Faculty Profile
Md Jahangir Alam, PhD
Contact Information
Dr. Alam was born on December 25, 1981 in a decent muslim family and his primary education was started in his own village. He completed his Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination in 1996 and his Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examination in 1998. He completed his BSc in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering from Khulna University and went to Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh for conducting MS. Dr. Alam received his PhD in Medical Bioengineering from Okayama University, Japan. He has been serving as a faculty in the Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (GEB), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh since 2007.
PhD (Medical Bioengineering); Okayama University, Okayama, Japan
MS (Biotechnology); Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
BSc (Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering); Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh
Higher Secondary Certificate (Science); Carmichael College, Bangladesh
Secondary School Certificate (Science); Ulipur M.S. High School, Ulipur, Kurigram, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Cancer Biology and therapeutics
Human Genetic Diseases
Microbial Biotechnology
Active Research Project
1. Detection of CEA, CD44 and CK19 in blood of lung and colorectal cancer patients by Multiplex RT-PCR
Previous Research Project
1. Principal Investigator of a research project (2019-2020) entitled “Characterization of Natural Compounds from Kalanchoe crenata to Cancer Cells Prevention” funded by SUST Research Center, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
2. Co-Investigator of a research Project (2011-12) entitled “In vitro propagation and adaptation of Malta in Sylhet region” funded by research centre of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology.
3. Co-Investigator of a research Project entitled “Molecular characterization of cellulase and protease from bacteria and fungi degrading Municipal Solid Waste” funded by research centre of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology.
4. Co-Investigator of a research Project (2019-22) entitled “Prevention of Breast Cancer with Natural Compounds from Tridax procumbens: Bangladesh Perspective” funded by Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information & Statistics (BANBEIS).
External Affiliations
Life member, Bangladesh Biotechnologist Society, BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Member, The American Society for Cell Biology
Member, The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
Former Prefect of Khulna University, Bangladesh; Prefect no. 0207069
Journal Publications
1. Sani DH, Munna AN, Salim M, Alam MJ and Alam MJ. 2020. Evaluation of α-amylase Inhibition and Cytotoxic Activities of the Arachis hypogaea and Cinnamomum tamala. Current Nutrition & Food Science. 16: 1. https://doi.org/10.2174/1573401316999200728183434
2. Du J, Xu Y, Sasada S, Oo AKK, Hasan G, Mahmud H, Khayrani AC, Alam MJ, Kumon K, Uesaki R, Afify SM, Manour HM, Nair N, Zahra MH, Seno A, Okada N, Chen L, Yan T and Seno M. 2020. Signaling Inhibitors Accelerate the Conversion of mouse iPS Cells into Cancer Stem Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment. Sci Rep 10, 9955. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-66471-2
3. Nawara HM, Afify SM, Hassan G, Zahra MH, Atallah MN, Mansour H, Abu Quora HA, Alam MJ, Osman A, Kakuta H, Hamada H, Seno A and Seno M. 2020. Paclitaxel and Sorafenib: The Effective Combination of Suppressing the Self-Renewal of Cancer Stem Cells. Cancers. 12(6):1360. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers12061360
4. Afify SM, Sanchez Calle A, Hassan G, Kumon K, Nawara HM, Zahra MH, Mansour HM, Khayrani AC, Alam MJ, Du J, Seno A, Iwasaki Y and Seno M. 2020. A novel model of liver cancer stem cells developed from induced pluripotent stem cells. Br J Cancer. 122(9):1378-1390. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41416-020-0792-z
5. Afify SM, Hassan G, Osman A, Calle AS, Nawara HM, Zahra MH, EL-Ghlban S, Mansour H, Alam MJ, Abu Quora HA, Du J, Seno A, Iwasaki Y and Seno M. 2019. Metastasis of Cancer Stem Cells Developed in the Microenvironment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Bioengineering. 6(3): 73. https://doi.org/10.3390/bioengineering6030073
6. Khayrani AC, Mahmud H, Oo AKK, Zahra MH, Oze M, Du J, Alam MJ, Afify SM, Quora HAA, Shigehiro T, Calle AS, Okada N, Seno A, Fujita K, Hamada H, Seno Y, Mandai T, Seno M. 2019. Targeting Ovarian Cancer Cells Overexpressing CD44 with Immunoliposomes Encapsulating Glycosylated Paclitaxel. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20(5):1042. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20051042
7. Afify SM, Calle AS, Kumon K, Nawara HM, Alam MJ, Mansour HM, Khayrani AC, Zahra MH, Seno A, Kasai T, Iwasaki Y. Generation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cancer Stem Cell from induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. InCANCER SCIENCE 2018 Dec 1 (Vol. 109, pp. 673-673). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY.
8. Seno M, Oo AK, Seno A, Zahra MH, Calle AS, Nair N, Mahmud H, Du J, Khayrani AC, Alam MJ, Kasai T. DNA Hypomethylation and overexpression of Class IB PI3K genes in the Oncogenic Conversion of iPSCs into CSCs. InCANCER SCIENCE 2018 Dec 1 (Vol. 109, pp. 673-673). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY.
9. Khayrani AC, Mahmud H, Kasai T, Shigehiro T, Oo AK, Du J, Alam MJ, Hara K, Hamada H, Seno Y, Afify SM. Development of Paclitaxel Glycoside Liposomes Conjugated with Anti-CD44 Antibody Targeting Ovarian Cancer Cells. InCANCER SCIENCE 2018 Dec 1 (Vol. 109, pp. 1097-1097). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY.
10. Du J, Sasada S, Oo AK, Khayrani AC, Mahmud H, Zahra MH, Mansour H, Afify SM, Alam MJ, Kasai T, Seno A. Non-mutagenic Chemical Compounds enhance the Conversion of iPSCs into CSCs. InCANCER SCIENCE 2018 Dec 1 (Vol. 109, pp. 1313-1313). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY.
11. Alam MJ, Takahashi R, Afify SM, Oo AKK, Kumon K, Nawara HM, Khayrani AC, Du J, Zahra MH, Seno A, Salomon DS and Seno M. 2018. Exogenous Cripto-1 Suppresses Self-Renewal of Cancer Stem Cell Model. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19(11): 3345. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms19113345
12. Oo AKK, Calle AS, Nair N, Mahmud H, Vaidyanath A, Yamauchi J, Khayrani AC, Du J, Alam MJ, Seno A, Mizutani A, Murakami H, Iwasaki Y, Chen L, Kasai T and Seno M. 2018. Up-Regulation of PI 3-Kinases and the Activation of PI3K-Akt Signaling Pathway in Cancer Stem-Like Cells Through DNA Hypomethylation Mediated by the Cancer Microenvironment. Translational Oncology. 11(3): 653–663. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranon.2018.03.001
13. Alam MJ, Mizutani A, Murakami H, Oo AK, Salomon DS, Seno M. Suppression of the growth of cancer stem cells developed from iPSCs by soluble form of human Cripto-1. InMOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 2017 Jan 1 (Vol. 28). 8120 WOODMONT AVE, STE 750, BETHESDA, MD 20814-2755 USA: AMER SOC CELL BIOLOGY.
14. Barua R, Alam MJ, Salim M and Ashrafee TS. 2016. Small scale production and characterization of xanthan gum synthesized by local isolates of Xanthomonas campestris. Indian J Exp Boil. 54:151-155. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26934783/
15. Alam MJ, Sultana MS, Ahmed J, Purkaystha A, Zubaer A, et al. 2015. Structure analysis of interacting domains of RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) complex in nipah virus. Biochem Physiol 4: 187. doi: 10.4172/2168- 9652.1000187.
16. Mamun MAA, Islam K, Alam MJ, Khatun A, Alam MM, Al-Bari MAA and Alam MJ. 2015. Flavonoids isolated from Tridax procumbents (TPF) inhibit osteoclasts differentiation and bone resorption. Biol Res. 48:51. doi: 10.1186/s40659-015-0043-6
17. Ashrafee TS, Alam MJ, Barua R, Khan ZK, Alam MJ and Mamun MAA. 2015. Antibiotic-herbal sensitivity and diversity of plasmids of Xanthomonas campestris in sylhet region of Bangladesh. Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc. 17(4): 851-857
18. Alam MJ and Barua R. 2015. In vitro regeneration and antibacterial activety of Prunus domestica L. J BioSci Biotechnol 4(1): 9-15
19. Islam MA, Aam MJ, Urmee SA, Rahaman MH, Razu MH and Mazumdar RM. 2014. Isolation, Identification, In vitro antibiotic resistance and plant extract sensitivety of fire blight causing Erwinia amylovora. J Plant Pathol Microb 5: 233. doi:10.4172/2157-7471.1000233
20. Alam MJ and Tithi R. 2014. In silico screening for novel inhibitors of invasion protein antigen IpaD of Shigella flexneri - an agent of shigellosis. Int J Comput Bioinfo In Silico Model 3(5): 497-501.
21. Islam MA, Mazumdar RM, Islam S, Alam MJ and Urmee SA. 2014. Isolation, identification and in-vitro antibiotic sensitivity pattern of citrus canker causing organism Xanthomonas axonopodis. (2014). Adv. life sci., 1(4), pp. 215-222.
22. Alam MJ, Awal MR, Fatema K, Sultana MS and Sharifuzzaman ABM. 2013. Antibiogram and plasmid profiling of E. coli isolates and assessment of antibacterial activity of their extracellular synthesized silver nanoparticles. Curr. Res. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 1(5): 245-250.
23. Hoque M, Ahmed S, Alam MJ, Purkayastha M, Belal A and Anwar MA. 2012. Physicochemical and microbial water quality of Sylhet city corporation, Bangladesh. Int J Nat Sci. 2(1):33-37.
24. Das N and Alam MJ. 2012. Antibiogram Study of Escherichia coli Isolated from Poultry and Cattle Faecal Samples, in Fattah QA, Kabir SMH & Choudhury N (eds.), Food, Health and Environment: Proceedings of 5th Bangladesh-Japan Joint International Conference, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 26-28 December 2010. Bangladesh Academy of Science, Dhaka, pp. 11-20.
25. Al-Mahin A, Sharifuzzaman ABM, Faruk MO, Kader MA, Alam MJ, Begum R and Rashid HO. 2012. Improved Citric Acid Production by Radiation mutant Aspergillus niger Using Sugarcane Bagasse Extract. Biotechnology. 11(1): 44-49. DOI: 10.3923/biotech.2012.44.49.
26. Alam MJ, Rahman MT, Siddique MP, Khan MFR and Rahman MB. 2010. Antibiogram and plasmid profiling of E. coli isolates. Int. J. BioRes. 1(3): 01‐07.
27. Dilshad R, Nasiruddin KM, Alam MJ and Ali MS. 2007. In vitro root formation of Dendrobium orchid using BAP and IAA. Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech. 5(1): 73‐76.
28. Kabir SMH, Ali MS, Ali MA and Alam MJ. 2006. Standardization of in vitro regeneration protocol for soybean. Bangladesh J. Crop Sci. 17(2): 365‐371.
29. Abdul Awal SM, Alam MJ, Ali MR, Hasan MN, Basunia SR and Rahman SMM. 2005. In vitro propagation of pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.) from shoot tips. Biotechnology. 4(3): 221‐224. DOI: 10.3923/biotech.2005.221.224
30. Uddin SN, Hasan AM, Anower MR, Salam MA, Alam MJ and Islam S. 2005.Commercial enzymes production by recombinant DNA technology: A conceptual works. Pak. J. Biol. Sci. 8(2): 345‐355. DOI:10.3923/pjbs.2005.345.355
1. Alam MJ, Mizutani A, Murakami H, Oo AKK, Salomon DS and Seno M. 2017. Suppression of the growth of cancer stem cells developed from iPSCs by soluble form of human Cripto-1. ASCB/EMBO 2017 meeting, Philadelphia, USA. December 2-6. B348/P1341.
2. Nath P, Afroz A, Karmaker M, Alam MJ, Zamir R, Akhter M and Ali L. 2012. Effect of Aqueous and Ethanol Extract of Aegle marmelos leaves on Glucose Absorption from the Gut of Non-Diabetic and Type 1 Model Diabetic Rats. 12th International Congress of Ethnoppharmacology, School of Natural Products Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. 17-19 February, 2012. SNPSJUO525.
3. Nath P, Afroz A, Karmaker M, Alam MJ, Zamir R, Akhter M and Ali L. 2011. Effect of Aqueous and Ethanol Extract of Aegle marmelos leaves on Glucose Absorption from the Gut of Non Diabetic and Type 1 Model Diabetic Rats. 17th Diabetes & Endocrine Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 13-15 December, 2011, Diab. Endocr. J. 40(Suppl 1): 31-32.
4. Sharifuzzaman MABM, Rashid HO, Al-Mahin A and Alam MJ. 2010. Citric Acid Production by Aspergillus niger Using Sugarcane Bagasse as Substrate. 5th International Conference on Microbiology of Food, Health and Environment: Problems and Prospects in Developing Countri es. University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 26-28 December, 2010. P-11.
5. Das N and Alam M.J. 2010. Antibiogram Study of Escherichia coli Isolated from Poultry and Cattle Faecal Samples. 5th International Conference on Microbiology of Food, Health and Environment: Problems and Prospects in Developing Countries. University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 26-28 December, 2010. P-6
6. International Biotechnology Conference: Biotechnology for Food Security, Renewable Energy and Poverty Alleviation, BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 2008
7. Alam MJ, Rahman MB and Rahman MT. 2007. Antibiogram, Plasmid Profiling of E. coli IsolatesandDetectionofTheir Toxin Encoding Genes by Multiplex PCR. Conference on Promotion of Biotechnology in Bangladesh: National and International perspectives, ICDDRB, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6-8 April 2007. P-36.
8. Ali MR, Alam MJ and Rahman SMM. 2007. In vitro Propagation of Pointed Gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.) from Nodal Segments. Conference on Promotion of Biotechnology in Bangladesh: National and International perspectives, ICDDRB, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6-8 April 2007. P-47
9. 4th International Plant Tissue Culture Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2001
Cell Signaling
Microbial Biotechnology
Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Forensic and Molecular Diagnostics
Advanced Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Awards & Recognition
Education board scholarship, Rajshahi, Bangladesh; secondary school certificate; 1996
Khulna University merit scholarships, Khulna, Bangladesh; 1999, 2001, 2002
Delwar Ahmed scholarship, Nur-Un-Nesa Trust, Khulna, Bangladesh; 2000
Japanese Government (MONBUKAGAKUSHO: MEXT) scholarship; 2015
TDR scholarship in the Call for application for participating in the 4th Batch of Regional Course on Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP), Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 2018
Graduate Supervision
1. Supervised a number of MSc and BSc students