Ph.D. The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia
M.Sc. in Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh
B.Sc. in Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Surface Chemistry
Nucleic acid biosensing
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Chemical sensor
Journal Publications
1. Flow‐Based Synthesis of Gold‐Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Magnetoplasmonic Sensing Applications. M Mehdipour, L Gloag, D Hagness, J Lian, MS Alam, X Chen, RD Tilley, John Justin Gooding. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 39 (8), 2200051 (2022).
2. An electrochemical analysis of acute contamination of environmental water and restoring of water quality using taro carbon. EUM Aman, MF Islam, TA Chowdhury, MS Alam, M Elias, MN Uddin. Applied Water Science 10, 148 (2020).
3. Insights of temperature dependent catalysis and kinetics of electro-oxidation of nitrite ions on a glassy carbon electrode. MS Alam, MM Rahman, HM Marwani, MA Hasnat. Electrochimica Acta 362, 137102 (2020).
4. Enhanced electrocatalytic effects of Pd particles immobilized on GC surface on the nitrite oxidation reactions. MS Alam, MF Shabik, MM Rahman, M del Valle, MA Hasnat. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 839, 1-8 (2019)
5. Nahida Tanjila, Asif Rayhan, Md. Saiful Alam, Iqbal A. Siddiquey and Mohammad A. Hasnat*, Electrochemical and spectroscopic insights of interactions between alizarin red S and arsenite ions, RSC Adv., 6(2016)93162-93168.
6. P.P. Koay, Md. Saiful Alam, M.M. Alamb, Mohammad Etesami, Mohammad A. Hasnat*, N. Mohamed, Electrochemical reduction of nitrate at a poly crystalline SnCu modified platinum surface by using an H+ conducting solid polymer in a sandwich type membrane reactor, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 4(2016)4494–4502.
7. M. A. Hasnat ,* Mohammed M. Rahman , I.A. Siddiquey , S.M. Borhanuddin, M. Saiful Alam, M. H. Rahman and Abdullah M. Asiri, Aggregated Pt–Pd nanoparticles on Nafion membrane for impulsive decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, RSC Advances,2015,5, 46295–46300.
8. Dissimilar catalytic trails of nitrate reduction on Cu-modified Pt surface immobilized on H+ conducting solid polymer, M. A. Hasnat, M. A. Rashed, S. Ben Aoun, S. M. Nizam Uddin, M. Saiful Alam, S. Amertharaj, R. K. Majumder, N. Mohamed, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2014, 383-384, 243-248.
9. M. Saiful Alam, M.A. Hasnat*,, M.A. Rashed, Md. Rezwan Miah, Saiful S.M. Islam , Electrocatalytic formation of NO2− at a poly crystalline Ag surface in neutral medium, ElectrochimicaActa 76 (2012) 102– 105.
10. M.A. Hasnat*, M. Saiful Alam, M.H. Mahbub-ul Karim, M.A. Rashed, M. Machida, Divergent catalytic behaviors of Pt and Pd films in the cathode of a sandwiched type membrane reactor, Applied Catalysis B 107 (2011) 294– 301.
11. M.A. Hasnat*, M.A. Rashed, M. Saiful Alam, M.Maria Rahman, S. Hossain, Electrocatalytic reduction of NO2-: Platinum Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode, Catalysis Communications 11 (2010) 1085-1089.
12. M.A. Hasnat*, M.A. Rashed, M. Saiful Alam, M.Maria Rahman, S. Hossain, Electrocatalytic reduction of NO2-: Platinum Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode, Catalysis Communications 11 (2010) 1085-1089.
1. Design And Fabrication of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic (SERS) Based Barcoding System for Spatial Transcriptomics. Md. Saiful Alam, Yanfang Wu, Vinicius R Gonçales, Ramanathan Vaidyanathan, Richard D. Tilley, J. Justin Gooding *. Poster presentation at 12th International NanoMedicine Conference, 27-29 June 2022, John Niland Scientia Building, UNSW Sydney, Australia.
##Teaching Experience:
Assistant Professor (22 June 2016 - Present), Department of Chemistry, SUST, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh.
Lecturer (14 June 2014 – 22 June 2016), Department of Chemistry, SUST, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
##Course Taken:
Advanced Electrochemistry
Chemical Kinetics & Photochemistry
Phase Equilibria, Colloids & Surface Chemistry
Physical Chemistry (Practical)
General Chemistry (Theory & Practical)
Awards & Recognition
SUST Advanced research grant 2015-2016: [Co-Investigator]
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Research grant 2016-2017 (01 Year): [Principal-Investigator]
SUST Promotional research grant 2017-2018(01 Year): [Co-Investigator]
SUST Promotional research grant 2018-2019 (01 Year): [Co-Investigator]
SUST Advanced research grant 2018-2021 (03 Years): [Co-Investigator]
University International Postgraduate Award 2019, UNSW, Sydney
Merit scholarship while studying in M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology