Faculty Profile
Dr Md Zohurul Islam
Contact Information
Dr. Md Zohurul Islam is an Professor in the Department of Food Engineering and Tea Technology at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. He obtained B. Sc. (Engg.) and M.S. degree in Food Engineering from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. He received his Ph.D. degree in the field of Food Process Engineering from the University of Tsukuba, Japan under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship (2014-2017). Dr. Islam was a JSPS Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. He also worked as a visiting foreign research fellow at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. His research interest mainly focuses on low-temperature drying technology and kinetic study of food materials.
PhD in Food Process Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Japan (2017)
MS in Food Engineering, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh (2010)
BSc in Food Engineering, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh (2008)
Research Interests
Drying Technology
Glass Transition and Modeling in Food Processing
Fruits and Vegetables Processing
Kinetic study of food materials
Engineering Aspects of the Design and Production of Novel Foods
Active Research Project
1. Processing of different Fruit Juice Powders by Microwave Assisted Foam Mat drying: studies on its drying kinetics, nutritional quality, and storage stability: Funded by UGC, Bangladesh.
2. Effect of foaming agent and foam stabilizer on the processing of microwave-assisted foam mat drying of Jackfruit juice powder-on going: Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
3. Processing of underutilized ginger, garlic, and onion puree and powders: studies on its drying kinetics, nutritional quality, sorption behaviors and storage stability: Funded by University Research Center, SUST
Previous Research Project
1. Processing and Preservation of value-added products from locally available fruits in Sylhet region of Bangladesh (2012-2013). Funded by Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
2. Effects of edible coating and osmotic dehydration on the quality retention of green and ripe papaya during drying and storage (2017-2018). Funded by Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
External Affiliations
International Society of Food Engineering (ISFE): USA
Member, Krishibid Institution of Bangladesh (KIB)
University of Tsukuba, Japan Alumni Association
Member, Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers (JSAM)
Joint Secretary, Shahjalal University Teachers Association, SUTA
Joint Secretary, 7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE2023), SAST, SUST
Journal Publications
1. Miho Fukui, Md Zohurul Islam, Hsi-MeiLai, Yutaka Kitamura, Mito Kokawa. 2022. Effects of roasting on storage degradability and processing suitability of brown rice powder. LWT-Food Science and Technology, Volume 161, 1 May 2022, 113277. IF 4.925 Elsevier.
2. Odgerel, U., Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M., & Odbayar, T. (2021). Effect of Micro Wet Milling Process on Particle Sizes, Antioxidants, Organic Acids and Specific Phenolic Compounds of Whole Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) Juices . Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e15474. (I.F.: 1.405, Publisher: Wiley)
3. Okino, S., Kokawa, M., Islam, M. Z., & Kitamura, Y. (2021). Effects of Apple Juice Manufacturing Processes on Procyanidin Concentration and Nondestructive Analysis by Fluorescence Fingerprint. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1–10. IF: 3.66 (Springer, USA)
4. Amini, R. K., Kitamura, Y., Islam, M. Z., Kokawa, M., & Eseese, V. F. (2021). Impact of micro wet milling process on pomegranate peel phenolics extraction using multi‐response optimization. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 1–12. IF: 1.66 (Springer, USA)
5. Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M., Fujii, S., 2020. Processing of green tea pastes by micro wet milling system: Influences on physicochemical and functional properties. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technology. 64. IF:5.916 (Elesiver Publishers)
6. Islam, M.Z., Ayami, O., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M., Takeshi, K., Masayuki, K., Norihiro, H., 2020. Micro wet milling and spray drying of whole mandarin powder and its characterization. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. IF: 2.431(Springer Publishers, USA)
7. Monalisa, K., Islam, M.Z., Bhuiyan. J.A. 2020. Bioactive compounds and in vitro antioxidant activity assessment of GM Bt eggplant-III ( Noyantara ) and stability upon boiling. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. 14, 1383–1390. IF: 2.431(Springer Publishers, USA)
8. Koshima, Y., Kitamura, Y., Islam, M.Z., Kokawa, M., 2020. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of fatty acids in coffee oil and coffee residue. Food Science and Technology Research. 26. IF:0.553 (Japan)
9. Dey, P., Hoque, M.M, Islam, M.Z, Monalisa, K.. 2020. Kinetics of Antioxidants Degradation and Quality Changes of Citron (Citrus Medica) Fruit Juice Concentrate During Storage. Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Science. 230–234. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
10. Islam, M. Z., Saha, T., Monalisa, K., Hoque, M.M., 2019. Effect of starch edible coating on drying characteristics and antioxidant properties of papaya. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. 13, 2951–2960. IF:1.649(Springer Publishers, USA)
11. Islam, M.Z., Das, S., Monalisa, K., Sayem, A.S.M., Islam, M.Z., Das, S., Monalisa, K., Sayem, A.S.M., 2019. Influence of Osmotic Dehydration on Mass Transfer Kinetics and Quality Retention of Ripe Papaya (Carica papaya L) during Drying. AgriEngineering 1, 220–234. (MDPI publisher)
12. Amini, R.K., Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M., 2019. Utilization of fermented rice milk as a novel coagulant for development of paneer (Soft Cheese). Foods. 8. IF:4.092 (MDPI Publishers)
13. Ihara, S., Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M., Lee, Y.C., Chen, S., 2019. Nondestructive evaluation of wet aged beef by novel electrical indexes: A preliminary study. Foods. 8, 1–14. IF:4.092 (MDPI Publishers)
14. Monalisa, K., Bhuiyan, J., Islam, M.Z., Sayem, A., 2019. Boiling-induced changes on physicochemical, bioactive compounds, color, and texture properties of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima). Food Science and Technology International. 108201321989440. IF:1.654 (SAGE Publishers)
15. Kamrunnaher, M., Rashid, M., Sayem, A.S.., Islam, M.Z., 2019. Effect of boiling on bioactive compounds and radical scavenging activity of anthocyanin-rich vegetables: Red amaranth and red skin potato. GSC Biol. Pharm. Sci. 7, 127–137.
16. Tsai, F.H., Chiang, P.Y., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M., Islam, M.Z., 2017. Producing liquid-core hydrogel beads by reverse spherification: Effect of secondary gelation on physical properties and release characteristics. Food of Hydrocolloids. IF: 7.077 (Elesiver Publishers)
17. Islam, M Z, Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M., Monalisa, K., 2017. Degradation Kinetics and Storage Stability of Vacuum Spray-Dried Micro Wet-Milled Orange Juice (Citrus unshiu) Powder. Food Bioprocess Technology. 10, 1002–1014. IF:3.666 (Springer Publishers, USA)
18. Islam, M. Z., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M., Monalisa, K., Tsai, F.H., Miyamura, S., 2017. Effects of micro wet milling and vacuum spray drying on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of orange (Citrus unshiu) juice with pulp powder. Food and Bioproduct Processing. 101, 132–144. IF:3.739(Elesiver Publishers)
19. Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y., Yamano, Y., Kitamura, M., 2016. Effect of vacuum spray drying on the physicochemical properties, water sorption and glass transition phenomenon of orange juice powder. Journal of Food Engineering. IF:4.499 (Elesiver Publishers)
20. Islam, M.Z.. b, Hoque, M.M.., Asif-Ul-Alam, S.M.., Monalisa, K.., 2015. Chemical composition, antioxidant capacities and storage stability of Citrus macroptera and Garcinia pedunculata fruits. Emirates Journal of Food Agriculture. 27, 275–282. IF: 1.055 (UAEU)
21. Sajib, M.A.M., Jahan, S., Islam, M.Z., Khan, T.A. and *, Saha, B.K., 2014. Nutritional evaluation and heavy metals content of selected tropical fruits in Bangladesh. International Food Rsearch Journal. 21, 609–615.IF: 0.662 (UPM)
22. Monalisa, K., Islam, M.Z., Asif-Ul-Alam, S.M., Hoque, M.M., 2014. Valorization and Storage Stability Assessment of Underutilized Fruit Carambola (Averrhoa carambola) in Bangladesh Bangladesh. American Journal of Food Science and Technoogy. 2, 134–138.
23. M. Asif-Ul-Alam, S., Z. Islam, M., M. Hoque, M., Monalisa, K., 2014. Effects of Drying on the Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Green Banana (Musa sapientum) Flour and Development of Baked Product. American Journal of Food Science and Technoogy. 2, 128–133.
24. Monalisa, K., Islam, M.Z., Khan, T.A., Abdullah, A.T.M., Hoque, M.M., 2013. Comparative study on nutrient contents of native and hybrid Koi (Anabas testudineus) and Pangas (Pangasius pangasius, Pangasius hypophthalmus) fish. International Food Rsearch Journal. 20, 791–797.IF: 0.662 (UPM)
25. Islam, M.Z., Taneya, M., 2012. Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Brown Rice (Oryza sativa) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Flour and Quality of Composite Biscuit Made Thereof. Agriculturist. 10, 20–28.
26. Islam, M.Z., Monalisa, K., Hoque, M., 2012. Effect of Pectin on the processing and preservation of Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) jam and jelly. International Journal of Natural Science. 2, 8–14.
27. Islam, M.Z., Khan, M.T.H., Hoque, M.M., Rahman, M.M., 2012. Studies on the Processing and Preservation of Dragon Fruit ( Hylocereus undatus ) Jelly. Agriculterist. 10, 29–35.
28. Syduzzaman, M., Farzana Shermin, Islam, M. N., Islam, M. Z., & Zakaria, M. A. F. (2011). Kinetics of air drying of Stevia (Stevia rebaudianaBertoni) leave. International Journal of Bioresearch,11(4), 12-20. (Bangladesh)
29. Islam, M.Z., Haque, M.A., 2011. Studies on the effect of brown rice and maize flour on the quality of bread. Journal of Bangladesh Agril.Univ. 9, 297–304.
1. Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M. 2020. Effect of milling process on physiochemical and bioactive compounds of green tea pastes. Autumn Conference of the Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan.
2. Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M. 2019. Processing of Green Tea Paste by Micro Wet Milling and Quality Evaluation During Storage. 2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM. SASJ and 13th CIGR VI Technical Symposium Joining FWFNWG and FSWG Workshop.
3. Odo, ULz., Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M. 2019. Study on the characteristics of micro wet milling and spray drying of sea buckthorn. 2019 International Joint Conference on JSAM. SASJ and 13th CIGR VI Technical Symposium Joining FWFNWG and FSWG Workshop.
4. Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M. 2016. Effects of Vacuum Spray Drying on Physical Properties and Stability of Micro Wet Milled Orange Juice Powder, August 20th International Drying Symposium, Gifu University, Japan
5. Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y., Kokawa, M. 2016. Physical properties and Stability of Vacuum Spray Dried Micro Wet Milled Orange Juice with Pulp Powder. International Symposium on Agricultural Education for Sustainable Development (Ag-ESD 2016), University of Tsukuba, Japan.
6. Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y. 2015. Physico-chemical Properties, Antioxidant Activity and Stability of Vacuum Spray Dried(VSD) Orange (Citrus sinensis) Juice Powder, September, Joint conference on environmental engineering in agriculture, Iwate University, Japan, September 2015
7. Islam, M.Z., Kitamura, Y. 2015. Physicochemical Properties, Water Sorption and Glass Transition Temperature of Vacuum Spray Dried Orange Juice Powder. International Symposium on Agricultural Education for Sustainable Development (Ag-ESD 2015), University of Tsukuba, Japan, September 2015.
Unit Operations in Food Engineering
Drying Technology
Food Processing and Preservation
Food Process Design
Fruits and Vegetables Processing Technology
Principles of Food Engineering
Awards & Recognition
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan from 2018 to 2020
Monbukagakshu Scholarship, (MEXT, Japanese Govt.), 2013
National Science and Technology Fellowship (NST, Bangladesh Govt.), 2009-2010
Visiting Foreign Researcher, University of Tsukuba, Japan (January- July, 2021)