Faculty Profile
Dr. Md. Shah Alam
Professor & Head
Contact Information
Born in 1968 in the District of Sirajgonj, Bangladesh. Studied at rural
primary and high school in Sirajgonj and received SSC in 1984 with first divission. Studied at Sirajgonj Govt. College and received HSC in 1986 with first division. Earned his B.Sc.(Hons) in Physics in 1989 and M.Sc. in Physics in 1990 from the University of Rajshahi and secured first class first position in both the examinations. His Ph.D. in 2006 from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in the field of Special theory of relativity. He has joined as a lecturer at the department of Physics in the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh on 11th March 1995. He is currently a professor of physics at the same University. He has done one year post doctoral research in the University sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.
M.Sc (RU)
B.Sc (Hons) (RU)
Research Interests
Special and General relativity
Reactor Physics
Previous Research Project
1. PS/2018/3/32 SUST research centre. Title of the Project: Management of Radioactive Low and Intermediate level wastes (LILW) in Bangladesh.
PS/2017/21 SUST research centre. Title of the Project: Status of quantum information near black holes due to wigner rotation.
2. NST project
External Affiliations
Life member of Bangladesh Physical Society
Member of examination committees of different public Universities in Bangladesh
Reviewer of different national and international journals
PhD examiners of different public Universities in Bangladesh
Journal Publications
1. Khondokar Nazmus Sakib, Md. Abu Haydar, Md. Idris Ali, Debasish Paul and Md. Shah Alam, “Regional scale screening over selected regions of Bangladesh to identify potential sites for the disposal of low and intermediate level radioactive waste” Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection 2021 Volume 36, Issue 1, Pages: 25-37, https://doi.org/10.2298/NTRP210219010S.
2. Khondokar Nazmus Sakib, Md. Abu Haydar, Md. Ibrahim Khalil, Md. Idris Ali, Debasish Paul and Md. Shah Alam, “Disposal of Low and Intermediate Levels of Radioactive Waste in Bangladesh - An Investigation on the Selection of a Suitable Site by Using a Geographic Information System and a Multi-criteria Analysis” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 77, No. 3, August 2020, pp. 201∼212.
3. Md. Tarek Hossain, Md. Shah Alam, “Numerical calculations of Wigner Rotation” International Journal of Physics and Research, Vol. 7, Issue 2, June 2017, 1-16.
4. Atikur Rahman Baizid, Md. Shah Alam, “Wigner Rotations of Different Types of Lorentz Transformations” Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.8, No 3 (2016)
5. Md. Tarek Hossain, Md. Shah Alam, “Transformation of orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum” American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2016, 6(5):213-226.
6. Mushfiq Ahmad, Muhammad Shah Alam, “Non-Associativity of Lorentz Transformation and Associative Reciprocal Symmetric Transformation” International Journal of Reciprocal Symmetry and Theoretical Physics, Vol.1, No.1: 9-19: 2014
7. Atikur Rahman Baizid, Md. Shah Alam, “Rciprocal Property of Different Types of Lorentz Transformations” International Journal of Reciprocal Symmetry and Theoretical Physics, Vol.1, No.1: 20-35: 2014
8. Atiqur Rahman Baizid, Md. Shah Alam, “Properties of different types of Lorentz transformations” American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2013, 3(3): 105-123
9. S. B. Rafiq, M. S. Alam, “Transformation of Surface Charge Density in Mixed Number Lorentz Transformation” Sri Lankan Journal of Physics, Vol 13, No 1 (2012).
10. Atiqur Rahman Baizid, Md. Shah Alam, “Applications of different Types of Lorentz Transformations” American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2012, 2(5): 153-163
11. Sabar Bauk, Md. Shah Alam and Ahmad Saleem Alzoubi, “Precision of low-dose response of LiF:Mg,Ti dosimeters exposed to 80 kvp x-rays” Journal of Physical Science, Vol. 22(1), 125–130, 2011.
13. Md. Shah Alam, Sabar Bauk “QUATERNION LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION” Physics Essays, Vol. 24 No. 2, 158 (2011).
14. Sarwat B Rafiq and Md. Shah Alam, “Lorentz Transformation of Electric and Magnetic Fields” Journal of Vectorial Relativity, Vol. 6 Issue 2, June 2011.
15. Md. Shah Alam and Sabar Bauk, “ Mixed Number and Clifford Algebra” "COMPUTERS and SIMULATION in MODERN SCIENCE, Volume 5", World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, , 2011.
16. Sarwat Binte Rafiq and Md. Shah Alam, “Invariance of Maxwell’s Equations in Different Types of Lorentz Transformation” Jahangirnagar Physics Studies, Vol. 17, 2011.
17. Book Publication: Md. Shah Alam, “Study of mixed number” (Study of Quantum Mechanics, Electrodynamics and Special Relativity using Mixed number) LAMBERT Academic Publishing, November 2011.
18. Md. Shah Alam, Md. Didar Chowdhury, “Applications of Mixed Number Algebra”, SUST Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2010; P:21-31
19. M S Alam , S Bauk and K Begum, “Properties of Most General Lorentz Transformation”, Journal of Vectorial Relativity, JVR 5 (2010) 3, 1-10.
20. Md. Shah Alam, Sabar Bauk, "The Effect of The Activation Energy, Frequency Factor and The Initial Concentration of Filled Traps on The TL Glow Curves of Thermoluminescence" Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 4, no. 14, 665 – 678 (2010).
21. Md. Shah Alam, Sabar Bauk, "QUATERNION AND MIXED NUMBER ALGEBRA" International Journal of Mathematics and Applications, Volume 3, Number 2, July-December 2010.
22. Md. Shah Alam, Sabar Bauk, "ANALYSIS OF THERMOLUMINESCENCE GLOW-CURVES FOR GENERAL-ORDER KINETICS UNING MATHEMATICA" Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 4, no. 17, 837 – 853 (2010).
23. Md. Shah Alam, Md. Didar Chowdhury, “Study of reflection of light by a moving mirror”, Indian J. Phys. 83(2), 233-240, 2009.
25. Md. Shah Alam, Khurshida Begum, “Different types of Lorentz Transformations”, Jahangirnagar Physics Studies, Vol. 15, 2009.
26. Mushfiq Ahmad, M. Shah Alam, “Reciprocal Symmetry and the Origin of Spin” – 2007.
27. Mushfiq Ahmad, M. Shah Alam, “Non-Associativity of Lorentz Transformation and Associative Reflection Symmetric Transformation” – 2007.
28. Mushfiq Ahmad, M. Shah Alam, M.O.G. Talukder, “Comparison between Spin and Rotation Properties Of Lorentz Einstein and Reflection Symmetric Transformations” – 2007.
29. Md. Shah Alam, Md. Didar Chowdhury, “Study of Relativistic Doppler’s effect”, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 44(2) 2007.
30. Md. Shah Alam, Md. Didar Chowdhury, “Relativistic Aberration of Mixed Number Lorentz Transformation” J. Natn. Sci. Foundation Sri Lanka 34(3):143-148, 2006.
31. Md. Shah Alam, M. H. Ahsan, Mushfiq Ahmad, “Mathematical Tools of Mixed Number algebra”, J. Natn. Sci. Foundation Sri Lanka, 33(1): 43-49. 2005.
32. Md. Shah Alam, M. H. Ahsan, Mushfiq Ahmad, “Applications of Mixed Number in Electrodynamics”, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci., 41(1):37-41. 2004
33. Md. Shah Alam, “Consequences of Mixed Number Lorentz Transformation”, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 41(2): 141-147, 2004.
34. Md. Shah Alam, “Different types of product of vectors”, News Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, Vol. 26. 2003
35. Md. Shah Alam and Mushfiq Ahmad, “Extension of Complex Number by Mixed Number Algebra”. Journal of Theoretics, Vol-5, No-3. 2003.
36. Md. Shah Alam, “Comparative study of mixed product and quaternion product”, Indian Journal of Physic-A, Vol.77, No. 1. 2003
37. Md. Shah Alam, “Applications of Mixed Number in Quantum Mechanics”, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 40(2):187-190. 2003
38. Md. Shah Alam, M. H. Ahsan, “Mixed Number Lorentz Transformation”, Physics Essays, Vol. 16 No. 4, 2003.
39. Md. Shah Alam, “Comparative study of addition theorem of spherical Harmonics and vector addition formula on a spherical surface”, News Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, Vol-25. 2002
40. Md. Shah Alam, “Comparative study of Quaternions and Mixed Number”, Journal of Theoretics, Vol-3, No-6. 2001.
41. Md. Shah Alam, “Algebra of Vectors on a spherical surface”, Journal of Theoretics, Vol-3, No-4. 2001.
42. Md. Shah Alam, “Applications of Vector addition formula on a spherical surface”, Journal of Theoretics, Vol-3, No-4. 2001.
43. Md. Shah Alam, “Mixed Product of Vectors”, Journal of Theoretics, Vol-3, No-4. 2001.
44. Md. Shah Alam, “Vector Addition formula on a spherical surface”, Journal of Theoretics, Vol-3, No-3, 2001.
45. Md. Shah Alam, “Study of Mixed Number”, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 37(1): 119-122. 2000
Electricity and Magnetism
Heat and thermodynamics
Classical Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics
Reactor Physics
Mathematical Physics
Medical Physics
Graduate Supervision
1. Ph.D (Awarded: 5 students )
2. M.S. (Total Student: 25)
3. B.Sc. (Total Student: 30)