Faculty Profile
Dr. Md. Mozammel Hoque
Contact Information
Professor Dr Md. Mozammel Hoque was born in a noble Muslim family in the district of Kishoreganj, Bangladesh. He completed his BScAg (Hons) and MS from Bangladesh Agricultural University. Later, he went to Chiba University, Japan in 1996 with Monbukagakusho Scholarship, where he consecutively obtained MAg and PhD degrees. He worked as a Research Student at Greenspace Environmental Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, Japan from January 1996 to March 1997. He was awarded a Post Doctoral Fellowship (2003-2005) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to work in National Agricultural Research Center for Tohoku Region (NARCT), Morioka, Japan. During his study abroad, he was engaged with Rice FACE (Free-Air CO2 Enrichment) Project in Japan. In January 2005, he joined the Department of Food Engineering & Tea Technology at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) as an Assistant Professor and subsequently, was promoted to Associate Professor, Professor, and Professor (Grade-2) respectively in 2010, 2014, and 2018.
The department Food Engineering & Tea Technology is a unique one and the first of its kind in Bangladesh. Professor Hoque is the senior-most faculty member of the department and has been attached with it since its inception in the 2004-2005 session. He has served as the Head of the Department from August 2008 to August 2017 with a short break from December 2013 to July 2014.
Professor Hoque has more than 90 articles already published in different national and international journals. He is a reviewer in several international peer-reviewed journals. He has all through been supervising Undergrad, Masters and PhD Researchers/ Theses. He also participated in numerous local and international conferences and seminars. He is concurrently associated with multiple professional organizations and societies. Dr Hoque is all the more and regularly concerned with the interests of the teaching community in Bangladesh. He was elected General Secretary of the SUST Teachers' Association (SUTA) in 2012, and Vice-President in 2016.
PhD (2002) in Soil & Environmental Science, Chiba University, Japan
MAg (1999) in Green Environmental Ecosystem, Chiba University, Japan
MS (1995) in Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
BScAg (Hons- 1990, held in 1994), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Soil Microbiology
Soil Management
Tea Science
Food Microbiology
Food Chemistry
Active Research Project
1. Serving as a Principal Investigator in the project Effects of Thrips Infestation on the Physiological and Biochemical Composition of Tea Leaves and Processed Tea funded by the University Research Centre of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology from July 2024 to date
Previous Research Project
1. worked as a Principal Investigator in the project entitled Effect of Seasonal Variations on Different Biochemical Components of Tea Clones Released by Bangladesh Tea Research Institute (BTRI) funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh from July 2015 to June 2016
2. worked as a Principal Investigator in the project entitled Production of Probiotic Fruit Juices from Seasonal Fruits Available in Bangladesh by Lactic Acid Bacteria funded by the Research Center of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh from July 2014 to June 2015
3. worked as a Principal Investigator in the project entitled Processing and Preservation of Value Added Products from Locally Available Fruits (orange, pineapple, taikar, carambola and satkara) in Sylhet Region funded by the Research Center of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology from July 2012 to June 2013
4. worked as a Principal Investigator in the project entitled Bioethanol Production from Municipal Solid Wastes funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh from July 2016 to June 2017
5. worked as a Principal Investigator in the project entitled Comparative analysis of organic and non-organic tea cultivation systems in Panchagarh District of Bangladesh funded by the Research Center of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh since July 2019 to June 2022
6. worked as a Co-Investigator in the project entitled Understanding the feasibility of training integration to improve safe and nutritious street food availability in Sylhet City: A System Dynamics funded by BANBEIS, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh since July 2019 to June 2022
External Affiliations
Member, Botanical Society of Bangladesh
Life Member, Bangladesh Society of Agronomy (L-321)
Life Member, Bangladesh Weed Science Society (L-73)
Life Member, Soil Science Society of Bangladesh (L-169)
Life Member, Krishibid Institution of Bangladesh (L-01906169)
Life Member, Bangladesh-JSPS Alumni Association (L-79)
Life Member, Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) (L-1063)
Life Member, Japanese Universities Alumni Association in Bangladesh (JUAAB) (L-165)
Member, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (M-2499)
Life Member, Ecological Society of Bangladesh (L-22-214)
Journal Publications
1. Monalisa K, Hasan MT, Sayem ASM, Hoque MM & Islam MZ (2024) Quality improvement of frozen cooked noodles by protein addition. Cryobiology
2. Al Faik MA, Roy M, Azam MS, Ahmmed R, Hoque MM & Alam MM (2024) Comprehensive Study on Potato Drying in Convective Air Dryer: Experimental Observations, Mathematical Modeling, and Model Validation. Measurement: Food
3. Hossain MA, Hoque MM, Ahmed MM & Ahmed T (2024) Probiotic yoghurt-like fermented milk product enriched with Lactobacillus desidiosus and Lactobacillus fermentum: proximate composition, physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory evaluation during refrigerated storage. Discover Food 4, 24
4. Abdullah ATM, Sayka MI, Rahman MM, Sharif M, Khan TA, Jahan S, Mazumdar RM, Uddin MN & Hoque MM (2024) Tea (Camellia sinensis) cultivated in three agro-ecological regions of Bangladesh: Unveiling the variability of methylxanthine, bioactive phenolic compound, and antioxidant activity. HELIYON
5. Meherunnahar M, Hoque MM, Satter MA, Ahmed T, Chowdhury RS & Aziz S (2024) Effect of cooking characteristics, amino acid consistency, and functional properties of composite noodles made from foxtail millet. Measurement: Food, 13: 100138
6. Islam MZ, Jahan MI, Monalisa K, Rana R & Hoque MM (2024) Impact of maltodextrin, egg white protein addition and microwave-assisted foam mat drying on drying kinetics, microstructures, physicochemical and quality attributes of jackfruit juice powder. LWT- Food Science and Technology
7. Paul SK, Mamun MSA, Ahmed M, Khan AQ, Hoque MM & Rahman MA (2023) Population dynamics of plant parasitic nematodes and their relation to soil properties in tea. Tea Journal of Bangladesh, 49: 44-51
8. Meherunnahar M, Ahmed T, Chowdhury RS, Miah MAS, Sridhar K, Inbaraj BS, Hoque MM & Sharma M (2023) Development of Novel Foxtail Millet-Based Nutri-Rich Instant Noodles: Chemical and Quality Characteristics. Foods, 12: 819
9. Shanta SS, Ahmed T Jubayer MF, Sharma M, Sridhar K, Hoque MM, Rana MR & Inbaraj BS (2023) Effect of Taro Corm Mucilage and Black Seed Oil as Edible Coatings on the Shelf-Life and Quality of Fresh Guava. Agronomy, 13: 538
10. Biswas A, Ahmed T, Rana MR, Hoque MM, Ahmed MF, Sharma M, Sridhar K, Ara R & Inbaraj BS (2023) Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO Nanoparticles-Based Biocomposite Films Prepared Using Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Taro Mucilage, and Black Cumin Seed Oil for Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities. Agronomy, 13(1):147
11. Hasan MM, Roy P, Alam M, Hoque MM & Zzaman W (2022) Antimicrobial activity of peels and physicochemical properties of juice prepared from indigenous citrus fruits of Sylhet region, Bangladesh. Heliyon, 8(7): e09948
12. Habib MR, Hoque MM, Kabir J, Akhter S, Rahman MS, Moore J & Jolly YN (2022) A comparative study of heavy metal exposure risk from the consumption of some common species of cultured and captured fishes of Bangladesh. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis,108:104455
13. Zitu AA, Shourove JH, Hoque MM & Ara R (2021) Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of four underutilized fruits of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 50(4): 1035-1039
14. Islam MR, Hoque TS, Islam S, Ahmed M & Hoque MM (2021) Performance of different organic manures with chemical fertilizers in increases growth, yield and nutritional quality of potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.). Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 50(3): 651-657
15. Hossain MS, Uddin R, Barua P, Yasin M, Mamun MSA & Hoque MM (2021) Effects of plant age, topography and processing system on the biochemical traits and quality of tea. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 50(3): 633-639
16. Mahmud MM, Belal M, Ahmed S, Hoque MM & Zzaman W (2021) Microwave-assisted extraction and characterization of pectin from citrus fruit wastes for commercial application. Food Research, 5(5): 80-88
17. Rana MR, Ahmad H, Sayem ASM, Jothi JS, Hoque MM & Rahman M (2021) Effects of Different Cooking Methods on Physicochemical and Bioactive Compounds of Selected Green Vegetables in Northeastern Region, Bangladesh. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 9(2).
18. Ahmed S, Jahan IA, Hossain MH, Ahmed KS, Rahman M, Zzaman W & Hoque MM (2021) Bioactive compounds, antioxidant properties and phenolic profile of pulp and seed of Syzygium cumini. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 15: 1991–1999
19. Hossain MA, Islam JMM, Hoque MM, Nahar S & Khan MA (2021) Field demonstration of irradiated sodium alginate as tea production booster. Heliyon, 7(1): e05881
20. Hossain MA, Hoque MM, Hossain MM, Kabir MH, Yasin M & Islam MA (2020) Biochemical, microbiological and organoleptic properties of probiotic pineapple juice developed by lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Scientific Research, 12(4): 743-750
21. Dey P, Hoque MM, Islam MZ & Monalisa K (2020) Kinetics of antioxidants degradation and quality changes of citron (Citrus medica) fruit juice concentrate during storage. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 10(2): 230-234
22. Yasin M, Ara R, Mamun MSA & Hoque MM (2020) Biochemical and quality parameters of BTRI released tea clones. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 49(3): 445-450
23. Ahmed S, Ahmed KS, Hossain MS, Azam MS, Rahman M & Hoque MM (2020) Proximate composition and antioxidant activity of Syzygium cumini fruit grown at different regions in Bangladesh. Food Research, 4(5): 1693-1699
24. Shourove JH, Zzaman W, RS Chowdhury & MM Hoque (2020) Effect of thermal treatment on physicochemical stability and antioxidant properties of locally available underutilized star fruit juice. Asian Food Science Journal, 14(3): 41-53
25. Meherunnahar M, Hoque MM, Satter MA & Islam F (2020) New Bari Wheat cultivars: Evaluation of processing and nutrition. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 5(4): 1473-1481
26. Yousuf A, Rahman MA, Uddin MR, Hoque MM, Sayem ASM, Hossain MS, Ali MS, Ahmed MS & Haque M (2020) Pineapple juice preservation by pulsed electric field treatment. Open Journal of Biological Sciences, 5(1): 006-012
27. Roy M, Sarker A, Azad MAK, Shaheb MR & Hoque MM (2019) Evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of dark red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) protein hydrolysates. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 14: 303–313
28. Mohajan S, Munna MM, Orchy TN, Hoque MM & Farzana T (2019) Buckwheat flour fortified bread. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 54(4): 347-356
29. Hossain MA, Hoque MM, Kabir MH & Yasin M (2019) Probiotification of mango juice by lactic acid bacteria and quality assessment at refrigerated storage condition. Bangladesh Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, 1(1): 21-28
30. Islam MZ, Saha T, Monalisa K & Hoque MM (2019) Effect of starch edible coating on drying characteristics and antioxidant properties of papaya. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 13, 2951-2960
31. Ahmed S, Hoque MM, Zzaman W, Thakur MU & Hossain MM (2019) Study on physicochemical and anti-oxidant properties of coconut cream extracted from two BARI varieties. International Food Research Journal, 26(1): 153 - 160
32. Sad AA, Hoque MM & Zzaman W (2018) Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of banana varieties and sensorial evaluation of jelly prepared from those varieties available in Sylhet region. International Journal of Food Studies, 7: 89-97
33. Meherunnahar M, Chowdhury RS, Hoque MM, Satter MA & Islam MF (2018) Comparison of nutritional and functional properties of BK2 foxtail millet with rice, wheat and maize flour. Progressive Agriculture, 29 (2): 186-194
34. Meherunnahar M, Hoque MM, Satter MA, Abedin N & Islam MF (2018) Evaluation of nutritional and functional status of three varieties of foxtail millet cultivars in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 45(1): 247-251
35. Islam GMR, Akter SS & Hoque MM (2018) Traditional foods for health: in vitro screening for antioxidant capacity of popular traditional tribal foods in the Sylhet territory in Bangladeshfocusing on total phenolic and tannin contents. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 12(3): 2087-2093
36. Anandsynal, Mumtaz B, Motalab M, Jahan S, Hoque MM & Saha BK (2018) Nutritional and microbiological evaluation on sauces and ketchups available in Bangladesh. International Food Research Journal, 25(1): 357-365
37. Mamun MSA, Hoque MM, Ahmed M, Akandha MYH & Paul SK (2016) Evaluation of some potential miticides against red spider mite infesting tea in Bangladesh. Tea Journal of Bangladesh, 45: 52-64
38. Chowdhury RS, Moly IS, Ahmed M, Mamun MSA, Hoque MM & Miah MF (2016) Impact of the mosquito bug (Helopeltis theivora) infestation on the quality of tea (Camellia sinensis). Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 44(2):197-207
39. Hossain MM, Hossain D, Hossain MA, Ahmad F, Hoque MM & Rahman M (2016) Lead Time Reduction and Process Cycle Improvement of an Ice-cream Manufacturing Factory in Bangladesh by Using Value Stream Map and Kanban Board: A Case Study. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 10(15): 250-260
40. Sarker A, Das S, Hoque MM, Ahmed S & Shaheb MR (2016) Assessment of Microbial Quality of Water in Popular Restaurants in Sylhet city of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research, 41(1): 115-125
41. Mamun MSA, Hoque MM & Ahmed M (2016) Effects of different pruning operations on the incidence of red spider mite of tea in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 45(1): 247-251
42. Mamun MSA, Hoque MM, Ahmed M & Yasin M (2016) Physiological and biochemical changes in tea leaves and made tea due to red spider mite infestation. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 15(1-2): 16-25
43. Mamun MSA, Hoque MM & Ahmed M (2015) Evaluation of some plant origin commercial biopesticides against red spider mite, Oligonychus coffeae Nietner (Acarina: Tetranychydae) in tea. Journal of Tea Science Research, 5(8): 1-7
44. Mamun MSA, Hoque MM, Ahmed M, Sarkar A & Kabir H (2015) Evaluation of some indigenous plant extracts against red spider mite, Oligonychus coffeae Nietner (Acarina: Tetranychydae) in tea. Persian Journal of Acarology, 4(4): 425-435
45. Islam MZ, Hoque MM, Asif-Ul-Alam SM & Monalisa K (2015) Chemical composition, Antioxidant capacities and storage stability of Citrus macroptera and Garcinia pedunculata fruits. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 27(3): 275-282
46. Rahman MM, Das R, Hoque MM & Zzaman W (2015) Effect of freeze drying on antioxidant activity and phenolic contents of Mango (Mangifera indica). International Food Research Journal, 22(2): 613-617
47. Rahman MM, Ali MY, Mondal SI & Hoque MM (2015) Evaluation of antimicrobial properties of some local fruits of Bangladesh. International Food Research Journal, 22(2): 854-858
48. Salma IJ, Sajib MAM, Motalab M, Mumtaz B, Jahan S, Hoque MM & Saha BK (2015) Comparative evaluation of macro and micro-nutrient element and heavy metal contents of commercial fruit juices available in Bangladesh, American Journal of Food and Nutrition, 3(2): 56-63
49. Islam GMR, Khan FE, Hoque MM & Jolly YN (2014) Consumption of unsafe food in the adjacent area of Hazaribag tannery campus and Buriganga River embankments of Bangladesh: heavy metal contamination. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186(11): 7233-7244
50. Mamun MSA, Ahmed M, Hoque MM, Sikder MBH & Mitra A (2014) In vitro and in vivo screening of some entomopathogens against red spider mite, Oligonychus coffeae Nietner (Acarina: Tetranychydae) in tea. Tea Journal of Bangladesh, 43: 34-44
51. Parveen S, Das S, Begum A, Sultana N, Hoque MM & Ahmad I (2014) Microbiological quality assessment of three selected spices in Bangladesh. International Food Research Journal, 21(4): 1327-1330
52. Asif-Ul-Alam SM, Islam MZ, Hoque MM & Monalisa K (2014) Effects of Drying on the physicochemical and functional properties of green banana (Musa sapientum) flour and development of baked product. American Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2(4): 128-133
53. Monalisa K, Islam MZ, Asif-Ul-Alam SM & Hoque MM (2014) Valorization and storage stability assessment of underutilized fruit carambola (Averrhoa carambola) in Bangladesh. American Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2 (4): 134-138
54. Misir J, Brishti FH & Hoque MM (2014) Aloe vera gel as a novel edible coating for fresh fruits: A review. American Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2(3): 93-97
55. Ibrahim SM, Nahar S, JMM Islam, Islam M, Hoque MM, Huque R & Khan MA (2014) Effect of low molecular weight chitosan coating on physico-chemical properties and shelf life extension of pineapple (Ananas sativus). Journal of Forest Products and Industries, 3(3): 161-166
56. Islam MR, Rony M, Afroz H, Islam MS & Hoque MM (2014) Phosphorus fraction in acid soil of Lakkatura tea garden, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Journal of Soil and Nature, 7(1): 1-6
57. Islam MR, Afroz H, Parvin MM, Yeasmin F & Hoque MM (2014) Distribution of sulphur in acid soils, Lakkatura tea garden, Sylhet. Journal of Soil and Nature, 7(1): 13-18
58. Monalisa K, Hoque MM & Islam GMR (2014) Inference of Zn in enormity of the public health. Journal of Food Science and Engineering, 4: 55-70
59. Ahmed S, Mahbub KR, Ahmed MM, Rahman M & Hoque MM (2014) Microbiological quality of street vended drinking water in Dhaka city and screening for antibiotics resistance of isolated Salmonella spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Journal of Scientific Research, 6(2): 359-371
60. Sajib MAM, Hoque MM, Yeasmin S & Khatun MHA (2014) Minerals and heavy metals concentration in selected tropical fruits of Bangladesh. International Food Research Journal, 21(5): 1731-1736
61. Ahmed MM, Fakruddin M, Rashid M, Hossain MM, Uddin MN, Hoque MM & Haque MM (2014) Semi-pilot study of the production of biomass and ?-D-fructofuranosidase by Saccharomyces cerevisiae IFSTBY111 in a fed-batch fermenter. Industrial Biotechnology, 10(1): 47-
62. Chowdhury A, Azam MS, Fakruddin M, Hossain MN, Khandaker RM, Hoque MM & Monzur MA (2013) Isolation and characterization of indigenous cellulase producing Trichoderma spp. from Bangladesh. World Research Journal of Biotechnology, 1(2): 32-35
63. Islam GMR, Nabi MI, Hoque MM and Yusuf A (2013) Study on caffeine, polyphenol and crude fat content in tea varieties available in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 42(2): 321-325
64. Fumoto T, Hasegawa T, Cheng W, Hoque MM, Yamakawa Y, Shimono H, Kobayashi K, Okada M, Li C & Yagi K (2013) Application of a process-based biogeochemistry model, DNDC-Rice, on a rice field under free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE). Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 69(3): 173-190
65. Hossain MM, Karim R, Begum S, Islam GMR & Hoque MM (2013) Assessment of microbial load in made tea and antimicrobial property of made tea infusion. International Journal of Public Health Research, 3(2): 276-281
66. Hossain MA, Hoque MM, Khan MA, Islam JMM & Naher S (2013) Foliar application of radiation processed chitosan as plant growth promoter and anti-fungal agent on tea plants. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 4(8): 1693-1698
67. Akhter F, Islam M, Khatun A, Munshi MK, Hossain MA, Hoque MM & Huque R (2013) Biochemical composition and effects of radiation on sensory, biochemical and physiological quality of fresh spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). International Journal of Biosciences, 3(5): 25-34
68. Alam MK, Hoque MM, Morshed S, Akter F & Sharmin KN (2013) Evaluation of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) juice preserved with chemical preservatives at refrigeration temperature. Journal of Scientific Research, 5(2): 407- 414
69. Monalisa K, Islam MZ, Tanzir A Khan, Abdullah ATM & Hoque MM (2013) Comparative study on nutrient contents of native and hybrid Koi (Anabas testudineus) and Pangas (Pangasius pangasius, Pangasius hypophthalmus) fish in Bangladesh. International Food Research Journal, 20(2): 791-798
70. Islam GMR & Hoque MM (2013) Food safety regulation in Bangladesh, chemical hazard and some perception to overcome the dilemma (Mini Review). International Food Research Journal, 20(1): 47-58
71. Ahmad I, Mazumder AZMS, Sumi FB, Hossain MA & Hoque MM (2013). Physico-chemical characteristics and assessment of cup quality of tea collected from various tea estates of different countries. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 9(1): 107-115
72. Ahmed M, Mamun MSA, Hoque MM & Chowdhury RS (2012) Influence of weather parameters on red spider mite-a major pest of tea. SUST Journal of Science and Technology, 19(5): 47-53
73. Salam MA, Jahan N, Islam MA & Hoque MM (2012) Extraction of pectin from lemon peel: Technology development. Journal of Chemical Engineering, the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Che 27(2): 25-30
74. Islam MZ, Taneya MLJ, Shams-Ud-Din M, Syduzzaman M & Hoque MM (2012) Physicochemical and functional properties of brown rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) flour and quality of composite biscuit made thereof. The Agriculturists, 10(2): 20-28
75. Islam MZ, Khan MTH, Hoque MM & Rahman MM (2012) Studies on the processing and preservation of Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus). The Agriculturists, 10(2): 29-35
76. Saha JK, Hoque MM & Roy P (2012) Economy of tea production in Bangladesh. The Journal of Rural Development, 37(2): 137-178
77. Alam MK, Hoque MM, Morshed S, Shahriar SMS & Begum A (2012) A Study on watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus) juice preserved with chemical preservatives at refrigeration temperature. Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, 5(2): 23-28
78. Akter S, Islam MR, Rahman MM & Hoque MM (2012) Influence of nitrogen supplied from inorganic and organic sources on the yield, nutrient uptake and nitrogen use efficiency of BRRI dhan29. Bangladesh Journal of Crop Science, 22&23: 151-158
79. Islam MZ, Monalisa K & Hoque MM (2012) Effect of pectin on the processing and preservation of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) jam and jelly. International Journal of Natural Sciences, 2(1): 08-14
80. Sabina R, Miyan SH & Hoque MM (2011) Studies on the effects of chemical preservatives on the quality of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) juice in Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural Sciences, 1(4): 97-101
81. Monira S, Hoque MM, Helaludin M, Zaman MA & Hossain DM (2010) Effect of storage containers on the health status of saline tolerant rice seed var. BRRI dhan47. Bangladesh Journal of Seed Science and Technology, 14(1&2): 195-200
82. Cheng W, Inubushi K, Hoque MM, Sasaki H, Kobayashi K, Yagi K, Okada M & Hasegawa T (2008) Effect of elevated [CO2] on soil bubble and CH4 emission from a rice paddy: A test by 13C pulse-labeling under free-air CO2 enrichment. Geomicrobiology Journal, 25: 396-403
83. Rahman MS, Islam MR, Naser HM, Hoque MM & Hossain A (2007) Effects of combined use of manures and fertilizers on the yield and nutrient uptake by BRRI Dhan 30. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology, 4(3&4): 37- 40
84. Lou Y, Mizuno T, Kobayashi K, Okada M, Hasegawa T, Hoque MM & Inubushi K (2006) CH4 production potential in a paddy soil exposed to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 52: 769-773
85. Sasaki H, Hara T, Ito S, Miura S, Hoque MM, Lieffering M, Kim HY, Okada M & Kobayashi K (2005) Seasonal changes in canopy photosynthesis and respiration, and partitioning of photosynthates in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown under free-air CO2 enrichment. Plant and Cell Physiology, 46(10): 1704-1712
86. Inubushi K, Cheng W, Aonuma S, Hoque MM, Kobayashi K, Miura S, Kim HY & Okada M (2003) Effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on CH4 emission from a rice paddy field. Global Change Biology, 9: 1458-1464
87. Hoque MM, Inubushi K, Miura S, Kobayashi K, Kim HY, Okada M & Yabashi S (2002) Nitrogen dynamics in paddy field as influenced by free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) at three levels of nitrogen fertilization. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 63: 301-308
88. Hoque MM, Inubushi K & Yabashi S (2002) Nitrogen dynamics in paddy field under free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) examined by the 15N tracer technique. The Technical Bulletin, Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, Japan, 56: 65-75
89. Hoque MM, Inubushi K, Miura S, Kobayashi K, Kim HY, Okada M & Yabashi S (2001) Biological dinitrogen fixation and soil microbial biomass C as influenced by free-air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) at three levels of nitrogen fertilization in a paddy field. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 34(6): 453-459
90. Inubushi K, Hoque MM, Miura S, Kobayashi K, Kim HY, Okada M & Yabashi S (2001) Effect of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on microbial biomass in paddy field soil. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 47(4): 737-745
91. Yabashi S, Wontae K, Tamatsu T, Hoque MM, Abe S & Takahashi S (1998) Study on the utilization and application of hedoro soil: II. Drying properties of hedoro soil. The Technical Bulletin, Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, Japan, 52: 151-156
92. Hoque MM & Jahiruddin M (1998) The effect of combined use of fertilizer and manure on seed yield in a wheat-rice cropping system. Bangladesh Journal of Seed Science and Technology, 2(1&2): 25-32
1. Meherunnahar M, Hossain MS, Hoque MM, Satter MA, Islam MN, Islam MF & Aziz S (2024) Development and evaluation of nutri-rich biscuit from mushroom based composite flour. Presented at the BCSIR Congress- 2023 on Smart Bangladesh of Tomorrow is the Science of Today, 08-10 March, BCSIR, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2. Meherunnahar M, Chowdhury RS, Satter MA, Hoque MM & Aziz S (2024) Cooking Characteristics, Amino Acid Consistency and Functional Properties of Composite Noodles made with Foxtail Millet. Presented at the 8th International Botanical Conference 2023 on Plant Sciences in Achieving SDGs, 28-29 February, Dhaka University, Dhaka
3. Meherunnahar M, Hoque MM, Satter MA, Chowdhury RS, Islam MF & Aziz S (2024) Development of innovative nutrient-rich instant noodles made from Foxtail Millet: Qualitative and chemical attributes. Presented at the 8th International Botanical Conference 2023 on Plant Sciences in Achieving SDGs, 28-29 February, Dhaka University, Dhaka
4. Hossain MS, Yasin M, Mamun MSA & Hoque MM (2023) Study on Quality Parameters of Organic and Non-organic BT-2 Black Tea of Different Seasons. Presented at the International Conference on Science and Technology Towards 4IR, 05-06 October, Faculty of Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
5. Meherunnahar M, Hoque MM, Miah MAS, Islam MF & Aziz MS (2022) Effect of functional properties, cooking characteristics, and amino acid consistency on the quality of foxtail millet noodles. Presented at the BCSIR Congress 2022 on Integrated Approach for Adapting 4IR, 01-03 December, BCSIR, Dhaka, Bangladesh
6. Hossain MS, Uddin R, Barua P, Yasin M, Mamun MSA & Hoque MM (2020) Effect of plant age, topography and processing system on the biochemical and quality parameters of tea. Presented at the International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemistry: Chemistry for Health & Welfare, 07-08 February, Department of Chemistry, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
7. Meherunnahar M, Chowdhury RS, Hoque MM, Satter MA & Islam MF (2020) Development and evaluation of composite bread from glutinous rice. Presented at the International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemistry: Chemistry for Health & Welfare, 07-08 February, Department of Chemistry, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
8. Meherunnahar M, Hoque MM, Satter MA & Islam F (2019) Development and evaluation of instant noodles from foxtail millet. Presented at the BCSIR Congress 2019 on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, 12-14 December, BCSIR, Dhaka, Bangladesh
9. Meherunnahar M, Chowdhury RS, Hoque MM, Satter MA & Islam MF (2019) Nutritive instant noodles using climate change-potential adaptive crop/Foxtail millet. Presented at the Annual Botanical Conference 2018 on Plant Resources of Bangladesh: Management and Exploitation, 16 March, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
10. Sayem ASM, Akter SS, Mourosi JT, Anwar S, Wahiduzzaman, Hoque MM, Hasan MK & Hossain F (2018) A comprehensive analysis of cry and xpt genes for their safe use in pest resistant engineered crop development. Presented at the 1st International Conference on Biological and Environmental Research: Recent Development, Challenges and Future Prospects (ICBER 2018), 16-17 September, Jessore University of Science and Technology, Jessore
11. Akter SS, Sayem ASM, Anwar S, Mourosi JT, Islam MZ & Hoque MM (2018) An in silico approach towards the characterization of the major immune proteins of Camellia sinensis and Coffea canephora. Presented at the 1st International Conference on Biological and Environmental Research: Recent Development, Challenges and Future Prospects (ICBER 2018), 16-17 September, Jessore University of Science and Technology, Jessore
12. Meherunnahar M, Hoque MM, Satter MA, Abedin N & Islam MF (2018) Evaluation of nutritional and functional status of three varieties of foxtail millet cultivars in Bangladesh. Presented at the 7th International Botanical Conference 2017 on Plant Diversity- Food Security and Environmental Management, 3-4 February, Dhaka University, Dhaka
13. Yasin M, Hoque MM, Ara R & Mamun MSA (2018) Studies on biochemical and quality parameters of BTRI released tea clones. Presented at the 7th International Botanical Conference 2017 on Plant Diversity- Food Security and Environmental Management, 3-4 February, Dhaka University, Dhaka
14. Habib MR, Hoque MM, Kabir J, Akhter S, Sultana N & Jolly YN (2018) A comparative study of heavy metal exposure risk from the consumption of some common variety of cultured and captured fishes of Bangladesh. Presented at the International Conference on Physics-2018, 08-10 March, Department of Physics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka
15. Yasin M, Hossain MS, Hoque MM, Mamun MSA & Ahmed S (2018) Variation in quality parameters of black tea in different topographical position. Presented at the International Conference on Chemical Science & Technology (ICCST-Chem 2018), 24-25 February, Department of Chemistry, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna
16. Ahmed S, Jahan IA, Hossain MH & Hoque MM (2018) Nutritional value, bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of pulp and seed of Syzygium cumini fruit. Presented at the International Conference on Chemical Science & Technology (ICCST-Chem 2018), 24-25 February, Department of Chemistry, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna
17. Meherunnahar M, Hoque MM, Satter MA, Chowdhury RS, Abedin N & Islam MF (2018) Comparison of physicochemical and functional properties of BK2 foxtail millet, rice, wheat and maize. Presented at the International Conference on Chemical Science & Technology (ICCST-Chem 2018), 24-25 February, Department of Chemistry, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna
18. Ahmed S, Hoque MM, Zzaman W, Thakur MMU & Yasin M (2018) Study on physicochemical and antioxidant properties of coconut cream extracted from two BARI varieties. Presented at the International Conference on Chemical Science & Technology (ICCST-Chem 2018), 24-25 February, Department of Chemistry, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna
19. Meherunnahar M, Hoque MM, Satter MA, Abedin N & Islam MF (2018) Production and quality assessment of enriched noodles from composite flour. Presented at the International Conference on Challenges for Future Agriculture, 27-28 January, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
20. Joy ZF, Binti S, Hoque MM & Sayem SMA (2017) Bioethanol Production from Potato Peel. Presented at the 30th Annual Conference of Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists, 29 April, Dhaka University, Dhaka
21. Hakim Al, Iqbal A, Bhuiyan FR, Akter Y, Emon TH, Ahmed A, Hoque MM & Azad AK (2017) Production and Characterization of Alkaline Serine Protease from Bacterial Isolates by Using Organic Municipal Solid Wastes. Presented at the 30th Annual Conference of Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists, 29 April, Dhaka University, Dhaka
22. Hossain MA, Hoque MM, Rahman MM, Hossain MM, Kabir MH, Yasin M & Islam MA (2016) Fermentation of pineapple juices by probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Presented at the 13th Annual Scientific Conference on Promoting Food Safety, One Health and Blue Economy, 2-3 April, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chittagong
23. Roy M, Sarker A, Hoque MM, Azad MAK & Begum MK (2015) Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of protein hydrolysates from dark red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Presented at the 29th Annual General Meeting of Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists, 26-28 December, Dhaka University, Dhaka
24. Hossain MA, Hoque MM, Kabir MH & Yasin M (2015) Development of probiotic mango juice by lactic acid bacteria isolated from milk products. Presented at the 29th Annual General Meeting of Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists, 26-28 December, Dhaka University, Dhaka
25. Mamun MSA, Hoque MM, Ahmed M, Sarkar A & Kabir H (2015) Evaluation of some indigenous plant extracts against red spider mite, Oligonychus coffeae Nietner (Acarina: Tetranychydae) in tea. Presented at the 23th Bangladesh Science Conference on Science and Technology for National Development, 17-18 October, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur
26. Mamun MSA, Hoque MM, Ahmed M & Yasin M (2015) Physiological and biochemical changes in tea leaves and made tea due to red spider mite infesting tea. Presented at the Annual Botanical Conference 2015 on Plant Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities, 4-5 December, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
27. Ahmed S, Jahan IA, Hossain MH & Hoque MM (2015) Antioxidant capacity, bioactive components and nutritional value of Syzygium cumini fruit cultivated in two different areas of Bangladesh. Presented at the Annual Botanical Conference 2015 on Plant Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities, 4-5 December, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
28. Mamun MSA, Hoque MM & Ahmed M (2014) Effect of different pruning operations on the incidence of red spider mite, Oligonychus coffeae Nietner (Acarina: Tetranychydae) of tea in Bangladesh. Presented at the 13th Conference of Bangladesh Society of Agronomy on Agronomic Visions for Sustainable Food Security, 20 September, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur
29. Ibrahim SM, Nahar S, Islam JMM, Hoque MM, Huque R & Khan MA (2013) Effect of irradiated chitosan coating on physico-chemical properties and shelf life extension of pineapple (Ananas sativus). Presented at the International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE 2013) of the School of Applied Sciences and Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, 11-13 January, Sylhet
30. Hossain MA, Hoque MM, Khan MA & Islam MM (2013) An evaluation of the effects of radiation processed chitosan as plant growth promoter and anti-fungal agent on tea plants. Presented at the International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE 2013) of the School of Applied Sciences and Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, 11-13 January, Sylhet
31. Hossain MM, Karim R, Begum S, Islam GMR & Hoque MM (2013) Assessment of microbial load present in made tea collected from local market of Dhaka city and antimicrobial property of made tea infusion. Presented at the International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE 2013) of the School of Applied Sciences and Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, 11-13 January, Sylhet
32. Salam MA, Jahan N, Islam MA & Hoque MM (2012) Extraction of pectin from lemon peel: Technology development. Presented at the 3rd Annual Paper Meet of Chemical Engineering Division, the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), 13 October, IEB, Sylhet Center, Sylhet
33. Nazrul MI, Rahman MA, Chowdhury DA, Quayyum MA, Islam MF & Hoque MM (2011) Integrated fertilizer management for Wheat- Jute- T. Aman cropping pattern. Presented at the 10th Bangladesh Society of Agronomy Conference on Crop Production under Unfavorable Ecosystems in Bangladesh, 8 October, BARI, Gazipur
34. Ahmed M, Mamun MSA, Hoque MM & Chowdhury RS (2011) Influence of weather parameters on red spider mite-a major pest of tea. Presented at the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE) of the School of Applied Sciences and Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, 11-13 January, Sylhet
35. Ahmad I, Hossain MS, Rahman M & Hoque MM (2010) Nutritional Assessment of Citrus assamensis and Study of the Effect of Gamma Radiation on Titrable Acidity and Vitamin C Content. Presented at the 6th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference, 3-5 December, Dhaka University, Dhaka
36. Hoque MM, Okada M, Yamakawa Y, Kobayashi K & Inubushi K (2005) Seasonal changes of CH4 flux in paddy field as influenced by free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE). Presented at the International Conference on Research Highlights and Vanguard Technology on Environmental Engineering in Agricultural Systems, 12-15 September, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan
37. Inubushi K, Hoque MM, Cheng W, Kobayashi K, Yagi K, Sakai H, Kim HY & Okada M (2002) Elevated carbon dioxide effects on microbial processes in submerged soil. Presented at the 17th World Congress of Soil Science, 14-21 August, Bangkok, Thailand
38. Kobayashi K, Kim HY, Lieffering M, Miura S, Inubushi K, Cheng W, Hoque MM, Aonuma S & Okada M (2001) Rice plant growth and methane emission are stimulated by the increased atmospheric CO2 concentration. Presented at the Sixth International CO2 Conference, 1-5 October, Sendai International Center, Japan
39. Sasaki H, Hara T, Miura S, Hoque MM, Kim HY, Okada M & Kobayashi K (2001) Analysis of carbon distribution in rice plants grown at elevated CO2. Presented at the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Crop Science, 27-28 September, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
40. Inubushi K, Cheng W, Aonuma S, Hoque MM, Miura S, Kobayashi K, Kim HY & Okada M (2001) Effects of enriched CO2 on methane and nitrous oxide emission from paddy field and microbial biomass in soil. Presented at the Global Change Open Science Conference, 10-13 July, Amsterdam, Netherlands
41. Hoque MM, Inubushi K, Kobayashi K, Okada M, Kim HY & Yabashi S (2001) Nitrogen dynamics in paddy fields as influenced by free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE). Presented at the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology, 24-25 May, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
42. Hoque MM, Inubushi K, Miura S, Kobayashi K, Okada M, Kim HY & Yabashi S (2001) Effects of elevated CO2 and N availability on biological N2 fixation and soil microbial biomass in paddy field. Presented at the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2-4 April, Kochi University, Japan
43. Hoque MM, Inubushi K, Aonuma S, Miura S, Kobayashi K, Okada M, Kim HY & Yabashi S (2000) Effects of elevated CO2 on soil microbial biomass in rice paddy. Presented at the FACE 2000 Meeting, 27-30 June, Tsukuba International Congress Center (Epochal), Japan
44. Inubushi K, Aonuma S, Cheng W, Hoque MM, Miura S, Kobayashi K, Okada M & Kim HY (2000) Effects of elevated CO2 on CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy field at the Rice FACE. Presented at the FACE 2000 Meeting, 27-30 June, Tsukuba International Congress Center (Epochal), Japan
45. Miura S, Sasaki H, Hoque MM, Kim HY, Okada M & Kobayashi K (2000) Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in rice plants under Free-Air CO2 enrichment. Presented at the FACE 2000 Meeting, 27-30 June, Tsukuba International Congress Center (Epochal), Japan
46. Sasaki H, Hara T, Miura S, Hoque MM, Ito S, Kim HY, Okada M & Kobayashi K (2000) Analysis of carbon distribution in rice plants fed 13C at elevated concentrations of CO2. Presented at the FACE 2000 Meeting, 27-30 June, Tsukuba International Congress Center (Epochal), Japan
47. Inubushi K, Aonuma S, Cheng W, Hoque MM, Miura S, Kobayashi K, Okada M & Kim HY (2000) Effects of elevated CO2 on CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy field at the Rice FACE. Presented at the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2-4 April, Tokyo University, Japan
48. Miura S, Sasaki H, Hoque MM, Kobayashi K, Kim HY & Okada M (2000) Effect of elevated CO2 on C and N partitioning in rice plant. Presented at the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2-4 April, Tokyo University, Japan
49. Inubushi K, Hoque MM, Aonuma S, Miura S, Kobayashi K, Okada M, Kim HY & Yabashi S (2000) Dynamics of soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen as influenced by free air CO2 enrichment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2-4 April, Tokyo University, Japan
50. Inubushi K, Hoque MM, Cheng W, Miura S, Kobayashi K, Okada M, Kim HY & Yabashi S (1999) Effect of elevated CO2 on soil microbial biomass in FACE paddy fields. Presented at the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 30 July-1 August, Hokkaido University, Japan
51. Cheng W, Inubushi K, Hoque MM, Kobayashi K, Miura S & Okada M (1999) Effects of free-air carbon dioxide enrichment on methane dynamics in paddy field soil. Presented at the Annual Meeting of Kanto branch of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 10 June, Nagano, Japan
52. Inubushi K, Cheng W, Hoque MM, Kobayashi K, Miura S & Okada M (1999) Effects of FACE on methane emission and microbial biomass in paddy field soil. Presented at the GCTE Focus 3 Conference on Global Change and Global Challenges, 20-23 September, Reading, UK
53. Yabashi S, Wontae K, Tamatsu T, Hoque MM, Abe S & Takahashi S (1997) Drying properties of hedoro soil. Presented at the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering, 29 July, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan
Soil Science
Agro Technology of Tea
Tea Crop Protection
Irrigation & Drainage
Awards & Recognition
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan from 2003 to 2005
Monbukagakusho Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan from 1996 to 2002
Dean's Award for Research Excellence in 2022, School of Applied Sciences and Technology, SUST, 30 November, 2023
Graduate Supervision
1. PhD (Current Students: 1, Graduated: 2)
2. MS (Current Students: 1, Graduated: 11)
3. Undergrad Supervised: 60+
Social Media