period: 2020-2021 (One year). Funding Agency: SUST Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • Title of the Research Project: Design and feasibility study of a photovoltaic (PV) power generation system for a proposed Academic Building of SUST based on experimental investigations. Funding Period: 2018-2020 (Two years). Funding Agency: SUST Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • Title of the Research Project: Study of skin burn injuries and develop a two-dimensional finite element model for analysis of heat transfer in human skin layers. Funding Period: 2016-2017 (One year). Funding Agency: SUST Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Journal Publish

  • 1. Muhammad M. Hasan, Erich H. Kisi and Heber Sugo, (2023) Structural and thermionic emission investigations of perovskite BaHfO3 based low work function emitters, Materials Science and Engineering: B, Vol. 296, 116679.
  • 2. M.A. Hossain, M.M. Hasan, A.B.M. Abdul Malek, I. Hossain, M.R. Chouwdhury (2023). Techno-Economic analysis of off-grid and grid-connected solar PV systems for an university building, SUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 33(1), pp. 5-12, ISSN. 2959-3522.
  • 3. M. M. Hasan, A. A. Rifat, O. F. Safwan, K. M. E. Hasan and A. B. M. A. Malek (2022) Effects of simple cooling methods on power output and efficiency of solar panels in outdoor conditions, Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN) Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 17, Issue 3, pages 288-294.
  • 4. Muhammad M. Hasan, Erich H. Kisi and Heber Sugo, (2022) Single-step low-temperature synthesis routes for (Ba, Ce, Gd) hexaborides and their thermionic emission properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 916, 165474.
  • 5. Khan, M. M. A., Sayem A. and Hasan, M. M. (2022). Experimental investigations of a simple and cheap passive solar dryer for preserving agricultural products. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 12(4), 2101-2110.
  • 6. Muhammad M. Hasan, Erich Kisi, Heber Sugo, (October 2021) Synthesis of nanostructured lanthanum hexaboride via simple borothermal routes at low temperatures, Ceramics International, Vol. 47(20), pp. 29295-29302.
  • 7. M.M. Hasan, A.B.M.A. Malek, M.I.A. Talukder and A.N. Imon (2021) Solar irradiance measurement in Sylhet and performance evaluation of photovoltaic (PV) modules in outdoor conditions, Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, Vol. 3(1), pp. 5-12.
  • 8. M.M. Hasan, M.A. Musa and A.R. Bayzid, (2019) Assessment of Major Risks in Apparel Supply Chain Using Fuzzy AHP Method – A Case Study in Bangladesh, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (ISSN: 2277-9655), Volume-8, Issue-9, pp. 26-33.
  • 9. M.M. Hasan, M.R. Hasan, R. Biswas, A.B.M.A. Malek and M.M. Parvej, (2019) Design and Feasibility Analysis of a Solar PV System for Street Lighting in a University Campus, International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications (ISSN: 2319–7560), Volume-8, Issue-9, pp.432-437.
  • 10. M. M. Hasan, D. Cuskelly, H. Sugo and E.H. Kisi, (2015) Low temperature synthesis of low thermionic work function (LaxBa1-x)B6, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 636, pp.67–72.
  • 11. Muhammad M. Hasan, Heber Sugo, Erich Kisi, (2015) Synthesis and thermionic properties of tungsten-barium titanate composites, Materials Science and Engineering: B, Vol. 194, pp. 14–20.
  • 12. Muhammad Hasan, Heber Sugo, Erich Kisi, (2013) Low temperature carbothermal and boron carbide reduction synthesis of LaB6, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 578, pp. 176-182.
  • 13. M.M. Hasan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, H.H. Masjuki, (2012) Structural and mechanical properties of nanostructured tungsten oxide thin films. Surface Engineering, Maney Publishing, Vol. 28(10), pp. 778-785.
  • 14. M.M. Hasan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, H.H. Masjuki, (2011) Intermixing of metal oxide/Ag/metal oxide nanoscale multilayers prepared by RF reactive magnetron sputtering. Surface Engineering, Maney Publishing Vol. 27(5), pp. 382-388.
  • 15. A.S.M.A. Haseeb, M.M. Hasan, H.H. Masjuki, (2010) Structural and mechanical properties of nanostructured TiO2 thin films deposited by RF sputtering, Surface and Coatings Technology (Elsevier), Vol. 205(2), pp. 338-344.
  • 16. M.M. Hasan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, R. Saidur , H.H. Masjuki, M. Hamdi, (2010) Influence of substrate and annealing temperatures on optical properties of RF-sputtered TiO2 thin films, Optical Materials (Elsevier), Vol. 32, Issue 6, pages 690-695.
  • 17. M.M. Hasan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, R. Saidur , H.H. Masjuki, M. Hamdi, (2010) Influence of substrate temperatures on structural, morphological and optical properties of RFsputtered anatase TiO2 films, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia) Vol. 35, No. 1C, pp.147-156.
  • 18. M.M. Hasan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, H.H. Masjuki, R. Saidur (2010) Adhesion and wear behavior of nanostructured titanium oxide thin films, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (ISSN 1823-0334) (University of Malaya, Malaysia) Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 5-10.
  • 19. M.M. Hasan, A.B.M. Abdul Malek, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, H.H. Masjuki (2010) Investigations on TiO2 and Ag based single and multilayer films for window glazings, Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN) Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 9, pp. 22-28.
  • 20. M.M. Hasan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, R. Saidur , H.H. Masjuki, M. Hamdi, (2009) Synthesis and Annealing of Nanostructured TiO2 Films by Radio-frequency Magnetron Sputtering, Journal of applied sciences (ISSN 1812-5654), Vol. 9, Issue 15, pp. 2815-2821.
  • 21. R. Saidur, M. Hasanuzzaman, M.M. Hasan, H.H. Masjuki (2009) Overall Thermal Transfer Value of Residential Buildings in Malaysia, Journal of Applied Sciences (ISSN 1812-5654), Vol. 9, Issue 11, pp. 2130-2136.
  • 22. M.M. Hasan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, R. Saidur, and H.H. Masjuki, (2008), Effects of Annealing Treatment on Optical Properties of Anatase TiO2 Thin Films, International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology), Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 93-97.
  • 23. R. Saidur, M.M. Hasan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, H.H. Masjuki, (2008), Energy-efficient optical coating for flat glass, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 8, Issue 10, pages 1883-1890.
  • 24. M.J.B. Alam, B.K. Banik, M.M. Hasan, M.M. Rahman, (2008) Application of Pollution Prevention Programme in Bangladesh–Case Study on Cement Industry, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution Vol. 5, Issue 4, pages 91-97.
  • 25. Alam, R.; Alam, Dr. M. J. B.; M.M. Hasan; B. K. Banik; Das, S. R.; Rahman, M (2006) “Study Of Water Quality Of Sylhet City And Its Restaurants: Health Associated Risk Assessment”, Iranian J. of Environmental Health Science Engineering’ Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 9-18.
  • 26. M.J.B. Alam, A.S.M.A. Awal, M.J.B. Alam, A. Hasan, B.K. Banik, S. Islam and M.M. Hasan, (2006) Possible use of fly ash generated from Barapukeria power plant for sustainability, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISSN 1819-6608), Vol. 1, Issue 3, pages 60-63.
  • 27. M.J.B. Alam, R.K. Chowdhuary, M.M. Hasan, S. Sobhan, (2006) Study and simulation of competitive sorption of 2, 4-D and phenol on waste tyre rubber granules, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISSN 1819-6608), Vol. 1, Issue 3, pages 45-51.

Awards & Recognition

  • 1987-1991 : Bangladesh Government Merit Scholarship
  • 1994-1999: Technical Scholarship, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
  • 2007-2009: University of Malaya Postgraduate Scholarship for International Students in Malaysia
  • 2011-2014: Endeavour Scholarships for PhD Research from Australian Federal Government and Additional Funding from Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)
  • 2021: Dean’s Award for Research Excellence from School of Applied Science and Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Sylhet, Bangladesh.


  • 1. Rajesh S. Rejon, Muhammad M. Hasan, Ahsanul Kabir, Md. T. Firdaus, and A.B.M. A. Malek, (2023) Solar irradiance measurement in Sylhet and Performance evaluation of photovoltaic (PV) modules in outdoor conditions, CD proceedings in the 7International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, January 12-14, 2023, Sylhet, Bangladesh, Page No. 1365-1370. (Paper no. ICERIE-2023-260).
  • 2. Hasan, M. M., Rejon, R. S., Rifat, A. A., Safwan, O. F. and Malek, A. B. M. A. Power output and efficiency enhancement of a Polycrystalline-silicon PV module using simple cooling methods. In the proceedings of 7th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering (ICMIEE 2022), 22-24 December, 2022, Khulna, Bangladesh, Paper ID_076.
  • 3. Muhammad M. Hasan, A.B.M. Abdul Malek, M.I.A. Talukder, A.N. Imon, M.F. Hossain, (2021) Solar irradiance measurement in Sylhet and Performance evaluation of photovoltaic (PV) modules in outdoor conditions, CD proceedings in International Conference on Engineering Research and Education, 26-28 February 2021, School of Applied sciences & Technology, SUST, Sylhet, Page No. 1328-1335. (Paper no. ICERIE-2021-232).
  • 4. A.A. Rifat, K.M.E. Hasan, O.F. Safwan, M.M. Hasan and A.B.M.A. Malek (2021) Effects of cooling methods on efficiency of solar panels during tests in outdoor conditions, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2021 (ICMERE2021) 12–14 December, 2021, Chattogram, Bangladesh (Paper no. ICMERE 2021-PI-054).
  • 5. M.A. Shakur, M.F. Hossain and M.M. Hasan, Simulation modeling and optimization of the check-in process of an international airport, CD proceedings in International Conference on Engineering Research and Education, 25-27 January 2019, School of Applied sciences & Technology, SUST, Sylhet.
  • 6. M.A. Hossain, M.M. Hasan, ABM Abdul Malek, I. Hossain and M.R. Chowdhury, Design and feasibility study of a photovoltaic (PV) power generation system for a proposed academic building of SUST, CD proceedings in International Conference on Engineering Research and Education, 25-27 January 2019, School of Applied sciences & Technology, SUST, Sylhet, Page No. 1059-1064..
  • 7. Muhammad M. Hasan, A.B.M. Abdul Malek, M.A. Hossain, I. Hossain and M.I.A. Talukder, Experimental investigation of solar irradiation in Sylhet and feasibility analysis of a photovoltaic (PV) system, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2019 (ICMERE2019) 11–13 December, 2019, Chattogram, Bangladesh (Paper no. ICMERE2019-PI-190)..
  • 8. Md. Rabiul Hasan, Muhammad M. Hasan, Ranjit Biswas, Md. Masum Parvej, Technical and Economic Viability of a Proposed Solar Street Lighting System for SUST, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM), 23 – 24 December 2017, IEB, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • 9. Md. Rabiul Hasan, Ranjit Biswas, Md. Masum Parvej, Muhammad M. Hasan, Md Shafiqul Islam, Loan scenario and customer satisfaction for solar home systems (SHS) and biogas plants: a case study in Sylhet region, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering 2017 (ICMIME2017), 28-30 December, 2017, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh (Paper ID: ET-120).
  • 10. M.M. Hasan, Heber Sugo and Erich Kisi, Synthesis of thermionic materials for solar energy conversion, Solar 2014: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference, Australian Solar Energy Society (Australian Solar Council) Melbourne May 2014 ISBN: 948-0-646-92219-5.
  • 11. Heber Sugo, Dylan Cuskelly, Muhammad Hasan and Erich Kisi, Development of a thermionic converter for CSP applications, Solar 2014: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference, Australian Solar Energy Society (Australian Solar Council) Melbourne May 2014 ISBN: 948-0-646-92219-5.
  • 12. M.M. Hasan, Heber Sugo and Erich Kisi, (2014) Low temperature synthesis of rare-earth hexaborides for solar energy conversion, MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 13, 06005. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/20141306005
  • 13. M.M. Hasan, E. Kisi, H. Sugo, (2013) Preparation of lanthanum hexaboride cathodes for thermionic energy generation, International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision, ICIEV 2013. Published in IEEE Xplore.
  • 14. M.M. Hasan, Erich Kisi, and Heber Sugo, (2012) Preparation and characterisation of LaB6 using a novel and simple synthesis route, Presented as a poster in the 20th Australian Institute of Physics Congress, Sydney, Australia.
  • 15. M.M. Hasan, H.H. Masjuki, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, R. Saidur “Effects of Sputtering Parameters on The Structural, Morphological and Optical Properties of Tungsten Oxide Thin Films” Proceedings of Extended Abstract in the 1st AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Materials 2009, 16-17 February 2009, Equatorial Hotel, Penang, Malaysia, Paper No. C11, pp. 66.
  • 16. M.M. Hasan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, R. Saidur, H.H. Masjuki, M.R. Johan, “Structural, Optical and Morphological Properties Of TiO2/Ag/TiO2 Multilayer Films” American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings of NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY: International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - 2008, 18-21 November 2008, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia, pp. 229-233.
  • 17. M.M. Hasan, H.H. Masjuki, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, R. Saidur, M. Hamdi, “RF Reactive Sputter Deposition of TiO2 Films at Different Temperatures: Structural, Optical and Mechanical Properties”, Proceedings of the 1st AUN/SEED-Net Regional Workshop in the Interdisciplinary Area of Natural Resources/Materials “Natural Resources and Materials for Sustainable Development of ASEAN” August 18-19, 2008, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, pp. 132-139
  • 18. M.M. Hasan, A. S. M. A. Haseeb, R. Saidur, and H. H. Masjuki, Effects of Annealing Treatment on Optical Properties of Anatase TiO2 Thin Films, Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (PWASET) for International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Systems, Paris, France, July 04-06, 2008, Volume 30, pp. 221-225.
  • 19. M.M. Hasan, H.H. Masjuki, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, R. Saidur, M. Hamdi, “Sturctural, morphological and optical properties of RF-sputtered TiO2 Films, The 4th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings (Thin Films 2008) 13-16 July 2008, Singapore.
  • 20. M.M. Hasan, R. Saidur, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, H.H. Masjuki, Tailoring visible transmittance and optical constants in TiO2 thin films for energy-efficient glass coating, Presented in ESF-FWF Conference in Partnership with LFUI: Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy, Obergurgl, Austria, 14-19 June 2008
  • 21. R. Saidur, H. H. Masjuki, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, M.M. Hasan , Energy-efficient optical coating for flat glass, AUN/SEED-Net 11th Field-Wise Seminar for Materials Engineering on Nanomaterials & Biomaterials and Composites for Engineering Application, Technical session II (13:30-14:30) , 15-16 November 2007, Don Chan Palace Hotel, Vientiane, Laos (CD Proceedings)
  • 22. M.M. Hasan, R. Saidur, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, H.H. Masjuki, Energy Efficient Nano Coatings for Architectural Flat Glass towards Malaysian Low Energy Buildings, Proceedings of the 1st Engineering Conference on Energy & Environment (EnCon2007), December 27-28, 2007, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, pp 272-277


  • A number of theory courses taken are Engineering Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Statistics, Mechanics of Solids, etc. I also demonstrate sessional courses based on some of the aforementioned theory courses, Engineering Graphics and Machine Drawing.