Faculty Profile
Dr G M Rabiul Islam
Contact Information
Dr. G.M. Rabiul Islam received his PhD from Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan under the Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarship program. Mr. Islam has also received a MSc in Nutrition and Rural Development (Main Subject: Human Nutrition) from Ghent University, Belgium under the VLIR scholarship program. Prior to that, Mr. Islam completed BSc in Agriculture from Agro-technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh.
Mr. Islam was appointed as a lecturer in 2004 at the Department of Food Engineering and Tea Technology SUST) then promoted to Assistant Professor in 2007, Associate Professor in 2013 and Professor in 2019. Mr. Islam has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in highly cited journals and conference proceedings as well as orally presenting many technical papers at different seminars, symposiums and round table discussions both home and aboard. Among his presentations the notable one was at the workshop on Food Safety in South Asia: Situation Analysis, Challenges, and Way-Forward” organized by SAARC Human Resource Development Center (SHRDC), at New Delhi where Mr. Islam delivered a key note address as a resource person for the workshop (https://www.flickr.com/photos/shrdc/sets/72157645193756788/).
Mr. Islam has also received extensive training both in home and abroad by highly skilled and well renowned professionals of different institutions in the area of food safety e.g., ISO 9001, EMS 14001, OSHAS 18001, ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, BRC Global Standard for Food safety, Issue-6, Organic Product certification, HACCP, GMP, GCP, Cosmetics-Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): ISO 22716, PAS 220/223.
Mr. Islam’s research interest is broadly focused on food and nutritional safety and security as well responses to prospective solutions at the population level in developing countries by cost effective mode. Mr. Islam’s approach is aimed at untying the riddle of inequity and inefficiency in food consumption and health care system. His expertise also includes the functioning of various public health programs from economic, clinical and socio-cultural perspectives. He also contributes to the decision making process for the development of pragmatic food safety, nutrition and public health program, thereby optimizing resource utilization for better health. Consequently, Mr. Islam likes to explore model construction to facilitate empirical evaluation of big data.
PhD (2014-2018) in Public Health (Major: Health Care Economics), Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
MSc (2008-2010) in Nutritional and Rural Development (Man Subject: Human Nutrition), Ghent University, Belgium
BSc in Agriculture (1997-2001) from Agro-technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Food and nutritional safety and security as well as the prospective solutions in response to the rising the population levels
Participation in decision making process to develop pragmatic andcost effective food safety, public health and clinical support program
Chemical hazard and food safety
Nutritional requirements of children and pregnant women
Food policy
Consumer behaviour
Nutritional disorders
Epidemiology and public health
Health care economics
Active Research Project
1. Food consumption habit- to ascertain the causality of pandemic disease development and its prospective solutions at the population level in Southeast Asia
2. Understanding the feasibility of training integration to improve safe and nutritious street food availability in Sylhet City: A System Dynamics Approach (2019-2022), Funded by Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS)
Previous Research Project
1. Fresh water prawn farmers’ attitude towards feed adaptability and position in the supply chain (2013-2014). Funded by Infrastructural Development & Research Strengthening of Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Ministry of Fisheries and livestock, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
2. Role of corporate in environmentalmmanagement for food and product safety in Bangladesh (2013-2014). Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
3. Consumption of unsafe foods in tannery campus and Buriganga River embank at Dhaka: heavy metal, mineral and trace element contamination (2012-2013). Funded by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology research centre
External Affiliations
Member, International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPORE), USA
Member, Belgian Nutritional Society
Member, The Civil Society Alliance for Scaling Up Nutrition, Bangladesh (CSA for SUN, BD)
Botanical Society of Bangladesh
Life Member, Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS)
Journal Publications
1. Uddin, R., Islam, G.M.R., Uddin, M.Z. and Thakur, M.U., 2023.Development and validation of an effective and sensitive technique for nitrate determination in fruits and vegetables using HPLC/PDA
2. Hasan, M.J., Uddin, R. and Islam, G.R., 2022. Structural modeling to understand the relationship among food safety knowledge, attitude, and self-reported HACCP practices in restaurant employees in Bangladesh. PLOS Global Public Health, 2(5), p.e0000103.
3. Islam, G.M.R., Rahman, M.M., Hasan, M.I., Amare Worku Tadesse, A.W., Jena Derakhshani Hamadani, J.D., Hamer, D,H. 2021. Hair, serum and urine chromium level in children with cognitive defect: A systematic review and meta-analysis of case control studies. Chemosphere (IF:7.01)
4. Shoruv, J.H. and Islam, G.M.R. 2021. Sickle cell exerted protection against malarial infection in Nigerian children (6-59 months). Clin. Epidemool Globl, 100896(IF. 2.80)
5. Uddin, R.,Thakur, M.U., Uddin, M.Z., Islam, G.M.R., 2021.Study of nitrate levels in fruits and vegetables to assess the potential health risks in Bangladesh. Scientific Reports. 2021,11:4704 (IF: 3.99)
6. Islam, G.M. R., 2021. Inequality, chronic undernutrition, maternity, and diabetes mellitus as the determinant of anemia among ever-married women in Bangladesh. BMC Public Health, 21(1), pp.1-10. (IF:2.51)
7. Islam, G.R.M., 2020. Association of socioeconomic status with childhood anemia among infant, toddler, and preschool children in Bangladesh. Value in health regional issues, 21, pp.141-148. (IF: 2.8)
8. Khan, T.A., Ipshita, A.H., Mazumdar, R.M., Abdullah, A.T.M., Islam, G.M.R. and Rahman, M.M., 2020. Bioactive polyphenol profiling and in-vitro antioxidant activity of Tinospora cordifolia Miers ex Hook F and Thoms: a potential ingredient for functional food development. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 55(1), pp.23-34.
9. Islam G.M. R., Igarashi I, & Kawabuchi K (2018). Inequality and Mothers Age as Determinants of Breastfeeding Continuation in Bangladesh, Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 246 (15-25) ( PubMed impact factor 1.42)
10. Islam, G. M. R, Akter, S. S., & Hoque, M. M. (2018). Traditional foods for health: in vitro screening for antioxidant capacity of popular traditional tribal foods in the Sylhet territory in Bangladesh-focusing on total phenolic and tannin contents. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 12(3), 2087-2093. (Springer: Impact factor 1.18)
11. Islam, G.M.R. (2017) The risk of developing cardiovascular disease in Bangladesh: does diabetes mellitus matter Which socioeconomic status does it impact A cross sectional study. Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, 11(1), pp.45-53. (Elsevier, Impact factor: 3.263).
12. Islam, G.M.R., Mohammad R. H., Jillian L. Waid, M. Safiur Rahman, J. Kabir, S. Akter, and Y. N. Jolly (2017). Heavy metal contamination of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachiumrosenbergii) and prawn feed in Bangladesh: A market-based study to highlight probable health risks. Chemosphere, 170: 282-289. (Elsevier, Impact factor: 4.56).
13. Bhattacharjee, S. &IslamG. M. R. (2015). Seaweed Antioxidants as Novel Ingredients for Better Health and Food Quality: Bangladesh Prospective.Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 51 (3):215–233
14. Islam, G. M. R., Nabi, M. I., Hoque, M. M. & Yusuf, A. (2014). Caffeine, polyphenol and crude fat contents in tea varieties available in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 42(2): 321-325
15. Monalisa, K, Hoque, M.M.&Islam G.M.R. (2014).Inference of Zn in Enormity of the public health.Journal of Food Science and Engineering, 4: 55-70
16. F. E. Khan, Jolly Y.N. Y.N. Jolly, Islam G. M. R., Akhter S. & kabir, J. (2014). Contamination status and health risk assessment of trace elements via dietary intake of foodstuffs collected from the adjacent area of tannery campus and the Buriganga river embank International Journal of Food Contamination,1(1):1-8 [Springer]
17. G.M.R. Islam, Khan, F.E., Hoque, M.M. & Jolly, Y.N. (2014). Consumption of unsafe food in the adjacent area of Hazaribag tannery campus and Buriganga River embank of Bangladesh: heavy metal contamination. Environmental monitoring and Assessment, 186(11): 7233-44 [Springer]
18. Islam, G. M. R, Uddin, G M., Mahfuzur Rahman, M.M. & Yousuf, A. (2013). Caffeine and total polyphenol contents of market tea cultivated and processed in Bangladesh. Malaysian journal of nutrition, 19(1): 143-147 [PubMEd]
19. Islam G.M.R.& Hoque, M.M. (2013).Food safety regulation in Bangladesh, chemical hazard and some perception to overcome the dilemma. International Food Research Journal, 20(1): 1817-1828
20. Islam G.M.R., Alam, M.J. & Buysse,J.(2013). Does the use of a questionnaire on non-cereal food consumption is reliable and valid to measure household food insecurity: experience and understanding from thr chronically poverty prone region in Bangladesh. International Food Research Journal,20(3): 1435-1442
21. Islam,G.M.R.& Buysse,. J.(2012). Food insecurity and nutritional outcome in children and mothers of Bangladesh and some perceptions to overcome malnutrition. International Journal of Public Health Research,2 (1): 101-114
22. Islam,G.M.R., Alam M.J.&Buysse,J.(2012). Non-cereal food consumption, food insecurity and nutritional status of children and mothers: a case study in Bangladesh. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 18:(1) 77-88 [PubMed]
23. Islam, G.M.R.&Alam, M.J.B. (2006). NOx removal from air by Nitrosomonas europaea. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 40 (4) : 249-256
24. Uddin, M. J., Sarker,M. L., Ahmed,I. M., & Islam, G.M.R.(2005). Effect of Irrigation on the yield of Tea.Progressive agriculture, 16 (2): 229-233
25. Ahmad, I., Hossain, M.,G.M.R. Islam.,S.K.M.Billah,& Y. Kabir. (2005). Genetic Variability and correlation studies in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.,). Int. J. Sustain. Agril Tech,1 (4):30-34
26. Islam G.M. R.,Iqbal, M., Quddus,K.G. & Ali, M.Y. (2005).Present status and future needs of tea industry in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences,42(4) :305-314
27. Islam, M.S., Sarkar, K., Islam, G.M.R.,Islam, A.K.M.S, Afroz,S. &Karim, D.(2003) Effect of Vegetable Protein on the Production Performance of Laying Ducks. Khulna University Studies, 4 (1): 649-65
1. Islam, G.M. R., Rahman, M.M., Hasan, M.I., Tadesse, A.W., Hamadani, J.D. and Hamer, D.H., 2021. Evidence synthesis on childhood chromium level among normal and cognitively impaired children, 4th international developmental Pediatric Association Congress, held on December 2-5 at Turkey
2. slam G.M. R. and Kawabuchi K (2017) The economic and sociodemographic factors associated with infant and young child feeding practices in Bangladesh. Presented in The 12th Annual Meeting of Japan Health Economics Association (JHEA), Held in Tokyo Japan
3. Islam G.M. R. (2017). Burden of anemia among ever-married women in Bangladesh: does household economic inequality matter? How demographics, diabetes, maternity and bmi decompose on the anxiety? International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR) second international annual meeting held in Sheraton Boston Hotel and the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial convention center, Boston, MA, USA
4. “Food Safety in Bangladesh: Situation Analysis, Challenges, and Way-Forward” was presented in the workshop on Food Safety in South Asia: Situation Analysis, Challenges, and Way-Forward” organized by SAARC Human Resource Development Center [SHRDC], Islamabad- Pakistan-a three days [June 20-22, 2014] workshop in collaboration with the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi, India (https://www.flickr.com/photos/shrdc/sets/72157645193756788/)
5. Islam G.M.R, Mohamad J Alam, Jeroen Buysse (2010) Seasonal variation of energy and vitamin “A” consumption from non-staple food in Bangladesh. Belgian Nutritional Society congress, Brussels. Belgium, April 12, 10, abstract published in Arch Public Health, 2010, 68 (Supplement 2), S65 (available at www.wiv-isp.be/aph/sup2Y2010.htm )
Food marketing and consumer behavior
Food safety and quality control
Biochemistry and human nutrition
Food chemistry
Functional food
Awards & Recognition
MEXT Scholarship (for PhD study at Japan)
VLIR-UOS Masters Scholarship (2008-2010) at Ghent University, Belgium (VLIR-UOS supports partnerships between universities and university colleges in Flanders and the South looking for innovative responses to global and local challenges)