4. Clisby Suzanne Marie, and Choudhury Tanzina, 2022. Women Construction Workers in Bangladesh: Health, Wellbeing, and Domestic Abuse during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Social Sciences 11: 83.
5. Choudhury Tanzina and Clisby Suzanne, 2020. Women Queering the Margins of Male Space? Female Construction Workers as ‘Border Bodies’ in Bangladesh in Clisby, S. (ed.) Gender, Sexuality and Identities of the Borderlands: Queering the Margins in the book series Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality (Series Editor Jeff Hearn and Nina Lykke), London: Routledge, pp. 167-185
6. Choudhury Tanzina and Clisby Suzanne, 2020. Creative Activism, Creating Pleasure: The Power of Emotion in Participatory Research, Studies in Home and Community Sciences 14(1-2) 43-56
7. Choudhury Tanzina; Sultana Sumena and Clisby Suzanne, 2020. Conjugal Relations and Stepchildren’s Well-being: Exploring the Experiences of Remarried Women in Bangladesh. Journal of Family Issues, 41(7), 1033–1054.
8. Choudhury Tanzina and Clisby Suzanne, 2018. Masculinity in Transition or Patriarchy Reasserted? A Study of Construction Workers in Sylhet, Bangladesh, Studies on Home and Community Science, 11:2, 125-139
9. Choudhury Tanzina, 2017. Women and migration: transition, agency and labour. Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 8, 299-322.
10. Choudhury Tanzina, 2017. Researching Men and Women: Field Experience of a Female Researcher. The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 4, 3613-3618.
11. Choudhury Tanzina, 2017. Does Happiness have a Gendered Face? Global Journal of Human Social Sciences 17, 7-15.
12. Choudhury Tanzina, 2017. Women, paid employment and public patriarchy: a study on construction sector in Sylhet, Bangladesh. SUST Journal of Social Sciences.
13. Choudhury Tanzina, 2014. Women’s Paid Employment and Intra-Household Divisions of Labour: A Study of Female Construction Workers in Bangladesh. SUST Journal of Social Sciences 22,84-92.
14. Choudhury Tanzina, 2013. Women within the family; a study of female construction workers in Bangladesh. International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow 2, 1-10.
15. Choudhury Tanzina, 2013. Experiences of women as workers: a study of construction workers in Bangladesh. Construction Management and Economics 31, 883-898.
16. Choudhury Tanzina, 2012. Experience of Bangladeshi Diaspora in the Multiethnic UK. SUST Journal of Social Sciences 18,20-27.
17. Choudhury Tanzina, 2011. Radical feminism: a critical review. Annual Review of Ethnic Affairs 7, 29-38.
18. Atiqul Haq Shah Md.; Vanwing Tom; Hens Luc; A.H.M. Belayeth Hussain; Md. Akhtaruzzaman; Choudhury Tanzina; Hossain Mohammed Anwar, 2010. Perception of Environmental Degradation and Family Size: A Comparative Study on Married Man and Women (Indigenous People) in Bangladesh. International Journal of Sustainable Development 1, 33-41.