Faculty Profile
Mostafa Rafid
Contact Information
Mostafa Rafid completed his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in February, 2021. His undergraduate thesis research was completed on the Surface Roughness Effect on Microfluidic Droplets under the supervision of Dr. A. B. M. Toufique Hasan in his “Macro-to-Micro scale Fluids Engineering Lab (MµFEL)”.
He joined as a Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Shahjalal University of Engineering and Technology, Sylhet in August, 2022. He is currently working on several projects in the fields of thermo-fluid systems and renewable energy. He wishes to serve and contribute to the country as a teacher, and a researcher to the best of his abilities.
Personal Website: https://sites.google.com/view/mostafarafid
B.Sc. - Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (2021)
HSC - Rajshahi College (2015)
SSC - Rajshahi Collegiate School (2013)
Research Interests
Multiphase Flow
Thermofluidic Systems
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Energy Storage System
Renewable Energy
Active Research Project
1. M. Rafid, M. Rahman, S. Alam, S. Mahmud, and M. M. Rahman, “A CFD study on the variable fin length and the angle of fins in an annular latent heat thermal storage system.”
Previous Research Project
1. M. Rafid, N. J. Chowdhury, M. Rahman, and A. B. M. T. Hasan, “Effects of Surface Discontinuity on Droplet Dynamics in a Microfluidic Channel,” ATE-HEFAT 2021: 15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2021, pp. 754-759.
(Received Certificate of Award for Best Paper in Multiphase Flow 1 at the conference)
2. S. Alam, S. Mahmud, M. Rafid, M. Rahman, and M. M. Rahman, “Effects of Aspect Ratio and Obstacle Geometry on the Thermal Performance inside a Rectangular Cavity”, ICERIE 2023: 7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation, and Education.
(Received Best Paper Award in Theme 4: Mechanical, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering at the conference)
1. Effects of Aspect Ratio and Obstacle Geometry on the Thermal Performance inside a Rectangular Cavity
2. Effects of Surface Discontinuity on Droplet Dynamics in a Microfluidic Channel
MEE 361: Convection, Boiling, Condensation, and Mass Transfer
MEE 255: Engineering Materials (Metallic and Composites)
MEE 367: Instrumentation and Measurement
MEE 362: Convection, Boiling, Condensation, and Mass Transfer Sessional
MEE 256: Engineering Materials Sessional
MEE 368: Instrumentation and Measurement Sessional
Awards & Recognition
Champion [2011], 2nd Runner-up [2012], Champion [2013], HSBC-Prothom Alo Vasha Protijog
Winner (District & Divisional Round), Creative Talent Hunt Competition [2014]
1st Runner-up, Mechanics Olympiad, Mechanical Festival in BUET [2016]
Badhan - Certificate of Acknowledgement [2021] for donating blood 12 times.
Admission Test Scholarship [2018]
University Merit Scholarship [2017-2019]
Dean’s List Scholarship [2017-2019]