Faculty Profile

Dr. Md. Kabir Hossain


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Statistics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801711184818
  • Email: [email protected], [email protected]



01. Personal Details: Name- Prof. Dr. Md. Kabir Hossain, Vill: Adda (Amin Bari); P.O; Adda Bazar; P.S: Barura; District: Cumilla, Bangladesh
Date of Birth- 1st July 1966, Citizenship: Bangladeshi (by birth) NID # 5086890380
02. Current position: Pro-vice chancellor, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh; Mob.: +8801711-184818, What’s up: +8801747-808511
E-mail: [email protected]
03. Educational Qualification: S.S.C & H.S.C (1st division); B.Sc (Honors) & M.Sc (1st class 2nd position); Ph.D. in Statistics, J.U; Post-doctorate (Public Health), Japan.
04. Length of Service: About 32 (thirty two) years 8 (eight months) in SUST; As a Professor about 18 (Eighteen) years. First lecturer of SUST, joining date- 22 January, 1991
05. Research Publications: Total published Research paper; 34 (Thirty four); In process 5 (five).
06. Major Administrative Status:
I. Elected President of Teacher’s Association (TA) of SUST in the year 2023, 2015 and 2013
II. General Secretary 2008, Vice President 2007 and Member, Executive Committee of Teacher’s Association (10 times) in SUST
III. Vice President, Bangabandhu Parishad, SUST, since 2012 to 2022
IV. Convener of Mukti Juddha Chatona Uddbudho Forum SUST in the year 2013
V. Member of University Federation of Bangladesh (5 times)- five (5) years
VI. Administrator, Medical Centre SUST since March, 2020 to present
VII. Assistant Proctor of SUST- six (6) years; 1992- 1998
VIII. Pro V.C. and acting VC, Leading University, Sylhet (July, 2009 to June, 2011)
IX. Head, Department of Statistics, SUST (2 times)- four years; 2094-1995 and 2005-2008
X. Dean of the Faculty of Physical Sciences two years (2006-2008) and Faculty of Agriculture and Mineral Sciences, SUST-one year ; 2015-2016
XI. Syndicate Member (4 times)- more than ten (10) years 1992-1994, 1995- 1998, 2006-2008, 2011-2015-of SUST
XII. Member of the Board of Advanced Studies (4 times) of SUST- more than eight (8) years; 1997-1999, 2005-2008, 2012-2014, 2018-2020
XIII. Member of the Academic Council of SUST- More than twenty five (25) years; since 1998.
XIV. Chairman of Transport Advisory Committee of SUST- Three (3) years; 2006-2010
XV. Director, Research Centre of SUST- four (4) years ; 2011-2014, 2015
XVI. Member of Finance Committee of SUST- two (2) years
XVII. Member of Bishwabidyalay Porishad (Academic Council nominee) – more than six (6) years

07. Research Grand and Scholarship:
(i). Talent pool scholarship awarded by the honorable president (Chancellor), peoples republic of Bangladesh on the basis of B.Sc (Hons) result from Jahangirnagor University, Bangladesh.
(ii). Best speaker selected in the Annual Conference of Bangladesh Association of Advancement Science (BAAS), 2000 held in BUET
(iii). Post-Doctoral Fellowship awarded by JSPS and UGC of Bangladesh in 2004 in Japan.
08. Research Experience:
(i) ASPM of HEQEP Project Phase II Project code: CP-2516 and SPM of HEQEP Project Phase III (Window 1); project code CP-3667, UGC
(ii) Principal Investigator (7 projects);
(iii) Project Director (6 projects);
(iv) Supervisor: (i) M.Sc level: 20 (twenty), (ii) M. Phil: 01(one), (iii) Ph.D (awarded): 1(one)
09. References:
(i) Professor Farid Uddin Ahmed, Honourable Vice Chancellor, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Phone: +8801711-537100
(ii) Honorable Member of the Parliament (MP) Md. Nasimul Alam Nazrul, Barura, Cumilla,
Bangladesh; Phone: +01711-531133

Dr. Md. Kabir Hossain


01.Personal details: Name- Prof. Dr. Md. Kabir Hossain; Vill: Adda (Amin Bari), P.O. Adda Bazar,
P.S: Barura, Dist: Cumilla, Bangladesh
Date of Birth- 1st July 1966, Citizenship: Bangladeshi (by birth), NID # 5086890380

02. Current position: Pro-vice chancellor, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh; Mob.-01711-184818, What’s up: 01747808511
E-mail: [email protected]

03. Educational Background (Starting with the most recent):

Name of Institution Year Attended Subject Medium of instruction Qualification awarded & class obtained Awarding date Awarding body
Sapporo Medical University, Japan 26th Sep. to 25 Dec. 04 Public Health English Post-doctorate 3rd August 2004 JSPS, Japan & UGC of Bangladesh
Jahangirnagar University July, 1996- June, 2000 Statistics English Doctorate 6th June 2000 Jahangirnagar University
Jahangirnagar University 1986-87 Statistics English M.Sc in Statistics, 1st class (2nd posi) July 1987 Jahangirnagar University
Jahangirnagar University 1983-1986

Statistics English B.Sc (Honors) in Statistics, 1st class (2nd posi) June 1986 Jahangirnagar University
Cumilla Victoria Govt. College 1981-1983 Science English & Bengali H.S.C,
1st division June 1983 Cumilla Board
Parpaty High School 1976-1981 Science English & Bengali S.S.C,
1st division June 1981 Cumilla Board

04. Professional Records (Starting with the most recent): Total length of service: About 33 (Thirty three) years
Duration Designation
Name of the University Main responsibilities

Since 10th July 2023 to date. Pro-vice chancellor Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) Academic, Administrative and Development activities of SUST
From 5th Aug, 2005 to Still now

Professor (About 18 years)

SUST Course curriculum activities in Undergraduate, Graduate, M. Phil & Ph.D. research program. Head, Dept. of Statistics, Dean, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Faculty of Agricultural and Mineral Sciences.
From 18th Oct’2009 to 29th June 2011 V.C (Acting) Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh L.U. Development, Administrative and academic activities
From 1st July, 2009 to 29th June 2011
Pro-V.C Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh Administrative, Teaching and research activities
From 14th April, 2001 to 4th Sept, 2005 Associate Professor
SUST Course curriculum and research activities of Undergraduate, Graduate students and thesis supervision of MS students
From 10th Feb, 1994 to 3rd April, 2001 Assistant Professor SUST Teaching and research activities of undergraduate and graduate students, supervision of MS thesis.
Form 22nd Jan, 1991 to 9th Feb, 1994
First Lecturer of SUST Involved in academic classes and research activities of the Department of Statistics and Integrated subjects such as mathematics, Economics, Sociology etc.
Length of Service: About 32 (thirty two) years 08 (eight months) in SUST; As a Professor about 18 (Eighteen) years
05. Administrative Responsibilities (Starting with the most recent):
Sl. No. Position Date Duration Institution
1 Elected President of Teachers Association, SUST. 2013, 2015 and 2023 3 Years Elected by teachers, SUST
2 Elected Syndicate Member June 2012 to December 2017 More than 5 years Elected by teachers, SUST
3 Director, Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Sylhet 29th July 2011 to 15th September 2015 Up to 3 ( three) years SUST
4 SPM, HEQEP project cp-2516 of UGC of Bangladesh , Funded by World Bank to developed research centre of SUST 1st July 2014 to 15th September 2015 More than one(1) year SUST
5 ASPM, HEQEP cp-3667project of UGC of Bangladesh, Funded by World Bank in the Dept. of Statistics, SUST January 2012 to December 2013 Up to 2 ( two) years SUST
6 Vice President, Bongobondhu Porishod, SUST February 2012 to till now Up to 2 ( two) years SUST
7 Member, Executive Committee of Mukti Juddha Chatonay Uddbuddho Forum Science January, 1991 to till now Continue SUST
8 Member of Federation of Teachers Association June, 2012 to June, 2013 Up to 1 (one) year FBUTA
9 Member, Bishowbiddaloy Porishod June, 2012 to June, 2013 Up to 1 (one) year Nominated by AC, SUST
10 Vice- Chancellor (Acting)
18th Oct’ 2009 to 29th June, 2011 1 year 8 months LU
11 Pro-Vice Chancellor 1st July, 2009 to 29th June 2011 2 years LU
12 Dean, School of Agriculture & Mineral Sciences 21st August 2008 to 30th June, 2009 11 months SUST
13 Syndicate Member 21st September, 2008 to 28th May, 2009 8 months Dean category, SUST
14 Member of University Association of Bangladesh July, 2007 to June, 2009 2 years AUB
15 Chairman of Transport Advisory Committee 1st April, 2007 to 30th June, 2009 2 years 3 months SUST
16 Dean, School of Physical Sciences 12th November, 2006 to 21st September, 2008 2 years SUST
17 Head, Department of Statistics Oct. 2005 to Oct. 2008 3 years SUST
18 Syndicate Member May, 1994 to May, 1996 2 years Dean category, SUST
19 Member of Finance Committee (FC) June, 2005 to May, 2008 3 years SUST
20 Member of Tender Committee (TC) June, 2006 to 30th June, 2009 3 years SUST
21 Member of Academic Council (AC) May, 1993 to till now Continue SUST
22 Head, Department of Statistics July, 1994 to January, 1993 ½ year SUST
23 Assistant Proctor April, 1992 to March, 1995 3 years SUST
24 Member of Federation of Teachers Association January, 2001 to January, 2002 1 year FBUTA
25 Elected Vice Precedent of Teachers Association January, 2001 to January, 2002 1 year Elected by teachers, SUST
26 Elected Secretary of Teachers Association January, 2002 to Jan. 2003 1 year SUST
28 Secretary of World University Service (WUS) May, 1992 to April, 1996 4 years SUST
29 Member of Bangladesh Statistical Association Since 1988 Life member Dhaka

06. Research Publications:

1. K. Chowdhury, Md. Kabir Hossain and S. K Dar “Best Nutritious Fed of Cows to Increase the Milk Products. An Application of Change-Over-Design”, the Jahangirnagar University Review, Bangladesh, Vol.8, June 1993.

2. Md. Kabir Hossain and M.K.H. Khan “The Influences of Modernity and mobility on Contraceptive Use in Rural Bangladesh”, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol.21, pp. 167-180, 1997.

3. M. Kabir and Md. Kabir Hossain “Woman in Development: The Bangladesh Contest”, the Journal of Rural Development, Bangladesh. Vol.28, No.2, pp. 95-115, 1998.

4. Md. Kabir Hossain and M. Kabir “Modernity and Mobility and Their Influences on contraceptive Use”, The Journal of Rural Development, Bangladesh. Vol.29, No.1, pp. 1-26, 1999.

5. Md. Kabir Hossain “The impact of Participation of Rural Poor Woman in Credit Programs and Contraceptive Use Status”, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) studies, Bangladesh. Vol. 3, No. 22. 1998-1999.

6. Md. Kabir Hossain and M. Kabir “Does Micro credit Program in Rural Bangladesh has any Impact on Reproductive Behavior of Poor Rural Women?” GENUS, Italy-Vol. LV-n.3-4-1999, 113-130.

7. Md. Kabir Hossain and M. Kabir “Women’s Credit Program and use of Family Planning in Rural Bangladesh”, The Journal of Family welfare, India. Vol. 46, No.2, 2000.

8. Md. Kabir Hossain and M. Kabir “Credit Programs for the Poor and their Reproductive Choices in Rural Bangladesh”, Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. 18(1): 1-10, 2000.

9. Md. kabir Hossain, M. Kabir and M.M.H. Khan “Does Participation in Rural Credit Program Increase Contraceptive Use?” Bangladesh J. Sci. & Tech. Vol 18: 325-336, 1998, ISSN 1562-7829.

10. M. kabir, M.M.H. Khan and Md. kabir Hossain “Urban Population Growth in Bangladesh and its Implications on Urban poverty”, Bangladesh J. Sci. & Tech. Vol 18: 155-165, 1998, ISSN 1562-7829.

11. M.M.H. Khan, M. kabir and Md. Kabir Hossain “The Incorrect Use of Pill and its implication on the Program Performance”, Bangladesh J. Sci. & Tech. Vol 18: 227-286, ISSN 1562-7829.

12. M.S Mazumder, M.K. Hossain, M.N. Islam and Kh. N. Islam “Contraceptive Effectiveness of Breastfeeding and Current contraceptive Practice in Bangladesh”, The Sciences, Pakistan. Vol. 1 No. July-August, 2001.

13. M. K. Hossain and M. Kabir “Purdah, Mobility and Women’s Empowerment and Reproductive Behavior in Rural Bangladesh”, Journal of Social Change, India. Vol. 31, No. 3, ISSN 0049-0857, 2001

14. M. Z. Hossain and M. K. Hossain “Determinants of infant and Child mortality in Bangladesh”, Journal of Statistical Studies, Bangladesh. Vol. No. 22, ISSN 1022-4734. December 2002.

15. M.K.Hossain & MN Islam “Men’s Attitudes and their participation in Family Planning Program- A micro level study in Bangladesh”. ‘Pakistan Acad. Sci. 41(2):95-101.2004’

16. Md. Kabir Hossain (M.K. Hossain) and et al., “Manifestation of arsenic sis patients and factors determining the duration of arsenic symptoms in Bangladesh”, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, ELSEVER. Vol. 208, page # 78-86, March 2005.

17. M.M.H. Khan, M.K. Hossain and et al., “Levels of blood urine chemicals associated with longer duration of having arsenic sis in Bangladesh” International Journal of Environmental Health Research, USA. Vol. 15 No. 4, Page # 289-301, August 2005.

18. Hossain M.Z, Chowdhury A.K, Hossain MK, Ahmed Tofayel, “Socio-economic Aspects of Internal Migration in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Sylhet City”, Journal of Sociology, 1(1) 75-83, 2005.

19. Bhuia M.R., M.K. Hossain, “Knowledge, Attitude and Views of Forced Marriage” “Jahangirnagor University Journal of Science”, vol. 32, # 1, June 2009.

20. M Alam, M.K. Hossain, MR Bhuiyan and MS Mazumder “ Study on Causes of child Diarrhea in Bangladesh” Bangladesh J. prog. Sci. & Tech. ix (1): 109-112, January 2011

21. M.K. Hossain, , MS Mazumder and M Alam “ Contraceptive Norms, Community Attitudes and religious impact on family Planning in Rural Bangladesh” Bangladesh J. prog. Sci. & Tech. ix (1): 061-064, January 2011

22. MS Mazumder and M.K Hossain “Prevalence and determinant of malnutrition among women in Bangladesh” Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci & Tech. lX(20:268; July, 2011

23. MM Khan, M Alam and MK Hossain “Status of Child Labour in Bangladesh”: A study on Sylhet City; Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci & Tech.10 (1): 097-100, January, 2012.

24. Alam, M.M and MK Hossain “Policy Options on Sustainable Resource Utilization and Food Security in Haor Areas of Bangladesh: A Theoretical Approach- Journal of Development Compilation; Vol. 08, No.01, pp. 7-23, January-2013

25. MM Khan, MK Hossain M. T. Alam and I Uddin “Status of Drug Addiction and Criminal Activities of Young Generation in Bangladesh: A Study in Comilla City” International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow; Vol.2 No.7, Pp 1-11; July 2013

26. Mohammad Moniruzzman Khan, Dr. Md. Kabir Hossain, et all “Status of drug addiction and criminal activities of Young generation in Bangladesh”. International journal of social science tomorrow (IJSST); Vol. 2 No. 7, 2013

27. M Alam, MR. Bhuia, NS Lovely, MK. Hossain and SK. Das “Acute Respiratory Infection and Its Determinants for Bangladeshi Under-5 Children”: Bangladesh Journal of Science and Technology; BJPST, 11(1): 125-132; January 2013

28. MK Hossain, Azizul Baten and Mizanur Rahman “Identifying Efficiency Variation in Boro Rice Production with Distribution Assumptions” has been accepted to publish in Advace Journal of Food Science and Technology, September 2015.

29. K. M. Azimus Shafique, Dr. AKM Fazlure Rahman & Dr. Md. Kabir Hossain “Risk Factors of Childhood Asthma- A Case Control Study in Bangladesh”. Imperial journal of Interdisciplinary Research (UIR) Vol.2, Issue-7, 2016

30. MM Khan, MK Hossain, N. Hasina, S. Uddin & M. Ferdousi “Status and Social Evaluation towards Beggars in Bangladesh: Context of Sylhet City”. International Journal of Social Science Studies. Vol. 4 No. 6; June 2016

31. Mohammad Romel Bhuia, Sumonkanti Das, Khalidur Rahman3, Khurshid Alam4, Luthful Alahi Kawsar, Md. Kabir Hossain, “An Assessment of the Importance of Admission Test for Enrollments in Public Universities of Bangladesh” Journal of Education and e-Learning Research ISSN: 2410-9991 Vol. 3, No. 1, 9-16, 2016

32. Md. Azizul Baten and Md. Kabir Hossain 2021; “Determinants of Perception and Impact of Climate Change Induced Events on Livelihood of People inthe Haor Area of Kishoreganj, Bangladesh”. Journal of Climate Change, Vol. 7, No. 4 (2021), pp. 1-17. DOI 10.3233/JCC210021

33. Azizul M. Baten and Kabir M. H 2022: “Haor Area Peoples ‘adaptation Strategies to Climate Change Induced Events in Kishoreganj, Bangladesh World Complexity Science Academy Journal| Vol. 2 Issue 3 | Winter 2022.

34. Hossain, M.K and Rahaman, M.M.(2022), Online learning environment and psychological readiness during Covid 19, International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society (IJSEUS) 13(1),1-15 DOI: 10.4018/IJSEUS.300738.

07. Research Grants and Scholarship:

(a) Talent pool scholarship awarded from the Chancellor on the basis of B.Sc (Hons) result in
Jahangirnagor University.

(b) Research Grant for Ph.D. Work: Government scholarship awarded by the authority of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Duration: October 1996- September 1999

(c) Best speaker of a paper presentation in the annual conference of Bangladesh Association of Advancement Science (BAAS), 2000

(d) Post-doctoral fellowship awarded JSPS and UGC of Bangladesh for three months from 26th September, 04 to 25th December, 04.

08. Research Experience:

Principal Investigator: “Stochastic Frontier Model for Identifying the Climatic Factors and Interactive effects on Rice Productive Efficiencies in Bangladesh” Funded by Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2013Principal Investigator: “Efficiency and Environmental Awareness of Boro Rice Growing Farmers in Selected Area of Sylhet District in Bangladesh: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis” Funded by Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2012
Assistant Sub-Project Manager (ASPM): “Development of Teaching-Learning System of Statistics through Introducing Modern Technology-Based Programs” Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) - funded by World Bank, implemented by UGC, Bangladesh, 2012-2013.
Project Director: “Association of SSC & HSC Results with Admission Test in Public Universities of Bangladesh - A Case Study of SUST - Funded by Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh science 2009.
Project Director: “Socio-economic condition, Cultural norms and Reproductive behavior
of Manipuri Community in Sylhet- Funded By Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh science 2007.

Project Director: Marriage related Problems in Sylhet and the Bengali Community in
Britain. Funded by New ham Bengali Community Trust (NBCT), Sylhet from 2003 to 2006.

Project Director: “Literacy of Under Prevailed Children” research Project- Funded by UNESCO, Japan through World University Service (WUS) Bangladesh from 1993 to 1996 in Sylhet.

Project member: “Impact of Internal Migration” A case study of Sylhet district-
Funded by University Grant Commission (UGC) through Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh from 1994 to 1995.

Project Director: “Women in Slum” research Project- Funded by UNESCO, Japan through World University Service (WUS) Bangladesh since 1992-1995 in Sylhet.

Facilitator: More than 25 Workshop have been Facilitated on Building Consensus Towards Implementation of Health and Population Sector Program (HPSP) and Behavior Change Communication (BCC) through Advocacy Intervention, Sponsored by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Conducted by READ and Health Related Workshop from may 1997 to July 1997.

Workshop on Research to Inform Food and Nutrition Security Policies- Organized by NFPCSP & USAID at Rupshi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka, dated on 7-8 May 2012.

Seminar on “Population Aging” under Post Gradutet Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 08 June 2013.

Seminar on “Population Aging” under Post Gradutet Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 12 June, 2013.

Workshop on Research to Inform Food and Nutrition Security Policies- Organized by NFPCSP & USAID at Rupshi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka, dated on 3-4 July 2013.

Seminar on “Public Talk on Aging” under Post Graduet Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 09 July, 2013.

Training on “MATLAB” under Improvement of Teaching–Learning at Undergraduate and Master’s level organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 17-23 July, 2013.

Seminar on “The Power of Population Aging” under Post Gradutet Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 25 August, 2013.

Conference on “Multidisciplinary Research Findings” Presented by Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) researchers- Organized by University Research Centre, SUST, Sylhet held on dated 21, September 2013

Seminar on “Family Planning Policies and Their Implementation” under Post Gradutet Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 22 September, 2013.

09. Supervision of Thesis:
(i) Masters: 20 (twenty), (ii). M. Phil: 01 (one), (iii). PhD (awarded): 01 (one)

10. Lectures Deliver in Honors and Masters Level:

Course title: Principles of Statistics, Probability and Probability distribution, Theory of Statistics, Regression Analysis-1, Regression analysis-11, Demography-1, Demography- 11, Applied Statistics, Analysis of variance, Experimental Design, Research methodology, etc.
11. Academic Courses Studied in Honors and Master’s Level:

Level Major courses Non-major (subsidiary) courses

B.Sc.(Honors) in Statistics Descriptive Statistics Calculus-1
Elements of Probability Algebra
Distribution Theory Analytical Geometry of Two Dimensions
Linear Algebra Calculus-II and Differential Calculus
Sampling Distribution Linear Algebra
Mathematics for Statistics Mathematical Methods in Statistics
Regression and Correlation Analysis Money and Monitory Distributions
Economic Statistics General Economics (A)
Advanced Probability General Economics (B)
Elements of Statistical Inference Public Finance
Theory of Functions Econometrics of Development
Econometrics and Education Statistics Economic Development of Bangladesh
Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design
Sampling techniques and Survey
Industrial Statistics
Data Procession and Official Statistics

Masters in Statistics Multivariate Analysis, Theory of Inference, Design of Experiments, Sampling Techniques, Econometrics, Demography-11, Bio-Statistics, Advanced Probability, Thesis

12. References:

(i) Professor Farid Uddin Ahmed, Honourable Vice chancellor, SUST, Sylhet,Bangladesh
Phone: +8801711-537100

(ii) Honourable Member of the Parliament (MP) Md. Nasimul Alam (Nazrul), Barura,
Cumilla,Bangladesh; Phone: +8801711-531133

Dr. Md. Kabir Hossain


  • : S.S.C & H.S.C (1st divi.); B.Sc(Hons) & M.Sc (1st class 2nd position) ; Ph.D. in Statistics, J.U ; Post-doctorate (Public Health), Japan.

Research Interests

  • Public Health, Climate Change, Flood of Lowland, Food Security

Active Research Project

  • 1. Impacts of Flood of Lowland Rice Farmers in Haor Area of Bishwambarpur Upazilla in Sunamganj, Bangladesh

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Principal Investigator: “Stochastic Frontier Model for Identifying the Climatic Factors and Interactive effects on Rice Productive Efficiencies in Bangladesh” Funded by Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2013 Principal Investigator: “Efficiency and Environmental Awareness of Boro Rice Growing Farmers in Selected Area of Sylhet District in Bangladesh: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis” Funded by Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2012 Assistant Sub-Project Manager (ASPM): “Development of Teaching-Learning System of Statistics through Introducing Modern Technology-Based Programs” Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) - funded by World Bank, implemented by UGC, Bangladesh, 2012-2013. Project Director: “Association of SSC & HSC Results with Admission Test in Public Universities of Bangladesh - A Case Study of SUST - Funded by Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh science 2009. Project Director: “Socio-economic condition, Cultural norms and Reproductive behavior of Manipuri Community in Sylhet- Funded By Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh science 2007. Project Director: Marriage related Problems in Sylhet and the Bengali Community in Britain. Funded by New ham Bengali Community Trust (NBCT), Sylhet from 2003 to 2006. Project Director: “Literacy of Under Prevailed Children” research Project- Funded by UNESCO, Japan through World University Service (WUS) Bangladesh from 1993 to 1996 in Sylhet. Project member: “Impact of Internal Migration” A case study of Sylhet district- Funded by University Grant Commission (UGC) through Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh from 1994 to 1995. Project Director: “Women in Slum” research Project- Funded by UNESCO, Japan through World University Service (WUS) Bangladesh since 1992-1995 in Sylhet. Facilitator: More than 25 Workshop have been Facilitated on Building Consensus Towards Implementation of Health and Population Sector Program (HPSP) and Behavior Change Communication (BCC) through Advocacy Intervention, Sponsored by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Conducted by READ and Health Related Workshop from may 1997 to July 1997. Workshop on Research to Inform Food and Nutrition Security Policies- Organized by NFPCSP & USAID at Rupshi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka, dated on 7-8 May 2012. Seminar on “Population Aging” under Post Gradute Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 08 June 2013. Seminar on “Population Aging” under Post Gradute Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 12 June, 2013. Workshop on Research to Inform Food and Nutrition Security Policies- Organized by NFPCSP & USAID at Rupshi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka, dated on 3-4 July 2013. Seminar on “Public Talk on Aging” under Post Gradute Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 09 July, 2013. Training on “MATLAB” under Improvement of Teaching–Learning at Undergraduate and Master’s level organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 17-23 July, 2013. Seminar on “The Power of Population Aging” under Post Gradute Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 25 August, 2013. Conference on “Multidisciplinary Research Findings” Presented by Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) resrarchers- Organized by University Research Centre, SUST, Sylhet held on dated 21, September 2013 Seminar on “Family Planning Policies and Their Implementation” under Post Gradute Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 22 September, 2013.


  • 1. More than 25 Workshop have been Facilitated on Building Consensus Towards Implementation of Health and Population Sector Program (HPSP) and Behavior Change Communication (BCC) through Advocacy Intervention, Sponsored by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Conducted by READ and Health Related Workshop from may 1997 to July 1997. Workshop on Research to Inform Food and Nutrition Security Policies- Organized by NFPCSP & USAID at Rupshi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka, dated on 7-8 May 2012. Seminar on “Population Aging” under Post Gradute Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 08 June 2013. Seminar on “Population Aging” under Post Gradute Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 12 June, 2013. Workshop on Research to Inform Food and Nutrition Security Policies- Organized by NFPCSP & USAID at Rupshi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka, dated on 3-4 July 2013. Seminar on “Public Talk on Aging” under Post Gradute Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 09 July, 2013. Training on “MATLAB” under Improvement of Teaching–Learning at Undergraduate and Master’s level organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 17-23 July, 2013. Seminar on “The Power of Population Aging” under Post Gradute Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 25 August, 2013. Conference on “Multidisciplinary Research Findings” Presented by Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) resrarchers- Organized by University Research Centre, SUST, Sylhet held on dated 21, September 2013 Seminar on “Family Planning Policies and Their Implementation” under Post Gradute Research Enhancement Schemes in Mathematics and Statistics organized by Department of Statistics, SUST dated on 22 September, 2013. (1997)


  • Duration Designation Name of the University Main responsibilities From 5th Aug, 2005 to Still now Professor (About 13 years) Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) Course curriculum activities in Undergraduate, Graduate, M. Phil & Ph.D. research program. Head, Dept. of Statistics, Dean, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Faculty of Agricultural and Mineral Sciences. From 18th Oct’2009 to 29th June 2011 V.C (Acting) Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh L.U. Development, Administrative and academic activities From 1st July, 2009 to 29th June 2011 Pro-V.C Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh Administrative, Teaching and research activities From 14th April, 2001 to 4th Sept, 2005 Associate Professor SUST Course curriculum and research activities of Undergraduate, Graduate students and thesis supervision of MS students From 10th Feb, 1994 to 3rd April, 2001 Assistant Professor SUST Teaching and research activities of undergraduate and graduate students, supervision of MS thesis. Form 22nd Jan, 1991 to 9th Feb, 1994 Lecturer First Lecturer of SUST Involved in academic classes and research activities of the Department of Statistics and Integrated subjects such as mathematics, Economics, Sociology etc.

Awards & Recognition

  • (i). Talent pool scholarship awarded by the honorable president (Chancellor), peoples republic of Bangladesh on the basis of B.Sc (Hons) result from Jahangirnagor University, Bangladesh. (ii). Best speaker selected in the Annual Conference of Bangladesh Association of Advancement Science (BAAS), 2000 held in BUET (iii). Post-Doctoral Fellowship awarded by JSPS and UGC of Bangladesh in 2004 in Japan.

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. (i) M.Sc level: 15 (fifteen), (ii). M. Phil: 01 (one), (iii). Ph.D (awarded): 1 (one)