Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology (Republic of Korea)
MS in Animal Breeding and Genetics (BAU)
Postdoctoral Research (Republic of Korea)
Research Interests
Genome Analysis: Analyzing whole genome data in farm livestock species to find genome-wide association of markers with QTLs underlying economically important traits through forward and reverse genetic approaches.
Molecular Breeding: Genomic prediction of breeding value through high density molecular markers for augmenting genetic gain.
Bioinformatics: Applying statistical tools, computational techniques and bioinformatic approaches for genomic data handling and analysis to have an insight into the genetic architecture of complex traits.
Statistical/Quantitative Genetics: Studying genetic constitution (allelic frequency) of animal population, genetic parameter estimation, Mixed model (random and fixed effects) equation, Best linear unbiased prediction of genetic worth.
Journal Publications
1. Estimation of genetic parameters and breeding value accuracy for growth and egg production traits in Korean native chicken pure lines
2. Evaluation of accuracies of genomic predictions for body conformation traits in Korean Holstein
3. Estimation of genetic correlations and genomic prediction accuracy for reproductive and carcass traits in Hanwoo cows
4. Multi-epitope Vaccine against Drug-Resistant Strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: A Proteome-wide Subtraction and Immunoinformatics Approach
5. Genome-Wide Association Study to Identify QTL for Carcass Traits in Korean Hanwoo Cattle
6. Genome-Wide Association Studies for Body Conformation Traits in Korean Holstein Population
7. Assessment of genomic breeding values and their accuracies for carcass traits in Jeju Black cattle using whole-genome SNP chip panels
8. Molecular Diagnosis and Evolutionary Relationship Analysis Of Plant Parasitic Tea Garden Nematodes From Different Tea Estates In Sylhet Region of Bangladesh
9. Subtractive genomics approach towards the identification of novel therapeutic targets against human Bartonella bacilliformis
10. Comparison of genomic predictions for carcass and reproduction traits in Berkshire, Duroc and Yorkshire populations in Korea
11. Identification of novel drug targets for humans and potential vaccine targets for cattle by subtractive genomic analysis of Brucella abortus strain 2308
12. Optimization of production and partial characterization of cellulase and protease enzymes from Aeromonas hydrophila ASM-S32
13. Effects of dietary iron on phenotypic characteristics of fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
14. Resveratrol attenuates inflammation through tristetraprolin expression in human hepatocytes
15. A whole genome association study to detect additive and dominant single nucleotide polymorphisms for growth and carcass traits in Korean native cattle, Hanwoo
16. Estimation of heritability, breeding values and genetic trends for growth traits of exotic goat:
17. Genome-wide Association Study to Identify Quantitative Trait Loci for Meat and Carcass Quality Traits in Berkshire
18. A Genome Wide Association Study on Age at First Calving Using High Density Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Chips in Hanwoo (Bos taurus coreanae)
19. Heterologous Expression and Purification of ? Galactosidase Protein Using Affinity Chromatography
20. Anti-bacterial Activity of the Extract of Terminalia arjuna Against Multi Antibiotic Resistant Vibrio cholerae
21. Prevalence of Multi Drug Resistant Bacteria on Raw Salad Vegetables Sold in Major Markets of Chittagong City, Bangladesh
22. Effect of Intensive and Semi-intensive Feeding System on Productive and Reproductive Performances of Native Sheep
23. Evaluation of the quality of Dahi available in Sylhet Metropolitan City
24. Study on morphometric, productive and reproductive traits of native cattle at Sylhet district
25. Collection grading and evaluation of cumulus-oocyte-complexes for in vitro maturation in sheep
26. Isolation and Characterization of Chromate Resistant and Reducing Bacteria from Tannery Effluent of Chittagong, Bangladesh