Faculty Profile
Dr. Kazi Mohammad Masum
Contact Information
Career started as an Assistant Conservator of Forests in the Forest Department and served there from 2005 to 2009. Posting includes the most magnificent hill forest areas (Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park-CoxsBazar & Banskhali Ecopark) of Bangladesh. Then in June 2009, joined as faculty in this prestigious department and tried level best for contributing to biodiversity conservation
PhD in Biodiversity Conservation (Awarded in 2017, UNESCO TWAS Fellowship, Universiti Sains Malaysia)
Research Interests
I am working with ecological data (species abundance, biodiversity measures, biophysical vegetation and avifauna attributes) and remotely sensed data (satellite-derived) to characterize habitat quality on spatiotemporal scale in tropical human-modified landscapes and to predict biodiversity responses to changes in habitat quality caused by deforestation and fragmentation processes.
Active Research Project
1. Assessing orchid diversity and host tree interactions in the Protected Areas of Bangladesh along environmental gradients
External Affiliations
Member- International Society for tropical Ecology
Member- Institutions of Forester's, Bangladesh
Journal Publications
1. Arman, A. H., Khatun, R., & Masum, K. M. 2024. Transformation of jhum (shifting cultivation) to forest plantation: Effect on soil properties in the hill tracts of Bangladesh. Forestist, Published online August 26, 2024. http://doi.org/10.5152/forestist.2024.23079
2. M. Parvej, K. M. Masum, M. S. I. Fahim, and M. Redowan, 2024. "Three Decades of River Bank Erosion and Accretion Appraisal Along Bank Line Shifting Trend in A Transboundary River, Teesta Floodplain of Bangladesh," Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1-16,
3. Masum, K.M., Islam, M.S., Fahim, M.S.I., Parvej, M., Majeed, M., Hasan, M.M. & Mansor, A. 2023. Temporal comparison of land-use changes and biodiversity in differential IUCN protected-area categories of Bangladesh in the context of co-management, Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes. https://doi.org/10.1080/24749508.2023.2202442
4. Samad, M.A., Raihan, F., Masum, K.M., 2022. Urban growth assessment in the Northeastern region of Bangladesh for sustainable landscape management and conservation. Geology, Ecology and Landscapes. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/24749508.2021.2022831
5. Rozali, F.Z., Masum, K.M., Mansor, M.S., Mansor, A. 2021. Rattan composition and diversity assessment in tropical rainforests of Peninsular Malaysia for conservation. Biodiversity and conservation. 30: 2907-2928.
6. Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M.M., Shimu, S.A., Sarker, A.H.M.R., Masum, K.M. 2021. Ecosystem services assessment of mangrove forest in a coastal Island of Bangladesh. Journal of Forests, 8(1): 88-98.
7. Masum, K.M., Islam, M.S., Parvej, M., Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M.M., Arfin-Khan, M.A.S. 20201. Biodiversity comparison between forest protected and forest reserved areas in Bangladesh in context of co-management for conservation. Forestist. 71(3): 134-147.
8. Humayun-Bin-Akram, M., Masum, K.M., 2020. Forest degradation assessment of Ratargul Special Biodiversity Protection Area for conservation implications. Forestist. 70(2):77-84.
9. Sunny, A.R., Masum, K.M., Islam, N., Rahman, M., Rahman, A., Islam, M.J., Rahman, S., Ahmed, K.J., Prodhan, S.H., 2020 Analyzing Livelihood Sustainability of Climate Vulnerable Fishers: Insights from Bangladesh. Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development 11(6): 1-11.
10. Masum, K.M., Hasan, M.M., 2020. Assessment of Land Cover Changes from Protected Forest Areas of Satchari National Park in Bangladesh and Implications for Conservation. Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 36(3): 199-206.
11. Masum, K.M., Mansor, A., Sah, S.A.M., Lim, H.S., Hossain, M.K. 2017 Effect of differential forest management on biodiversity in a tropical hill forest of Malaysia and implications for conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26(7):1569-1586.
12. Masum, K.M., Mansor, A., Sah, S.A.M., Lim, H.S. 2017. Effect of differential forest management on land-use change (LUC) in a tropical hill forest of Malaysia. Journal of Environmental Management 200:468-474.
13. Masum, K. M., 2017. Comparative Studies of Forested Areas on Biodiversity and Land-Use Change (LUC) in Penang Island. PhD Thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
14. Rozali, F.Z., Masum, K.M., Ahmad, A.B., Zakaria, R., Mansor, A., Othman, A.S. 2017. An investigation on rattan taxonomic diversity in four selected forest reserves of northern Peninsular Malaysia. Tropical Ecology .58(4): 731-739.
15. Masum, K.M., Islam, M.N., Saha, N., Hasan, M.Z., Mansor, A. 2016. Assessment of land grabbing from protected forest areas of Bhawal National Park in Bangladesh. Landscape Research. 41(3):330-343.
16. Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M.M., Masum, K.M., Sarker, A.H.M.R., Mansor, A. 2016. Ecosystem services assessment using a valuation framework for the Bangladesh Sundarbans: livelihood contribution and degradation analysis. Journal of Forestry Research. 28(1): 1-13.
17. Billah, M.A.S., Kawsar, M.H., Titu, A.P., Pavel, M.A.A., Masum, K.M. 2015. Effect of Pre-Sowing Treatments on Seed Germination of Tectona grandis. International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 01(01):37-42.
18. Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M.M., Masum, K.M., Motaleb M.A., Sarkar, M.S.I. 2015. Status of shallow tube-well water qualities in Chittagong district of Bangladesh. Journal of Science, Technology & Environment Informatics. 02(01):1–12.
19. Redowan, M., Akter, R., Islam, M., Masum, K.M., Chowdhury, M.S.H. 2015. Estimating growing stock volume in a Bangladesh forest site using Landsat TM and field-measured data. International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences. 6(2):1607-1619
20. Dey, A., Islam, M., Masum, K.M. 2014. Above Ground Carbon Stock through Palm Tree in the Homegarden of Sylhet City in Bangladesh. Journal of forest and Environmental Science. 30(3):293-300.
21. Rozali, F.Z., Masum, K.M., Zakaria, R., Mansor, A., Othman, A.S. 2014. Species diversity and abundance of rattan in offshore hill reserve forest of peninsular Malaysia along the elevation gradient. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan. 13 (1&2):1-11.
22. Masum, K.M., Mamun, A.A., Rahman, Z.M.M., Rahman, M.M., Newaz, M.S. and Redowan, M. 2013. Ecotourism Carrying Capacity and the Potentiality of the Safari Park of Bangladesh. Journal of Forest Science. 29(4):292-299.
23. Masum, K.M., Mamun, A.A., Mamun-Or-Rashid, M, Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M. M. and Islam, M.N. 2012. Preference and Consumption Pattern of Horticultural Species in the Offshore Homestead Forest of Bangladesh. Journal of Forest Science. 28(2):75-83.
24. Masum, K.M., Rahman, Z.M.M., Alamgir, M., Mamun, A.A.and Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M.M. 2012. Breeding Difficulty of Marsh Crocodile (Crocodylus Palustris, Lesson, 1831) in Safari Park of Bangladesh. Journal of Forest Science. 28(4):220-226.
25. Masum, K.M., Mamun-Or-Rashid, M., Jashimuddin, M. and Ara S.J.G. 2011. Land use conflicts of Chittagong Hill Tracts and indigenous hill people as victim in Bangladesh. Journal of General Education. 01/2011; Southern University Bangladesh. 1:62-66.
26. Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M.M., Masum, K.M. and Alam, M.S. 2011. Characteristics and potential uses of sewage sludge in the commercial capital of Bangladesh. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sust. Development, 7(1):62–76.
27. Ahmed, G. U., Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M.M. and Masum, K.M. 2011. Drinking water quality of Tangail District, Bangladesh. The Environ Monitor, Volume 11, No. 4-6, pp. 4-12.
28. Masum K.M. and Alam, M.S. 2008. Ecological and economical significance of Homestead forest to the Household of the offshore island of Bangladesh. Journal of Forestry Research. 19(4):307−310.
29. Alamgir, M., Misbahuzzaman, K., Hoque, A.T.M.R. and Masum, K. M. 2006. Role of Non Wood Forest Products Based Cottage Industry in the Livelihood of Forest Encroachers in Bangladesh. International Journal of Forest Usufructs Management. 7(1):59-66.
30. Jashimuddin, M., Masum, K.M., Salam M.A. 2006. Preference and consumption pattern of biomass fuel in some disregarded villages of Bangladesh. Biomass & Bioenergy. 30:446-451.
31. Ahmed, G.U., Masum K.M., Alam, M.S. 2006. Status of ambient air quality in the urban and rural areas of Chittagong region, Editorial, Green Pages
32. Alam, M.S., Masum, K.M. and Mamun-Or-Rashid, M. 2005. Tree species diversity and management practices of woodlot in the homegarden of the offshore island of Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 8(4):561-566.
33. Alam, M.S. and Masum, K.M. 2005. Status of Homestead biodiversity in the offshore island of Bangladesh. Research Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences. 1(3):246-253.
34. Masum, K.M. and Alam, M.S. 2005. Ambient air quality status in Chittagong City, Journal of Forestry and Environment. IFESCU, Bangladesh. 3:85-89.
Community based Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity Conservation, Protected Area and Wildlife Management, Remote Sensing and GIS
Awards & Recognition
Excellent Achievement in Journal Publication Award 2018, MAJLIS PERSADA KENCANA
Graduate Supervision