Faculty Profile
Dr Md Aminul Haque
Contact Information
Dr. M. Aminul Haque was born at Rajshahi, Bangladesh . He is working as a faculty member of the Department of Mathematics since February 2004 at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh. He is serving as a Professor of Mathematics. He has more than 19 years of teaching and research experience. He has published a number of refereed research papers in reputed national and international Journals.
PhD. Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia.
M.S. Western University, London, Ontario, Canada.
M.Sc. The University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
B.Sc. (Honours), The University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
H.S.C (Science Group) Rajshahi College, Rajshahi, 1994
S.S.C (Science Group) Rajshahi Collegiate School, 1992
Research Interests
Mathematical Modelling
Mathematical Biology
Machine learning
Computational Epidemiology
Data Science
Health Science
Industrial and Engineering Mathematics
External Affiliations
Curtin University Alumni
Life-member Bangladesh Mathematical Society
Western University Alumni
Ex-President- Curtin University Postgraduate Student Association
Ex-Vice President-Curtin University Postgraduate Student Association
Ex-Faculty Representative of Science and Engineering- Curtin University Postgraduate Student Association
Journal Publications
1. Haque, M. A. Chakraborty, A. K. and Islam, M, A (2021). Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Dynamics of Chikungunya in Bangladesh. MATEMATIKA: Malaysian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 37(2): 91-108
2. Chakraborty, A. K, Haque, M. A. and Islam, M, A. (2020). Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Dengue Transmission in Bangladesh with Saturtaed Incidence rate and constant Treatment Function. Communication of Biomathematical Sciences, 3(2): 101-113
3. Haque, M. A. Chakraborty, A. K. , Islam, M, A, Rahman, M.A and Braman, V.C.M (2020). A study of HIV infection of CD4+T-cells through saturated incidence rate and constant cytokine effect: A mathematical modelling approach. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 16(5): 723-739
4. Paul S. C., Haque, M. A., Islam, M. A. and Chakraborty, A. K. (2018) Mathematical Modeling and Analyzing of Transmission Dynamics of Influenza with Carrier. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics , 57(4), 26-40
5. Haque, M. A., Topal, E. and Lilford, E. (2017). Evaluation of a mining project under the joint effect of commodity price and exchange rate uncertainties using real option valuation. Journal the Engineering Economist, 62(3): 231-253
6. Haque, M. A., Topal, E. and Lilford, E. (2016). Estimation of mining project values through real option valuation using a combination of hedging strategy and a mean reversion commodity price. Journal of the Natural Resources Research, 25(4): 459-471
7. Haque, M. A., Topal, E. and Lilford, E. (2015). Iron ore prices and the value of the Australian dollar. Mining Technology, 124(2): 107-120
8. Haque, M. A., Topal, E. and Lilford, E. (2015). Relationship between the gold price and the Australian dollar-US dollar exchange rate. Mineral Economics. 28: 65-78.
9. Mamun, M. A . , Haque , M. A. (2014). Roots of Monic Quadratic Over Octonion,Journal of SUST Studies 24, 55-59
10. Haque, M. A., Topal, E. and Lilford, E. (2014). A numerical study for a mining project using real options valuation under commodity price uncertainty. Resources Policy, 39:115-123.
11. Haque, M.A (2011). A predator-prey model with discrete time delay considering different growth function of prey, Advance Applied Mathematical Biosciences 2, 1-16
12. Haque, M. A. (2011). Super infection and density dependent dynamics of an SI type epidemic model for two strains pathogen, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 7 (1), 19-33
13. Haque, M. A. (2010).Dynamics of Evolutionary epidemiological SIR model with varying total population size, SUST Studies Journal 14 (4), 33-47
14. Haque, M. A. and Islam, M. A. (2008). The dynamical behavior of periodic points of some real maps. SUST Studies Journal, Vol-10. No.1, pp.54-63
15. Haque, M. A., and Islam, M. A., (2007). A Study on the behavior of attracting and repelling nature of fixed points of real Maps. SUST Studies Journal, Vol 8. No. 2, .pp.16-22
Mathematical Modelling in Biology
Differential Equations
Numerical Analysis
Financial Mathematics
Complex Analysis
Linear Algebra
Awards & Recognition
Primary Scholarship based on merit(Talent pool), 1987-1989, from the Government of Bangladesh.
Junior Scholarship based on merit, 1989-1992, from the Government of Bangladesh.
Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C), Merit Board (Based on top percentage of average marks, 87 % ) scholarship, 1992-1994, from the Government of Bangladesh
Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C), Merit Board (Based on top percentage of average marks, 84.8% ) scholarship, 1995-1998, from the Government of Bangladesh.
Dhaka University Merit Scholarship-1998 in Mathematics.
Dean’s Honour, from the Dean, Faculty of Science, , Dhaka University for excellence Performance in B.Sc. Honours examination in 1998.
Provost’s Honour, Shahidullh Hall, Dhaka University for excellence Performance in B.Sc. Honours examination in 1998.
National Science and Technology (N.S.T) Fellowship-2001 from the Ministry of Science and Information and Communication Technology, Government of Bangladesh for M.Sc. Thesis in Dhaka University
Western Graduate Research Scholarship (WGRS), 2009-2011, Western University, Canada for M.S. program .
Curtin University, Graduate research School, PhD Scholarship.
Australian Commonwealth Government Postgraduate Award (APA) for PhD Program, 2012-2016.
Australian Government International Postgraduate Research scholarship (IPRS) for PhD Program, 2012-2016.
Graduate Supervision
1. MSc Thesis, BSc(Honours) Research projects