Faculty Profile
Dr Syed Badiuzzaman Faruque
Contact Information
Born in 1962 in the District of Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Studied at rural
primary and high school in Mymensingh and received SSC in 1977.
Studied at Govt. A M College for 6 years and received HSC and B.Sc.
(Honours) in Physics. Studied at Dhaka University for 3 years and
received M.Sc. in Physics. Secured 1st position in B.Sc. (Honours) and
3rd position in M.Sc. Studied at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth,
USA during 1989 -1991 and received M S in Physics. Joined the
Department of Physics of Shahjalal University of Science and
Technology, Sylhet in February'1992 as Lecturer. Became Professor of
Physics in June 2009. Did research under Professor M Habibul Ahsan and
received Ph D in 2004 from SUST.
Research Interests
Some quantum mechanical problems whose root is in the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
Celestial Mechanics where prime interest is in gravito- magnetism. Published works on celestial mechanics are recognized by eminent scientists working in the field.
Active Research Project
1. Unveiling the secret underlying Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Mainly looking for answers to how, where and why minimal length appear in atomic and nuclear systems.
2. Study of evolution of massive stars with low Metallicity and comparison of IMF for young and old clusters.
Previous Research Project
1. The Sitnikov problem and gravito-magnetic clock effect were the two main problems where ground breaking research was done and published.
Journal Publications
1. S.A. Tarek, S.B. Faruque, S.M. Sharafuddin, K.M.E. Hasan, A. K. M. M. Hossain, H.Ara, M.K. Biswas, Y. Haque, Linear and thermo-optically generated nonlinear optical response of bovine serum albumin and its constituent amino acids in continuous wave z-scan, AIP Advanses 13(2023) 035315.
2. S.B. Faruque, S.R. Pronoy and A. Al-Imtiaz, Investigation on opacity of gaseous stars, SUST J. Sci. Tech(2023) (Accepted)
3. . B.K. Chakravorti, S.B. Faruque, Gravitoeletromagnetism and gravitomagnetic clock Effect, J. Sci. Res. 14 (2022) 749-754.
4. .Md. Moniruzzaman, Md. Nasir Uddin and S.B. Faruque, Exact solution of the Dirac equation with a combined static electric and magnetic field in the context of generalized uncertainty principle, Int. J. High Energy Physics 9(2022) 25-35.
5. B.K. Chakravorti, S.B. Faruque, Gravitoeletromagnetism and gravitomagnetic clock Effect, JSR 14 (2022) 749-754.
6. S.A.Tarek, S.B. Faruque, S.M. Sharafuddin, K.M.E. Hasan, A.K.M.M. Hossain, H. Ara, M.K. Biswas and Y. Haque, Closed aperture CW Z-scan of L-tryptophan for determination of optical nonlinearity in the thermal regime, JOSA B 38 (2021)2806-2812.
7. M.S. Islam, P.C. Baidya, S.B. Faruque, Simulation of waveform generator, SUST J Sci Tech 31(2021) 15-21.
8. A. Estiak and S.B. Faruque, Quantum gravitomagnetic clock effect in Kerr field, New Astronomy 85 (2021) 101547.
9. H. Ara, S.M.S. Al Din, S.A. Tarek, M.K. Biswas, S.M. Sharafuddin, S.B. Faruque and Y. Haque, Direct Albumin quantification by Nanodrop and optical properties of blood Plasma, IOSR-JBB 7(2021)36-44.
10. M.R. Shipra and S.B. Faruque, Investigation of an equation with logarithmic coupling with momentum in Dirac equation, Int. J. High Energy Phys.7(2020) 32-36.
11. B.K. Chakravorti, M.S. Islam and S.B. Faruque, An alternative approach to gravity based on multiple independent fields, SUST J. Sci. Tech. 30(2020) 25-31.
12. B.K. Chakravorti, M. S. Islam and S.B. Faruque, An approach to quantum Gravitodynamics and some important results, WJAP 5 (2020) 43-48.
13. S.B. Faruque and I.J. Suhi, Extension of Dirac equation with harmonic functions and its novel features, IOSR-JAP 12 (2020) 20-24.
14. Md Moniruzzaman, S. B. Faruque, Novel energy level structure of Dirac oscillator in magnetic field, Int. J. High Energy Phys. 7 (2020) 8-14.
15. S. A. Tarek, S.B. Faruque, S.M. Sharafuddin, H. Ara and Y. Haque, UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy and Z-scan analysis along with corresponding molecular electronic structure analysis at SFT level for L-Tyrosine, IOSR-JAC 13 (2020) 45-51.
16. S.B. Faruque, S.D. Shuvo, M. Moniruzzaman and P.K. Das, Localized states of modified Dirac equation, SUST J. Sci. Tech. 29(2019) 01-10.
17. S.B. Faruque, J. Ahmed and P.C. Baidya, Space-time evolution of one-Dimensional Dirac wave packet, IOSR-JAP (2019) 31-38.
18. Md. Moniruzzaman and S.B. Faruque, A short note on minimal length, J.Sci. Res. 11 (2019)151-155.
19. S. Hossain, S.B. Faruque, M.S. Hossain, Investigation of classical systems with complex energy in the field of quantum-classical correspondence, Global J. of Science Frontier Research A 18(2018) 29-34.
20. S.B. Faruque, A quantum analogy to the classical gravitomagnetic clock effect, Results in Physics 9(2018)1508-1510.
21. Md. Moniruzzaman and S.B. Faruque, Estimation of minimal length using binding energy of deuteron, J. Sci. Res.10(2018) 99-103.
22. M. N. Chowdhury, M. T. H. Bhuiyan, M.D.I. Bhuyan and S.B. Faruque, Intensity of gravitational wave emitted by an oscillating Keplerian binary. New Astronomy 51(2017)28-31.
23. M.D.I. Bhuyan, Md. Moniruzzaman, C.M. Ismail Hossain, J. Islam and S.B. Faruque, Study of temperature and rainfall variability over Bangladesh in the winter season, J. Sci. and Tech. 4 (2014) 19-29
24. S.B. Faruque, Md. Afjalur Rahman, Md. Moniruzzaman, Upper bound on minimal length from deuteron, Results in Physics 4 (2014) 52-53.
25. M.D.I. Bhuyan, T.H. Bhuiyan, J. Islam, Chowdhury Wahid and S.B. Faruque, Characteristic of summer monsoon rainfall over South Asia using TRMM data, J. Sci. and Tech. 3 (2013) 471-479.
26. Md. Moniruzzaman and S.B. Faruque, Periastron precession due to gravitational spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Scr. 87(2013)045001.
27. Md. Moniruzzaman and S.B. Faruque, The exact solution of the Dirac equation with a static magnetic field under the influence of the generalized uncertainty principle, Phys.Scr. 85(2012)035006.
28. Momotaj Ara, Md. Moniruzzaman and S.B. Faruque, Exact solution of the Dirac equation with a linear potential under the influence of the generalized uncertainty principle, Phys.Scr. 82(2010) 035005.
29. S.B. Faruque M. A. Nawaz,and M. H. Ahsan, Gravitational radiation from Keplerian binary with oscillating orbital plane, J. Sci. Res. 1(2009)22-30.
30. S.B. Faruque and M.M. Huq Chowdhury, Kepler’s laws under modified Newtonian dynamics, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 45 (2008) 31-34.
31. . S.B. Faruque and P.Shahrear, On the gravitometric clock effect., Fizika B 17(2008) 429-434.
32. M.S. Hossain and S.B. Faruque, Influence of a generalized uncertainty principle on the energy spectrum of (1+1) dimensional Dirac equation with linear potential, Phys.Scr. 78(2008)035006.
33. S. B. Rafiq, A.K.M. Azad Rahman, S.B. Faruque, and M Ahsan, Measurement of hormone level in thyroid gland and study of hormone complexity, SUST Studies 8 (2007) 71-73.
34. S.B. Faruque and R Samadder, Perturbative calculation of periastron shift in test particle orbit in Schwarzschild space-time, SUST Studies 7 (2007) 32-35.
35. P.Shahrear and S.B. Faruque, Shift of ISCO and gravitomagnetic clock effect due to gravitational spin-orbit coupling, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 16(2007) 1863-1869.
36. S.B. Faruque and S. Huda, Periastron shift in the orbit of a particle orbiting a Kerr black hole, Fizika B 15 (2006)99-106.
37. S.B. Faruque, Clock effect due to gravitational spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Lett. A 359(2006) 252-255.
38. S. B. Faruque, Clock effect due to gravitational spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Lett. A 359(2006) 252-255.
39. S.B. Faruque, Approximate analytic solution of the Sitnikov problem for very small primary eccentricities, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 41 (2004) 29-35.
40. S.B. Faruque, Correspondence between test and effective-particle equations of motion in relativistic gravitational two-body problem, Fizika B 13 (2004) 699-710.
41. S.B. Faruque, Gravitomagnetic clock effect in the orbit of a spinning particle orbiting the Kerr black hole, Phys. Lett. A 327 (2004) 95-97.
42. S. B. Faruque, Gravitomagnetic clock effect in the orbit of a spinning particle orbiting the Kerr black hole, Phys. Lett. A 327 (2004) 95-97.
43. S.B. Faruque, Pioneer effect and the law of gravitation, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 40 (2003) 81-84.
44. S.B. Faruque, Solution of Sitnikov problem,Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron 87(2003) 353-369.
45. S.B. Faruque, Relativistic periastron shift of a particle in Kerr field: A particular case study, Acta Phys. Slovaca 53 (2003) 279- 283.
46. . S.B. Faruque, Circular orbits of a particle in Kerr field: A study using effective one body approach, Acta Phys. Slovaca 53 (2003) 157-163.
47. S.B. Faruque, M.H. Ahsan and B. Ishwar, Circular orbits, ISCO, periastron shift and gravitomagnetic clock effect in Kerr field: A study using effective one-body approach, Phys. Lett. A 312 (2003) 166-174.
48. S. B. Faruque, Solution of the Sitnikov problem, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 87(2003)353-369.
49. S.B. Faruque, M.H. Ahsan and B. Ishwar, Circular orbits, ISCO, periastron shift and gravitomagnetic clock effect in Kerr field: a study using effective one-body approach, Phys. Lett. A 312 (2003) 166-174.
50. S.B. Faruque, Linear motion in restricted three-body problem, SUST Studies 4 (2002) 70- 76.
51. S.B. Faruque, On linear motion in restricted three-body problem with mass ration μ= 1/2 , Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 39 (2002) 207-213.
52. S.B. Faruque, Axial oscillation of a planetoid in restricted three-body problem: The circular Sitnikov problem, Bull. Astr. Soc. India 30(2002) 895-909.
53. S.B. Faruque, Axial oscillation of a planetoid in restricted three-body problem: The circular Sitnikov problem, Bull. Astr.Soc.India 30(2002) 895-909.
54. S.B. Faruque and J.P. Hsu, Remarks on covariant two-body problem, SUST Studies 3 (2000) 51-57.
55. S.B. Faruque, On the Baryon decuplet, SUST Studies 3 (2000) 58-60.
56. S. B. Faruque, Wave equation for massless particles in gravitational field , SUST Studies 2 (1997) 23-25.
57. M.M. Kasim, z. Begum, A.H. Khan, S.B. Faruque & M.S. Chowdhury, Studies of charged particle tracks in NTA films and CR-39 foil for neutron measurement, Int.J.Radiat.Appl. Instrum. Part D 20(1992) 619-621.
Quantum field theory
Atmospheric physics
General relativity and cosmology
Electromagnetism, Classical mechanics, Relativity
Atomic and molecular physics
Mathematical physics
Quantum mechanics
Nuclear physics
Physics and astronomy
Awards & Recognition
Received University Grants Commission (UGC) Award for 2006.
Best Teacher of 2018 and distinguished Teacher of 2018 given by Sultana N. Nahar Trust.
Distinguished Teacher of 2019 given by Sultana N. Nahar Trust
Fellow of The Bangladesh Physical Society.
Graduate Supervision
1. Ph.D ( 3 given, continuing 1)
2. M. Phil ( 1)
3. M.S. (Total Student: 30)
4. B.Sc. (Total Student: 24)