Faculty Profile

Md. Asaduz Zaman Mamun

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801515623326
  • Email: [email protected]


Md Asaduz Zaman joined as a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in 2018, and currently working as an Assistant Professor in the same department. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in electrical and electronic engineering (EEE) from Bangladesh University of engineering and technology (BUET). He is currently working as a research assistant for his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, USA. His research interest includes the reliability of microelectronic packaging for harsh environments, including high voltage/temperature, humidity, and high-frequency applications.


  • PhD in Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, USA (Ongoing)
  • M.Sc in Electrical and Electronic Engg., Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
  • B.Sc in Electrical and Electronic Engg., Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Research Interests

  • Microelectronic package Reliability
  • Microelectronic in Rad-hard Packaging
  • Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Interconnect
  • Molecular Dynamics study of thermal transport properties in 2D materials

Active Research Project

  • 1. Microelectronic package Reliability || Microelectronic in Rad-hard Packaging

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Interconnect || Molecular Dynamics study of thermal transport properties in 2D materials

External Affiliations

  • Member of IEEE

Journal Publications

  • 1. Tunable multistate terahertz switch based on multilayered graphene metamaterial (2023)
  • 2. A Universal Scaling Formulation of the Generalized Peck’s Equation for Corrosion Limited Lifetime in Self-Heated ICs, (2023)
  • 3. Terahertz Polarizer Based on Tunable Surface Plasmon in Graphene Nanoribbon (2021)
  • 4. Near-Perfect Absorber Consisted of Vertical Array of Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes and Engineered Multi-wall Nanotubes (2021)
  • 5. Tunable Thermal Conductivity of single layer MoS2 nanoribbons : an Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study (2020)


  • 1. Cross-coupled Self-Heating and Consequent Reliability Issues in GaN-Si Hetero-integration: Thermal Keep-Out-Zone Quantified (2023)
  • 2. A Universal Scaling formulation of the Generalized Peck's Equation for Self-Heated ICs: Theory and Experiments (2023)
  • 3. Transient Leakage Current as a non-destructive Probe of Wire-Bond Electrochemical Failures (2023)
  • 4. Reduced Relative Humidity (RH) Enhances the Corrosion-Limited Lifetime of Self-Heated IC: Peck's equation Generalized (2022)
  • 5. Thermal Faraday Cage" offer A Potential Packaging Solution to Self-Heated Power Electronic Systems? (2021)
  • 6. Thermal Transport in Carbon Doped Armchair Stanene Nanoribbons: A Molecular Dynamics Study (2021)
  • 7. Lattice Structure Dependent Modulation of Photonic Band Gap in Gallium Phosphide Based 2D Photonic Crystal (2021)
  • 8. Face Recognition System Based on Raspberry Pi Platform (2019)
  • 9. Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Graphene Nanoribbon (GNR) for Different Interatomic Potentials: An Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study (2019)
  • 10. Rate Equation-based Modeling of Steady-state and Transient Performance Characteristics and High Frequency Modulation Response of Single Layer Transition metal Dichalcogenide Excitonic Lasers (2019)
  • 11. A Molecular Dynamics Study of Thermal conductivity in Monolayer GaN Nanoribbon (2019)