Faculty Profile

Dr Md Kamrul Islam

Professor & Head

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801716439353
  • Email: [email protected], [email protected]


  • PhD in Insect Genetics, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
  • Masters of Science in Nematology, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Masters of Science in Genetics and Breeding, Obtained Result: First Class, Position-First, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
  • B.Sc (Honours) in Zoology, Obtained Result: First Class, Position-First, National University, Bangladesh

Research Interests

  • Molecular Biology
  • IPM
  • Natural Compounds
  • Medical Biotechnology
  • Bioinformatics

Active Research Project

  • 1. Phyto-pharmacological assessment of indigenous medicinal plant for antidiabetic and anticholestrol potentials, Funded by Research Center, SUST, Sylhet
  • 2. Molecular identification of plant parasitic rice nematodes and evaluation of some plant extracts for their nematicidal activity against rice nematodes, Funded by Research Center, SUST, Sylhet

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Molecular detection of multidrug resistance in bacteria causing Urinary Tract Infection, Funded by Research Center, SUST, Sylhet
  • 2. Molecular Characterization and Identification of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in the Soils of Malnichara Tea State, Sylhet, Funded by Research Center, SUST, Sylhet
  • 3. Diagnosis of plant parasitic nematodes from different tea estates in Sylhet city and their management by using some indigenous plant extracts, Funded by University Grant Commission and Research Center, SUST, Sylhet
  • 4. Molecular identification of parasitic nematodes from different tea estates of greater Sylhet region and their management strategies by using indigenous medicinal plant extract, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
  • 5. Production of Recombinant Cellulase and Protease of Bacterial and Fungal Isolates using Municipal Solid Wastes, Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

External Affiliations

  • Bangladesh Genetical Society (BGS)-Life Member
  • Bangladesh Association of Biotechnology (BABT)- Life Member
  • Bangladesh Association of Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology (BAPTC&B)- Member
  • Zoological Society of Bangladesh-Life Member
  • Bangladesh Botanical Society-Member
  • Alumni, PINC-VLIR-UOS, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Rajshahi University Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology Alumni Association(RUGEBAA)-Life Member
  • American Society of Microbiology-Member
  • Bangladesh Biosafety and Biosecurity Society-Member
  • Network of Instrument Technical personnel and User scientists of Bangladesh (NITUB)-Life Member
  • Rajshahi University Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology Alumni Association-Executive Member

Journal Publications

  • 1. Multi-epitope vaccine against drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a proteome-wide subtraction and immunoinformatics approach. (2023)
  • 2. Inhibition of Key Digestive Enzymes Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by Piper betle L. Leaf Extracts to Manage Diabetes in an Alternative Way (2022)
  • 3. Molecular diagnosis and evolutionary relationship analysis of plant parasitic tea garden nematodes from different tea estates in Sylhet region of Bangladesh (2021)
  • 4. Comprehensive Phylogenetic Analysis of Root-knot Nematodes Predicts Emerging Virulent Species. (2020)
  • 5. The characterization of multidrug resistant type 1 S-fimbriated Escherichia coli from women with recurrent urinary tract infections (RUTIs) in Bangladesh (2019)
  • 6. Characterization of multi-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from urinary tract infected-women at Sylhet city, Bangladesh (2019)
  • 7. Identification of AcrAB-TolC Efflux Pump Genes and Detection of Mutation in Efflux Repressor AcrR from Omeprazole Responsive Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Isolates Causing Urinary Tract Infections (2019)
  • 8. Biodegradation of reactive textile dye Novacron Super Black G by free cells of newly isolated Alcaligenes faecalis AZ26 and Bacillus spp obtained from textile effluents (2019)
  • 9. Scale-up of protease production by Serratia marcescens using municipal solid wastes in the bioreactor and its partial purification and characterization (2018)
  • 10. Partial purification and characterization of serine protease produced through fermentation of organic municipal solid wastes by Serratia marcescens A3 and Pseudomonas putida A2. (2018)
  • 11. Molecular detection and PCR-RFLP analysis using Pst1 and Alu1 of multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae causing urinary tract infection in women in the eastern part of Bangladesh. (2018)
  • 12. Targeting of Virulence Factors and Plasmid Profiling of Klebsiella pneumoniae Causing Urinary Tract Infection in Sylhet City of Bangladesh (2018)
  • 13. Characterisation of Multidrug-resistant Alcaligenes faecalis Strain AF1 Isolated from Patient of RUTIs: A Study from Bangladesh (2018)
  • 14. Occurrence of ingression of Salmonella spp. in Betel leaf (Piper betle L.) (2017)
  • 15. Response on lifespan and offspring production in the transgenic round worm Caenorhabditis elegans to violet-blue irradiation exposure (2016)
  • 16. Multidrug Resistance Phenotype and Plasmid Profiling of Escherichia coli Isolates Causing UrinaryTract Infections in North East Part of Bangladesh (2016)
  • 17. Isolation, screening and characterization of cellulase producing bacterial isolates from municipal solid wastes and rice straw wastes (2016)
  • 18. Biodegradation of reactive textile dyes by bacterial isolates (2013)
  • 19. Identification and Assay of Putative Virulence Properties of Escherichia coli gyrase Subunit A and B among Hospitalized UTI Patients in Bangladesh (2013)
  • 20. Fermentation of municipal solid wastes by bacterial isolates for production of raw protein degrading proteases (2013)
  • 21. Cross mating studies in Epilachna vigintioctopunctata Fab. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from three regions of Bangladesh (2012)
  • 22. Control of Epilachna vigintioctopuntata Fab. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) using some indigenous plant extracts (2011)
  • 23. Inheritance of body colour in pulse beetle (Callosobruchus maculates F.) (2007)
  • 24. Enzyme activities in relation to sugar accumulation in tomato (2006)
  • 25. Effect of some Integrated Pest Management (IPM) packages in the prevention of fruit damage caused by brinjal shoot and fruit borer on eggplant (2006)
  • 26. Karyotype analysis of two Epilachna species (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from Bangladesh (2003)
  • 27. Biological note of Afidenta misera Weise (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). (2002)
  • 28. Genetic relationship on elytral spot patterns of phytophagous ladybird beetle, Epilchna vigintioctopunctata Fab.(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). (2002)
  • 29. Some biological investigations and damage of vegetable crops by Epilachna pusillanima Muls. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) (2002)
  • 30. Host preference and economic injury of crop plant by the phytophagous ladybird beetle, Epilachna vigintioctopunctata Fab. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) (2000)


  • 1. Molecular identification of parasitic tea garden nematodes from different tea estates of greater Sylhet region, 21thInternational Biennial Conference and Annual General Meeting 2019 of the Zoological Society of Bangladesh, 7-8 December 2019, Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (2019)
  • 2. Complementary Roles of Biosafety and Biosecurity in Biorisk Management in Stem Cells Culture Libratory: Bangladesh Perspective. Annual Conference 2019 of the Asia-Pacific Biosafety Association on Biosafety and Biosecurity For Sustainable Development in Health and Agriculture at Dhaka in Bangladesh on 19 - 20 September, 2019. (2019)
  • 3. Utilization of Residual Biomass of Municipal Solid Wastes and Agricultural Wastes for Production of Industrially Important Enzymes and Microbial Lipids. 11th Regional Symposium of Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Biopolis, Singapore. (2019)
  • 4. Mitochondrial turnover in transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans strain by using the photoconvertible fluorescence reporter protein Dendra2 in a tissue specific manner. Abstract No. 66, 20th National Conference and Annual General Meeting 2016, Zoological Society of Bangladesh, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2017)
  • 5. Comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of root-knot nematode predicts emerging virulent species. Abstract No. P097, International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biostatics for Agriculture Health and Environment, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (2017)
  • 6. Purification and characterization of microbial protease and cellulose produced with organic Municipal Solid Wastes. Abstract No. O-E035, 2nd International South Asian Biotechnology Conference 2016, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2016)
  • 7. Extraction and pharmacological evaluation (antimicrobial activity) of Camellia sinensis (Tea). Abstract No. SCRSD-LS-11, 2nd Conference on research for sustainable development 2016, SUST Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2016)
  • 8. Molecular identification of cellulose producing fungal isolates and characterization of cellulose gene from the isolates. Abstract No. SCRSD-LS-03, 2nd Conference on research for sustainable development 2016, SUST Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2016)
  • 9. Comprehensive in silico study of Glut10 elucidates its possible substrate binding sites and interacting molecules. Abstract No. P-H015, 2nd International South Asian Biotechnology Conference 2016, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2016)
  • 10. Production of microbial lipids for biodeiesel synthesis and industrially important enzymes by using biomass of Municipal Solid Wastes. Abstract page No. 128, International Conference of Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2015)
  • 11. Cloning and expression of branced chain amino acid 2-oxoisovelarate dehydrogenase complex in Trypanosoma cruzi. Abstract No. P-05. International conference on Biological Sciences: Food, Health and Environmental perspectives, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (2015)
  • 12. Tridax procumbens flavonoids promote osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. Abstract No. P-38. International conference on Biological Sciences: Food, Health and Environmental perspectives, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (2015)
  • 13. Real-time PCR based diagnosis of leishmaniasis targeting Leishmania REPL repeats from clinical samples in Bangladesh. Abstract No. P-73. International conference on Biological Sciences: Food, Health and Environmental perspectives, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (2015)
  • 14. Multidrug resistance phenotypes and efflux mechanism of Escherichia coli isolates causing Urinary Tract Infections. Abstract No. 10, International conference on Biological Sciences: Food, Health and Environmental perspectives, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (2015)
  • 15. Production of industrially important enzymes and microbial lipids from biomass of Municipal Solid Wastes. Abstract No. P-09. International conference on Biological Sciences: Food, Health and Environmental perspectives, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (2015)
  • 16. Development of method for rapid detection of Salmonella spp. Prevalent in Pann (Piper betle L. Betel leaf) samples of Bangladesh. Abstract No. 81, 7th International Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology Conference 2014. Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2014)
  • 17. Protease production by Bacterial isolates using Municipal Solid Wastes in the bioreactor and its partial purification and characterization. Abstract page No. 37, 5th International Symposium on Education for sustainable Development. Bangladesh JSPS Alumni Association and JSPS, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2014)
  • 18. Bone regeneration in calvarial dfects by controlled release of TNF-α antagonist w9 peptide from gelatin hydrogel. Abstract No. PS 20, Conference on Biotechnology for better tomorrow 2014, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (2014)
  • 19. Production of proteases from bacterial isolates obtained from municipal solid wastes. Abstract No. 24, 27th Annual Conference of Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2014)


  • Introduction to Animal Sciences
  • Principles of Genetics
  • Animal and Human Physiology
  • Food Biotechnology
  • Aquaculture and Fish Genetics
  • Bioreactor and Downstream Processing
  • Research Methodology
  • Advanced Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Crop Protection and Post Harvest Technology

Awards & Recognition

  • Scholarship awarded from the University Grant Commission (UGC) Bangladesh, for PhD program
  • VLIR-UOS Belgium Government scholarship for the program of Master of Science of Nematology
  • Fellowship awarded from the Department of Genetics and Breeding, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh, to conduct on M. Phil program
  • Rajshahi University award for occupying the First position in Masters of Science in Genetics and Breeding
  • Agrani Bank Gold medal award for occupying the 1st position in the Faculty of Life and Earth Science, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. PhD, MS