Faculty Profile

Dr Syed Badiuzzaman Faruque


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801912711594
  • Email: [email protected]


Born in 1962 in the District of Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Studied at rural
primary and high school in Mymensingh and received SSC in 1977.
Studied at Govt. A M College for 6 years and received HSC and B.Sc.
(Honours) in Physics. Studied at Dhaka University for 3 years and
received M.Sc. in Physics. Secured 1st position in B.Sc. (Honours) and
3rd position in M.Sc. Studied at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth,
USA during 1989 -1991 and received M S in Physics. Joined the
Department of Physics of Shahjalal University of Science and
Technology, Sylhet in February'1992 as Lecturer. Became Professor of
Physics in June 2009. Did research under Professor M Habibul Ahsan and
received Ph D in 2004 from SUST.


  • Ph D .

Research Interests

  • Some quantum mechanical problems whose root is in the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
  • Celestial Mechanics where prime interest is in gravito- magnetism. Published works on celestial mechanics are recognized by eminent scientists working in the field.

Active Research Project

  • 1. Unveiling the secret underlying Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Mainly looking for answers to how, where and why minimal length appear in atomic and nuclear systems.
  • 2. Study of evolution of massive stars with low Metallicity and comparison of IMF for young and old clusters.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. The Sitnikov problem and gravito-magnetic clock effect were the two main problems where ground breaking research was done and published.

Journal Publications

  • 1. S.A. Tarek, S.B. Faruque, S.M. Sharafuddin, K.M.E. Hasan, A. K. M. M. Hossain, H.Ara, M.K. Biswas, Y. Haque, Linear and thermo-optically generated nonlinear optical response of bovine serum albumin and its constituent amino acids in continuous wave z-scan, AIP Advanses 13(2023) 035315. (2023)
  • 2. S.B. Faruque, S.R. Pronoy and A. Al-Imtiaz, Investigation on opacity of gaseous stars, SUST J. Sci. Tech(2023) (Accepted) (2023)
  • 3. . B.K. Chakravorti, S.B. Faruque, Gravitoeletromagnetism and gravitomagnetic clock Effect, J. Sci. Res. 14 (2022) 749-754. (2022)
  • 4. .Md. Moniruzzaman, Md. Nasir Uddin and S.B. Faruque, Exact solution of the Dirac equation with a combined static electric and magnetic field in the context of generalized uncertainty principle, Int. J. High Energy Physics 9(2022) 25-35. (2022)
  • 5. B.K. Chakravorti, S.B. Faruque, Gravitoeletromagnetism and gravitomagnetic clock Effect, JSR 14 (2022) 749-754. (2022)
  • 6. S.A.Tarek, S.B. Faruque, S.M. Sharafuddin, K.M.E. Hasan, A.K.M.M. Hossain, H. Ara, M.K. Biswas and Y. Haque, Closed aperture CW Z-scan of L-tryptophan for determination of optical nonlinearity in the thermal regime, JOSA B 38 (2021)2806-2812. (2021)
  • 7. M.S. Islam, P.C. Baidya, S.B. Faruque, Simulation of waveform generator, SUST J Sci Tech 31(2021) 15-21. (2021)
  • 8. A. Estiak and S.B. Faruque, Quantum gravitomagnetic clock effect in Kerr field, New Astronomy 85 (2021) 101547. (2021)
  • 9. H. Ara, S.M.S. Al Din, S.A. Tarek, M.K. Biswas, S.M. Sharafuddin, S.B. Faruque and Y. Haque, Direct Albumin quantification by Nanodrop and optical properties of blood Plasma, IOSR-JBB 7(2021)36-44. (2021)
  • 10. M.R. Shipra and S.B. Faruque, Investigation of an equation with logarithmic coupling with momentum in Dirac equation, Int. J. High Energy Phys.7(2020) 32-36. (2020)
  • 11. B.K. Chakravorti, M.S. Islam and S.B. Faruque, An alternative approach to gravity based on multiple independent fields, SUST J. Sci. Tech. 30(2020) 25-31. (2020)
  • 12. B.K. Chakravorti, M. S. Islam and S.B. Faruque, An approach to quantum Gravitodynamics and some important results, WJAP 5 (2020) 43-48. (2020)
  • 13. S.B. Faruque and I.J. Suhi, Extension of Dirac equation with harmonic functions and its novel features, IOSR-JAP 12 (2020) 20-24. (2020)
  • 14. Md Moniruzzaman, S. B. Faruque, Novel energy level structure of Dirac oscillator in magnetic field, Int. J. High Energy Phys. 7 (2020) 8-14. (2020)
  • 15. S. A. Tarek, S.B. Faruque, S.M. Sharafuddin, H. Ara and Y. Haque, UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy and Z-scan analysis along with corresponding molecular electronic structure analysis at SFT level for L-Tyrosine, IOSR-JAC 13 (2020) 45-51. (2020)
  • 16. S.B. Faruque, S.D. Shuvo, M. Moniruzzaman and P.K. Das, Localized states of modified Dirac equation, SUST J. Sci. Tech. 29(2019) 01-10. (2019)
  • 17. S.B. Faruque, J. Ahmed and P.C. Baidya, Space-time evolution of one-Dimensional Dirac wave packet, IOSR-JAP (2019) 31-38. (2019)
  • 18. Md. Moniruzzaman and S.B. Faruque, A short note on minimal length, J.Sci. Res. 11 (2019)151-155. (2019)
  • 19. S. Hossain, S.B. Faruque, M.S. Hossain, Investigation of classical systems with complex energy in the field of quantum-classical correspondence, Global J. of Science Frontier Research A 18(2018) 29-34. (2018)
  • 20. S.B. Faruque, A quantum analogy to the classical gravitomagnetic clock effect, Results in Physics 9(2018)1508-1510. (2018)
  • 21. Md. Moniruzzaman and S.B. Faruque, Estimation of minimal length using binding energy of deuteron, J. Sci. Res.10(2018) 99-103. (2018)
  • 22. M. N. Chowdhury, M. T. H. Bhuiyan, M.D.I. Bhuyan and S.B. Faruque, Intensity of gravitational wave emitted by an oscillating Keplerian binary. New Astronomy 51(2017)28-31. (2017)
  • 23. M.D.I. Bhuyan, Md. Moniruzzaman, C.M. Ismail Hossain, J. Islam and S.B. Faruque, Study of temperature and rainfall variability over Bangladesh in the winter season, J. Sci. and Tech. 4 (2014) 19-29 (2014)
  • 24. S.B. Faruque, Md. Afjalur Rahman, Md. Moniruzzaman, Upper bound on minimal length from deuteron, Results in Physics 4 (2014) 52-53. (2014)
  • 25. M.D.I. Bhuyan, T.H. Bhuiyan, J. Islam, Chowdhury Wahid and S.B. Faruque, Characteristic of summer monsoon rainfall over South Asia using TRMM data, J. Sci. and Tech. 3 (2013) 471-479. (2013)
  • 26. Md. Moniruzzaman and S.B. Faruque, Periastron precession due to gravitational spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Scr. 87(2013)045001. (2013)
  • 27. Md. Moniruzzaman and S.B. Faruque, The exact solution of the Dirac equation with a static magnetic field under the influence of the generalized uncertainty principle, Phys.Scr. 85(2012)035006. (2012)
  • 28. Momotaj Ara, Md. Moniruzzaman and S.B. Faruque, Exact solution of the Dirac equation with a linear potential under the influence of the generalized uncertainty principle, Phys.Scr. 82(2010) 035005. (2010)
  • 29. S.B. Faruque M. A. Nawaz,and M. H. Ahsan, Gravitational radiation from Keplerian binary with oscillating orbital plane, J. Sci. Res. 1(2009)22-30. (2009)
  • 30. S.B. Faruque and M.M. Huq Chowdhury, Kepler’s laws under modified Newtonian dynamics, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 45 (2008) 31-34. (2008)
  • 31. . S.B. Faruque and P.Shahrear, On the gravitometric clock effect., Fizika B 17(2008) 429-434. (2008)
  • 32. M.S. Hossain and S.B. Faruque, Influence of a generalized uncertainty principle on the energy spectrum of (1+1) dimensional Dirac equation with linear potential, Phys.Scr. 78(2008)035006. (2008)
  • 33. S. B. Rafiq, A.K.M. Azad Rahman, S.B. Faruque, and M Ahsan, Measurement of hormone level in thyroid gland and study of hormone complexity, SUST Studies 8 (2007) 71-73. (2007)
  • 34. S.B. Faruque and R Samadder, Perturbative calculation of periastron shift in test particle orbit in Schwarzschild space-time, SUST Studies 7 (2007) 32-35. (2007)
  • 35. P.Shahrear and S.B. Faruque, Shift of ISCO and gravitomagnetic clock effect due to gravitational spin-orbit coupling, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 16(2007) 1863-1869. (2007)
  • 36. S.B. Faruque and S. Huda, Periastron shift in the orbit of a particle orbiting a Kerr black hole, Fizika B 15 (2006)99-106. (2006)
  • 37. S.B. Faruque, Clock effect due to gravitational spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Lett. A 359(2006) 252-255. (2006)
  • 38. S. B. Faruque, Clock effect due to gravitational spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Lett. A 359(2006) 252-255. (2006)
  • 39. S.B. Faruque, Approximate analytic solution of the Sitnikov problem for very small primary eccentricities, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 41 (2004) 29-35. (2004)
  • 40. S.B. Faruque, Correspondence between test and effective-particle equations of motion in relativistic gravitational two-body problem, Fizika B 13 (2004) 699-710. (2004)
  • 41. S.B. Faruque, Gravitomagnetic clock effect in the orbit of a spinning particle orbiting the Kerr black hole, Phys. Lett. A 327 (2004) 95-97. (2004)
  • 42. S. B. Faruque, Gravitomagnetic clock effect in the orbit of a spinning particle orbiting the Kerr black hole, Phys. Lett. A 327 (2004) 95-97. (2004)
  • 43. S.B. Faruque, Pioneer effect and the law of gravitation, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 40 (2003) 81-84. (2003)
  • 44. S.B. Faruque, Solution of Sitnikov problem,Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron 87(2003) 353-369. (2003)
  • 45. S.B. Faruque, Relativistic periastron shift of a particle in Kerr field: A particular case study, Acta Phys. Slovaca 53 (2003) 279- 283. (2003)
  • 46. . S.B. Faruque, Circular orbits of a particle in Kerr field: A study using effective one body approach, Acta Phys. Slovaca 53 (2003) 157-163. (2003)
  • 47. S.B. Faruque, M.H. Ahsan and B. Ishwar, Circular orbits, ISCO, periastron shift and gravitomagnetic clock effect in Kerr field: A study using effective one-body approach, Phys. Lett. A 312 (2003) 166-174. (2003)
  • 48. S. B. Faruque, Solution of the Sitnikov problem, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 87(2003)353-369. (2003)
  • 49. S.B. Faruque, M.H. Ahsan and B. Ishwar, Circular orbits, ISCO, periastron shift and gravitomagnetic clock effect in Kerr field: a study using effective one-body approach, Phys. Lett. A 312 (2003) 166-174. (2003)
  • 50. S.B. Faruque, Linear motion in restricted three-body problem, SUST Studies 4 (2002) 70- 76. (2002)
  • 51. S.B. Faruque, On linear motion in restricted three-body problem with mass ration μ= 1/2 , Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 39 (2002) 207-213. (2002)
  • 52. S.B. Faruque, Axial oscillation of a planetoid in restricted three-body problem: The circular Sitnikov problem, Bull. Astr. Soc. India 30(2002) 895-909. (2002)
  • 53. S.B. Faruque, Axial oscillation of a planetoid in restricted three-body problem: The circular Sitnikov problem, Bull. Astr.Soc.India 30(2002) 895-909. (2002)
  • 54. S.B. Faruque and J.P. Hsu, Remarks on covariant two-body problem, SUST Studies 3 (2000) 51-57. (2000)
  • 55. S.B. Faruque, On the Baryon decuplet, SUST Studies 3 (2000) 58-60. (2000)
  • 56. S. B. Faruque, Wave equation for massless particles in gravitational field , SUST Studies 2 (1997) 23-25. (1997)
  • 57. M.M. Kasim, z. Begum, A.H. Khan, S.B. Faruque & M.S. Chowdhury, Studies of charged particle tracks in NTA films and CR-39 foil for neutron measurement, Int.J.Radiat.Appl. Instrum. Part D 20(1992) 619-621. (1992)


  • Quantum field theory
  • Atmospheric physics
  • General relativity and cosmology
  • Optics
  • Electromagnetism, Classical mechanics, Relativity
  • Atomic and molecular physics
  • Mathematical physics
  • Quantum mechanics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Physics and astronomy
  • Geophysics.
  • Astrophysics

Awards & Recognition

  • Received University Grants Commission (UGC) Award for 2006.
  • Best Teacher of 2018 and distinguished Teacher of 2018 given by Sultana N. Nahar Trust.
  • Distinguished Teacher of 2019 given by Sultana N. Nahar Trust
  • Fellow of The Bangladesh Physical Society.

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Ph.D ( 3 given, continuing 1)
  • 2. M. Phil ( 1)
  • 3. M.S. (Total Student: 30)
  • 4. B.Sc. (Total Student: 24)