Faculty Profile

Dr. Md. Faisal Ahmmed


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801716201325
  • Email: [email protected], [email protected]


Professor Faisal Ahmmed was born in Maijpara, Narail on October 26, 1971. He is married and affectionate father of only one daughter. He teaches Social Work at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh since 1998. Dr. Ahmmed served as key researcher in different research projects funded by international organizations namely ILO, World Bank, IFAD, IPPF, SAAF, Save the Children, Oxfam, Water Aid, UKBET, CNRS and Chevron. He is the winner of UGC research grants for several research projects on multi-disciplinary issues. He has published a number of articles in peer reviewed journals. Few of his intensive works are published as books also. He presented research papers on multidisciplinary issues in international seminars and conferences both at abroad and home. As an active civil society activist Dr. Ahmmed performed role as key discussants, paper presenters and moderators of seminars and workshops on issues like food security, climate change, budget justice, education, public health, water and sanitation, agriculture and climate vulnerability, flood and food security in haor areas, crops diversification, land rights, human rights, marginalized people common property management etc. Dr. Ahmmed organized seminars and workshops on contemporary issues like food security in wetland areas, climate change, water, sanitation and hygiene and indigenous people’s rights. He has served at Monmouth University, New Jersey, USA as visiting international professor. He is working on indigenous issues for social justice through research and publications. Dr. Ahmmed is working as the Editorial Chair of the Annual Review of Ethnic Affairs, the only specialized peer reviewed journal in Bangladesh which publishes research articles on indigenous issues. He is the panel reviewer and editorial board member of different reputed journals published from USA and Canada. Dr. Ahmmed is intensively involved in civil society movements, currently serving as Sylhet District President of Campaign for Good Governance (SUPRO) - a national network of grassroots civil society organization.


  • PhD (2008) in Social Welfare, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (With the collaboration of Winona State University, USA)
  • Master of Social Sciences (1994) in Social Welfare, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bangladesh; Obtained First Class
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honors (1993) in Social Welfare, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Obtained First Class

Research Interests

  • Gerontology and Ethnic Minority Aging
  • Indigenous and Marginalized Peoples
  • Child Labor
  • Labor Rights
  • Education
  • Wetland Management
  • Food Security and Climate Change Issues
  • Public Health
  • Human Rights
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Community Development
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • NGOs
  • Gender Issues of Bangladesh

Active Research Project

  • 1. "Application of School Social Work for the Improvement of Secondary Education in Haor Areas of Bangladesh"; This project is funded by the Ministry of Education; GARE Project. This is a program-based project for the Year of 2022 to 2024 in which I am acting as Co-PI. Work is in progress.
  • 2. A study on "Sexual and Reproductive Health Behavior and the Practices of Family Planning Methods among People Living in Bhasanchar Rohingya Camp". This Project is funded by the University Grand Commission (UGC) Bangladesh and SUST Research Center for the years 2022-2024. I am acting as PI of this project. The interim report and the financial statements for 2022-2024 are submitted accordingly. Research is in progress.
  • 3. A study titled, "Building an Inclusive and Sustainable Child Friendly City."This Project is funded by the University Grand Commission (UGC) Bangladesh and SUST Research Center for the years 2023-2024. I am acting as Co-PI of this project.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. “A study on water, sanitation and hygiene situation in tea garden areas”. This research was funded by the University Grants Commission Bangladesh. Accepted for publication and is under review process.
  • 2. “Health seeking behavior of pregnant women in some selected indigenous groups in Sylhet region”. This research was funded by the University Grants Commission Bangladesh.
  • 3. “Aging and Ethnicity: A Study on Elderly People among Patra Indigenous Community in Sylhet”. This UGC-SUST funded research project is completed and draft report is presented in the conference organized by University Research Center and under review process for publication.
  • 4. “Where Do they Go, Whom Do they Consult and Why? Health seeking behaviors of pregnant women in rural Sylhet” This UGC-SUST funded research project is completed and draft report is presented in the conference organized by University Research Center and already published as journal article.
  • 5. “Aging Situation in Some Selected Tribal Communities in Bangladesh: A Study.” This study was conducted as PhD dissertation.
  • 6. “State of the Rural Manipuries in Bangladesh.” This OXFAM funded research is published as book.
  • 7. “Khasi Indigenous Communities in Bangladesh: Health, Education and Life Strategies.”This research project was funded by a local development organization and is published as book.
  • 8. “A study on the state of leasing system of water bodies at Golapganj Upazila of Hakaluki Haor.” This research is funded by OXFAM. Report in published as book.
  • 9. “Why are Gils Children in Rural Sylhet dropped-out from schools? An Observation.” This research project was funded by a local development organization and is published as book.
  • 10. Children Living at Work Place: How to Bring Them into Mainstream Education for Youth Employment (EYE). This project is funded by Save the Children, Sweden-Denmark. My role was as Co-PI.
  • 11. “Struggle for Survival: A Study on the Needs and Problems of the Street and Working Children in Sylhet City.”This study was conducted in 2005 with support from Newham Bengali Community Trust, UK.
  • 12. “Impact Study of Alternative Livelihood Project (ALP), Bibyna Gas Field.” This study was funded by Chevron Bangladesh.
  • 13. A Study on working conditions of tea plantation workers in Bangladesh. This research is funded by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Draft report is prepared and presented in the national level workshop organized by ILO. Final report is published by ILO.
  • 14. A study on hazardous child labor in Sylhet city area. This research is explaining about the everyday sufferings of child laborers working in hazardous sectors. This research is funded by United Kingdom Bangladesh Education Trust (UKBET).
  • 15. “A Study on the Effectiveness of Language Centers for the Children of Manipuri Ethnic Community in Kmalgonj Upazilla at Moulovibazar district.” This project was funded by Hey Virden, Norway.
  • 16. Techniques Adaptation and Formulation of Guidelines for Sustainable Management of Haor and Beel Fisheries. This project was funded by the World Bank, IFAD and GoB under the Project Implementation Unit, National Agricultural Technology Program-Phase II Project (2018-2021). Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka.
  • 17. "Women’s Perception about Safe Abortion and their Access to Safe Abortion: A Study in Three Selected Areas of Sylhet Division". This project was conducted in 2021 and funded by the Safe Abortion Action Fund, IPPF.

External Affiliations

  • Serving as Honorary Consultant and Advisor with Ethnic Community Development Organization (ECDO), a NGO engaged in poverty alleviation, promotion of education, health and social development of indigenous communities in Sylhet and Moulovibazar districts of Bangladesh.
  • Serving as Advisor to Green Disabled Foundation-GDF a NGO engaged in the promotion of rights and wellbeing of physically and mentally challenged people of Bangladesh.
  • Serving as Advisor to UK Bangladesh Education Trust-UKBET a NGO engaged in the promotion of rights and wellbeing of working children engaged in hazardous labour in Sylhet region of Bangladesh.
  • Serving as Advisor to Jaintia Chinnomul Shangsta-JASIS a NGO engaged in poverty alleviation, promotion of livelihood of poor and marginalized people, education, health, sanitation and hygiene promotion activities in Sylhet, Sunamgonj, Moulovibazar, Hobigonj, B.Baria and Netroona districts of Bangladesh.
  • Serving as Editor in Chief of The Annual Review of Ethnic Affairs, a publication of Ethnic Community Development Organization (ECDO).
  • Serving with a national network of civil society organizations SUPRO as Sylhet District President.
  • Panel reviewer of the Canadian Journal of Development Studies
  • Editorial Board Member and Panel reviewer of Winona State University’s Journal of International Social Issues.
  • Active participant of civil society organizations and NGOs as resource person and presented numerous papers in workshops and roundtable dialogues on contemporary social issues.

Journal Publications

  • 1. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Tanni, J. and Moni, A.F. (2023). coping strategy of Flood Victims in Sylhet. Paper presented in the 2nd International conference on social work and sustainable sociall development 2023. Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2023)
  • 2. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2023). Supervision of Field Practicum: concepts, Principles and Techniques, Field Practicum Manual, Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2023)
  • 3. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2023). Evaluation of Filed Practicum. Field Practicum Manual, Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2023)
  • 4. Chowdhury, S.R. Oakkas, M. A. & Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2022). Survey Questionnaire; in M. Rezaul Islam et al. (Eds): Principles of Social Research Methodology, 978-981-19-5219-7, 510365_1_En, (pp 181-205); Springer Nature, UK (2022)
  • 5. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2022). Ethnographic Method; in M. Rezaul Islam et al. (Eds): Principles of Social Research Methodology, 978-981-19-5219-7, 510365_1_En, (Chapter 22); Springer Nature, UK (2022)
  • 6. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Chowdhury, M. S. and Helal S.M (2021). Sexual and Reproductive Health Experiences of Adolescent Girls and Women from Marginalized Communities in Bangladesh; Culture, Health and Sexuality; Taylor & Francis, UK (2021)
  • 7. Chowdhury, Shahjahan M; Ahmmed, Md. Faisal and Hossain, Md. Ismail (2020). Conditionality of Public Microfinance and the Rural Poor: Voices From the Below. Journal of International Development, J. Int. Dev. (2020); (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/jid.3467 (2020)
  • 8. Chowdhury, Shahjahan M; Ahmmed, Md. Faisal and Hossain, Md. Ismail (2020). Conditionality of Public Microfinance and the Rural Poor: Voices From the Below. Journal of International Development, J. Int. Dev. (2020); (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/jid.3467 (2020)
  • 9. Chowdhury, Shahjahan M; Ahmmed, Md. Faisal and Hossain, Md. Ismail (2019). Neoliberal Governmentality, Public Microfinance and Poverty in Bangladesh: Who are the Actual Beneficiaries? International Journal of Rural Management, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2019, SAGE. https://doi.org/10.1177/0973005218817657 (2019)
  • 10. Chowdhury, Shahjahan M; Ahmmed, Md. Faisal and Hossain, Md. Ismail (2019). Methodological Dilemma in Micro Finance Research: Applicability of Qualitative Case. The Qualitative Report (Scopus and Web of Science Indexed), TQR Publications, USA. (2019)
  • 11. Chowdhury, Shahjahan M; Ahmmed, Md. Faisal and Hossain, Md. Ismail (2019). Neoliberal Governmentality, Public Microfinance and Poverty in Bangladesh: Who are the Actual Beneficiaries? International Journal of Rural Management, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2019, SAGE. https://doi.org/10.1177/0973005218817657 (2019)
  • 12. Chowdhury, Shahjahan M; Ahmmed, Md. Faisal and Hossain, Md. Ismail (2019). Methodological Dilemma in Micro Finance Research: Applicability of Qualitative Case. The Qualitative Report (Scopus and Web of Science Indexed), TQR Publications, USA. (2019)
  • 13. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal. (2018). Gender Dimensions of Aging among Indigenous People: A Case Study on Khasi Indigenous Group in Bangladesh. In R. Pande, & T. van der Weide (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Multicultural Perspectives on Gender and Aging (pp. 142-158). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-4772-3.ch011 (2018)
  • 14. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Islam, T.I. and others (2017). Situation of Child Education among Khasi, Patra and Tea Workers Communities in Bangladesh. SUST Journal of Social Sciences Vol.28, No.2, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh (2017)
  • 15. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Islam, T.I. and others (2017). Elderly People among the Patra Ethnic Group in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Study. Studies in Language and Culture, No.37, Faculty of Language and Culture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan (2017)
  • 16. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Islam, T.I. and Hossain, Md. A. (2016). Understanding Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Situation among Tea Laborers Community in Sylhet. In, Ahmed, A.F, As-Saber, S., Khan, N.A. and others (eds.)(2016). Gender, Governance and Human Rights: South Asian Perspective. OSDER Publications, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2016)
  • 17. Ahmed, Neaz, Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2015). Problems and Challenges of Deserted Women in Bangladesh: An Observational Study. Journal of International Social Issues (January, 2015), Volume-5, No.1, Winona State University, 175 West Mark Street, MN 55987, U.S.A (2015)
  • 18. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2015). Importance of Third Party Monitoring in Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development (RERED) Project: A Brief Observation, The Population Services and Training Center-PSTC, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2015)
  • 19. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2015). Human Rights 365: Anthology on the Occasion of International Human Rights Day, 2014. Ethnic Community Development Organization, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2015)
  • 20. Ahmed, Neaz, Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2015). Problems and Challenges of Deserted Women in Bangladesh: An Observational Study. Accepted for publication in the Journal of International Social Issues (January, 2015), Volume-5, No.1, Winona State University, 175 West Mark Street, MN 55987, U.S.A (2015)
  • 21. Hossen , Md. Abul , Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2015). Where Do they Go, Whom Do they Consult and Why? Health Seeking Behaviors of Pregnant Women Among Fishermen Community in Rural Sylhet. International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice, 3 , 90 - 99. doi: 10.13189/ijrh.2015.030205. (2015)
  • 22. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Ahmed, Tofayel (2014). “Influence of Socio-cultural Factors in Health-Seeking Behavior of Women during Pregnancy in Rural Bangladesh.” Journal of Exclusion Studies, Vol 4, No.1,Devine Corporation, New Delhi, India (2014)
  • 23. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2014). Leasing Practice of Water Bodies at Hakaluki Haor in Golapgonj Upazila , Institute of Development Affairs-IDEA, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2014)
  • 24. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Kashem, Abul (2014). Should the Khasi Indigenous People be included in WaSH implementation: an Observation, Water, Climate Change and Development (Proceedings of the regional conference on Development Approaches for WaSH Implementation), WaterAid, Bangladesh. (2014)
  • 25. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Islam, Tahmina (2014). Understanding Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Situation among Tea Laborer Community in Sylhet (accepted). Tribal Development and Human Rights, (an edited volume by Swati Rai Chakraborty) National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi. (2014)
  • 26. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal & Mathbor, Golam M. (2013). Inclusiveness of Indigenous Languages in Early Learningat School: The Case of Khasi and Manipuri Communities in Bangladesh. Published in the Proceedings of “Bangladesh Development Initiative Conference”, University of California, Barkley, USA (2013)
  • 27. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal & Kashem, Abul (2013). Community Participation for Sustainable Wetland Environment Management: An Observation. Food Security in Haor Basin (Proceedings of the seminar on fiid security in Haor Basin), Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood (CSRL) & OXFAM, Dhaka (2013)
  • 28. Faruque, Cathy J. & Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2013). Development of Social Work Education and Practice in an Era of International Collaboration and Cooperation. Journal of International Social Issues (September, 2013),Volume-2, No.1, Winona State University, 175 West Mark Street, MN 55987, U.S.A (2013)
  • 29. Ahmed, Neaz, Ahmmed, Md. Faisal & Kashem, Abul (2013). Life Style and Social Exclusion of Snake Charmers in Bangladesh. Journal of Exclusion Studies, Vol 3, No.1,Devine Corporation, New Delhi, India (2013)
  • 30. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2012). The Reality of Theories on Aging among Indigenous Groups in Bangladesh. Journal of Business, Society and Science, Volume-2, No.1, June, 2012, Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh (2012)
  • 31. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2012). The Nature and Extent of Violence against Women in Bangladesh: An Analysis. The Journal of Social Studies, No 134, April-June 2012, Center for Social Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2012)
  • 32. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2012). Challenges of Ageing and its Coping Mechanism among the Khasi and Garo Tribal Groups: An Ethnographic Observation. Journal of International Social Issues (September, 2012), Volume-1, No.1, Winona State University, 175 West Mark Street, MN 55987, U.S.A (2012)
  • 33. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2012). Promoting Equity and Access to WaSH among the Tea Laborers in Sylhet. Institute of Development Affairs (IDEA) and WaterAid, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2012)
  • 34. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Ahmed, Neaz and Kashem, A. (2011). Causes and Consequences of Drop-out from Schools: A study on Girl Children in Rural Bangladesh. SUST Studies Vol.13, No.1, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh (2011)
  • 35. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2011). .Marginalizaton of Aged Khasi Indigenous Community: An Ethnographic Exploration. Journal of Exclusion Studies, Vol 1, No.1,Devine Corporation, New Delhi, India (2011)
  • 36. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2010). The Khasi Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh: Health, Education and Life Strategies, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Akitengesellschaft & Co. KG; Dudweiler Landstr. 99, 66123Saarbrucken, Germany. (2010)
  • 37. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2010). Indigenous Culture Embraces Aging: Older People of the Garo, Khasi and Manipuri Indigenous Communities in Bangladesh, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Akitengesellschaft & Co. KG; Dudweiler Landstr. 99, 66123Saarbrucken, Germany. (2010)
  • 38. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2010). The Khasi Indigenous Older People in Bangladesh, Annual Review of Ethnic Affairs, Vol.VI, Ethnic Community Development Organization (ECDO), Sylhet, Bangladesh (2010)
  • 39. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2010). Berdhokkey Lingo Boishamma: Ekti Porjobeskhon (Gender Discrimination at Old Age: an Observation), Shomaj Niriskhan (Journal of Social Studies) No.114, Center for Social Studies, Road#22, House#2, Flat#402, Gulshan-1, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2010)
  • 40. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal and Kashem, A. (2010). Understanding the Nature of Community and Fishermen’s Access in Water Bodies of Haor Areas at Sunamgonj District: A Case Study on Matergaon Ganger Aga, SUST Studies Vol.12, No.1, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh (2010)
  • 41. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2009). Culture Embraces Aging among the Manipuri Indigenous Community in Bangladesh, MAN IN INDIA: International Journal of Anthropology, Vol.89, No.1-2, Serials Publications, 4830/24 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi, India (2009)
  • 42. Ahmed, Neaz, Ahmmed, Md. Faisal and Kashem, A. (2009). Problem of access and rights of fishermen to water bodies in Haor areas: A case study, Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries Research, 13 (1), Bangladesh Fish Research Institute, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. (2009)
  • 43. Reza, Md. Hasan and Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2009). Structural social work and the compatibility of NGO approaches: a case analysis of Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), International Journal of Social Welfare 2009:18: 173–182, Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA (2009)
  • 44. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2008). Application of Social Work Knowledge and Skills in Development Activities Undertaken by NGOs in Bangladesh, SOCIAL WORK IN DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES (An Anthology on the occasion of workshop titled “Application of Social Work Knowledge and Skills in Development Activities Undertaken by NGOs in Bangladesh ”); Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh (2008)
  • 45. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Reza, Md. Hasan (2004). Paribarik Porjeye narir Proti Sohingshota: Ekti Porjobeskhon (Domestic Violence against Women: An Observation), Bangladesh Lok-Proshashon Patrika, 9th year Issue1605-7023; Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2004)
  • 46. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2000). Child Labor; National and Global Perspective, Anthropology Review, Vol.3; September, 2000, Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. (2000)
  • 47. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Rahman, A.S.M. A. (2000). Beggary at the Old Age: An Observation (Published in Bengali), Dhaka University Journal, No66; February, 2000; University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2000)
  • 48. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (1999). Government and Community support for the Older People in the World, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics, Vol.36, No 1&2; Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine, Dhaka, Bangladesh (1999)
  • 49. Audio-Visual Documentary Directed a 30 minutes video documentary on the “Life of the Street Children in Bangladesh”. This documentary was presented at the University of York, Toronto, Canada.
  • 50. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (20003). Manipuri Older People in Bangladesh: An Observation, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics, Vol.37-39, No 1&2; Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • 51. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (20003). The Aged and Society-Bangladesh Perspective, SUST Studies Vol.5, No.1; Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • 52. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (20004). Why do we grow old: An Overview of Biological and Sociological theories on Ageing, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics, Vol.40; Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • 53. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (20006). The Khsis in Bangladesh, Journal of Ethnic Affairs, Vol.1; Ethnic Community Development Organization (ECDO), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • 54. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (20006). Abuse of Older Persons: A Contemporary Global Crisis, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics,Vol.41; Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • 55. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (20006). Assimilation: A Challenge for the Indigenous Culture and Customs, Journal of Ethnic Affairs, Vol.2; Ethnic Community Development Organization (ECDO), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • 56. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (20006). Community based Support and Services for the Older People: Present Status and Future Failure, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics, Vol.41; Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • 57. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal, Singh, Laksmikanta (20007). State of the Rural Manipuris in Bangladesh, Ethnic Community Development Organization (ECDO); Sylhet (this book is published with the support from OXFAM Great Britain, Bangladesh).
  • 58. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (20007). Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh-An Overview, Annual Review of Ethnic Affairs, Vol.3; Ethnic Community Development Organization (ECDO), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • 59. Ahmed, Neaz, Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (20008). Social Work: Concept, History & Philosophy (in Bangla), Choinika Pubilishing Company; 38/2 Ka Banglabazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 60. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal and Chowdhury, Shofiqur R. (20008). Probinder Nirapotta Bidhane Boisko Bhatar Probhab (Impact of Old Age allowance in Ensuring Security for Older People), Lok Proshason Samoeeky, Volume.35; Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 61. Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (20009). The Khasi Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh: Are They Marginalized? Dimensions of Social Exclusion: Ethnographic Explorations (Edited by K.M. Ziyauddin and Eswarappa Kasi), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 12 Back Chapman Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2XX, UK


  • 1. Tanni, J. A.F.M. and Ahmmed, Md. Faisal (2023). Coping strategies of flood victim in Sylhet, 2nd International Conference on Social Work and Sustainable Social Development, Department of Social Work, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2023)
  • 2. Presented a research paper on Social Exclusion of Fistula Victims in Bangladesh in theInternational Conference of Sustainable Social Development and Social Work, Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh (2020)
  • 3. 1st International Conference on Prospects and Sustainable Fisheries (ICSF) 2019 ; Faculty of Fisheries, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh, Presented research paper titled "Community Participation for Suatainable Wetland Environmnet Mangament: an Observation" (2019)
  • 4. Fourth Annual Conference on Social Research in Bangladesh organized byBangladesh Institute of Social Research Trust, Dhaka, presented research tiltled "How does Stress Influence University Students' Life? Evidence from a Public University" (2019)
  • 5. Presented a research paper on Sexual and Reproductive health Behavior of Women and Young Girls among Ethnic Minority, Tea workers and Haor people in Bangladesh. in the International Conference 2019 on Prospects and Challenges of Sustainable Development in Developing Countries ;Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (2019)
  • 6. Presented a paper on Supervision and Evaluation of Field Practicum in Social Work in the International Workshop on Field Practicum, 2019 ,; Department of Social Work, SUST (2019)
  • 7. Presented a research paper on How is Health Seeking Behavior Influenced by Ethnicity? A Case Study on Patra Indigenous Community of Bangladesh in the Annual Conference on Regional Science, 2018 ; Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka. (2018)
  • 8. Participated in Canadian Association for the study of International Development (CASID) Conference 2006 and presented a paper entitled “Rural Poverty and the Emergence of Urban Street Children in Bangladesh” with a video documentary. York University, Toronto, Canada was the venue of the conference and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) was the funding authority of my presentation. (2018)
  • 9. Participated in GAIN International Conference 2014 and presented research paper titled “Understanding Waters, Sanitation and Hygiene Situation among Tea Laborers Community in Sylhet”. The project was funded by SUST University Research Center. (2014)
  • 10. Participated in the 12th Annual Global Understanding Convention, 2013 of Monmouth University, New Jersey, USA and presented four papers on climate change effects in wetland areas, micro finance and women empowerment, child marriage and violence against women. (2013)
  • 11. Participated in the Annual Conference of Bangladesh Development Initiatives 2013. Title of the presented paper was “Inclusiveness of Indigenous Languages in Early Learning at School: The Case of Khasi and Manipuri Communities in Bangladesh” The venue of the conference was University of California at Barkley, U.S.A. (2013)
  • 12. Participated in the Symposium of International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD), USA 2011 and presented three research on Health Seeking Behavior, Social Exclusion and Violence against Women. Pan-Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh was the venue of the conference and ICSD and Monmouth University, USA was the funding authority of my presentations. (2011)
  • 13. Participated in Canadian Association for the study of International Development (CASID) Conference 2008 and presented a paper entitled “Human and environment costs of Ship breaking industries in Bangladesh” with digital photo images. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada was the venue of the conference and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) was the funding authority of my presentation. (2008)


  • Quantitative and Qualitative Social Research at undergraduate level
  • Human Resource Management
  • Organization Development
  • Social and Abnormal Psychology
  • Social Welfare Services in Bangladesh
  • Clinical Social Work
  • Social Action
  • Social Development
  • Community Development: Urban and Rural Settings
  • Advance Social Research at Graduate level

Awards & Recognition

  • Dhaka University Merit Scholarship for the academic year of 1994-94
  • University Grants Commission (UGC) PhD Fellowship for 2004-2005 Session
  • CIDA, CASID Research Award for 2006
  • CIDA, CASID Research Award for 2008
  • UGC Research Grant for 2008-09
  • UGC Research Grant for 2009-10
  • UGC Research Grant for 2010-11
  • SUST-UGC Research Grant for 2011-12
  • SUST-UGC Research Grant for 2012-13
  • Monmouth University (New Jersey, USA) Global Initiative Program Award for the academic year of 2013
  • UGC Research Grant for 2013-14
  • SUST-UGC Research Grant for 2014-15
  • SUST-UGC Research Grant for 2015-16
  • SUST-UGC Research Grant for 2016-17
  • SUST-UGC Research Grant for 2018-19
  • BARC NATP Phase-2 Program Based Research Grant 2019-2021 from IFAD and World Bank
  • SUST-UGC Research Grant for 2022-2024
  • Ministry of Education; The Peoples' Republic of Bangladesh; GARE Project for the Year of 2022 to 2024.

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. PhD (Current Student:2)
  • 2. M. Phil (Current Student: 0)
  • 3. MSS (Current Student: 1)