Faculty Profile
Dr Wahiduzzaman
Professor & Head
Contact Information
Dr. Wahiduzzaman is a Professor in the Department of Food Engineering and Tea Technology (FET), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh. He received his Ph.D. degree in Food and Nutrition from Universiti Sains Malaysia under the USM Fellowship Program. He also received his second M.Sc. in Human Nutrition, Ghent University, Belgium. He completed his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Applied Nutrition and Food Technology securing First class First position in both exams from the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh. He has been serving as a Faculty member in the Department of Food Engineering and Tea Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh since 2007.
He has received several skill development training by various institutes in the area of Food Safety and Quality Assurance such as Food safety regulation and HACCP, ISO, GMP, CODEX Process, Occupational Safety, and Health Course, Food Safety and Traceability by Ghent University, Belgium, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Bangladesh Food Safety Authority, FAO, USDA and Kansas State University, USA. An International Training Program on Dairy Technology: From Rural to Industrial Level organized by the Laboratory of Food Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium. He also received Training on Process Optimization Technique by Design of Expert (DOE) Software and Response Surface Methodology (RSM), Food and Nutrition Policy and Project Planning, Designing, monitoring, and evaluation by University of Ghent, Belgium.
He has published many research and review articles in highly reputed national and international peer-reviewed, Scopus indexed and Science Citation Indexed journals and conference proceedings as well as presented technical papers at different workshops, seminars, symposiums, and scientific training program especially on Food and Nutrition Security, Food Safety and Quality assurance, Design of Expert and Response Surface Methodology Software for process optimization both home and aboard. His research interest mainly focuses on food safety and sustainability, Food processing and preservation, Food and Nutrition Security, and Public health nutrition. He has been supervising Undergraduates, Masters of Engineering, and Ph.D. thesis works related to Food Engineering, Food Technology, Food Science, Food Safety and Quality, Food Sustainability, Human Nutrition, and Nutrition Security.
Post-Doctorate in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition from School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Ph.D. in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition from School of Industrial Technology, University Sains Malaysia
M.Sc. in Nutrition and Rural Development from Department of Food Safety, F and Food Quality, Faculty of Bio Science Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium
International Training Program on Dairy Technology from Laboratory of Food Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Bio-science Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium
M.Sc. (First Class First Position) in Applied Nutrition and Food Technology from Faculty of Applied science and Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh
B.Sc. (First Class First Position) in Applied Nutrition and Food Technology from Faculty of Applied science and Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Food Processing and Preservation Technology
Non thermal food Processing Techniques
Antioxidant and Food Flavor
Tea Processing
Food Safety and Quality Assurance
Processing Optimization by Response Surface Methodology
Dairy Products Technology
Food Chemistry
Active Research Project
1. Nano-composite edible film development to preserve the storage quality of Fruits: Towards sustainable reduction in post-harvest losses
2. Impact of non-thermal processing technique on physicochemical properties, antioxidant activity, and microbial quality of fruit juices
3. Application of response surface methodology to optimize the foaming conditions of Plum subjected to foam mat drying in relevance to the physical, thermal and drying properties of plum foam.
Previous Research Project
1. Nutritional Status, Dietary Habits and Sanitation Practices of Adolescent Girls in Sunamganj District of Bangladesh
2. Effect of superheated steam roasting on physicochemical, antioxidant, and flavor compound of cocoa beans
3. Characterization of antibiotic resistant Salmonella spp isolated from chicken eggs of Dhaka city
4. Study on the Quality Assessment of Curd (Dahi), Locally Available in Bangladeshi Market
5. Evaluation of Biochemical and Bioactive Properties of Native and Imported Pomegranate (Dalim) Cultivars in Bangladesh
6. Developing Healthy Green Tea Based Natural Energy Drink
7. Production of High-Quality Tomato Powder Using Foam-Mat Drying Technique to Reduce Post-Harvest Loss
8. Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Characterization of Pectin from Citrus fruit wastes for commercial application
9. Optimization of antioxidant extraction from jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) seeds using response surface methodology
10. Effect of superheated steam roasting on physicochemical, antioxidant, and flavor compound of cocoa beans
External Affiliations
Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) association, USA
Belgium Nutrition Society, Belgium
Ghent University Alumni Association
USM Alumni Association
Bangladesh Society of Food Engineers & Technologist
Nutrition Society of Bangladesh
Journal Publications
1. Hossain, M. A., Ahmed, T., Ferdaus, J., & Zzaman, W. (2024). Optimization of the foam-mat drying process to develop high-quality tomato powder: A response surface methodology approach. Heliyon, 10(21).
2. Hossain, M. A., Ahmed, T., Ferdaus, J., & Zzaman, W. (2024). Optimization of the foam-mat drying process to develop high-quality tomato powder: A response surface methodology approach. Heliyon, 10(21).
3. Optimization of the foam-mat drying process to develop high-quality tomato powder: A response surface methodology approach
4. Optimization of the foam-mat drying process to develop high-quality tomato powder: A response surface methodology approach
5. Ahmed S, Mozumder MSI, Zzaman W, Yasin M, Das S. Integrated drying model of lychee as a function of temperature and relative humidity. Heliyon. 2024 Mar 26;10(7):e28590. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon. 2024.e28590. PMID: 38590892; PMCID: PMC11000004. (Impact Factor Journal).
6. Md. Murad Hossain, Rowshon Ara, Farzana Yasmin, Mahjabin Suchi, Wahidu Zzaman. Microwave and ultrasound assisted extraction techniques with citric acid of pectin from Pomelo (Citrus maxima) peel, Measurement: Food, 13. (Impact Factor Journal).
7. Hoque M, Talukdar S, Roy KR, Hossain MA, Zzaman W. Sonication and thermal treatment of pineapple juice: Comparative assessment of the physicochemical properties, antioxidant activities and microbial inactivation. Food Science and Technology International. 2024;30(1):37-48. doi:10.1177/10820132221127504. (Impact Factor Journal).
8. Yasmin, F., Hossain, M. M., Nurul, H., Maryani, A. T, & Zzaman, W. (2023). Biosynthesis of ZnO Nano-particle and its quality evaluation on the shelf life extension of fruit. Indonesian Food Science and Technology Journal, 7(1), 30-35. https://doi.org/10.22437/ifstj.v7i1.30810. (Impact Factor Journal).
9. Abdur Razzak, Tasnima Mahjabin, Md Rashedul Munim Khan, Murad Hossain, Ummay Sadia, Wahidu Zzaman. Effect of cooking methods on the nutritional quality of selected vegetables at Sylhet City, Heliyon, Volume 9, Issue 11. (Impact Factor Journal).
10. Abu Bakar Tawali, Muhammad Irfan Said, Sri Fatmah Sari, Lely Okmawaty Anwar, Iin Nurdianty Nurdin, Anwar Said, Ary Tamtama, Fuji Astuty Auza, Wahidu Zzaman, Mohammad Halim Jeinie, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Nurul Huda. 2023. Characteristics of the Beef Cheek Meat-Based Sausage Added with Snakehead (Channa striata) Gelatin. International journal of food science, https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/6877904. (Impact Factor Journal).
11. Wahidu Zzaman, Saad Al-din Sifat. 2023. Impact of superheated steam roasting on changes in antioxidant and microstructure properties of raw and processed cocoa cotyledon. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 30:2, 103562, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sjbs.2023.103562. (Impact Factor Journal).
12. Belal, M. ., Hossain, M. A. ., Mitra, S. ., & Zzaman, W. (2022). Effect of foaming agent concentration and foam stabilizer on the foaming capacity and physical properties of tomato powder at dried at different temperature: foam mat dried tomato powder. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 12(4), e4741. https://doi.org/10.55251/jmbfs.4741. (Impact Factor Journal).
13. Keya Rani Roy, Ummay Sadia, and Wahidu Zzaman. 2022. Effect of Thermal Processing on Physicochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Raw and Cooked Moringa oleifera Lam. Pods, International Journal of Food Science, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/1502857. (Impact Factor Journal).
14. Mominul Hoque, Suvro Talukdar, Keya Rani Roy, Mohammad Afzal Hossain and Wahidu Zzaman Sonication and thermal treatment of pineapple juice: Comparative assessment of the physicochemical properties, antioxidant activities and microbial inactivation, Food Science and Technology International, https://doi.org/10.1177/108201322211275. (Impact Factor Journal).
15. Mizanur Rahman, Raihanul Islam, Shariful Hasan, Wahidu Zzaman,.2022.. A Comprehensive Review on Bio-Preservation of Bread: An Approach to Adopt Wholesome Strategies, Foods 11 (3), 319. 2022. (Impact Factor Journal).
16. Trisha, Anuva Talukder, Mynul Hasan Shakil, Suvro Talukdar, Kobun Rovina, Nurul Huda, and Wahidu Zzaman. 2022. "Tea Polyphenols and Their Preventive Measures against Cancer: Current Trends and Directions" Foods 11, no. 21: 3349. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11213349 (Impact Factor Journal).
17. Shakil, Mynul Hasan, Anuva Talukder Trisha, Mizanur Rahman, Suvro Talukdar, Rovina Kobun, Nurul Huda, and Wahidu Zzaman. 2022. "Nitrites in Cured Meats, Health Risk Issues, Alternatives to Nitrites: A Review" Foods 11, no. 21: 3355. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11213355(ISI-Impact Factor Journal).
18. Md. Moinul Hasan, Provakar Roy, Mahabub Alam, Md. Mozammel Hoque, Wahidu Zzaman. 2022. Antimicrobial activity of peels and physicochemical properties of juice prepared from indigenous citrus fruits of Sylhet region, Bangladesh, Heliyon, 8:7, e09948. (Impact Factor Journal).
19. Rahul Biswas, Mohammad Afzal Hossain, Wahidu Zzaman. 2022. Thin layer modeling of drying kinetics, rehydration kinetics and color changes of osmotic pre-treated pineapple (Ananas comosus) slices during drying: Development of a mechanistic model for mass transfer. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 80: 103094. (Impact Factor Journal).
20. SAD Sifat, AT Trisha, N Huda, W Zzaman, N Jul mohammad, 2021. Response Surface Approach to Optimize the Conditions of Foam Mat Drying of Plum in relation to the Physical-Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Plum Powder. International Journal of Food Science 2021. (Impact Factor Journal).
22. AB Tawali, MI Said, W Zzaman, R Kobun, N Huda. Characteristics of gelatin from skin and bone of snakehead (channa striata) extracted with different temperature and time. Slovak Journal of Food Sciences 15. (Scopus Indexed Journal)
23. T Ahmed, MR Rana, W Zzaman, R Ara, MG Aziz. 2021. Optimization of substrate composition for pectinase production from Satkara (Citrus macroptera) peel using Aspergillus niger-ATCC 1640 in solid-state fermentation. Heliyon 7 (10), e08133. (Impact Factor Journal).
24. NFM Fauzi, N Huda, W Zzaman, 2021. Effect of washing treatment on quality characteristics of burger made from spent laying duck meat. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 888 (1), 012045. (Scopus Indexed Journal)
25. Kohilavani, Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah, Tajul Aris Yang, Saad Al-din Sifat, Wahidu Zzaman* (2021). Development of Safe Halal Food Management System (SHFMS). Food Control 127 (2021) 108137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.108137 (ISI-Impact Factor Journal).
26. Soaib Nur, Shafaet Ahmed, Shafi Ahmed, and Wahidu Zzaman. 2021. Influence of Aloe vera based ascorbic acid and lactic acid edible coatings on quality and shelf life of tomato, Journal of agricultural Science and Technology (Scopus Indexed Journal)
27. Rosmawati, Nurul Huda, Wahidu Zzaman. 2021. Characteristics of gelatin from skin and bone of snakehead (Channa striata) extracted with different temperature and time. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences 15. (Scopus Indexed Journal)
28. Tania Islam, Md Nazrul Islam, Wahidu Zzaman, Md Morsaline Billah. 2021. Study of Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Cytotoxicity Properties of Selected Plant Extracts for Food Preservative Applications, International Journal of Food Studies (Scopus Indexed Journal)
29. Razzak, A., Roy, K. R., Sadia, U., Mominul, H., Suvro, T., Sikder, M.B.H. and Zzaman, W. 2021. Effect of Drying Condition on Physicochemical and Antioxidant properties of dried Moringa leaf Powder, Food Research (Scopus Indexed Journal)
30. Mahmud, M. M., Belal, M., Ahmed, S., Hoque, M. M. and Zzaman, W. 2021. Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Characterization of Pectin from Citrus fruit wastes for commercial application, Food research (Scopus Indexed Journal)
31. Hossain, M. A., Mitra, S., Belal, M., Zzaman, W. (2021). Effect of Foaming Agent Concentration and Drying Temperature on Biochemical Properties of Foam Mat Dried Tomato Powder. Food Research, 5(1), 291-297. (Scopus Indexed Journal)
32. Ahmed, S., Jahan, I.A., Hossain, M.H. Zzaman, Wahidu. 2021. Bioactive compounds, antioxidant properties and phenolic profile of pulp and seed of Syzygium cumini. Food Measurement and Characterization (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11694-020-00798-2. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal)
33. Wahidu Zzaman, Rahul Biswas, Mohammad Afzal Hossain. 2021. Application of immersion pre-treatments and drying temperatures to improve the comprehensive quality of pineapple (Ananas comosus) slices. Heliyon, 7 (1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05882. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal)
34. Hossain, M., Evan, M. S., Moazzem, M., Roy, M., & Zzaman, W. 2020. Response Surface Optimization for Antioxidant Extraction from Jackfruit) Seed and Pulp. Journal of Scientific Research, 12(3), 397-409. https://doi.org/10.3329/jsr.v12i3.44459.
35. Shourove, J. H., Zzaman, W., Chowdhury, R. S., & Hoque, M. M. (2020). Effect of Thermal Treatment on Physicochemical Stability and Antioxidant Properties of Locally Available Underutilized Star Fruit Juice. Asian Food Science Journal, 14(3), 41-53. https://doi.org/10.9734/afsj/2020/v14i330133
36. Md Moazzem, Md Sikder, Belal Hossain, Wahidu Zzaman. 2019. Shelf-Life Extension of Wood Apple Beverages Maintaining Consumption-Safe Parameters and Sensory Qualities. Beverages, 5(1) 25. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
37. S Ahmed, MM Hoque, W Zzaman, MU Thakur, MM Hossain. 2019. Study on physicochemical and anti-oxidant properties of coconut cream extracted from two BARI varieties. International Food Research Journal, 26 (1): 153-160. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
38. Abdullah A Sad, MM Hoque, Wahidu Zzaman. 2018. Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of banana varieties and sensorial evaluation of jelly prepared from those varieties available in Sylhet region. International Journal of Food Studies, 7(2) (Scopus Indexed Journal).
39. HL Khairy, AF Saadoon, W Zzaman, TA Yang, AM Easa. 2018. Identification of flavor compounds in rambutan seed fat and its mixture with cocoa butter determined by SPME-GCMS. Journal of King Saud University-Science. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
40. Reza Felli, Tajul Aris Yang, Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah, Wahidu Zzaman. 2018. Effects of Incorporation of Jackfruit Rind Powder on Chemical and Functional Properties of Bread. Tropical life sciences research, 29(1): 113. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
41. Jahurul Hoque, Wahidu Zzaman and S. Jinap. 2018. Bambangan (Mangifera pajang) kernel fat: A potential new source of cocoa butter alternative. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 53 (7), 1689-1697. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
42. Reza Felli, Tajul Aris Yang, Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah and Wahidu Zzaman. 2018. Effects of Incorporation of Jackfruit Rind Powder on Chemical and Functional Properties of Bread. Tropical Life Science Research, 29(1): 113–126. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
43. Liang, L. C., Zzaman, W., Yang, T.A., and Easa, A.M. 2018. Effect of conventional and superheated steam roasting on the total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and DPPH radical scavenging activities of black cumin seeds. Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 41 (2): 663 – 676. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
44. Reza Felli, Tajul Aris Yang, Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah, Wahidu Zzaman. 2018. Effects of Incorporation of Jackfruit Rind Powder on Chemical and Functional Properties of Bread. Tropical life sciences research, 29(1): 113. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
45. Ling, S. K., Zzaman, W., Rosidi, M. A., Hassan, L.K. and Yang, T. A. 2018. Influence of superheated steam roasting at different temperatures and times on the colour changes and fats quality of the sesame seeds and its oils. International Food Research Journal, 25(6): 2399-2407. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
46. Nazrul Islam, Wahidu Zzaman. 2018. Impact of chitosan and guava leaf extract as preservative to extend the shelf-life of fruits. International Food Research Journal, 25 (5), 2056-2062. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
47. W Zzaman, R Bhat, TA Yang, A Mat Easa. 2017. Influences of superheated steam roasting on changes in sugar, amino acid and flavor active components of cocoa bean (Theobroma cacao). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97 (3), 4429-4437. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
48. Fered Saadoon A., W. Zzaman. 2017. Evaluation of physico-chemical and antioxidant properties of Arabic bread fortified with Jackfruit and omega-3. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
49. Idrus N. F. M., Zzaman W., Yang T. A., Easa A.M., Sharifudin M. S., Noorakmar B. W., Jahurul M. H. A. 2017. Effect of superheated steam roasting on physicochemical properties of peanut (Arachis Hypogaea) oil. Food Science and Biotechnology, 26 (4), 911-920. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
50. Liew Cui Yu, Wahidu Zzaman, Md. Jahurul Haque Akanda, Tajul Aris Yang and Azhar Mat Easa. 2017. Influence of Superheated Steam Cooking on Proximate, Fatty Acid Profile, and Amino Acid Composition of Catfish (Clarias batrachus) Fillets. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17 (5), 935-943. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
51. Varastegani, B., Zzaman, W., Harivaindaran, K. V., Yang, T. A., Lee, L.K., Abdullah, W.N.W. and Easa, A M. 2017. Effect of carrier agents on chemical properties and sensory evaluation of spray dried Nigella sativa. Cyta Journal of Food, 15 (3), 448-456. (Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
52. Zzaman, W., Issara, U., Easa, A.M. and Yang, T. A. (2017). Exploration on the thermal behavior, solid fat content and hardness of rambutan fat extracted from rambutan seeds as cocoa butter replacer. International Food Research Journal, 24(6), 2408-2413. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
53. Wahidu Zzaman, Tajul A Yang. 2016. Evaluation of superheated steam roasting on color characteristics, oxidation and crystallization behaviors of cocoa butter. Second Conference on Research for Sustainable Development held at SUST research Centre, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh on 05 June.
54. Wahidu Zzaman, Rajeev Bhat and Tajul A. Yang. (2016). Impact of convectional and superheated-steam roasting on the physicochemical and microstructural properties of cocoa butter extracted from cocoa beans. Journal of food Processing and Preservation, doi:10.1111/jfpp.13005. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
55. Ooi Ee Shan, Wahidu Zzaman and Tajul A. Yang. (2016). Superheated Steam Roasting on Some Physical Changes of Robusta Coffee. Tropical Agricultural Science, 39 (3): 311 – 320. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
56. Md. Zainul Abedin, A Abd Karim, Aishah A. Latiff, Chee-Yuen Gan, Wahidu Zzaman, Md. Jahurul Haque Akanda, Md. Zaidul Islam Sarker. Identification of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory and radical scavenging bioactive peptides from sea cucumber (Stichopus vastus) collagen hydrolysates through optimization. International Food Research Journal, 22(3): 1074-1082. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
57. Mah Sook Yun,Wahidu Zzaman and Tajul A. Yang. 2015. Effect of Superheated Steam Treatment on Changes in Moisture Content and Colour Properties of Coconut Slices. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 80-83. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
58. Ooi Ee Shan,Wahidu Zzaman and Tajul A. Yang. 2015. "Effect of Superheated Steam Roasting on Radical Scavenging Activity and Phenolic Content of Robusta Coffee Beans. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 99-102. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
59. Wahidu Zzaman, Issara, U., Febrianto, N.F. and Yang, T.A. (2015). Fatty acid composition, rheological properties and crystal formation of rambutan fat and cocoa butter. International Food Research Journal, 21(3): 1019-1023 (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
60. Lim Shin Er, Wahidu Zzaman and Rajeev Bhat. 2015. Influence of dehydration techniques on physicochemical, antioxidant and microbial qualities of ipomoea aquatica forsk., an underutilized green leafy vegetable. Journal of food Processing and Preservation, 39(6): 1118-1124 (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
61. Laila. D Latip, Wahidu Zzaman, Md. Zainul Abedin and Tajul A. Yang. 2015. Optimization of spray drying process in commercial hydrolyzed fish scale collagen and characterization by scanning electron microscope and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Journal of food Processing and Preservation, 39(6): 1754-1761 (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
62. Kohilavani, Wahidu Zzaman, Nor Faadila M. Idrus, Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah, Tajul Aris Yang. (2015). General Guideline for Applying Islamic Dietary Requirement in HACCP Programme. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods. 7(2): 159-164 (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
63. Boshra Varastegani, Wahidu Zzaman and Tajul A. Yang. (2015) Investigation on physic-chemical and sensory evaluation of cookies substituted with papaya pulp flour. Journal of Food Quality, 38(3): 175-183 (Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
64. Issara, U., Zzaman, W. and Yang, T.A. (2014). Review on Rambutan Seed Fat as a potential source of cocoa butter substitute in Confectionary Product. International Food Research Journal, 21(1): 25-31. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
65. Md. Zainul Abedin, A Abd Karim, Aishah A. Latiff, Chee-Yuen Gan, faridghazali, Wahidu Zzaman, Md. JahurulHaqueAkanda, Md. Zaidul Islam Sarker, SahenaFerdosh, Md. RezaulKarim and Zoha Barzideh. 2014. Biochemical and radical scavenging properties of sea cucumber (Stichopusvastus) collagen hydrolysates. Natural Product Research. 28: 16, 1302-1305. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
66. Wahidu Zzaman, Suseno S.H., Nadiah W. A, Tajul A. Yang. 2014. Fatty acid profile and antioxidant capacity of muscle and by product oil from selected fresh water fish. Food Science and Technology, 2(3): 41-46
67. Wahidu Zzaman, Deli Silvia, Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah, Tajul A. Yang. 2014. Physicochemical and Quality Characteristics of Cold and Hot Press of Nigella sativa L Seed Oil Using Screw Press. Journal of Applied Research Sciences, 10, 36-45
68. Asmaa A.A, Wahidu Zzaman, Tajul A. Yang. 2014. Effect of superheated steam cooking on fat and fatty acid composition of chicken sausage. International Food Research Journal, 22(2): 598-605 (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
69. Rahman, M.M., Das, R., Hoque, M.M. and Wahidu Zzaman. 2014. Effect of freeze drying on antioxidant activity and phenolic contents of Mango (Mangifera indica). International Food Research Journal, 22(2): 613-617 (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
70. Wahidu Zzaman, Rajeev Bhat and Tajul A. Yang. (2014). Application of response surface methodology to optimize roasting conditions in cocoa beans subjected to superheated steam treatments in relevance to antioxidant compounds and activities. Drying Technology, 32: 1104-1111 (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
71. Laila D. Latip, Wahidu Zzaman and Tajul A. Yang. 2013. Effect of Chilled-frozen Storage on the Physico-chemical, Microbial and Sensory Quality of Farmed Bighead Carp. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 8(6):686-696. (Scopus Indexed Journal).
72. Md. Zainul Abedin, Alias A. Karim, Aishah A. Latiff, Chee-Yuen Gan, Farid Che Ghazali, Wahidu Zzaman, Md. Murad Hossain, Faiyaz Ahmed, Nurul Absar, Md. Zaidul Islam Sarker. Physicochemical and biochemical properties of pepsin solubilised collagen isolated from the integument of sea cucumber (stichopusvastus). Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 38, 2027–2036. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
73. Nor Faadila M. Idrus, Noor A. Febrianto, Wahidu Zzaman, Tang E. Cuang and Tajul A. Yang. (2013). Optimization of the Aqueous Extraction of Virgin Coconut Oil by Response Surface Methodology. Food Science and Technology Research. 19 (5):729-737. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
74. Wahidu Zzaman and Taris A. Yang, 2013. Moisture, Color and Texture Changes in Cocoa beans during Superheated Steam Roasting. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 38, 1364–1370. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
75. Wahidu Zaman and Taris A. Yang, 2013. Effect of superheated steam and convection roasting on changes in physical properties of cocoa bean (Theobroma cacao). Food Science and Technology Research, 19: 2, 181-186. (ISI Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal)
76. Kohilavani, Wahidu Zzaman, Noor Ariefandie Febrianto, Nor Syafarah Zakariya, Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah, Tajul Aris Yang. (2013). Embedding Islamic dietary requirements into HACCP approach. Food Control-Journal 34: 607-612. (Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal)
77. Wahidu Zzaman, R. Bhat and Tajul A. Yang. Effect of superheated steam roasting on the phenolic antioxidant properties of cocoa beans. Journal of food Processing and Preservation, 38, 1932-1938 (Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
78. Wahidu Zzaman, Rajeev Bhat and Tajul A. Yang. (2013). Comparison between Superheated Steam and Convectional Roasting on Changes in the Phenolic Compound and Antioxidant Activity of Cocoa Beans. Food Science and Technology Research, 19(6): 949-956 (Impact Factor, SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal).
1. Mahmud, M. M., Md. Belal, Hoque, M. M. and *Zzaman, W. 2020. Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Characterization of Pectin from Pomelo (Citrus maxima), Kinnow mandarin (Citrus reticulata) and Citron (Citrus medica) Peels. PSE-NPS Summit 2020 on Natural Products for Healthy Living, 16-18 January 2020, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh
2. Soaib Nur, Taposh Sarker and Wahidu Zzaman. 2019. Development of Aloe Vera Gel Bio-preservative for Shelf-life Enhancement of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable. International Conference on Advancement of Life Sciences, (ICALS2019) MBSTU, Tangail, Bangladesh, April 5-6, 2019
3. Md. Muhiminul Haq, Shafaet Ahmed and Wahidu Zzaman. 2019. Study on Quality Characteristics of Processed Green Tea Extract during Storage Period. International Conference on Advancement of Life Sciences, (ICALS2019) MBSTU, Tangail, Bangladesh, April 5-6, 2019
4. Soaib Nur and Wahidu Zzaman. 2018. Aloe Vera gel bio-preservative formulation and evaluation as an edible coating agent. International conference on Translational Research in Biochemistry for Better Life and Sustainable Development at Rajshihi University on 6th September.
5. Nabil Nawrose Baishakh, Iftekhar Ahmad and Wahidu Zzaman. 2018. Nutritious Fish Crackers Development from Two Carp Fish Species and Its Quality Evaluation. International Conference on Biological and Environmental Research at Jessore University of Science and Technology (JUST), Jessore, Bangladesh, on September 16-17, 2018.
6. Dipa Islam, Chadni Lyzu, Liton Chandra Mohanta, Preyam Kumar Saha, Wahidu Zzaman. 2018. Therapeutic Food Development against Malnutrition for School Age Children and Adolescents. International Conference on Biological and Environmental Research at Jessore University of Science and Technology (JUST), Jessore, Bangladesh, on September 16-17, 2018.
7. Soaib Nur and Wahidu Zzaman. 2018. Aloe Vera gel bio-preservative formulation and evaluation as an edible coating agent. International conference on Translational Research in Biochemistry for Better Life and Sustainable Development held at Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh on 06 September, 2018.
8. Wahidu Zzaman, Tajul Aris Yang and Azhar Mat Easa. 2017. Development of flavor active compounds of Cocoa beans during superheated steam roasting. International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education. ICERIE 2017, 13 15 January, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
9. Haq, M.M and Zzaman. W. 2017. Study on Quality Characteristics of Processed Green Tea Extract During Storage Period. International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation
10. Ahmed, S., Hoque, M.M., Zzaman, W., Thakur, M.U. 2017. Study on physicochemical and anti-oxidant properties of coconut cream extracted from two BARI varieties. International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education. ICERIE 2017, 13 15 January, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
11. Wahidu Zzaman, Tajul A Yang. 2016. Evaluation of superheated steam roasting on color characteristics, oxidation and crystallization behaviors of cocoa butter. Second Conference on Research for Sustainable Development held at SUST research Centre, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh on 05 June.
12. Wahidu Zzaman. 2016. Data analysis technique using Response surface methodology (RSM). Seminar organized by SUST research Centre, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh on 09 May.
13. Wahidu Zzaman and Tajul A Yang. 2016. Determination of Flavor compounds in Cocoa beans using GC-MS techniques. First Conference on Research for Sustainable Development held at SUST research Centre, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh on 12-13 April.
14. Wahidu Zzaman, Tajul A Yang. 2016. Development of Safe Halal Food Safety Management System. Seminar on Sustainable Development held at SUST research centre, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh on 20 March.
15. Wahidu Zzaman, Rajeev Bhat and Tajul A. Yang. 2014. Effect of Roasting Methods on the flavor active compounds and microstructure of Cocoa Beans. Proceedings of Joint Postgraduate Seminar-USM-Prince Songkla University-Universitas Andalas
16. Wahidu Zzaman, Ee Shan, and Tajul A. Yang. 2014. Application of colour parameters for assessing the quality of roasted Robusta and Liberica coffee beans. Proceedings of INNOVAFOOD-2014 held at Park Royel Hotel, Penang, Malaysia-27-29 August, 2014
17. Wahidu Zzaman, Rajeev Bhat and Tajul A. Yang. 2014. Application of response surface methodology to optimize roasting conditions of cocoa beans using superheated steam. Proceedings of INNOVAFOOD-2014 held at Park Royel Hotel, Penang, Malaysia-27-29 August, 2014
18. Wahidu Zzaman, Mohammad Mozidul Islam, Kathy Messens, Geert Huys and Koen Dewettinck, 2013. Optimization of antioxidant extraction from jackfruit (Artocarpusheterophyllus Lam.) seed using response surface methodology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE) 2013 held at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh: 11 13 January, 2013
19. Wahidu Zzaman, Rajeev Bhat and Tajul A. Yang. 2013. Effect of superheated steam roasting on the antioxidant properties of cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao L.). Proceedings of International Functional Food Conference 2013 held at Selangor, Malaysia. 19th -20th August, 2013
20. Wahidu Zzaman, Rajeev Bhat and Tajul A. Yang. 2013. Effect of Roasting Methods on the Phenolic and Antioxidant Properties of Cocoa Beans. Proceedings of Malaysian International Cocoa Conference 2013 held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 7th to 8th October 2013
Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Food Chemistry
Food Safety and Regulation
Food Microbiology
Food Processing and Preservation
Biochemistry and Human Nutrition
Industrial Microbiology
Food safety and Quality Assurance
Quality Control in Food Industry
Dairy Technology
Food Analysis and Nutrient Technology
Food Packaging and Machinery
Fruits and Vegetables Processing Technology
Baking and Confectionery Technology
Awards & Recognition
UGC, Faculty and University Scholarship for the outstanding results at B.Sc. and M.Sc. Level from Islamic University, Kushtia.
VLIR-UOS International Training Scholarship on Dairy Technology from Faculty of Bio-Science Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium
VLIR-UOS International Master Programme Scholarship from Faculty of Bio-Science Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium
USM Doctoral Fellowship Program from School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia
USM Post-Doctoral Fellowship from School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Vice Chancellor Award 2018 for outstanding contribution to research works from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Dean’s Award for Research Excellence 2021 from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Graduate Supervision
1. Effect of Aloe Vera based Ascorbic acid and lactic acid edible coating on the quality and shelf Life extension of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)
2. Nutritious Fish Crackers Development from Two Carp Fish Species and Its Quality Evaluation
3. Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Characterization of Pectin from Pomelo (Citrus maxima), Kinnow mandarin (Citrus reticulata) and Citron (Citrus medica) Peels
4. Therapeutic Food (Biscuit) Development against Malnutrition for School Age Children and Adolescents (SACA)
5. Effect of foaming agent concentration and drying temperature on physicochemical properties of foam mat dried tomato powder
6. Effect of foaming agent concentration and drying temperature on biochemical properties of foam mat dried tomato powder
7. Effect of edible coatings on postharvest quality and shelf life enhancement of fresh fruit and vegetable
8. Impact of Nutrition Education on Knowledge, Attitude, Practices and Beliefs of Adolescent Girls Belonging Rural and Urban Area of Sunamganj
9. Biosynthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) and their utilization for Improving Postharvest Quality and Shelf Life of Tomato Fruit
10. Model Development and Process Analysis of Lychee (Lychee chinenesis Sonn.) Drying