Faculty Profile
Dr Sarwat Binte Rafiq
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Dr. Sarwat Binte Rafiq is the youngest among three siblings. Her father Rafiqul Haque was the General Manager (Technical) of Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation, mother a housewife, raised her in Sylhet. She has been teaching Physics in the Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology since 1997.
Doctor of Philisophy, 2013, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
M.Sc. (Physics), 1st Class, 1995, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet
B.Sc. (Honors), 1st Class, 1994, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet
Research Interests
Relativistic Electrodynamics
Medical Physics
Bio Physics
Low Energy Solid State Physics
Active Research Project
1. Low Energy Solid State Physics
Previous Research Project
1. Studying different types of paradox in relativity by using Mixed Number Lorentz Transformation.
External Affiliations
Life Member, Bangladesh Physical Society.
Journal Publications
1. Transformation of surface charge density in Mixed Number Lorentz Transformation
2. Lorentz transformation of Electric and Magnetic Field.
3. Invariance of Maxwell’s Equations in different types of Lorentz transformations.
4. Measurement of Hormone level in thyroid gland and Study of Hormone complexity
Properties of Matter
Waves & Vibration
Heat and Thermodynamics
Classical Electrodynamics
Radiation & Statistical Mechanics
Special Relativity
Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
Mechanics, waves and optics
Awards & Recognition
BCIC Gold Medal, 1991
Merit Scholarship, B.Sc. (Hons.) Shahjalal University of Science & Technology. Selected Publications: