Faculty Profile

Dr Md Nazrul Islam


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Statistics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801711466280
  • Email: [email protected], [email protected]


Dr. Nazrul Islam was born in Fukurhati village of Saturia upazila under Manikganj district. He obtained his B.Sc. (honours) and M.Sc. degrees in statistics from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh and joined as a Lecturer in the Department of Statistics at SUST on July 07, 1997. Afterwards, Dr. Islam obtained his PhD in statistics from the Gauhati University, India. He also completed a training program in the Max Plank Institute of Demographic Research (MPIDR), Rostock, Germany and worked as a visiting scholar in the University of Milan, Italy under Erasmus Mundus Felloship program. Currently, he is a professor in the Department of Statistics at SUST.


  • Post doctoral program, University of Milan, Italy, 2013
  • Post doctoral training program (MPIDR, Rostock, Germany), 2012
  • Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, Gauhati University, India, 2011
  • Master of Science, MSc (Thesis group), Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, 1993
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc.), Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, 1992

Research Interests

  • Social Statistics,Mathematical Demography, Demographic Aging

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Quantitative Measure of Healthy Aging in Sylhet City: A Frailty Index Approach, Year: 2018.
  • 2. Biodemography of Aging in Bangladesh, Year: 2014.
  • 3. Health Status and Biological Aging of the Elderly: A Study on the Sylhet Division of Bangladesh, Year: 2011.
  • 4. Quantitative Measure of Elderly Health Status in Sylhet District: A Frailty Index Approach, Year: 2019.

External Affiliations

  • Life member, Bangladesh Statistical Association (BSA)
  • Life member, Bangladesh Association for the advancement of Science (BAAS)

Journal Publications

  • 1. Gowranga Kumar Paul, Mohammad Meshbahur Rahman, Mohammad Hamiduzzaman, Zaki Farhana, Somaresh Kumar Mondal, Saleha Akter, Shayla Naznin, Md. Nazrul Islam (2021): Hypertension and its physio-psychosocial risks factors in elderly people: a cross-sectional study in north-eastern region of Bangladesh. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, 18(1): 75–82. (2021)
  • 2. Mohammad Meshbahur Rahman, Mohammad Hamiduzzaman, Mst. Saleha Akter, Zaki Farhana, Mohammad Kamal Hossain, Mohammad Nayeem Hasan and Md. Nazrul Islam (2021): Frailty indexed classification of Bangladeshi older adults' physio-psychosocial health and associated risk factors - a cross sectional study. BMC Geriatrics, 21(3). (2021)
  • 3. Md. Taj Uddin, Ahmad Kabir and Md. Nazrul Islam (2019): Prevalence and Determinants of Psychological Stress of Elderly in Bangladesh: A Cross Sectional Study. Indian Journal of Gerontology, 33(4)|:381-392. (2019)
  • 4. Pinto Bushan Datta, Md.Nazrul Islam, Gowranga Kumar Paul (2018): Factors responsible for the health status of elderly people: A case study in Sylhet district, International Journal of Medical and Health Research, 4(4); 72-77. (2018)
  • 5. Mahmuda Mohammad , Muhammad Abdul Baker Chowdhury, Md Nazrul Islam , Arifa Ahmed, Farha Nusrat Zahan, Mst Farzana Akter, Shamima Naznin Mila, Tania Akhter Tani, Tanjila Akter, Tanjila Islam, Md Jamal Uddin (2018): Health awareness,lifestyle and dietary behavior o funiversity students in the northeast part of Bangladesh, International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 20180105. (2018)
  • 6. Uddin, M.T, Islam, M.N., Kabir, A., and howdhury, I. A. (2017): Regional Disparity of Aging Process in Bangladesh. Innovative Journal of Medical Sciences, 1(2): 7-11. (2017)
  • 7. Islam, M.N, Hasan, R and Bhattacharjee, D. (2017): Quantification of Regional Deprivation in Health Service Institutions in Bangladesh, International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 4(2): 59-72. (2017)
  • 8. Uddin, M.T, Islam, M.N., Kabir, A. Hossain, M.K. (2016): Spatial Demographic Aging Process through Spatial Auto Correlation and Regression. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 4(1): 107-115. (2016)
  • 9. Uddin, M.T, Islam, M.N., Kabir, A. Hossain, M.K. (2016): Gender Disparity of Ageing Process in Bangladesh: An Assessment through Decomposing Life Expectancy. Indian Journal of Gerontology, 30(4): 481-490. (2016)
  • 10. Nath, D.C., Sinha, P., Islam, M.N. (2015): Socio-Economic and Demographic Risk Factors on the Onset of Mentally Disabled Elder Population in India, Assam Statistical Review, 29(2): 47-74. (2015)
  • 11. Roy, P.S. and Islam M.N. (2014): Proximate Determinants of Physical Fitness Level of Reproductive Women in Bangladesh, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Science), 40(2): 187-196. (2014)
  • 12. Uddin, M.T., Islam, M.N., Kabir, A. and Islam, M.S. (2013): The Speed of Population Aging in Bangladesh, Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics,14(2): 133-144. (2013)
  • 13. Uddin, M.T., Huq, A.M., Islam, M.N., and Ullah, M.O. (2013): Trend of Foreign Exchange Earnings by the Visitors in Bangladesh, Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 8(1): 19-25. (2013)
  • 14. Nath, D.C. and Islam, M.N. (2012): Risk Trajectories of Locomotor Disability of the Aged Indian. Aging: Mental Aspects, Social Welfare and Health edited by Jim P. Heckles and Laura M. Bergin, Nova publishers, USA. Chapter 6, pp. 147-156. (2012)
  • 15. Uddin, M.T., Islam, M.N. and Kabir, A. (2012): Demographic Dependency of Aging Process in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 49(3): 209-218. (2012)
  • 16. Islam, M.N. and Nath, D.C. (2012): A Future Journey to the Elderly Support in Bangladesh. Journal of Anthropology, Article ID 752521, 6 pages doi:10.1155/2012/752521. (2012)
  • 17. Uddin, M.T., Islam, M.N., Kabir, A. and Nath, D.C. (2012): A New Index for Measuring Aging Inequality: An Application to Asian Countries. Health, 4 (Special Issue 1): 685-694. Doi:10.4236/health.2012.429108. (2012)
  • 18. Islam, M.N. and Nath, D.C. (2012): Measuring Aging as a Function of Population Momentum: An Application with Bangladesh Population, International Journal of Statistical Sciences, 12: 53-70. (2012)
  • 19. Nath, D.C. and Islam, M.N. (2011): Spatial Population Ageing in Bangladesh. Ageing Some Emerging Issues: Profiles, Trends and Policy perspectives edited by K N S Yadava and Alok Kumar, Manak Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India. pp. 143-168. (2011)
  • 20. Islam, M.N. and Nath, D.C. (2011): Gender Dimension of Bangladesh Demographic Ageing Process. Ageing Some Emerging Issues: Profiles, Trends and Policy perspectives edited by K N S Yadava and Alok Kumar, Manak Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India. pp. 169-194. (2011)
  • 21. Islam, M.N. and Nath, D.C. (2010): Measuring Bangladesh Aging Process: Past and Future. Population, Gender and Health in India: Methods, Processes and Policies edited by K.S. James et al. Academic Foundation New Delhi. pp. 153-165. (2010)
  • 22. Ali, R., Ahmed, T., Ahmed, H.U. and Islam, M.N. (2010): Forecasting of Export Earnings of Bangladesh: The Application of ARIMA Technique. Southeast University Journal of Business Studies, 6(1): 101-111. (2010)
  • 23. Uddin, M.T, Islam, M. N, Alam, M. J and Baher, G. U. (2010): Socio-Economic Status of Elderly of Bangladesh: A Statistical Analysis. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(23): 3060-3067. (2010)
  • 24. Uddin, M.T, Chowdhury, M.A.I., Islam, M. N and Baher, G. U. (2010): Status of Elderly People of Bangladesh: Health Perspective. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 47(3): 181-189. (2010)
  • 25. Islam, M.N. and Nath, D.C. (2010): Application of Demographic Components for Measuring the Aging Velocity: An Explanation with Bangladesh Context. Demography India, 39(2): 297-313. (2010)
  • 26. M. Ohid Ullah, M. Jamal Uddin, Dr. M Rahman, M. Nazrul Islam, and M. Taj. Uddin, (2009): A Study to detect the seasonal effect of chickenpox in Bangladesh. Romanian Statistical Review, 12:61-66. (2009)
  • 27. Nath, D.C. and Islam, M.N. (2009): New Indices: An Application of Measuring the Aging Process of Some Asian Countries with Special Reference to Bangladesh. Journal of Population Ageing, 2(1&2): 23-49. Springer. (2009)
  • 28. Ahsan, S.M.F., Islam, M.N., Uddin, M.J. and Uddin, M.T. (2008): Statistical modeling of ground water arsenic contamination level of Bangladesh with chemical elements. Journal of Applied Quantitative Method, 3(3): 254-262. (2008)
  • 29. Uddin, M.T., Islam, M.N. and Uddin, M.J. (2008): A study on nutrition knowledge of physicians in Bangladesh: Evidence from Sylhet Data. Proc. Pakistan Academy of Science, 45(4): 185-189. (2008)
  • 30. Uddin, M.T., Noor, M.S. Kabir, A. Ali, R. and Islam M.N. (2006): The Transformation of Random Variables under Symmetry. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(8): 1818-1821 (2006)
  • 31. Islam, M.N., Ullah, M.O. and Uddin, M.T. (2006): A Study on Health Status of Urban Pregnant Women in Bangladesh with respect of Body Mass Index and Weight Gain. Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(2): 249-252. (2006)
  • 32. Uddin, M.T., Sen, A., Noor, M.S., Islam, M.N. and Chowdhury, Z.I. (2006): An Analytical Approach on Non-Parametric Estimation of Cure Rate based on Uncensored Data. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(6): 1258-1264. (2006)
  • 33. Uddin, M.T., Islam M.N., and Ibrahim, Q. I. U. (2006): An Analytical Approach on Cure Rate Estimation based on Uncensored Data. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(3): 548-552. (2006)
  • 34. Islam, M.N. and Ullah, M.O (2005) Knowledge and Attitude of Urban Pregnant Women of Bangladesh Toward Nutrition, Health Care Practice and Delivery Place, The Journal of Medical Sciences, 5(2): 116-119 (2005)
  • 35. Hossain, M.K., Khan M.M.H, Islam, M.N. and Kabir, M (2004): Men’s Attitude and their Participation in Family Planning Program in Bangladesh. Proceedings of Pakistan Academy of Science, 41(2): 95-101. (2004)
  • 36. Islam, Z and Islam,M.N., et al. (2003): Nutritional Status of Children Under Six Years of Age at Industrial Area in Bangladesh. The Journal of Medical Sciences, 3(3): 251-262. (2003)
  • 37. Sarker, M, Islam, M.N and Mia, ASM. (2003): Regional Disparities in the Development of Small and Cottage Industry of Bangladesh, SUST Studies, 5(1): 57-65. (2003)
  • 38. Islam,M.N. and Uddin, M.T., et al (2002):A Study on Socio-economic Condition of Rickshawpullers at Sylhet City in Bangladesh. SUST Studies, 4(1): 10-16. (2002)
  • 39. Islam,M.N and Alam, M (2001): Child Labor in Rural Areas of Bangladesh. The Journal of Rural Development, 31(1): 47-62. (2001)
  • 40. Islam,M.N. and Dhar, S. K., et al. (2000): Comparison of Parametric and Nonparametric Regression With Empirical Data. SUST Studies, 3(1): 69-74. (2000)
  • 41. Sarker, M and Islam,M.N. (1999): Regional Disparities in the Development of Agricultural Sector of Bangladesh, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 22(2): 43-56. (1999)
  • 42. Islam,M.N. and Dhar, S.K. (1999): An Application of Nonparametric Tests For Three Way Classified Data With Several Observations Per Cell. Journal of Statistical Studies, 19: 17-22. (1999)


  • 1. Islam,M.N. and Miah, S. et al (2003): Distribution of Total Atmospheric Energy at 700 mb Level of Bangladesh, Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2002. 6-9 January 2003, P. 101-105 (2003)

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Title: Assessing Biological Aging of Urban Elderly in Sylhet, Bangladesh, Year: 2018.
  • 2. Title: Quantification of Regional Deprivation in Bangladesh, Year: 2013.
  • 3. Title: Measuring Disability Free Life Expectancy in Bangladesh, Year: 2013.
  • 4. Title: Health Status and Biological Age of the Elderly of Sylhet in Bangladesh: An Analysis with Frailty Index, Year: 2012.
  • 5. Title: Health Status of Elderly Patients of Bangladesh: A Study from Government Hospitals at Dhaka City, Year: 2011.
  • 6. Title: Physical Fitness Level and Tetanus Vaccination Coverage of Reproductive Women in Bangladesh, Year: 2011.
  • 7. Title: Some Improved Aging Measures and Their Application to the Population of Bangladesh, PhD (co-supervisor),Year:2014.