Faculty Profile
Fahmida Sultana
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Working as a faculty member at the Department of Forestry & Environmental Science, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, from 22nd December 2013 to date.
2017-2019: MSc in Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR); University of Lleida, Spain; University of Tuscia, Italy.
2008-2009: Master of Science in Forestry (MSc), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.
2004-2007: Bachelor of Science in Forestry (BSc), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.
Research Interests
Climate Change Impact and Ecosystem Responses
Plant Functional traits
Sustainable Forest Resources Management
Biodiversity Conservation
Environmental Science
Experimental Plant Ecology
Active Research Project
1. 2020-2021: Working as a project principle investigator in a climate change related research project entitled “Impact of climate change on yield and plant functional traits of three major agroforestry species in Bangladesh”. Period: July 2020 – June 2021. Funded by SUST Research Center, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Previous Research Project
1. 2016-2017: Worked as a project co-investigator in a climate change related research project entitled ‘Extreme Climate Events and Adaptation of Local People in the North-Eastern Region of Bangladesh’ Funded by SUST research centre, duration: 01.07.2016 to 30.12.2017
2. 2010-2011: Worked as a project supervisor in a biodiversity conservation related project entitled ‘Conservation of disappearing floral species through spiritual beliefs in the sacred places of Sylhet District, Bangladesh, Duration: 1 year (2010/2011), project funded by Explorer Club, USA..
Journal Publications
1. Khan, Karim, Mohammed, Kibria, Sinha, Sultana, Mukul and Arfin-Khan, 2023. Anthropogenic disturbance modifies tree functional traits in the only remnant swamp forest of Bangladesh. Front. Ecol. Evol. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1062764
2. Sultana et al. 2023. Rainfall Modifies the Disturbance Effects on Regulating Ecosystem Services in Tropical Forests of Bangladesh. Forests 2023, 14(2), 272; https://doi.org/10.3390/f14020272
3. Sultana F, Sarker SK (2022) Sacred places and spiritual beliefs can enhance biodiversity conservation: A case study from the north-eastern Bangladesh. SUST J Sci Tech, 32(1): 24 – 42
4. Sabatini FM, Lenoir J, Hattab T, Arnst EA, Chytrý M, Dengler J, Ruffray PD, Hennekens SM, Jandt U, Jansen F, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Kattge J, Levesley A, Pillar VD, Purschke O, Sandel B, Sultana F, et al. (2021) sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(9): 1740-1764. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13346
5. Karim, R., Sultana, F., Reza, S., Mukul, S.A., Arfin-khan, M.A.S., 2020. Plant diversity and local rainfall regime mediate soil ecosystem functions in tropical forests of north-east Bangladesh. Environ. Adv. 2, 100022.
6. Kreyling, J., Arfin-Khan, M.A.S., Sultana, F., Babel, W., Beierkuhnlein, C., Foken, T., Walter, J., Jentsch, A., 2016. Drought effects in climate change manipulation experiments: Quantifying the influence of ambient weather conditions and rain-out shelter artifacts. Ecosystems. 20,301–315.
7. Arfin-Khan, M.A.S., Sultana, F., Rahman, M.H., Roy, B., Anik, S.I., 2011. Status and ethno-medicinal usage of invasive plants in traditional health care practices: a case study from northeastern Bangladesh. J. For. Res. 22, 649–658.
8. Arfin-Khan, M.A.S., Mukul, S.A., Uddin, M.S., Kibria, M.G., Sultana, F., 2009. The use of medicinal plants in healthcare practices by Rohingya refugees in a degraded forest and conservation area of Bangladesh. Int. J. Biodivers. Sci. Ecosyst. Serv. Manag. 5, 76–82.
1. Fahmida Sultana (2018) Effects of inorganic fertilization and seed weight on seedlings: Examples from Bangladesh. Paper presented on XII Young Researchers Meeting on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forest Systems 2018. Valsain, Spain.
2. Fahmida Sultana, Mohammed A. S. Arfin Khan, Julia Walter, Juergen Kreyling, Thomas Foken, Anke Jentsch. (2013) Plant responses in precipitation manipulation experiments are modified by outside weather conditions. Paper presented in the GfÖ Conference, 43rd Annual Meeting, Potsdam, Germany. September 2013.
3. Babel W, Schaller C, Eigenmann R, Foken T, Hübner J, Jentsch A, Kreyling J, Sultana F, Zhao P (2013) Documentation of the EVENT-HMMS Experiment 2012 –Microclimatological effects of rain-out shelters within EVENT II. A research report published from the University of Bayreuth, Department of Micrometeorology, Germany, ISSN 1614-8916, p 43.
4. Fahmida Sultana (2011) Conservation of disappearing floral species through spiritual beliefs in the sacred places of Sylhet district, Bangladesh. A project report submitted for the fulfillment of Youth Activity Fund Award, 2010, Explorer Club, USA.
Protected Area and wildlife Management
Geology and Forest Soil
Species Silviculture
Forest Development Planning
Forest Botany
Awards & Recognition
2010 Youth Activity Fund Award,The Explorers Club, USA. Grant amount: US $ 1150
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2017-2019, for the completion of MSc in Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR).
University Grand Commission of Bangladesh, Merit Scholarship 2009
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology. Merit Scholarship, 2005-2008