Faculty Profile

Dr Shah Md Atiqul Haq


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Sociology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801766070570
  • Email: [email protected]


Permanent address:
Prof. Dr. Shah Md. Atiqul Haq
Vill. and Po. Mohammad Pur, South Surma, Sylhet 3100.
Present address:
Prof. Dr. Shah Md. Atiqul Haq, 2A, 29/13,
Jalalabad R/A, Sylhet 3100.
Mobile: +8801766070570, Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Skype: shahatiq; WhatsApp: +8801766070570

Since May 2018, Dr. Shah Md. Atiqul Haq have been serving as a professor of sociology (Grade 2 professor since May 2022) at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) in Bangladesh. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher with FNRS fellowship in the Institute of Demographic Research at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) from October 2016 to October 2019. In 2013, he received PhD on the ‘Perception, extreme weather events (floods) and fertility preference: A study of a vulnerable population in Bangladesh’ from the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) with full scholarship, Department of Asian and International Studies. He received the Outstanding Academic Performance Award (OAPA) three times consecutively for publishing research articles at CityU. He also received UGC Gold Medal from the University Grant Commission of Bangladesh and Vice Chancellor Award from SUST in recognition of the best research on how perceptions of climate change vary with sociodemographic dimensions. He earned bachelor in 2000 and master's degree in 2001 in social sciences (Sociology) from SUST in Bangladesh and two master's degrees in human ecology in 2009 and 2010 from the Free University of Brussels (VUB) with full scholarship from VLIR in Belgium.

Dr. Atiq has been conducting research and teaching higher education in the sociology department at SUST for nearly 20 years. The foundation he requires to successfully carry out his role in sociology research and teaching, particularly in climate change, extreme weather events, food security, human health, energy perceptions, urban green space perceptions, vulnerability, socioeconomic, demographic, and cultural aspects, has provided him with extensive training in sociology and mixed methods. He believes that his interdisciplinary experiences in collaboration and research agendas can also be better aligned with social and public policies in Bangladesh aimed at creating an equitable and resilient society, the main motto of the July 2024 revolution in Bangladesh, by addressing the impacts of climate change and promoting urban green space for food security and human health by leveraging his expertise as a sociologist, which will certainly add value to future efforts.

Dr. Atiq has a total of 50 publications (35 indexed in Web of Science; 36 indexed in Scopus) and has reviewed a total of 68 articles for 34 international journals and most of them are indexed in Web of Science. Most of his scientific publications are in leading international journals (Q1 and Q2) and they are highly cited (total citations: 1282 as of September 17, 2024 according to Google Scholar). The majority of his research has been published in the prestigious academic journals, including Lancet Planetary Health, Population and Environment, BMC Public Health, Sustainable Development, Water Resources Research, Weather, Climate and Society, Heliyon, Sustainable Development, Natural Hazards, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Regional Science, Policy and Practice, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Environmental Science, Humanities and Social Sciences Communication (Nature) and PLOS One.

Dr. Atiq also has extensive experience and publish research articles in collaborating with other researchers from University of Michigan, University of Colorado (Boulder), Georgetown University, Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), Shanghai University, University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), Utah State University, University of Houston, University of Denmark, Free University of Brussels (Belgium), Arizona State University and the Ohio State University. In addition, he received award of 75000 Euro each year (Oct. 2016 - Oct. 2019) by National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) in Belgium to conduct research on the association between extreme weather events and fertility desires in Bangladesh. He also received several prestigious international fellowships including BIARI, Brown University (USA), Population Reference Bureau (USA), Population Association of America (USA), Jacobs Foundation (Switzerland), Global Development Network (GDN), International Sociological Association, Asian Population Association and IUSSP. In addition, the SUST research center in Bangladesh supported his research projects in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 to study various aspects of climate change and population dynamics. Dr. Atiq is also external expert for the evaluation of research proposals for the Erasmus+ program (ERASMUS+) 2021-2027”, Key Activity 2 ‘Capacity Building in Higher Education’ (CBHE), European Commission. He is also external member for evaluation of research grant proposals, postdoctoral and PhD applications for University of Malta, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain), University of Paris and PhD thesis evaluator for RMIT University (Australia).

Dr. Atiq joined nearly 20 international conferences and presented his research (Oral and Poster) in several countries, including the USA, Switzerland, Belgium, Turkey, Hong Kong, China, the UK, Belgium, Canada and South Africa. His collaborative research was recently presented at Harvard University's Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. He also presented his research findings on climate change and population dynamics in Brown University, Shanghai University, Free University of Brussels, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, and Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium).

Dr. Atiq is also recognized by several international journals as Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in Human Dynamics: Population, Environment and Development Section, International Editorial Board for Social Forces (Oxford Academic Press), Associate Editor for SN Social Science (Springer), PLOS One, PLOS Climate, Cogent Social Science (Taylor and Francis) and International Journal of Climate Change Strategy and Management. He is also a member of the American Population Association (USA), the International Sociological Association, the IUSSP, the European Population Association, the Asian Population Association and the International Association for Ecology.

Dr. Atiq has supervised over 100 undergraduate and graduate students, not only at SUST, Bangladesh, but also at CityU (Hong Kong) and UCL (Belgium). One of his most outstanding students, Khandaker Jafor Ahmed, is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan, USA, under the supervision of Professor Pamela Jagger, whose thesis advisor was Elinor Ostrom, winner of a Nobel Prize in Economics in 2009.

Dr. Atiq also has administrative and leadership experience at SUST, Bangladesh, notably as assistant proctor and adversary of several associations. He is also a member of the editorial board of SUST's social science journal. He has also been student representative for Asia at the VUB (Belgium), doctoral student representative for the Department of Asian and International Studies, and postdoctoral representative for the Institute of Demographic Research, UCL (Belgium). He has also been vice-president, editor and member of the Rotary Club of SUST, as well as a member of the SUST Tourism Club.

Dr Atiq loves travelling and sport. He has already traveled to 18 countries, including the USA, Canada, the UK, France, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, China, the Netherlands, Macau, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, India and Singapore.


  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2013.
  • Master of Advanced Studies in Human Ecology, Grade: Distinction, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2010.
  • Master of Human Ecology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2009.
  • Master of Social Science, Sociology, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh, 2001.
  • Bachelor of Social Science, Sociology, Shahjalal University of Science &Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2000.

Research Interests

  • Population dynamics and climate change
  • Social demography
  • Environment and society
  • Sociodemographic and cultural dimensions of climate change impacts and adaptation
  • Urban green space, low carbon and climate robust society
  • Climate change, food security and fertility trends and differentials
  • Sustainable development
  • Mixed methods

Previous Research Project

  • 1. 75000 (Euro), Granted by FNRS each year, for a three-year postdoctoral project (Periods: October 2016 – September 2019).
  • 2. 7500 (Euro), (2017-2019), for research operating costs by FNRS, Belgium.
  • 3. 110000 (BDT), (2016), as research grant from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
  • 4. 2000 (USD), (2013), as research activities grant from Population Reference Bureau (PRB), USA.
  • 5. 25000 (HKD), (2012), as research activities grant from City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • 6. 380000 (BDT), (2023), as research grant from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
  • 7. 150000 (BDT), (2020), as research grant from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
  • 8. 3,30000 (BDT), (2022), as research grant from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
  • 9. 3,30000 (BDT), (2021), as research grant from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.

External Affiliations

  • Member, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), 2021-2024
  • Member, International Sociological Association (ISA), 2018
  • Member, Population Association of America (PAA), 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019
  • European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), 2018
  • Member, Asian Population Association (APA), 2017
  • Member, International Association for Ecology (INTECOL), 2011-present
  • Member, Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong, 2012
  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Climate Change Strategy and Management ( Emerald)
  • Candidate for Advisory Board Member, Population and Environment ( Springer)
  • Environment, Development and Sustainability (Springer)
  • Environmental Engineering and Management Journal (“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania)
  • Climatic change
  • Specialty Chief Editor (Section: Social Demography and Climate change), Frontiers in Human Dynamics
  • PLOS ONE (Section Editor, Sociology)
  • PLOS ONE CLIMATE (Academic Editor)
  • SN Social Science (Associate Editor, Springer)
  • International Journal of Climate Change Strategy and Management (Associate Editor, Emerald)

Journal Publications

  • 1. The division of labor strategies among parents in areas prone to climate challenges in Bangladesh: An exploratory study (2024)
  • 2. Comparing household heads’ perception of climate change variability with meteorological trends and understanding mitigation measures to combat the adverse effects in coastal areas of Bangladesh (2024)
  • 3. Perception of urban green space among university students in Bangladesh (2024)
  • 4. Key considerations for research into how climate change affects sexual and reproductive health and rights (2024)
  • 5. Early marriage of girls in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a literature review (2024)
  • 6. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on students' academic performance and mental health: An overview (2024)
  • 7. Extreme Weather Events and Expected Parental Roles in Bangladesh and Beyond: A Review of Literature (2024)
  • 8. Perceived risk of child mortality and fertility choices in climate-vulnerable regions of Bangladesh (2024)
  • 9. Fertility decisions in the wake of COVID‑19: a comprehensive review of influencing determinants and trends (2023)
  • 10. The impact of extreme weather events on fertility preference and gender preference in Bangladesh (2023)
  • 11. What Will Be the Most Critical Driver of Population Dynamics: Climate Change, the COVID-19 Pandemic, or Both? (2023)
  • 12. The links between environmental issues and childbearing behaviour: a review of literature (2023)
  • 13. How does the COVID-19 pandemic influence students’ academic activities? An explorative study in a public university in Bangladesh (2023)
  • 14. A comparison of migrant and non-migrant households' choices on migration and coping mechanisms in the aftermath of Cyclone Aila in Bangladesh (2023)
  • 15. Environmental quality and its impact on total fertility rate: an econometric analysis from a new perspective (2023)
  • 16. Indigenous Peoples’ Views on Climate Change and Their Experiences, Coping and Adaptation Strategies in South Asia: A Review (2022)
  • 17. Extreme Weather Events and Spiraling Debt: A Double Whammy for Bangladeshis Affected by Climate Change (2022)
  • 18. Teachers’ Perceptions About Climate Change: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Schools and Colleges in Bangladesh (2022)
  • 19. How do vulnerable people in Bangladesh experience environmental stress from sedimentation in the haor wetlands? An exploratory study (2022)
  • 20. The link between climate change, food security and fertility: The case of Bangladesh (2021)
  • 21. Public Perceptions of Urban Green Spaces: Convergences and Divergences (2021)
  • 22. Chowdhury, M.T.A., Ahmed, K.J., Ahmed, M.N.Q., & Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2021). How do teachers' perceptions of climate change vary in terms of importance, causes, impact and mitigation? A comparative study in Bangladesh. SN Social Science. (2021)
  • 23. Hussain, A. H. M. B., Islam, M., Ahmed, K. J., Atiqul Haq, S. M., & Islam, M. N. (2021). Financial Inclusion, Financial Resilience and Climate Change Resilience. Handbook of Climate Change Management: Research, Leadership, Transformation, Springer. (2021)
  • 24. Atiqul Haq, S. M., Ahmed, K. J., Islam, M. N., Hussain, A. H. M. B., & Islam, M. (2021). Climate Change, Debate and Dimensions of Coping Strategies and Climate Change Adaptation. Handbook of Climate Change Management: Research, Leadership, Transformation, Springer. (2021)
  • 25. Ahmed, K.J., Chowdhury, M.T.A. Ahmed, M.N.Q., & Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2021). Understanding Climate Change Perception of Teachers and Students: An Overview. Climate Vulnerability and Resilience in the Global South, Springer. (2021)
  • 26. Atiqul Haq, S. M. and Ahmed, K. J. (2020). Perceptions about climate change among university students in Bangladesh. Natural Hazards. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-020-04151-0 (Impact Factor: 2.427) (2020)
  • 27. Book Review : Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2019). A Critical review of the book “The hidden connections” by Fritjof Capra. Environment, Development and Sustainability. (Impact Factor=2.191) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-019-00516-z . (2019)
  • 28. Book Chapter : • Hussain, A. H. M. B., Islam, M., Ahmed, K. J., Atiqul Haq, S. M., & Islam, M. N. (Forthcoming). Financial Inclusion, Financial Resilience and Climate Change Resilience. Handbook of Climate Change Management: Research, Leadership, Transformation, Springer. (2019)
  • 29. Ahmed, K. J., Atiqul Haq, S. M., & Bartiaux, F. (2019). The Nexus between Extreme Weather Events, Sexual Violence and Early Marriage: A Study of Vulnerable Populations in Bangladesh. Population and Environment, 40(3), 303-324. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11111-019-0312-3 (Impact Factor=2.439) (2019)
  • 30. Atiqul Haq, S.M. (2019). Interview with Jenn Richler for Nature Climate Change, 9, 4-6. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-018-0374-8. (Impact Factor=21.722) (2019)
  • 31. Atiqul Haq, S. M. and Ahmed, K. J. (2019). Is fertility preference related to perception of the risk of child mortality, changes in landholding, and type of family? A comparative study on populations vulnerable and not vulnerable to extreme weather events in Bangladesh. Population Review, 58(2), 61-100. (ISI and Scopus Indexed, H Index 8) (2019)
  • 32. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2019). Debates over climate change and extreme weather events: Bangladesh as a case. Environmental Engineering and Management journal, 18 (6), 317-329. (Impact Factor: 1.186) (2019)
  • 33. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2018). Underlying causes and the impacts of disaster events (floods) on fertility decision in Bangladesh. Environmental & Socio-economic Studies, 6(3), 24-35. (2018)
  • 34. Atiqul Haq, S. M., & Ahmed, K. J (2018). Changes in age at marriage, birth order and fertility preference in vulnerable areas (Bangladesh). Romanian Journal of Population Studies, 12 (1), 71-102. (2018)
  • 35. Ahmed, M.N.Q., & Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2017). Indigenous people’s perceptions about climate change, forest resource management, and coping strategies: a comparative study in Bangladesh. Environment, Development and Sustainability. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-017-0055-1 (Impact Factor=2.191) (2017)
  • 36. Atiqul Haq, S. M. & Ahmed, K. J. (2017). Does the Perception of Climate Change vary with the Socio-demographic Dimensions? A Study on Vulnerable Populations in Bangladesh. Natural Hazards, Springer. doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2664-7 (Impact Factor: 2.427). (2017)
  • 37. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2016). Multi-benefits of national parks and protected areas: an integrative approach for developing countries. Environmental and Socio-economic Studies, 4(1), 1-11. (2016)
  • 38. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2013). Nexus between Perception, Environment and Fertility: A Study on Indigenous People in Bangladesh. Sustainable Development, (21), 372–384. (Impact Factor: 4.082) (2013)
  • 39. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2012). Knowledge-based development and its relation to economic prosperity in developing countries. Asian Social Science, 8(12), 36-47. (Indexing by Scopus) (2012)
  • 40. Atiqul Haq, S. M., Abebe, A. B., Verhasselt, K., & Hussain, A. H. (2011). Unequal ecological exchange and its underlying causes. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 12(2), 698-707. (Impact Factor: 0.774) (2011)
  • 41. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2011). Urban green spaces and an integrative approach to sustainable environment. Journal of Environmental Protection, (2), 601-608. (Impact Factor: 0.67) (2011)
  • 42. Atiqul Haq, S. M., Vanwing, T., & Hens, L. (2010). Perception of Environmental Degradation and Family Size: A Comparative Study on Married Man and Women in Indigenous People, Bangladesh. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 1(6), 33-41. (Social Science Research Network (SSRN), USA) (2010)
  • 43. Abebe, A. B., Atiqul Haq, S. M., Chien, V. Q., & Arafat, B. (2010). The challenges of integrated management of Mekong River Basin in terms of people's livelihood. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2(1), 61-68. (Impact Factor: 0.85) (2010)
  • 44. • Semakula, H.M., & Atiqul Haq, S.M. (2010). Potential health effects of tobacco smoking in Uganda and how to overcome them through an appropriate communication strategy. East African journal of public health 7(2), 131-9. (2010)
  • 45. Atiqul Haq, S. M., & Abebe, A. B. (2010). Challenge of obsolete chemicals management: Its causes, public health and environmental impact in developing countries (Ethiopia). Japanese Journal of Environmental Toxicology, 13 (1), 1-14. (2010)
  • 46. Atiqul Haq, S. M., Vanwing, T., & Hens, L. (2010). Perception, Environmental Degradation and Family Size: A Context of Developing Countries. Journal of Sustainable Development, 3 (4), 102-108. (Indexing by Scopus, ProQuest, etc.) (2010)
  • 47. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2009). Population and environment: necessary transition initiatives for developing countries. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 7(3), 372-384. (Impact Factor: 0.12) (2009)
  • 48. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2008). Implications of demographic transition theory: a critical discussion regarding the developing countries. Romanian Journal of Population Studies (2), 98-108. (2008)


  • 1. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (12th December – 14th December), 2018. Environmental Humanities Training School on “Loss, Damage and Mobility in the Context of Climate Change”, Naples, Italy. (2018)
  • 2. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2nd October), 2018. Is fertility preference related with the perception of risk of infant dying, landholding and family type? A comparative study on vulnerable populations to extreme weather events in Bangladesh, Demo-Seminar Series, UCL, Belgium. (2018)
  • 3. Poster Presentations : Atiqul Haq, S. M., and Ahmed, K.J. (6th June-9th June, 2018). How does the perceived risk of infant/child mortality influence fertility preference? a comparative study in Bangladesh at the European Population Conference, Brussels, Belgium. (2018)
  • 4. Poster Presentations : Atiqul Haq, S. M., and Schoumaker, B. (26th April -29th April, 2018). Extreme weather events and fertility differentials and trends in Bangladesh at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Denver, USA. (2018)
  • 5. Poster Presentations : Atiqul Haq, S. M., and Ahmed, K.J. (26th April -29th April, 2018). How does the perceived risk of infant/child mortality influence fertility preference? a comparative study in Bangladesh at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Denver, USA. (2018)
  • 6. Poster Presentations : Atiqul Haq, S. M., and Ahmed, K.J. (10th April -13th April, 2019). The nexus between the perception of climate change and disciplinary backgrounds among university students in Bangladesh at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Austin, TX, USA. (2018)
  • 7. Oral Presentations : Atiqul Haq, S. M., and Ahmed, K.J. (15th July-21st July, 2018). How does the perceived risk of infant/child mortality influence fertility preference? a comparative study in Bangladesh at the International Sociological Association (ISA) Meeting, Toronto, Canada. (2018)
  • 8. Oral Presentations : Ahmed, M.N.Q. & Atiqul Haq, S.M. (15th July-21st July, 2018). Indigenous people’s perceptions about climate change, forest resource management, and coping strategies: a comparative study in Bangladesh at the International Sociological Association (ISA) Meeting, Toronto, Canada. (2018)
  • 9. Poster Presentations : Ahmed, K.J., and Atiqul Haq, S. M. (30th October 30 – 4th November, 2017). Is fertility preference related with the perception of risk of infant dying, landholding and family type? A comparative study on vulnerable populations to extreme weather events in Bangladesh at the IUSSP conference, Cape Town, SA. (2017)
  • 10. Poster Presentations : Atiqul Haq, S. M. (27th April – 29th April, 2017), Is there any link between the perception of extreme weather events (floods) and fertility preference? A Study on Rural Bangladesh at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. (2017)
  • 11. Oral Presentations : Ahmed, K.J., and Atiqul Haq, S. M. (30th October – 4th November, 2017). Nexus between Extreme Weather Events, Marriage and Violence: A Study on Vulnerable Areas of Bangladesh at the IUSSP conference, Cape Town, SA. (2017)
  • 12. Poster Presentations : Atiqul Haq, S. M. (31st March 31 – 2nd April, 2016), Perception of extreme weather events, risk of dying and fertility preference: A comparative study on vulnerable areas in Bangladesh at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, USA. (2016)
  • 13. Oral Presentations : Atiqul Haq, S. M. (10th October 10 – 12th October, 2016). Is there any link between the perception of extreme weather events (floods) and fertility preference? A study of a vulnerable population in Bangladesh at the Asian First Population Forum, Shanghai University, China). (2016)
  • 14. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (7th December – 9th December), 2015. Research Approaches: Quantitative and Qualitative, Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2015)
  • 15. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (2nd March), 2014. Perception, extreme weather events (floods) and fertility preference: A study on a vulnerable population (Bangladesh). Annual Seminar: Issues, Diversities and Development in 21st Century Bangladesh, Organized by Department of Sociology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. (2014)
  • 16. Oral Presentations : Atiqul Haq, S. M. (1st May – 3rd May, 2014) Floods, family size and fertility preference: what’s the link?, at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of American, Boston, USA. (2014)
  • 17. Oral Presentations : Atiqul Haq, S. M. (3rd May – 5th May, 2012), Perception, extreme weather events (floods) and fertility preference in a vulnerable area in Bangladesh at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of American, CA, USA. (2012)
  • 18. Participated as a delegate : (25th May – 26th May), 2011. Selected delegate, Population Footprint Symposium, London, UK. (2011)
  • 19. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (14th November), 2011. Perception, climate change and fertility preference: A study on vulnerable populations in Bangladesh. Research seminar, Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (2011)
  • 20. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (20th July – 21st July), 2011. Fertility decline and problems in stabilizing population in Bangladesh. ESRC seminar series, Portsmouth University, UK. (2011)
  • 21. Participated as a delegate : (27th January), 2010. Brussels Development Briefing- "Population growth and its implications for developing and ACP countries", European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. (2010)
  • 22. Participated as a delegate : (12th May), 2010. Humanitarian Assistance and Rural Development in ACP countries, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. (2010)
  • 23. Participated as a delegate : (8th July), 2010. Youth and Rural Development in ACP countries, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. (2010)
  • 24. Participated as a delegate : (4th December), 2010. Differences and Inequalities, 12th Annual Conference, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong. (2010)
  • 25. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (15th January), 2010 . Importance of National Park for environment, food security and health: Case Study from Bangladesh and Vietnam, Human Ecology Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium. (2010)
  • 26. Participated as a delegate : (25th November – 26th November), 2009. Civil Protection Forum -"Towards a more resilient society", European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. (2009)
  • 27. Participated as a delegate : (13th October) 2009. European Youth Conference on Biodiversity, Antwerp, Belgium. (2009)
  • 28. Atiqul Haq, S. M. (18th November), 2009. Unequal Ecological Exchange and Its Underlying Causes, Human Ecology Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium. (2009)


  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Research Methods for Social Science
  • Sociology of the Environment
  • Social Statistics
  • Social Demography
  • Population, Environment and Development
  • Society, Energy and Environment: Perspectives and Challenges
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Society and Environment

Awards & Recognition

  • Book Medal Award (2005), for 1st position in Master Degree Program in Sociology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • VLIR Full Scholarship (2008-2009), for Master in Human Ecology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  • Travel Grant (2010), European Youth Perspective on Biodiversity, Antwerp, Belgium.
  • VLIR Full Scholarship (2009-2010), for Advance Master in Human Ecology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  • PhD Studentship (2010-2013), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • ESRC Seminar grant (2011), UK, Population Footprint Conference, London, UK.
  • Outstanding Academic Performance Award (2010-11), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Tuition Scholarship (2012), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Travel Award (2012), Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • Outstanding Academic Performance Award (2011-12), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Tuition Scholarship (2013), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Policy Communication Fellowship (2013-2014), Population Reference Bureau (PRB), USA
  • Active Residence Award (2013), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Outstanding Academic Performance Award (2012-13), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Global Development Network (GDN) grant, (2013), Global Training Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • BIARI Fellowship, (2015), Brown International Advanced Research Institute, Brown University, USA.
  • Travel Award (2016), Asian First Population Forum, Shanghai University, China.
  • Jacobs Foundation Travel Award, 2017, Summer School on Longitudinal and Life Course Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Vice Chancellor Award 2017 (Award received in 2018), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
  • UGC Award 2017 (newly named UGC Gold Medal and Award declared in 2018), by the University Grant Commission, Bangladesh.

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Chowdhury, M. I. (MPhil) Nexus between socio-demographic dimensions and the perception of urban green space: A study on city dwellers in Sylhet (Bangladesh)
  • 2. Imran, S. (Master Thesis) Employment risks and fertility intentions among university teachers in Bangladesh
  • 3. Ahmed, K. J. (Master Thesis) How does impacts of extreme weather events influence to the perception of risk of dying, increasing/decreasing land size and family pattern? A study on vulnerable areas in Bangladesh
  • 4. Tasneem, N. (Master Thesis) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fertility and gender preferences in Bangladesh