Faculty Profile
Dr Chandrani Nag
Contact Information
Name : Chandrani Nag
Nationality : Bangladeshi
Corresponding Address : Department of Mathematics, Shahjalal University of Science and
Technology, Sylhet 3114, BANGLADESH.
Present Address : Aparajita, House 8, Road 4, Block A, Mahmudabad R/A, Sylhet 3100.
Permanent Address : Do
Email : [email protected]
Phone : Office: +88-0821-714479 Ext 264
Mobile : +88-01916129200
Present Positions:
• Professor, Department of Mathematics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (18.09.2020---)
Previous Positions:
• President (Acting), Shahjalal University Teachers Association (SUTA) (2023)
• Provost, Begum Fazilatunnesa Mujib Hall, SUST(08.02.2023--07.08.2024)
• Assistant Provost, First Ladies Hall (07.09.2019—07.02.2023),
• Student Advisor, Departrment of Mathematics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (2020-21 and 2021-22)
PhD in Mathematics, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
MSc (1st Position), SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
BSc (2nd Position), SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Algebra (especially, Lattice Theory with the specialization in the P-algebras)
Active Research Project
1. Project Name: Algebras and Its Some Subclasses Associated with Ternary Operation,
Project ID: PS/2023/2/20,
Research Grant: 2023-24,
Position: Principal Investigator,
Project Grant: SUST Research Center, Sylhet
Status: First year report submitted.
Previous Research Project
1. Project Name: Representation of 0-Modular p-Algebras,
Project No.: PS/2018/2/19,
Position: Co Investigator,
Project Grant: SUST Research Centre, Sylhet,
Status: Final report submitted.
2. Project Name: Subdirectly irreducible Pseudocomplemented JP-Semilattices, Project No.: PS/2020/2/20,
Position: Co Investigator,
Project Grant: SUST Research Centre, Sylhet.
Status: Final report submitted.
External Affiliations
Life time member, Bangladesh Mathematical Society.
Member, Bongio Sahitya Sansad
Joint General Secretary, Jatiyo Rabindra Sangit Sammilon Parishod, Sylhet
Journal Publications
1. Epimorphic Image of P-Ideals of P-Algebras
2. Annihilator Ideals in 0-distributive Lattices
3. Kernel Ideals and Cokernel Filters of a P-algebra
4. P-ideals and p-filters of a p-algebra
5. Some characterizations of subclasses of p-algebras
6. A note on normal and comaximal lattices
7. Separation Theorem for p-ideals of a p-algebra
8. Fermions in NUT-Kerr-Newman Space-Time
9. Fermions in NUT-Kerr-Newman-Kasuya Space-Time
1. Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics, SUST. From February 08, 2006 to February 07, 2009
2. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, SUST. From February 08, 2009 to January 06, 2017
3. Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics SUST. From January 07, 2017 to September 17, 2020
4. Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, SUST. September 18, 2020 till to date
Awards & Recognition
Fellowship from HEQEP, UGC, Bangladesh
Chancellors Gold Medal 2008, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
Vice Chancellors Silver Medal 2008, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
Deans Book medal 2008, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
Graduate Supervision
1. 1. M. Sc. Thesis student: Mst. Shamima Nasrin,
Thesis Title: Some Properties of Ternary Operation of Lattices