Faculty Profile
Ponkog Kumar Das
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
He was born in 1986 in the District of Moulovi Bazar, Bangladesh. His father Sumonto Kumar Das, mother Rina Rani Das, brought up him in Baralekha, Moulovi Bazar. He studied at rural primary school (Gogra Govt. Primary School) and high school (Hakaluki High School) in Baralekha and received SSC in 2002. He studied at Baralekha Degree College and received HSC in 2004. He completed
B. Sc.( Honours) in Physics and M.S. in Physics from Shahjalal University of Science & Technology. He secured 1st position in B. Sc.( Honours) and M.S. He also secured 1st position in School of Physical Science. He has been teaching Physics in the Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology since 2013.
M. S., Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
B. Sc. (Hons.), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Experimental and Theoretical study on Nonlinear Optical Physics and Photonics
Quantum Optics
Journal Publications
1. Nujhat Nuri Sultana, Nusrath Ruhaney, Ponkog Kumar Das, Md. Enamul Hoque, Manash Kanti Biswas, Sharif Md Sharafuddin, Yasmeen Haque, “ Investigation Of Nonlinear Refractive Index For 2,5-Dimethaylaniline (DMA) Under Different Polarized Light”, Journal Of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) e-ISSN: 2278-4861.Volume 12, Issue 2 Ser. I (Mar. – Apr. 2020), PP 20-25, www.Iosrjournals.Org.
2. Nusrath Ruhaney, Nujhat Nuri Sultana, Ponkog Kumar Das, Enamul Hoque, Manash Kanti Biswas, Sharif Md Sharafuddin, Yasmeen Haque,” Modified method for determining nonlinear refractive index of 2,Dimethyl Aniline(DMA) in chloroform solution by Z-scan ”, Optical Materials 101 (2020) 109759, Science Direct
3. S. B. Faruque, S. D. Shuvo, M. Moniruzzaman and P. K. Das, Localized states of modified Dirac equation, SUST J Sci Tech, Vol. 29 (2019) 01-10
4. M. K. Biswas, P. K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin S. K. Das and Y. Haque, “Optical properties of benzene and derivatives by the single beam thermal lens technique”, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials (January 2017) Vol. 26, No. 2 (2017) 1750025 (9 pages), World Scientific Publishing Company
5. M. K. Biswas, M. K. Amin, P. K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin, M. Younus, S. K. Das and Y. Haque, “Single beam Z-scan for the calculation of nonlinear refractive index (n2) for poly(2,5-dimethylaniline)”, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials,Vol. 24, No. 3 (2015) 1550039 (8 pages),World Scientific Publishing Company
6. Ponkog K. Das, Manash K. Biswas, Enamul Hoque, Anock Somadder, Muhammad O. Faruk, Sharafuddin Md. Sharif, Nazia Chawdhury, Sushanta K. Das, Yasmeen Haque, “Nonlinear refractive index of 2,5-Dimethylaniline in methanol by Z-scan technique,” J Opt (April–June 2015) 44(2):146–150 .
1. Monograph: Magnetic Field Effects on Quantum Wells Authors: Sujaul Chowdhury, Chowdhury Shadman Awsaf and Ponkog Kumar Das
2. Monograph: Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Problems of Non-linear Differential Equations Authors: Sujaul Chowdhury, Syed Badiuzzaman Faruque, Ponkog Kumar Das
3. Monograph: Numerical solutions of partial differential equations using finite difference method and Mathematica Authors: Sujaul Chowdhury, Ponkog Kumar Das Publisher: American Academic Press
4. Monograph : Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Problems with Finite Difference Method Authors: Sujaul Chowdhury, Ponkog Kumar Das, Syed Badiuzzaman Faruque Status: published with IOP, UK
5. Monograph: Numerical Solutions of Initial Value Problems Using Mathematica Authors: Sujaul Chowdhury, Ponkog Kumar Das Status: Published with IOP, UK
6. R. Kormokar, M. K. Biswas, P.K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin, S.K. Das and Y. Haque: Two Beam Time-Resolved Z-scan Technique and Transient Thermal Lens Formation, International Conference on Physics - 2017, University of Dhaka, January 2017.
7. M. K. Biswas, P. K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin, S. K. Das and Y. Haque: Single Beam Thermal lens Technique for Measuring the Change in Optical Properties of Toluene, International Conference on Physics - 2017, Dhaka University, Dhaka, January 2017.
8. R. Kormokar, M. K. Biswas, P.K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharafuddin, S. K. Das, and Y. Haque: Two Beam Time-resolved Z-scan Technique and transient thermal lens formation., National Conference on Physics-2017, Bangladesh Physical Society, Atomic Energy Commission, Dhaka, 2017
9. N. N. Sultana, M. K. Biswas, P. K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharif * and Y. Haque: Polarization Dependence of Nonlinear Refractive Index for 2, 5-dimethylaniline (DMA), 2nd International Bose Conference-2015 in University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
10. M. K. Biswas, P. K. Das, E. Hoque, S. M. Sharif, S. K. Das, Y. Haque, “Nonlinear Optical Properties of Dimethylaniline (DMA) using Thermal lens Technique”, International Conference on Advances in Physics 2015, University of Rajshahi, April 2015.
11. P.K. Das, M.K. Biswas, E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M.O. Faruk, S.M. Sharif, S.K. Das and Y. Haque, Optical Nonlinearity of 2, 5-Dimethylaniline (DMA) and Poly-Dimethylaniline (PDMA), 1st International Conference on “Physics for Sustainable Development & Technology (ICPSDT-2015)”, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), August 2015
12. P. K. Das, M. K. Biswas, E. Hoque, A. Somadder, M. O.Faruk, S. M. Sharif, N. Chawdhury, S. K. Das, Y. Haque, “Measurement of nonlinear refractive index of 2,5 di-methylaniline (DMA) by z-scan technique using cw laser”, International Conference on Advances in Physics 2013, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, January 2013.
PHY 101H: Physics for Engineer
PHY 107F: Mechanics, Structure of Matter, Waves and Oscillation
PHY 111: Physics for Architects
PHY 207D: Optics, Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
PHY 209: General Physics
PHY 05331107G: General Physics
Non-major Lab: PHY 204E, PHY 207D, PHY202K
PHY 343: Classical Electrodynamics-I
PHY 322A : Physics Practical-5
PHY 322B : Physics Practical-6
PHY 431: Nonlinear Optics-I
PHY 451: Nonlinear Optics-II
PHY 523: Nonlinear Optics
PHY 524: Physics Masters Laboratory
Awards & Recognition
Merit Scholarship, in B. Sc.( Honours), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology.
Prime Minister Gold Medal -2011, UGC, Bangladesh (Awarded in 2016)
Vice Chancellor Award, at the Bachelor level, (Awarded in 2020), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Vice Chancellor Award, at the Master level, (Awarded in 2020), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology