Faculty Profile
Md. Rahmatuzzaman Rana
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Born in Sreebardi, Sherpur in 1988 and later moved to Dhaka and finished high school and college. In 2010, received a bachelor degree in Food Engineering from Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) and also earned a masters degree in Food Engineering (2010-2012). In October 2011, joined as a lecturer in the department of Food Engineering and Tea Technology at Shahajalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. Teaching mainly focused on engineering involved with food processing and preservation. Research aimed to food processing and food biotechnology. In 2013, promoted as an Assistant professor. From September 2014, taken two years study leave to finish Masters in Food Technology at KU Leuven (Belgium).
B. Sc. in Food Engineering (Bangladesh Agricultural University) (2006-2010)
M. Sc. in Food Engineering (Bangladesh Agricultural University) (2010-2012)
Masters in Food Technology (KU Leuven, Belgium) (2014-2016)
Research Interests
Food processing and preservation
Macro and micromolecule extraction and characterization
Byproduct valorization
Wheat protein
Dough rheology
Active Research Project
1. Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Mucilage: Extraction Optimization, Characterization, Functionality and Application.
Previous Research Project
1. Optimization of pectinase production by fungal strains in soild-state fermentation using locally available byproducts. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
2. Effect of physical and chemical pretreatment on drying kinetics, physicochemical properties and storage stability of Naga chili (Capsicum chinense)”. Funded by SUST Research center. Period: 2019-2020.
3. Optimization of pectinase production by Aspergillus niger under solid state fermentation using response surface methodology”, funded by SUST Research Center. Period: 2017-18.
Journal Publications
1. Effect of Taro Corm Mucilage and Black Seed Oil as Edible Coatings on the Shelf-Life and Quality of Fresh Guava
2. Health-Promoting Potential of Millet: A Review
3. Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction using response surface methodology for total anthocyanin content, total phenolic content, and antioxidant activities of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) calyces and comparison with conventional Soxhlet extraction.
4. Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO Nanoparticles-Based Biocomposite Films Prepared Using Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Taro Mucilage, and Black Cumin Seed Oil for Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities
5. Development of Novel Whey-Mango Based Mixed Beverage: Effect of Storage on Physicochemical, Microbiological, and Sensory Analysis
6. Mango (Mangifera indica L.) fiber concentrates: Processing, modification and utilization as a food ingredient
7. Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic content & antioxidant activity of hog plum (Spondias pinnata L. f. kurz) pulp by response surface methodology
8. Plasma-Activated Water for Food Safety and Quality: A Review of Recent Developments
9. A Comprehensive Review on Bio-Preservation of Bread: An Approach to Adopt Wholesome Strategies
10. How COVID-19 pandemic is affecting achieved food security in Bangladesh: A perspective with required policy interventions
11. Optimization of substrate composition for pectinase production from Satkara (Citrus macroptera) peel using Aspergillus niger-ATCC 1640 in solid-state fermentation
12. Study on dehydration kinetics of mango kernel
13. Effect of pretreatments and temperature on rehydration kinetics of naga chili (Capsicum chinense)
14. Effects of Different Cooking Methods on Physicochemical and Bioactive Compounds of Selected Green Vegetables in North Eastern Region, Bangladesh
15. Traceability of Sweeteners in Soy Yogurt using Linear Discriminant Analysis of Physicochemical and Sensory Parameters
16. Effect of Lablab Bean (Lablab purpureus L.) Seed Flour on the Physico chemical and Sensory Properties of Biscuits.
17. Characterization of Wheat Flour Bread Fortified with Banana Flour.
18. Effect of Blanching Pretreatments on the Physicochemical and Drying Characteristics of Chui Jhal (Piper chaba H.) Stem.
19. Stability of organic food colorant extracted from annatto seeds on food matrix
20. Effect of maturity and ripening chemical treatment in post-harvest physiology of tomato.
21. Aged leaves effect on essential components in green and oolong tea.
22. Effect of gluten free composite flour on physicochemical and sensory properties of cracker biscuits.
1. The effect of physical pretreatment on drying characteristics and physicochemical properties of chui jhal (Piper chaba) stem.
2. Optimization of pectinase production from satkora peel by Aspergillus niger using response surface methodology
Principles of Food Engineering
Unit Operation in Process and Food Engineering
Food Plant Design
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering
Engineering Properties of Food Materials and Machineries
Advanced Unit Operation in Food Process Engineering
Awards & Recognition
Achieved VLIR-UOS (Flanders, Belgium) scholarship to study in Masters Programme
Graduate Supervision
1. Study on organoleptic and physicochemical properties of lab lab bean (Lablab purpureus) seed composite flour on incorporated biscuits. Year: 2012.
2. Physicochemical analysis of gelatin extracted from indigenous chicken meat and beef residue. Year: 2013.
3. Development of soy yogurt and effect of different sweetening agents on physiochemical andsensory properties. Year: 2013.
4. Development and storage analysis of whey based mango beverage. Year: 2014.
5. A study on nutritional composition of weaning food prepared from jack fruit seed flour germinated wheat and sorghum flour. Year: 2014.
6. Studies on functional properties and incorporation of germinated sorghum and jackfruit seed to wheat flour on quality of biscuits. Year: 2014.
7. Optimization of fermentation condition for pectinase production from satkora peel by Aspergillus niger using response surface methodology. Year: 2017
8. Solid state fermentation conditions for pectinase production using wheat bran and Aspergillus niger. Year: 2017
9. The effects of various blanching methods on physicochemical properties and drying chracteristics of naga chili (Capsicum chinense) during hot air drying. Year: 2019
10. The effects of various chemical methods on physicochemical properties and drying characteristics of Naga chili (Capsicum chinense) during hot air drying. Year: 2019
11. The effect of physical pretreatment on drying characteristics and physicochemical properties of chui jhal (Piper chaba) stem. Year: 2019
12. The effect of chemical pretreatment on drying characteristics and physicochemical properties of chui jhal (Piper chaba) stem. Year: 2019
13. The Effect of Pretreatments and Temperature on Rehydration Kinetics of Naga Chili (Capsicum chinense). Year: 2020
14. Effects of Different Cooking Methods on Physicochemical and Bioactive Compounds of Selected Green Vegetables in Northeastern Region, Bangladesh. Year: 2020
15. Effects of Aloe Vera Gel and Green Tea Extract as an Edible Coating on the Shelf-life of Fresh Naga Chili (Capsicum chinense) . Year: 2020.
16. Effect of Pasteurization and Sonication Treatments on the Physicochemical, Bioactive Content and Microbial Properties of Adajamir (Citrus assamensis) Juice. Year: 2020