6. A highly sensitive quadruple D-shaped open channel photonic crystal fiber plasmonic sensor: A comparative study on materials effect
7. Numerical Design and Investigation of Circularly Segmented Air Holes-Assisted Hollow-Core Terahertz Waveguide as Optical Chemical Sensor
8. Numerical Design and Investigation of Circularly Segmented Air Holes-assisted Hollow-core Terahertz Waveguide as Optical Chemical Sensor. IEEE Access
9. A Highly Sensitive Quadruple D Shaped Open Channel Photonic Crystal Fiber Plasmonic Sensor: A Comparative Study on Materials Effect. Results In Physics-Elsevier.
11. Asymmetrical D-channel photonic crystal fiber-based plasmonic sensor using the wavelength interrogation and lower birefringence peak method. Results in Physics-Elsevier, 19, p.103372. DOI: //doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103372
12. Ultra-High Negative Dispersion Based Single Mode Highly Nonlinear Bored Core Photonic Crystal Fiber (HNL-BCPCF): Design and Numerical Analysis. Brazilian Journal of Physics-Springer,50, pp.263{271. DOI: //doi.org/10.1007/s13538-020-00742-1
1. A Highly Sensitive and Ultra-Low Loss Photonic Crystal Fiber-Based Gas and Chemical Sensor
2. BD-SHS: A Benchmark Dataset for Learning to Detect Online Bangla Hate Speech in Different Social Contexts
3. A highly sensitive gold-tio2 coated dual-core pcf-spr sensor with a large detection range
4. Numerical Analysis of an Ultra-High Negative Dispersion Compensating Micro-Structured Optical Fiber With Air-holes Arranged in Octagonal Structure
5. Dual scaled approach SPR-based PCF RI sensor with ultra-low loss
6. Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of a Single Core Low Loss PCF Sensor
7. HS-BAN: A Benchmark Dataset of Social Media Comments for Hate Speech Detection in Bangla
8. Hate Speech Detection in the Bengali Language: A Dataset and Its Baseline Evaluation
9. Dual Core Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Photonic Crystal Fiber Sensor in IR-Range
10. Liquid Benzene Analyte Based Dual Core Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor for Chemical Sensing
11. A Novel Highly Sensitive Photonic Crystal Fiber Sensor for Detecting PH Levels of Acetic Acid Aqueous Solution Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance