Nonlinear Optics, Photorefractive Nonlinear Optics, Solid State Physics
Active Research Project
1. Awarded a research grant 2016 (CP-4044) from the Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) under the Ministry of Education of Bangladesh and the World Bank. Performed as the DISM of the project team.
Previous Research Project
1. Awarded a research grant 2010 (CP-577) from the Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) under the Ministry of Education of Bangladesh and the World Bank. Performed as the second man of the project team.
External Affiliations
Life Member, Bangladesh Physical Society
Life Member, PAARU
Journal Publications
1. H Ara, S A Tarek, M K Biswas, S M S Al-Din, E Hoque, K M E Hasan, A K M M Hossain, S B Faruque, Y Haque and S M Sharafuddin: Investigating the Z-scan technique for quantifying circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) extracted from blood plasma as a potential biomarker for various cancers, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express (IOP Publishing), Vol. 10, Issue 4, 045029 (2024).
2. Md. Enamul Hoque, Manash Kanti Biswas, Md. Maruf Hossain, Susmita Bhattacharja, Khan Md. Enamul Hasan, Sharif Md. Sharafuddin, Susanta Kumar Das, and Yasmeen Haque: Nonlinear optical phase shift in blood plasmas for neoplasia diagnosis, Optics Express, Vol. 31, Issue 14, pp. 23056-23065 (2023).
3. S. A. Tarek, S. B. Faruque, S. M. Sharafuddin, K. M. E. Hasan, A. K. M. M. Hossain, H. Ara, M. K. Biswas and Y. Haque: Linear and thermo-optically generated nonlinear optical response of bovine serum albumin and its constituent amino acids in continuous wave z-scan, AIP Advances 13, 035315 (2023)
4. Sarfuddin Tarek, Syed Faruque, Sharif Sharafuddin, Khan Hasan, A K M Hossain, Hosne Ara, Manash Biswas, and Yasmeen Haque: Closed aperture CW Z-scan of L-tryptophan for determination of optical nonlinearity in the thermal regime, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 38, Issue 10, PP 2806-2812 (2021).
5. H. Ara, S. A. Tarek, S. M. S. Al Din, M. K. Biswas, S. M. Sharafuddin, S. B. Faruque and Y. Haque:Analysis of circulating cell free DNA extracted from blood plasma of cancer patients and healthy persons and their Z-scan study, IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB), Volume 7, Issue 3, PP 24-31 (2021).
6. E. Hoque, M. K. Biswas, H. M. Syfuddin , S. M. Sharafuddin, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Nonlinear Optical characteristic curve of protein (BSA). Journal of Optics (Springer), 49,, DOI: 10.1007/s12596-020-00631-5, (2020).
7. Nusrath Ruhaney, Nujhat Nuri Sultana, Ponkog Kumar Das, Md. Enamul Hoque, Manash Kanti Biswas, Sharif Md Sharafuddin and Yasmeen Haque Modified method for determining nonlinear refractive index of 2,5-Dimethyl Aniline(DMA) in chloroform solution by Z-scan. Optical Materials (Elsevier), Vol 101, 109759, (2020).
8. Nujhat Nuri Sultana, Nusrath Ruhaney, Ponkog Kumar Das, Md. Enamul Hoque, Manash Kanti Biswas, Sharif Md Sharafuddin and Yasmeen Haque Investigation of nonlinear refractive index for 2,5- dimethaylaniline (DMA) under different polarized light. IOSR- Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), Vol 12, Issue 2, PP 20-25, (2020).
9. Sarfuddin Ahmed Tarek, Syed Badiuzzaman Faruque, Sharif Md Sharafuddin, Hosne Ara and Yasmeen Haque: UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy and Z-scan analysis along with corresponding molecular electronic structure analysis at DFT level for L-Tyrosine. IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC), Vol 13, Issue 1, PP 45-51 (2020).
10. K. Chakrabarty, M.M. Tasnim, S.M. Sharafuddin,Y. Haque: Far Field Diffraction Ring Patterns due to 2, 5 – dimethylaniline with a Continuous Wave Ar-Ion Laser SUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp- 33-38, (2017).
11. M. K. Biswas, P. K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Optical properties of benzene and derivatives by the single beam thermal lens technique Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials Vol 26, No. 2, 1750025 (2017).
12. E. Hoque, M. Das, M. K. Biswas, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Effect of dipolar and quadrupolar contribution in first hyperpolarizability of dimethylaniline Journal of Optics (Springer), 46, 37 (2017).
13. M. M. Tasnim, K. Chakrabarty, M. K. Biswas, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin, Y. Haque: Measurement of the Nonlinear Refractive Index of 2, 5 - Dimethylaniline by a New Technique using Mach-Zehnder Interferometer. J. Nonlinear Optic. Phys. Mat. Vol. 24, No. 1, 1550004 (2015).
14. M. K. Biswas, M. K. Amin, P. K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin, M. Younus, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Single beam Z-scan for the calculation of nonlinear refractive index (n2) for poly(2,5-dimethylaniline). J. Nonlinear Optic. Phys. Mat. Vol. 24, No. 3, 1550039 (2015).
15. Ponkog K. Das, Manash K. Biswas, Enamul Hoque, Anock Somadder, Muhammad O. Faruk, Sharafuddin Md. Sharif, Nazia Chawdhury, Susanta K. Das, Yasmeen Haque: Nonlinear Refractive Index of 2, 5- Dimethylaniline in Methanol by Z-scanTechnique. Journal of Optics (Springer), J Opt DOI 10.1007/s12596-014-0208-7 (July 2014).
16. E. Hoque, M. K. Biswas, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Nonlinear refractive index of Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis by CW laser. Journal of Optics (Springer), J Opt DOI 10.1007/s12596-013-0128-y, (March 2013).
17. Book-“Transient Diffraction Efficiency and Switched Phase Conjugation: Transient Diffraction Efficiency and Switched Phase Conjugation in Barium-titanate with Steady-state Grating” Author: Sharif Md. Sharafuddin Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (16 July 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 3659185035 ISBN-13: 978-3659185038
18. S. M. G. Rabbani, S. M. Sharif, Y. Haque, S. K. Das and N. Chawdhury: Measurement of the Nonlinear Refractive Index of LiNb03 by Z-scan Technique. SUST Studies, 16, 2, p 22 (2012).
19. S. M. Sharif and A. K. M. A. Islam: Study of Elastic properties of ammonium iodide (NH4I) with NaCl crystal. SUST Studies, 14, 2, p 76 (2011).
20. S. M. Sharif and Kazuhiko Ogusu: Enhanced and Constant-value Transient Diffraction Efficiency from a Recorded Grating in a BaTiO3 Crystal. Journal of Scientific Research, 3 (2), p 217 (2011).
21. M. H. Rashid, Y. Haque, S. K. Das and S. M. Sharafuddin: Transient diffraction efficiency and the role of the deep center levels in BaTiO3 crystal. SUST Studies, 12, 1, p 106 (2010).
22. M. H. Rashid, Y. Haque, S. K. Das and S. M. Sharif: Two level charge-transport model for enhanced diffraction efficiency in BaTiO3. SUST Studies, 8, 2, p 97 (2007).
23. Sharafuddin Md. Sharif and K. Ogusu: Maximization of the transient diffraction efficiency in a BaTiO3 crystal. Technical Digest, ICO’04 Tokyo, 14D2-30, p 367 (2004).
24. Sharafuddin Md. Sharif and Kazuhiko Ogusu: Influence of shallow levels on the enhancement of transient diffraction efficiency. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 43, 9A, p 6166 (2004).
25. Sharafuddin Md. Sharif and Kazuhiko Ogusu: Enhancement of the switched phase conjugate reflectivity in a BaTiO3 crystal. Opitcal. Material (Elsevier Journal) 27, 1, p 67 (2004).
26. Sharafuddin Md. Sharif and Kazuhiko Ogusu: Enhancement and control of the switched phase conjugate reflectivity of four-wave mixing in a BaTiO3 crystal. 5 Optics Japan, The Optical Society of Japan, p 486 (2003).
27. Sharafuddin Md. Sharif and Kazuhiko Ogusu: Enhancement and control of switched phase conjugate reflectivity in a BaTiO3 crystal. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2003, TU3F-(5)-2, 1, p 28 (2003).
1. Md Fazle Rabbi Khan, Md Rashedul Haque Rana, Md Enamul Haque and Sharif Md Sharafuddin, Nonlinear Optical Responses for Some Food Grade Dyes, International Conference on Physical Sciences-2022, SUST
2. Nusrath Ruhaney, Hosne Ara, Sarfuddin Ahmed Tarek, Enamul Hoque, Sharif Md Sharafuddin, Syed Badiuzzaman Faruque and Yasmeen Haque: Nonlinear Optical Responses of Biomolecules, International Conference on Physical Sciences-2022, SUST
3. 4th International Conference on “Physics for Sustainable Development and Technology (ICPSDT-2022)” January 22- 23, 2022, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Session Chair: Nano Physics and Applications
4. S. A. Tarek, S. B. Faruque, S. M. Sharafuddin, K. M. E. Hasan, A. K. M. M. Hossain, H. Ara, M. K. Biswas, Y. Haque: Determination of thermo-optic, nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction coefficients in the thermal regime of L-tryptophan using closed aperture CW Z-scan technique, National Conference on Physics 2021, Best Award-Poster Session.
5. H. Ara, S. A. Tarek, S. M. S. Al Din, M. K. Biswas, S. M. Sharafuddin, S. B. Faruque and Y. Haque:Analysis of circulating cell free DNA extracted from blood plasma of cancer patients and healthy persons and their Z-scan study, National Conference on Physics 2021, Best Award-Oral Session.
6. Md. Abdullah Al Masud, Md Safayat Islam, Sharif Md Sharafuddin and Md. Enamul Hoque: Characterization of Prepared Nano-colloids of Aluminium, International Conference on Physics-2020, Bangladesh Physical Society, University of Dhaka
7. S A Tarek, S B Faruque, S M Sharafuddin, H Ara and Y Haque: UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy and Zscan analysis along with corresponding molecular electronic structure analysis at DFT level for LTyrosine. International Conference on Physics-2020, Bangladesh Physical Society, University of Dhaka, 2020.
8. H Ara, S M S Al Din, S A Tarek, M K Biswas, S M Sharafuddin, S B Faruque, and Y Haque: Optical properties and Albumin quantification of blood plasma. International Conference on Physics-2020, Bangladesh Physical Society, University of Dhaka, 2020.
9. S Bhattacharjee, A. K. M. M Hossain, H Ara, E Hoque, S M Sharafuddin and Y Haque. Non-linear Optical Response of Blood Serum before and after Administration of Chemotherapy Drug International Conference on Physics - 2019, Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury (NNAC) Senate Bhaban, University of Dhaka, 2019.
10. A Sultana, N C Sen, A.K.M. M Hossain, S M Sharif and Y Haque: Linear and Nonlinear Optical Study of Blood Anticoagulant and Diluents International Conference on Physics - 2019, University of Dhaka, 07-09 February, 2019.
11. National Workshop on HEQEP Achievements, Organized by HEQEP, UGC Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka, 26 December, 2018
12. International Workshop: Entrepreneurial Leadership in Higher Education November, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
13. H. Ara, M. A. Razib, S. M. Selim Al-din , M. K. Biswas, E. Haque, S. A. Tarek,S. M. Sharafuddin and Y. Haque: Effect of different solvents for the quantification of human serum albumin International Conference on Material Science and Semiconductor Devices (ICMSSD)-2018, University of Dhaka, 2018.
14. R. Kormokar, M. K. Biswas, Md. E. Hoque, M. H. Rahat, S. M. Sharafuddin and Y. Haque: Timeresolved Z-scan Technique and Transient Nature of Thermal Lens Formation International Conference on Material Science and Semiconductor Devices (ICMSSD-2018), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Dhaka, 2018
15. R. Rahaman, R. Das, A. Somadder, E. Hoque, M. K. Biswas, S. M. Sharafuddin and Y. Haque: Effect of Sample Orientations on Z-scan and Profile of Laser beam International Conference on Physics-2018, Bangladesh Physical Society, University of Dhaka, 2018
16. R. Das, M. K. Biswas, R. Rahaman, E. Hoque, A. Somadder, S. M. Sharafuddin and Y. Haque: Nonlinear optical responses of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) dissolved in H2O, NaCl and C6H12O6 solutions International Conference on Physics-2018, Bangladesh Physical Society, University of Dhaka, 2018
17. M. Deb, R. Kormokar, M.K. Biswas, S. M. Sharafuddin, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Coherent Two Beam ZSCAN Technique for Measuring Intensity Dependent Refractive Index. International Conference on Physics-2018, Bangladesh Physical Society, University of Dhaka, 2018
18. International Conference: The Asia-Pacific University-Industry Engagement Conference 15-17 February, 2017, University of Adelaide, Australia.
19. R. Kormokar, M. K. Biswas, P.K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin, S.K. Das and Y. Haque: Two Beam Time-Resolved Z-scan Technique and Transient Thermal Lens Formation 6 International Conference on Physics - 2017, University of Dhaka, January 2017.
20. R. Kormokar, M. K. Biswas, P.K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin, S. K. Das, and Y. Haque: Two Beam Time-resolved Z-scan Technique and transient thermal lens formation National Conference on Physics-2017, Bangladesh Physical Society, Atomic Energy Commission, Dhaka, 2017.
21. M. K. Biswas, P. K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Single Beam Thermal lens Technique for Measuring the Change in Optical Properties of Toluene International Conference on Physics - 2017, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, 05-06 January, 2017.
22. R. Kormokar, M. K. Biswas, P.K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin, S.K. Das and Y. Haque: Two Beam Time-Resolved Z-scan Technique and Transient Thermal Lens Formation International Conference on Physics - 2017, Dhaka University, Dhaka, 05-06 January, 2017
23. P.K. Das, M.K. Biswas, E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M.O. Faruk, S.M. Sharif, S.K. Das and Y. Haque: Optical Nonlinearity of 2, 5-Dimethylaniline (DMA) and Poly-Dimethylaniline (PDMA), 1st International Conference on “Physics for Sustainable Development & Technology (ICPSDT-2015), Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, (CUET), 2015.
24. M. K. Biswas, P. K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharif, S. K. Das, Y. Haque, Nonlinear Optical Properties of Dimethylaniline (DMA) using Thermal Lens Technique, International Conference on Advances in Physics 2015, University of Rajshahi, 2015.
25. N. N. Sultana, M. K. Biswas, P. K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharif * and Y. Haque: Polarization Dependence of Nonlinear Refractive Index for 2,5-dimethylaniline (DMA) 2nd International Bose Conference-2015, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2015.
26. M. Tasnim, K. Chakrabarty, M. K. Biswas, E. Haque, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das, Y. Haque: Nonlinear phase Shift and Refractive Index of 2,5-dimethylaniline by the Modified Mach-Zehnder Interferometric Technique International Conference on Physics for Energy and Environment, 06-08 March, 2014 TP-II-A 04, Bangladesh Physical Society, Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2014.
27. E. Haque, M. Das, M. K. Biswas, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das, Y. Haque: Effective Contribution of Second Harmonic Generation in Nonlinear Optical Scattering International Conference on Physics for Energy and Environment, 06-08 March, 2014 TP-II-A 04, Bangladesh Physical Society, Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2014.
28. E. Haque, M. K. Biswas, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das, Y. Haque: Nonlinear refractive index of Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis by CW laser. International Bose Conference 2013, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2013.
29. M. K Bishwas, E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Single beam z-scan for the calculation of n2 for poly dimethylaniline. International Conference on Advances in Physics, 2013, NLO-92, SUST, Bangladesh, 2013.
30. Z. Abdullah, E. Hoque, M. K. Biswas, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Theoretical Investigation of Solvent Effect on the Hyperpolarizability of Monomer and Dimer. International Conference on Advances in Physics, 2013, NLO-91, SUST, Bangladesh, 2013.
31. M. R. Kader, E. Hoque, M. K. Biswas, M. O. Faruk, A. Somadder, S. M. Sharif, N. Chowdhury, Y. Haque: Measurement of nonlinear refractive index with the self-action method. International Conference on Advances in Physics, 2013, NLO-90, SUST, Bangladesh, 2013.
32. P. K. Das, M. K. Biswas, E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Measurement of nonlinear refractive Index of 2,5 di-methyl aniline (DMA) by Z-scan technique using cw laser. International Conference on Advances in Physics, 2013, NLO-88, SUST, Bangladesh, 2013.
33. S. M. G. Rabbani, S. M. Sharif, Y. Haque, S. K. Das and N. Chawdhury: Variation of nonlinear refractive index and nonlinear absorption co-efficient of LiNbO3 due to varying wavelengths using the Z-scan technique National Conference on Advances in Physics 2012, SUST, 2012.
34. E. Hoque, A. Somadder, O. Faruk, M. K. Bishwas, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Non-linear Optical Properties of Roselle Hibiscus by Z-Scan Technique National Conference on Advances in Physics 2012, SUST, 2012.
35. E. Hoque, A. Somadder, O. Faruk, M. K. Bishwas, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, Y. Haque and S. K. Das: Estimation of Hyperpolarizability to the Fundamental Limit by Monte Carlo Simulation. National Conference on Advances in Physics 2012, SUST (2012).
36. E. Haque, M. K. Biswas, A. Somadder, M. O. Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das, Y. Haque: Nonlinear refractive index of Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis by CW laser National Conference on Physics for Technology Development, Bangladesh Physical Society, Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012.
37. S. M. G. Rabbani, S. M. Sharif, Y. Haque, S. K. Das and N. Chawdhury: Variation of nonlinear refractive index and nonlinear absorption co-efficient of LiNbO3 crystal due to varying wavelengths Proc. CEIRIE2011, SUST, 2011.
38. M. H. Rashid, Y. Haque, S. K. Das and S. M. Sharafuddin: Diffraction efficiency and the role of the deep center levels. International Physics Conference, 2009, Bangladesh Physical Society, CPP092, p 110, 2009.
39. Sharafuddin Md. Sharif and Kazuhiko Ogusu: Influence of shallow levels on the enhancement of the transient diffraction efficiency in a BaTiO3 crystal The 51st Spring Meeting, 2004, The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies, 30a-N-2, Tokyo, Japan, 2004.
40. Sharafuddin Md. Sharif and K. Ogusu: Maximization of the transient diffraction efficiency in a BaTiO3 crystal. 2004 ICO International Conference, Optics and Photonics in Technology Frontier, Chiba, Japan, 14D2- 30, 2004.
41. Sharafuddin Md. Sharif and K. Ogusu: Maximum Transient Diffraction Efficiency from a Steady-state Grating in a BaTiO3 Crystal. Proc. The 21st Meeting on Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications (FMA-21), Kyoto, Japan, p 167, 2004.
42. Sharafuddin Md. Sharif and Kazuhiko Ogusu: Enhancement of the switched phase-conjugate reflectivity in BaTiO3. The 50th Spring Meeting, 2003, The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies, 30a-YQ-8, Kanagawa, Japan, 2003
43. Sharafuddin Md. Sharif and Kazuhiko Ogusu: Enhancement and control of the switched phase conjugate reflectivity of four-wave mixing in a BaTiO3 crystal Optics Japan-2003, The Optical Society of Japan, 9pE5, Hamamatsu, Japan, 2003.
44. Sharafuddin Md. Sharif and Kazuhiko Ogusu: Enhancement and control of switched phase conjugate reflectivity in a BaTiO3 crystal. Proc. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2003 (The 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics), Taipei, Taiwan, TU3F-(5)-2, 1, p 28, 2003.
45. S. M. Sharafuddin, M. F. Islam and Y. Haque: Non-linear optical devices for signal processing International Symposium on Recent Advances in Physics, Bangladesh Physical Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 33, 1997.
46. M. F. Islam, Y. Haque, S. K. Das and S. M. Sharafuddin: Non-linear properties of photorefractive materials. Proc. International Workshop 1996, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Vol-1, p 203, 1996.
Properties of Matter, Waves and Vibrations
Electricity and Magnetism
Solid State Physics
Photorefractive Nonlinear Optics
Basic Electronics
Mechanics and Properties of Matter Waves
Mechanics, Structure of Matter, Waves and Oscillations
Physics for Architects
Heat, Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics
Physics for Geographers
Awards & Recognition
Japanese Government’s Monbusho Scholarship (form 2001 to 2004) for Ph.D degree
Research Assistantship from Japanese Government (from 2000-2001).
CLEO/Pacific Rim 2003 (Taiwan) Special Award (Conference Travel expenses)
Junior Scholarship and Higher Secondary Scholarship from Rajshahi Education Board.
Graduate Supervision
1. Supervised more than 35 students for undergraduate, Master’s and M.Phil. thesis involving experimental and theoretical works in the field of Nonlinear Optics and Photorefractive Nonlinear Optics.
2. Currently four Ph.D and three Master’s students are under supervision.