Faculty Profile
Dr Neaz Ahmed
Contact Information
Prof. Neaz Ahmed earned his BSS (Hon’s) and MSS in Social Welfare from the Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He did his Ph.D. in the Department of Social Work, Bangalore University, India. His areas of research interest are Social exclusion, Child Labour, Marriage and Divorce, Deserted and Separated Women, Physically Challenged People, etc. Along with academic research supervision, he has already carried out ten research projects funded by National and International Organisations. Recently an article titled ‘Social Exclusion of Bihari Muslims in Bangladesh’ has been published in the Journal of Exclusion Studies in India. I am grateful to all the respective reviewers who have given their valuable time to enrich the article for valuable publication.
PhD in Social Work (2007) Bangalore University, Bangalore, India.
Master of Social Sciences in Social Welfare (1994) Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Result: First Class.
Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honors in Social Welfare in Institute of Social Welfare and Research (1993), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Result: First Class.
Higher Secondary Certificate: Education Board: Jessore Board, Academic year: 1990, College: Government Swarupkati College Grade: First Division.
Secondary School Certificate: Education Board: Jessore Board, Academic year: 1988, School: Akalam Muslim High School, Grade: First Division.
Research Interests
Central Research Interests Are Marriage, Divorce And Widowhood
Child Labor And Child Abuse
Social Work Education And Field Practicum
Problem Of Disability Particularly Their Education
Dowry And Its Related Problem
Mental Health And General Health Care
Social Legislation Special Attention To Personnel Law.
Previous Research Project
1. A research project entitled “The Problem of Access and Rights of Fishermen in Water Bodies of Haor Areas: A Case Study at Ador Haor in Brahmanaria District”. The project is funded by OXFAM-GB and is guided by the Institute of Development Studies (IDEA), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
2. A research project entitled “Identify the Causes and Consequences of Drop Out among the Girls Students of Primary and Secondary Schools: A Study in Sylhet Division”. The project was funded by Campaign for Mass Literacy, Dhaka, and is guided by the Institute of Development Studies (IDEA), Sylhet, Banglaesh.
3. A research project entitled “Microfinance and Indigenous Women: Assessing the ImpactOf Credit on Manipuri Handloom Industry”. The project is funded by University Grants Commission, Bangladesh
4. A research project entitled “A Study on the Situation of Snake Charmer Community in Sunamgonj District’”. The project is funded by University Grants Commission, Bangladesh
5. Health seeking behavior of pregnant women in some selected indigenous groups in Sylhet region”. This research was funded by the University Grants Commission Bangladesh.
6. Exploring the Socio-Cultural Context of Dowry Practice in Sylhet City. This research was funded by the University Research Centre, SUST, Sylhet.
7. Understanding the Challenges in education for Children with Disability. This research was funded by the University Research Centre, SUST, Sylhet.
8. Exploring the Psycho-social problems of Desserted Women Living in Sylhet City. This research was funded by the University Research Centre, SUST, Sylhet.
Journal Publications
1. Ahmed, Neaz and Kashem, Abul (2019) Health and Hygiene Practice of Tea Garden Workers in Bangladesh, Global Journal of Human Social Science, Volume XIX, Issue III, Version I, USA.
2. Rearing and Wellbeing of Children Living with Single Parent Family in Bangladesh, presented at International Conference on Population and Development of Asian Developing Countries, Kunming City , Yunnan Province China, 6-8 August, 2018
3. Health and Hygiene Practices of Tea Garden Workers in Bangladesh presented at International Conference on Religion, Culture and Governance in the Contemporary World (ICRCG) IIUM, Kuala lampur Malaysia, 3-4 October 2018.
4. Ahmed, Neaz (2018) Socio-economic Impact of Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh, Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1): January-March, India
5. Ahmed, Neaz (2018) Survival Patterns of Deserted Women in Bangladesh, Sociology and Anthropology, 6(7) 602-608. India
6. Attitude towards and Relationship with Deserted Women: Bangladesh Context, presented at International Integrative Research Conference on Education, Governance and Development, BIRD, Cumilla 18-19, December 2017.
7. Access to Economic Activities of Disabled People in Bangladesh : Application of Social Work Intervention presented at International Conference on Social Work and Sustainable Social Development, SUST, 5-7 January, 2017, Sylhet, Bangladesh
8. Ahmed, Neaz and Kashem, Abul (2017) Attitude towards and Relationship with Deserted Women: Bangladesh Context, Society and Change, Vol. 11, No 3 July- September, Dhaka
9. Ahmed, Neaz (2016) Perceptions of Parents towards their Daughter’s Education: A Study Conducted in Sylhet, Image of gender, Rights Reconciliation and Rhetoric, Osder Publications, Dhaka.
10. Ahmed, Neaz (2016) Living Arrangement and Health Conditions of Street Children in Bangladesh, Journal of Social Studies, Centre for Social Studies, No. 150, April- June , Dhaka.
11. Social Exclusion of Bihari Muslims in Bangladesh (2015) Journal Of Exclusion Studies, Volume 5, Number 1, February
12. Ahmed and Kashem (2015) Education for Disabled Children in Bangladesh: Perception, Misconceptions and Challenges Space and culture, India 3:1
13. Ahmed, Neaz, Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2015). Problems and Challenges of Deserted Women in Bangladesh: An Observational Study. Accepted for publication in the Journal of International Social Issues (January, 2015), Volume-5, No.1, Winona State University, 175 West Mark Street, MN 55987, U.S.A
14. Sole author of an article titled “The Effectiveness and Limitations of Service Delivery System and Social Work Intervention for Disabled People’ published in the Journal of Social Studies, Centre for Social Studies, Dhaka No. 130, April- June 2011. Bangladesh
15. Author of a book titled “Child Labor in Automobiles of Bangladesh in 2010 by the Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany
16. Author of a book titled “Perception and Need of Reform in Hindu Marriage and Divorce Laws” published in 2010 by the Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
17. Author of a book titled “Social Welfare Administration” published in 2010 by the A H Development Publishing House, Dhaka, Bangladesh
18. Sole author of an article titled “The Legal Procedures of Marriage and Divorce among Muslims in Bangladesh and India: A Comparative Analysis” Asian Women Law, Asian Women Law Institute, Vol.12 September 2009.
19. Sole author of an article titled “Marriage and Divorce among Manipuri’s: Review of a Research Findings” published in the Journal of Empowerment, Women for Women, Dhaka, No. 10, 2009. Bangladesh
20. Co-author of a book titled “Social Work-Concept, History and Philosophy” (in Bangla) published in 2008 by Choinika Publications, Dhaka. Bangladesh
21. Sole author of an article titled “Process and Procedures of Marriage and Divorce among Muslim in Bangladesh” published in the Journal of Social Studies, Centre for Social Studies, Dhaka No. 118, April – June 2008. Bangladesh
22. First author of an article titled “A Study on Women Empowerment among Career Women” published in Samaj Nirikkon, Centre for Social Studies, No 105, April - June 2008. Bangladesh
23. Author of a book titled “Research Methods in Social Sciences” published in 2007 by Ethnic Community Development Organization (ECDO), Sylhet, Bangladesh
24. Author of a book titled “Divorced Women in Bangladesh: Psycho social and Economic Conditions” published in 2007 by the A H Development Publishing House, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
25. Sole author of an article “Marriage and Divorce Practices between Mainstream and Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh” published in the Annual Review of Ethnic Affairs, Ethic Community Development Organization (ECD), Sylhet, August 09. 2007, Bangladesh.
26. Sole author of an article titled “Marriage and Marital life of Divorced Women in Bangladesh” published in the Journal of Social Studies, Centre for Social Studies, No. 114, April-June, 2007, Bangladesh.
27. Sole author of an article titled “Psycho-social Conditions of Divorced Women in Bangladesh” published in SAJOSPS, Vol. 8, No. 1, December, 2007, Kerala, India.
28. Sole author of an article titled “Marital Satisfaction among Dual Earner Couples: An Research Overview “Lok Proshason Samoeeky Vol. 38. March 2006 Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
29. Sole author of an article titled “Decision Making Process in Single and Dual Earners Family: A Study in Sylhet City’ published in the Journal of Empowerment, Women for Women, Dhaka, No. 8, 2006. Bangladesh
30. Sole author of an article titled “Beggary in Bangladesh: An Overview” published in Dhaka Bishobidalaia Portika, No. 75, February 2003, Bangladesh.
31. First author of an article titled “Control of Drug Addition Problem in Bangladesh: Legal Aspects” Anthropological Review, Centre for Anthropological Review, SUST, No. 2 March, 2000. Bangladesh
32. Sole author of an article titled “A Study on Single Family in Urban Areas” published in (in Bengali) Samaj Nirikkon, Centre for Social Studies, Dhaka University, No. 77, August 2000, Bangladesh.
33. Sole author of an article titled “Socio-democratic Profile of Divorced Women in Bangladesh’ published in the Edited Book titled Gender lens, Women’s issues and perspectives in Contemporary Societies by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK.
34. Co-author of an article titled “Causes and Remedies for Drop out Girls Students in Sylhet Division’ Journal of SUST Studies, SUST, Sylhet. Bangladesh.
35. Co-author of an article titled “Understanding the Nature of Community and Fishermen’s Access in Water Bodies of Haor Areas at Sunamgonj District:A Case Study on Matergaon Ganger Aga” Journal of SUST Studies, SUST, Sylhet. Bangladesh.
36. Sole author of an article titled “Social Work Practice Requirements and Practice Settings: Bangladesh Context” published in Social Work in Development Activities, Department of Social Work, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
1. Perceptions and Misconceptions about Menstruation: Experiences of Adolescent Girls in Sylhet City presented at International Integrative Research Conference on Governance and Modernization in Changing Environment, BIRD, Cumilla 18-19, December 2018.
2. Participated in INSEARCH International Conference 2014 and presented research paper titled “Problems and Challenges of Girls Education in Sylhet City.
3. Participated in GAIN International Conference 2014 and presented research paper titled “Living Arrangement and Health Status of Child Labor in Sylhet City.
4. Attended and presented a paper titled ‘Coping Strategies of Older Rural Bangladeshi Women When Dealing with Health Problems’ at 13th Annual Scientific Conference, held in Dhaka, Shonargoan Hotel 2011 (11th-15th March)
5. Attended and presented a paper titled ‘History of Social Exclusion and Poverty among Patra Indigenous Community in Bangladesh’ at 17th International Consortium for Social Development held in Dhaka, Bangladeh 2011.
6. Attended and presented a paper titled ‘The nature and Extent of Violence against Women and Possible Social Work Intervention in Bangladesh: An Analysis’ at 17th International Consortium for Social Development held in Dhaka, Bangladeh 2011.
7. Presented a paper titled ‘Qualitative Research Methodology in Social Research’ at a Seminar held in January 2010 in the Department of Political Studies, SUST, Sylhet Bangladesh.
8. Attended and presented a paper titled ‘The Problem of Access and Rights of Fishermen to Water Bodies of Hoar Areas: A Case Study at Ador Hoar in Brahmanbaria District’ at Kishi Samabash held in March, 2009 at National Pres Club Dhaka.
9. Attended a conference titled ‘International Study Conference on Human Rights and Health’ in 2004, (13th-16th October) in the Department of Social Work, Madras Christian College, Chennai, India.
10. Attended a conference titled ‘Information and Library Network Centre’ held 2004 (29th-30th November)) at Bangalore University, India.
11. Attended a conference titled ‘National Conference on Aging and Development’ held in 2004(13th 14th august) in the Department of Psychology, Bangalore University, Bangalore, India.
12. Attended a conference titled ‘International Public Relations Conference’ held in 2003, 19th-21st April) Bangalore, India.
13. Attended a National seminar on Strategic Management and Development Plan organized by American Institute of Bangladesh Studies.
14. Participated in International Conference in Social Science Research and presented a paper Psychosocial Problems of Deserted Women in Sylhet City organized by Independent University of Bangladesh.
Social Welfare Policy and Programs
Social Work Approaches and Practice Settings
Social Casework
Criminology and Correctional Services
Marriage and Divorce
Family Laws
Social Action and Development