Faculty Profile

Dr. Subrata Sarker

Associate Professor & Head

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Oceanography, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801710417753
  • Email: [email protected]


I am an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Oceanography at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST). I did my PhD in Biology from Jacobs University Bremen, Germany. My doctoral research focused on evaluating long-term trends in plankton communities. In addition, I completed a postgraduate degree in Observational Oceanography from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Germany. I did my BSc and MS in Marine Science from the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Before joining SUST, I worked as a researcher at AWI and worked as a visiting researcher at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria. My research interests include coastal ecosystem monitoring and conservation, marine ecology, ecological modeling, time series data analysis, and the application of numerical and statistical methods to understand marine ecosystems better. I am also interested in developing oceanographic services that directly benefit local communities. In my research, I utilize diverse types of monitoring strategies (e.g. modeling, field-based sampling, citizen science, and remote sensing) to gather comprehensive data from marine ecosystems. I apply advanced statistical and numerical models to derive meaningful insights about the coastal and marine ecosystem by analyzing complex and heterogeneous data collected from different types of monitoring platforms. One key aspect of my activities is to translate the research findings into actionable policy recommendations that support sustainable coastal and marine resource management. I am highly committed to capacity-building and outreach activities in marine science.


  • PhD in Biology (2018): Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
  • Post-graduation in Observational Oceanography (2014): Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany.
  • Short course in Blue Economy (2023): Sunshine Coast University, Australia
  • MS in Marine Science (2010): Institute of Marine Sciences and Fishereis, University of Chittagnog, Bangladesh.
  • BSc in Marine Science (2009): Institute of Marine Sciences and Fishereis, University of Chittagnog, Bangladesh.

Research Interests

  • Stochastic and nonlinear dynamics, time series data modelling, theoretical ecology, conservation, Blue Economy and coastal oceanography.

Active Research Project

  • 1. Monitoring of ecohydrological variables in the Meghna River estuary (Funded by: POGO, UK).
  • 2. Citizen based coastal ecosystem monitoring system initiative (Role: Lead Member, url: https://c4cem.org/)
  • 3. Spatial planning for sustainable blue economy development in the coastal water of Bangladesh (Funded by: BANBEIS)
  • 4. Global-NANO-DOAP (A global study of coastal Deoxygenation, Ocean Acidification and Productivity at selected sites) (Role: PI; Funded by NANO; url: https://nf-pogo-alumni.org/projects/global/)
  • 5. International training program on statistical analysis of oceanographic data (Funded by POGO, Role: Coordinator)
  • 6. Awareness building of local fishers for biodiversity conservation at Kuakata coast, Bangladesh (Funded by TPS Foundation; Role: PI)
  • 7. Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Management Plan Development and Implementation (Funded by IUCN; Role: Team Leader)
  • 8. International conference on marine spatial planning for advancing sustainable blue growth (Funded by GIZ; Role: Coordinator)
  • 9. Assessment of Harbour Pollution for Sustainable Fisheries Management (Funded by BOBP-IGO; Role: Co-PI)

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Numerical simulation of temperature feedback on phytoplankton diversity: How does it work for generalist and specialist species? (Funded by: University Research Center, SUST)
  • 2. Suitability assessment for MPA site selection at coastal and marine territory of Saint Martin-Teknaf Peninsula (Funded by: USAID, WorldFish, DoF)
  • 3. Plastic: Sea to Source (Funded by: National Geographic Society, https://www.nationalgeographic.org/projects/plastic/team/)
  • 4. Impact of climate change on Blue Economy of Bangladesh (Funded by GIZ)
  • 5. Fisheries biodiversity in transboundary river (Funded by OXFAM)
  • 6. User manual of Nijhum Dwiip Marine Protected Area (Funded by IUCN)
  • 7. Translating Ocean into Economics: Modelling marine spatial planning scenarios for Blue Economy development in the northern Bay of Bengal (Funded by: University Research Center, SUST)
  • 8. Salt transport mechanism in Meghna River Estuary of the northern Bay of Bengal (Funded by: University Research Center, SUST)
  • 9. Gender dimensions and identifying job opportunities for female workers in tackling abandoned, lost and discarded fishing nets in Bangladesh (Funded by: World Bank)
  • 10. Spatial planning for seaweed farming in the maritime zone of Bangladesh (Funded by: UK research and innovation fund, SAMS)
  • 11. Phytoplankton ecology in the coastal area of Bangladesh (Funded by: University Research Center, SUST)
  • 12. TAKING STOCK: Online Transparency of Fisheries Management Information (Funded by: Fisheries Transparency Initiative)
  • 13. Trophic transfer of microplastic in the aquatic food web of Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem, Bangladesh (Funded by: BANBEIS)
  • 14. Gender dimensions in tackling Abandoned, Lost and Discarded Fishing Nets in Bangladesh (Funded by: World Bank, Role: Consultant)
  • 15. Developing a data driven novel approach for coastal food web dynamics modelling through physical-biological coupling (Funded by: University Research Center, SUST)
  • 16. NF-POGO Regional training program on marine resource management (Funded by: NF-POGO, UK; Role: Coordinator; URL: https://pogo-ocean.org/news/2023-nf-pogo-regional-training-programme-bangladesh/)
  • 17. Support the Capacity building of MPAs using IUCN Green List Framework in Bangladesh (Funded by IUCN)
  • 18. Preliminary site suitability assessment for new MPAs in the coastal and maritime area of Bangladesh: A step towards achieving 30 × 30 (Funded by: USAID, WorldFish, DoF)
  • 19. Ocean literacy for young minds (Funded by: NF-POGO, UK; Role: PI)
  • 20. POGO – ITCOocean Training Program on "Ocean Observations for Coastal Applications" (Funded by POGO; Role: Co-PI; URL: https://incois.gov.in/ITCOocean/pogo1023.jsp)
  • 21. An integrated coastal ecosystem monitoring strategy: Pilot case in Naf-Saint Martin Peninsula, Bangladesh (Funded by: URC, SUST)
  • 22. Communities for Tracking and Monitoring Plastic Debris to Develop Waste Management Plan for the Sundarbans, Bangladesh (Funded by World Bank; Role: Co-PI)
  • 23. Integration of socio-ecological data to identify potential MPAs in Bangladesh coast (Funded by WorldFish; Role: PI)

External Affiliations

  • NF-POGO Alumni Network for Oceans
  • Trevor Platt Science Foundation (Member)
  • South Asia Regional Hub on Ocean Acidification (Points of contact for Bangladesh)
  • POLMAR alumni
  • British Ecological Society (Member)
  • WildTeam Bangladesh (Volunteer)
  • Alumni Association of German Universities in Bangladesh
  • National Oceanographic and Maritime Institute, Bangladesh (Member)
  • Member, National MPA working group of department of Fisheries, Bangladesh
  • GEO Blue Planet Fisheries Working Group (Member)

Journal Publications

  • 1. Krieger, S., K. Nimit, S. Sarker, W.E. Panassa, and L.A. Krug. 2025. Impact and insights from the NF–POGO Centre of Excellence in Observational Oceanography: A trainee perspective. Oceanography 38(1), https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2025.128. (2025)
  • 2. Chowdhury, G. W., Koldewey, H. J., Niloy, M. N. H., Khan, M. M. R., Das, N., Patel, S., . . . Sarker, S. (2024). Discarded fishing net pollution in coastal areas of Bangladesh. Science of The Total Environment, 175529. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175529 (2024)
  • 3. Siddique, A. B., Rayhan, E., Sobhan, F., Das, N., Fazal, M. A., Riya, S. C., & Sarker, S. (2024). Spatio-temporal analysis of land use and land cover changes in a wetland ecosystem of Bangladesh using a machine-learning approach. Frontiers in Water, 6. doi: 10.3389/frwa.2024.1394863 (2024)
  • 4. Das, N., G. W. Chowdhury, A. B. Siddique, S. C. Riya, M. A. Fazal, F. Sobhan and S. Sarker (2024). "The silent threat of plastics along the coastal frontiers of Bangladesh: Are we concerned enough?" Marine Pollution Bulletin 205: 116567. (2024)
  • 5. Sarker, S., M. S. Hossain, N. Das, S. C. Riya, S. Smriti, M. M. Hossain and M. J. Rahman (2024). "Integration of socio-ecological data to prioritize biodiversity hot-spots for Marine Protected Area (MPA) delineation in the south-west coastal zone of Bangladesh." Regional Studies in Marine Science: 103622. (2024)
  • 6. Tasnim, R., Sarker, S., Chamily, F.A., Mohiuddin, M., Ferdous, A., Haque, A.B.M.M., Nahiduzzaman, M., Wahab, M.A., Rahman, M.M., Asaduzzaman, M. (2024). Site suitability mapping for different seaweed cultivation systems along the coastal and marine waters of Bangladesh: A Generalized Additive Modelling approach for prediction. Algal Research, 103404. (2024)
  • 7. Sarker, S., Krug, L.A., Islam, K.M., Basak, S.C., Huda, A.N.M.S., Hossain, M.S., Das, N., Riya, S.C., Liyana, E., Chowdhury, G.W. (2024). An integrated coastal ecosystem monitoring strategy: Pilot case in Naf-Saint Martin Peninsula, Bangladesh. Science of The Total Environment, 169718. (2024)
  • 8. Sarker, S., Failler, P. (2023). Towards a data-driven marine spatial plan for the maritime area of Bangladesh. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region, 1-18. (2023)
  • 9. Sarker S, Rahman MJ, Wahab MA. Modelling the role of marine protected area in biodiversity conservation. Journal of Sea Research 2023: 102457. (2023)
  • 10. Sarker, S., Haque, A. B., Chowdhury, G. W., & Huda, A. N. M. S. (2023). Environmental Controls of phytoplankton in the river dominated sub-tropical coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 66, 103114. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2023.103114 (2023)
  • 11. Sultana, T., Islam, M.T., Rahman, M.D.S., Siddique, A.B., Huda, A.N.M.S., Sarker, S. (2023). Evaluating the long-term geomorphic process in-relation to hydrodynamics in the central coastal zone of Bangladesh. Heliyon, 9. (2023)
  • 12. Sarker, S., Hossain, M.S., Sonia, M.I., Huda, A.N.M.S., Riya, S.C., Das, N., Liyana, E., Basak, S.C., Kabir, M.A. (2023). Predicting the impacts of environmental variability on phytoplankton communities of a sub-tropical estuary. Journal of Sea Research, 102404. (2023)
  • 13. Banik, U., Mohiuddin, M., Wahab, M.A., Rahman, M.M., Nahiduzzaman, M., Sarker, S., Wong, L., Asaduzzaman, M. (2023). Comparative performances of different farming systems and associated influence of ecological factors on Gracilaria sp. seaweed at the south-east coast of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Aquaculture, 574, 739675. (2023)
  • 14. Sarker, S., Riya, S.C., Rahman, M.J., Huda, A.N.M.S., Hossain, M.S., Das, N. (2023). Spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton dynamics in-relation to essential oceanographic variables in the south east coast of Bangladesh. Journal of Sea Research, 195, 102438. (2023)
  • 15. Chowdhury, G.W., Koldewey, H.J., Niloy, N.H. and Sarker, S. 2022. The ecological impact of plastic pollution in a changing climate. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences (2022)
  • 16. Hossain, M.S., Akter, S.A. & Sarker, S. Environmental controls of plankton community dynamics in a sub-tropical river system of Bangladesh. Aquatic Ecology (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10452-022-09974-6 (2022)
  • 17. Sarker, S; Mohammad, D; Nabil,S. A and Kabir, MA (2022) Modelling the Role of Temperature- Induced Environmental Noise on Phytoplankton Niche Dynamics. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:925796. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.925796 (2022)
  • 18. Sarker S, Huda ANMS, Niloy MNH, Chowdhury GW. Trophic transfer of microplastics in the aquatic ecosystem of Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh. Science of The Total Environment 2022: 155896. (2022)
  • 19. Ahmed ZU, Hasan O, Rahman MM, Akter M, Rahman MS, Sarker S. Seaweeds for the sustainable blue economy development: A study from the south east coast of Bangladesh. Heliyon 2022; 8: e09079. (2022)
  • 20. Krug, L.A., S. Sarker, A.N.M.S. Huda, A. Gonzalez-Silvera, A. Edward, C. Berghoff, C. Naranjo, E. Mahu, J. López-Calderón, L. Escudero, M. Tapia, M.A. Noernberg, M. Ahmed, N. Menon, and S. Betancur-Turizo. 2021. Putting training into practice: An alumni network global monitoring program. Pp. 18–19 in Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards. E.S. Kappel, S.K. Juniper, S. Seeyave, E. Smith, and M. Visbeck, eds, A Supplement to Oceanography 34(4), https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2021.supplement.02-08. (2021)
  • 21. Das, Y., Fuad, T.I., Roy, M., Sarker, S., Rahman, H. and Sharifuzzaman, S.M. (2021). New Distribution Record and Ecological Notes for Iasis Cylindrica (Tunicata: Salpidae) in the Bay of Bengal. Thalassas. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41208-021-00364-7 (2021)
  • 22. Sarker, S., Siddique, M. A. B., Bithi, U. H., Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. S., & Akter, M. (2021). Diseases, metals and bioactive compounds in seaweeds of Bangladesh. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 102021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2021.102021 (2021)
  • 23. Sarker, S., Sultana, T., Islam, N., Hossain, S., Huda, S., Aymann, Z., & Sharifuzzaman, S. M. (2021). Phytoplankton ecology in different coastal habitats along the northern Bay of Bengal. Marine Ecology, 00, 1– 13. https://doi.org/10.1111/maec.12679 (2021)
  • 24. Sarker, S., Akter, M., Rahman, M. S., Islam, M. M., Hasan, O., Kabir, M. A., & Rahman, M. M. (2021). Spatial prediction of seaweed habitat for mariculture in the coastal area of Bangladesh using a Generalized Additive Model. Algal Research, 60, 102490. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.algal.2021.102490 (2021)
  • 25. Masud-Ul-Alam, M., Sarker, S., Khan, M.A.I. et al. The Decadal Response of Vegetation in the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest to the Climate Variabilities: Observing from the Space. Remote Sens Earth Syst Sci (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41976-021-00055-0 (2021)
  • 26. Sarker S, Rahman MJ, Rahman MM, Akter M, Rahman MS, Wahab MA (2021) MPA zoning integrating socio-ecological data in the South East coast of Bangladesh. Marine Policy 133:104736 (2021)
  • 27. Horn, S., Meunier, C.L., Fofonova, V., Sarker, S., Pogoda, B., Asmus, H. and Wiltshire, K.H. (2021). Impact of climate change on coastal pelagic food webs and consequences for economically and ecologically important species. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.567266 (2021)
  • 28. MARCELLI, MARCO et al. (2021). Toward the widespread application of low-cost technologies in coastal ocean observing (Internet of Things for the Ocean). Mediterranean Marine Science, [S.l.], mar. 2021. ISSN 1791-6763. Available at: . . doi:https://doi.org/10.12681/mms.25060. (2021)
  • 29. Hossain, M.S. Sharifuzzaman, S.M., Nobi, M.N., Chowdhury, M.S.N., Sarker, S., Alamgir,M., Uddin, S.A., Chowdhury, S.R., Rahman, M.M., Rahman, M.S., Sobhan, F., Chowdhury, S.2021. Seaweeds farming for sustainable development goals and blue economy in Bangladesh,Marine Policy,128,104469, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104469. (2021)
  • 30. Sarker S., Mahmudul Islam M. (2021) Marine Protected Area and Biodiversity Conservation. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Life Below Water. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. (2021)
  • 31. Nelms, S.N., Emily M. Duncan, Surshti Patel, Ruchi Badola, Sunanda Bhola, Surfarsha Chakma, Gawsia Wahidunnessa Chowdhury, Brendan J. Godley, Alifa Bintha Haque, Jeyaraj Antony Johnson, Hina Khatoon, Sumit Kumar, Imogen E. Napper, Md. Nazmul Hasan Niloy, Tanjila Akter, Srishti Badola, Aditi Dev, Sunita Rawat, David Santillo, Sarker, S. Ekta Sharma, Heather Koldewey, Riverine plastic pollution from fisheries: Insights from the Ganges River system,Science of The Total Environment,2021,143305,ISSN 0048-9697,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.143305. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969720368364) (2021)
  • 32. Chowdhury, G.W., Koldewey, H.J., Duncan, E., Napper,I., Niloy, M.N.H., Nelms, S.E., Sarker, S., Bhola, S., Nishat, B., Plastic pollution in aquatic systems in Bangladesh: A review of current knowledge. Science of The Total Environment, 2021,143285,ISSN 0048-9697, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143285. (2021)
  • 33. Sarker, S., Yadav, A.K., Akter, M., Shahadat Hossain, M., Chowdhury, S.R., Kabir, M.A., Sharifuzzaman, S.M., 2020. Rising temperature and marine plankton community dynamics: Is warming bad? Ecological Complexity 43, 100857. (2020)
  • 34. Begum, A., Sarker, S., Uzzaman, M.S., Shamsuzzaman, M.M., Islam, M.M., 2020. Marine megafauna in the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh: Status, threats and conservation needs. Ocean & Coastal Management 192, 105228. (2020)
  • 35. Sarker, S., Panassa, E., Hossain, M., Chowdhury, S., Yadav, A., & Sharifuzzaman, S. (2020). A bio-physicochemical perspective of the Bay of Bengal. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1-12. doi:10.1017/S0025315420000442 (2020)
  • 36. Hossain, M.S., Sarker, S., Sharifuzzaman, S.M., Chowdhury, S.R., 2020. Primary productivity connects hilsa fishery in the Bay of Bengal. Scientific Reports 10, 5659. (2020)
  • 37. Sarker, S., Yadav, A.K., Hossain, M.S., Chowdhury, S.R., Kabir, M.A., Sharifuzzaman, S.M., 2020. The drivers of diatom in subtropical coastal waters: A Bayesian modelling approach. Journal of Sea Research 163, 101915. (2020)
  • 38. Hossain, M.S., Ahmed, M.K., Sarker, S., Rahman, M.S. 2020. Seasonal variations of trace metals from water and sediment samples in the northern Bay of Bengal, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 193, 110347, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110347. (2020)
  • 39. Sarker, S, Masud‐Ul‐Alam, M, Hossain, MS, Rahman Chowdhury, S, Sharifuzzaman, S. A review of bioturbation and sediment organic geochemistry in mangroves. Geological Journal. 2020; 1– 12. https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3808 (2020)
  • 40. Hossain, M.S., Rahman, M.S., Uddin, M.N., Sharifuzzaman, S.M., Chowdhury, S.R., Sarker, S., Nawaz Chowdhury, M.S., 2020. Microplastic contamination in Penaeid shrimp from the Northern Bay of Bengal. Chemosphere 238, 124688. (2020)
  • 41. Hossain M.S., Sobhan F., Uddin M.N., Sharifuzzaman S.M., Chowdhury S.R., Sarker S., et al. Microplastics in fishes from the Northern Bay of Bengal. Sci Total Environ., 690, 821–30 (2019). (2019)
  • 42. Sarker, S., Rahman, M.M., Yadav, A.K., Islam, M.M., 2019. Zoning of marine protected areas for biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh through socio-spatial data. Ocean & Coastal Management 173, 114-122. (2019)
  • 43. Sharifuzzaman, S.M., Hossain, M.S., Chowdhury, S.R., Sarker, S., Chowdhury, M.S.N., Chowdhury, M.Z.R., 2018. Elements of fishing community resilience to climate change in the coastal zone of Bangladesh. Journal of Coastal Conservation. (2018)
  • 44. Islam, M.M., Islam, N., Mostafiz, M., Sunny, A.R., Keus, H.J., Karim, M., Hossain, M.Z., Sarker, S., 2018. Balancing between livelihood and biodiversity conservation: a model study on gear selectivity for harvesting small indigenous fishes in southern Bangladesh. Zoology and Ecology, 1-8. (2018)
  • 45. Sarker, S., Feudel, U., Meunier, C.L., Lemke, P., Dutta, P.S., Wiltshire, K.H., 2018. To share or not to share? Phytoplankton species coexistence puzzle in a competition model incorporating multiple resource-limitation and synthesizing unit concepts. Ecological Modelling 383, 150-159. (2018)
  • 46. Sarker, S., Lemke, P., Wiltshire, K.H., 2018. Does ecosystem variability explain phytoplankton diversity? Solving an ecological puzzle with long-term data sets. Journal of Sea Research 135, 11-17. (2018)
  • 47. Sarker, S., Bhuyan, A.A.H., Rahman, M.M., Islam, M.A., Hossain, M.S., Basak, S.C., Islam, M.M., 2018. From science to action: Exploring the potentials of Blue Economy for enhancing economic sustainability in Bangladesh. Ocean & Coastal Management 157, 13. (2018)
  • 48. Sarker, S., Al-Noman, M., Chandra Basak, S., Islam, M.M., 2018. Do biotic interactions explain zooplankton diversity differences in the Meghna River estuary ecosystems of Bangladesh? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 212, 146-152. (2018)
  • 49. Sarker, S., Wiltshire, K.H., 2017. Phytoplankton carrying capacity: Is this a viable concept for coastal seas? Ocean & Coastal Management 148, 1-8. 9. (2017)
  • 50. Hossain, M.S., Sharifuzzaman, S.M., Chowdhury, S.R., Sarker, S., 2016. Habitats across the life cycle of hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) in aquatic ecosystem of Bangladesh. Fisheries Management and Ecology 23, 450-462. (2016)
  • 51. Chowdhury S.R., Hossain M.S., Sharifuzzaman S.M. and Sarker S. (2015). Blue carbon in the coastal ecosystems in Bangladesh. IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature,Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh , 12pp. (2015)
  • 52. Hossain M.S., Chowdhury S.R., Sharifuzzaman S.M. and Sarker S. (2015). Vulnerability of the Bay of Bengal to Ocean Acidification. IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature,Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh, vi+68 (2015)
  • 53. Hossain, M. S., Chowdhury, S.R., Sharifuzzaman, M., Chowdhury, M.S.N., Sarker, S., Islam, M.R., Talukdar, A. 2014. Sea Shells of Bangladesh. Tetra-C and CU, 44pp. (2014)
  • 54. Hossain, M.S., Sarker, S., Sharifuzzaman, S.M., Chowdhury, S.R., 2014. Habitat modelling of juvenile Hilsa Tenualosa ilisha (Clupeiformes) in the coastal ecosystem of the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Journal of Ichthyology 54, 203-213 (2014)
  • 55. Hossain, M.S., Sarker, S., Chowdhury, S.R., Sharifuzzaman, S.M., 2014. Discovering spawning ground of Hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) in the coastal waters of Bangladesh. Ecological Modelling 282, 59-68. (2014)
  • 56. Hossain, M.S., Sarker., S., Rahaman, M.Z., Rahman, M.M., 2014. Fresh water fish diversity at Greater Noakhali, Bangladesh. Chiang Mai journal of natural science 13, 19. (2014)
  • 57. Sarker, S., Hossain, M.S., 2013. State of Fisheries Biodiversity in Bangladesh. Info Fish International 5, 3. (2013)
  • 58. Hossain, M.S., Sarker, S., 2013. New species of leaf fish Nandus meni (Perciformes: Nandidae) from Noakhali, Bangladesh. Zoology and Ecology 23, 191-197. (2013)
  • 59. Hossain, M.S., Sarker., S., Sharifuzzaman, S.M., Chowdhury, S.R., 2013. A new record of catfish Heteropneustes nani in Noakhali, Bangladesh. Vertebrate zoology 63, 8. (2013)
  • 60. Hossain, M.S., Rothuis, A., Chowdhury, S.R., Smaal, A., Ysebaert, T., Sharifuzzaman, S.M., van Sluis, C., Hellegers, P., van Duijn, A., Dankers, P., Chowdhury, S.N., Sarker, S., 2013. Oyster aquaculture for coastal defense with food production in Bangladesh. Aquaculture Asia 18, 10. (2013)
  • 61. Hossain, M.S., Gopal Das, N., Sarker, S., Rahaman, M.Z., 2012. Fish diversity and habitat relationship with environmental variables at Meghna river estuary, Bangladesh. The Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 38, 213-226. (2012)
  • 62. Rahman, M.Z., Sarker, S., Rahman, M.T., 2011. Bigger Pond Favor Nile Tilapia Production. European Aquaculture 36, 3. (2011)


  • 1. List of Selected Talks (2024)
  • 2. List of Other Publications (2024)


  • Ocean modelling, remote sensing and satellite oceanography, GIS, research methodology, computational oceanography

Awards & Recognition

  • NF-POGO scholarship for post-graduation program at Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany
  • Grant to attend summer school with RV Celtic Explorer, Ireland
  • Grant to attend floating summer school with RV Polarstern from Germany to South Africa
  • Grant to conduct research for short time period at International Institute for Applied system research, Austria
  • Grants to attend Conference/training/workshop/seminar at: Australia, Austria, Portugal, China, France, Norway, UK, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, Germany, Ireland, Russia, Denmark, Cape Verde, India, Togo, South Africa
  • Vice Chancellor Award - 2021
  • Australia Awards 2022

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Current PhD students: 03, Current MPhil student: 01
  • 2. Current MS thesis students: 08, Former MS thesis students: 12
  • 3. Current BSc project students: 0, Former BSc project students: 15

Social Media